Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Why not?

I do not write much here. I am not sure of the reason why not.  I write much more on Religious Education forums.  If you just can't get enough then go read me there. I am savagewind.  Who are you? (haha.)

I love English rules of Grammer.  Don't you?  Do you think it should not be e?  It sounds like an e.  Doesn't it?  If it was an a....it is?....it would sound like my mother's mother.

My mother's mother is dead or passed away.  But she is living to YHVH.  Do you know if it was true (I believe it) it can mean other than she is alive now with him.?(Please forgive me darling).  That is my contribution today to the theme.  (That's spelled right.)

I'm sorry.  I was wondering where the period goes.  That's all.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Matthew 25:31-46

It is the opinion of most readers of Matthew 25:31-46 that the assignment given to the sheep (everlasting life) and the goats (destruction) is a consignment for the goats and a reward for the sheep.  I do not believe Matthew 25:31-46 is about an event in time.  I believe it is about an assignment.  The assignment is God's will on Earth to do. God's will leads to everlasting life.  People have turned the illustration to mean the doing of God's will leads to the reward of everlasting life.  That might be true, but it is not what the illustration means.  
At any time that a person is alive it is possible for the person to obey for everlasting life.  Then he is a sheep of the flock of God.  But he must not hesitate, vary or waver.  He must endure to the end.  Thus the reason for the explanation of the help the sheep give to Yeshua the King.  What results from the kind works of another? Kind works help a person to endure. 

It is possible for kind deeds done to a person to lead the person away from the endurance for fine works.  How so?  A person might develop an appetite for the kndness from fellow humans. A sheep is hungry for  kindness from The Shepherd.  The Shepherd is not human.  He is glorified at the right hand of God.