Friday, June 15, 2012

A question?

How are the Jehovah's Witnesses fulfilling the defining characteristic "feet in a hurry to run to badness"?  I suppose you had to be one to know how.

Every year the Society makes a big deal about The Convention. At each convention a new publication is revealed.  BTW Look up Sparlock.  I told the the one Jehovah's Witness that still talks to me.  Oh that?  I already saw that!  Which is undermining (and mischievous)  to their climax.   LOL!  Nobody is suppose to talk about what new wonderful thing is in store.

Does that answer your question? 


  1. Well done post!
    The Watchtower is truly an Orwellian world,except it ain't just comical Jehovah's Witnesses have dogmas (ban on blood transfusions) that are deadly and get followers killed.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a fulfillment of Galatians 1:8-they 'preach a different version of the Gospel'.Their Watchtower's creed is that Jesus had his 'invisible return' aka second coming October 1914.
    The Watchtower is an authoritarian oppressive religion full of legalistic rules.
    Danny Haszard FMI

  2. You make me laugh Danny Haszard. And I'm sorry because you are so serious, I should not think it is funny! :(
