Tuesday, July 26, 2016

So much to say......

......but, not even one listening ear.

I still have wounds I got at jehovahs-witness.net.  One poster, I call him Jerk, because I forget
what name he posted under, was so very, very sure that no prophesy of Jesus Christ had
ever come true.  If anyone in the whole wide world might actually talk to me, I might ask
him or her if he or she might see that Matthew 10:22 is fulfilled.

Which is very interesting, I think.

How many people are there who call themselves "Christian"?  How can they ALL possibly forget
that someone who is with Jesus does good to the least of the family of God?  Am I not least?  How low do I have to go before you will talk to me?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Be free

Might it be possible that John 8:32 originally said that knowing the truth will set Jesus free?

What it says is, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

But people have made the written word the truth so then, Jesus it bound to it.  Not only is Jesus bound to what men have said he means, but Jehovah is also. 

I think the truth is that God is not far off from each one of us and God's will is that we be saved by God's promise and to the knowledge of the truth  come.

That is the truth imho.  It is what we should aspire to.  But if we lean on anything that is not true, we are not free, and Jesus is not free, because he is with us.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Has God told me?

Am I hearing right that people think I am condescending?

Well, I think that is amazing for the fact that I am being treated as though I am nothing.

Don't you think?

I just want to say

but do not worry your pretty little head off, that I might as well be dead with all the ignoring I am getting.