Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Husband

I have a husband.  <3  If I did not have a husband and our children I would be left all alone.

Anyway, he says that if my theories of time, the universe and Heaven are correct, it would require a cataclysmic event for people to begin to grasp them.  I do not disagree with that.

It WAS a cataclysmic event that has me thinking.  Do you not believe that to kill someone just because of the manner in which they were born is cataclysmic enough?  I'm not even talking about abortion, which is certainly cataclysmic to that generation.

I'm talking about genocide.  My head went numb, but then I remembered what I shall tell you.

Events define a person.  One of the events that helped define me the most was my abortion.  After that, when I came to realize that God is A Person, I felt horrible that I had taken away a soul.  So I said to HIM, "I am sorry, but I am confident that YOU are able to reproduce it".  It would be a she or a he.  I didn't until just now think maybe even them.  A girl and a boy or twins of the same sex.

Then I got pregnant again.  Getting pregnant again proves to me that the brain does not mature as fast as the body does.  I was still unmarried.  I told my mother this time.  Well, guess what she said?  I said I shall bear this child.  It is strange to me that the child has features very similar to the first male sperm contributor.

Another event that defines me is WWII.  I do not like how the Jews were treated.  Nobody, even the worst sinner, should be treated as many were.  What happened and is even happening has defined God forever.  But if Christians were true, it COULD not have happened.  Because the prayer of ages WAS "might YOUR NAME be sanctified".  How did that fail?

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