Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why Religion IS NOT Babylon the Great

Revelation 17:5

Babylon the Great is described as the mother of harlots and discussion lol disgusting things.  Like some people don't I do proof read.  Phew good thing too!

Jesus said harlots will go ahead of self righteous ones into the Kingdom of Heaven.

What defines something as a disgusting thing?  I think disgusting things are what cause illness.

It is obvious that religion does what it will.  Harlots do that.

Religion is not great.  It is divided.  And jealous. And skilled in the art of making people feel good about their um nevermind.

Like religion?  Yes.  How can you say religion is not like that?

So in case I'm right about something, like this, religion can't be the harlot AND the mother.  Not with my math it can't.

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