Saturday, June 16, 2012

Strange Happenings

The Jehovah's Witnesses have taken it upon themselves to interpret the "signs of the times".  It has been proven many times that they have been wrong.  Why do they keep interpreting?  Like every other man they can't admit defeat.

What's so strange about that?

The prophesy.

The world is in two camps.  One camp takes the stand that nothing about the Bible can be trusted.  The other camp is saying it will say what we want it to say.

It is coming to pass that the Jehovah's Witness explanation of the prophesy is coming true even though it is not what it means.  They say the World will gang up on them.  They use the scripture in Revelation 20:9 to illustrate the opposition the Watchtower will be getting and the conclusion.  The conclusion being that fire will  come down from Heaven to devour them.

They use a ridiculous picture of people with pitch forks and other garden devices surrounding the peaceful garden of Jehovah's Witnesses.  And that is what is happening.

The city pictures Knowledge.  Heavenly knowledge is always true, real, accurate ect ect.  And so, if you can believe that, then you can believe the city HAS ALREADY BEEN SURROUNDED, hasn't it?

The fire isn't against the world, meaning (oh brother) physical stuff, it's against the spirit.  

1 comment:

  1. Well done post!
    The Watchtower is truly an Orwellian world,except it ain't just comical Jehovah's Witnesses have dogmas (ban on blood transfusions) that are deadly and get followers killed.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a fulfillment of Galatians 1:8-they 'preach a different version of the Gospel'.Their Watchtower's creed is that Jesus had his 'invisible return' aka second coming October 1914.
    The Watchtower is an authoritarian oppressive religion full of legalistic rules.
    Danny Haszard FMI
