Monday, June 25, 2012

Think like me

I have been on forum.  Two forums.  If anyone has read my blog anyone will know I do not think the same as most/any.  And I have discovered on forum if you are marching to the beat of a different drummer eventually you will be removed, stop posting or like me who doesn't know how to shut up, you will cause a removing of self from forum.  I should have left and NOT read it anymore.

But I read it again and again even when it made me feel like shit.  But it was worth it for the few good souls there that had something to say.

The critics on forum do not understand that they are projecting their weakness onto me.  I guess they feel justified because I am such an easy target.

What they did to me many times on forum is called physiological projection.  It was unnerving to me every time it happened because it seemed so obvious what they were doing.  And indeed they did do it in packs. Even when I am gone for awhile , weeks, they are still at it.

The title of my post "think like me" is what they want.  I will not.  LOL  OMG

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