Saturday, August 11, 2012

Is it not a fact?

Am I imaging that what Religion has become, especially Christianity, is a way to believe one's self is saved?

I will address Christianity because they are family.

How has your main objective become salvation?

Do you not know that Your Leader HIMSELF has been reported to have said

"He who will save his soul will LOSE it"?


Those who are pictured at Christ's right hand for everlasting life are those who are for the LEAST one?

How is it even possible to be for anyone when your main objective is to be for yourself?*

Matthew 16:25  Mark 8:35

Matthew 25:37-40

* that is how I might have married science to faith.  The goal to believing.  Will it be, do I think?  Have do not know, how can I?  Have do not know?  God knows how I became have.  I'm leaving it, it' so interesting.  I like it?!  Just like that.  OK  Headache?  My heal hurts.  I'm not

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