Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How is the worst person I ever (yet) met the worst person I ever met?

It is repeating in my head so I think I will explain.

I did not actually meet the person but when on forum one shows their inner self, in my opinion. We see people at their worst and sometimes their best on forums.

A forum is where one talks to strangers.

So I told one of the forum posters that she is the worst person I ever met.

I think I want to explain how so.

She is a woman like I am.  Men have treated me the same way as she did, but most men are clueless about women so they have an excuse and I always remember that they are not as smart as most women are.

I posted over 7000 posts.  She was nearly always present posting when I was posting. (But not at every moment.) She never said a friendly word to me and every time she posted to me, she posted at me, not to me.  That was annoying enough.  So what set me off to convince myself she is the worse person I have met? I shall persuade myself that you, the reader, actually gives a shit.  Translated "cares".  OK!

She picked up the propaganda about me that was circulating on forum, believed it, and then spread it some more.

She even insinuated bad things about me herself, which things had no ground to stand on.

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