Saturday, June 30, 2012


If enough people believe something does it become true?

I do not mean true in the purest sense but true enough to become a motivating cause for effect.

I shall answer the question as I have come to realize it.  Yes, it can.

If I can think of a good example I will add it on.*

If you believe something can become true also, I'd love to hear an example from your view of the World.

I have just started reading Will Durant's book and I already have many things in common with the man and many things I'd like to share but I have found no one to share them with.  And in the book he says that would be happening.  He was right!  Eighty years ago, he was right.

*An example of something becoming true and able to damage hope.

Reporting, telling and bragging have become synonymous.  But if telling about what good a person has done is viewed as bragging, then the good done by a "good" person will be discouraged.  Because a "good' person does not brag.  And then a person doing well in something cannot tell about what he has done?  Correct.  Then good people will not multiply.  If good people do not multiply, bad people will take over.

The pure truth is the Earth belongs to meek people.  How is it belonging now to unrestrained people?  I think the answer lies in the past where something not true became true by many people believing it.

Should I?

Should I know why people won't talk to me?  I do not know why.  Not just here on blog where I get almost no comments.  Hi Danny!

Also on forum, no comments.

On facebook, no comments.

I'm not scary.  I thought I was funny.  Am I scary?

I have had some feedback but it's for criticism AT me.  Lots of criticism I get on forums.  They even tell on me.  :)  "tell on" for my foreign language friends means to report me for uh, hurting feelings?   Oh but you know when they hurt mine it was a different story.  That was the weirdest thing I have ever encountered.  

I'm not crying.

Some more on time and the brain

I went to yard sales today.  I found an old book.  Will Durant.  $3.00.  So far it is fabulous.  And I had heard of him before.  In one of the Jehovah's Witness books he is mentioned.  I remember my first Theocratic Ministry talk featured him.

I have read the intro to the book and it sounds like the way I think which to me helps prove my theory of Time.

Our lives are mainly discovery and accident (this is me talking, not him).  The lucky have more discovery than accidents.  But each time something enduring happens to our life it not only effects the future, but also the past.  In other words I tended to think like Will Durant yesterday (and a long time ago) because I read what he wrote today.

I bought  a lot of books today.  I might be busy for a time.  :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Before judging

I know from experience that a person's reaction to anything is relative to their experience, beliefs, knowledge   and effort.  It is a fact.  Everyone can not be expected to respond the same way to stimuli but that is what I see is expected by some people.  It is hard for me to respect people that are like that.  To me it is a form of bigotry to be accusing people of bad form and even of bad motive without even knowing the person and his history.

Even though I am eager to meet others with an interest in the future, in religion and especially in the Bible I  have learned from prior experience to be overly cautious, even afraid, to do so.  

I can be critical but I chose not to be critical of people unless they push me too far.  Which has happened and now I am infamous.  Forever, maybe, maybe not.  

I am critical of explanations of Bible scripture when the interpretations are not in harmony with love and long life.  If I am to "go to Heaven" it is not my concern while I am living.  God is God of the living which I believe has been improperly understood as they are alive after they die.   I believe all things are possible with God, by God, but I think to attain to Heaven  before Peace on Earth is blasphemy.  In The Lord's Name I do pray.


  • I have one friend!  :)

    ["But I am saying if you want exposure to your blog you gotta post on forums and have it in your signature
    Join forums and just have your blog in your signature.
  • And debate like you would normal

I tried to register.  Indeed I do get paranoid.  Registration might be disabled for everyone but I can not register.  My IP address just may be blacklisted by modern day Bible bosses

And?  It's good for a laugh, but that's about all.

How are Jehovah's Witnesses lovers of pleasure again?

I have said that the doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses produce the kinds of human behavior described at
2 Timothy 3:1-7.  But surely they are not "lovers of pleasures"?  How can I say such a thing?

They put their desire for Paradise ahead of their desire to be led by the REAL Fine Shepherd Yehoshua (Jesus Christ).  As a matter of fact, all the Jehovah's Witnesses are being led by the men who claim to be led by Christ.

One day I might list all the scriptures that warn about being led around by men, but I see no compelling reason to do so.

The Fundy will prove it his way

Ah.  Hm.

Let's please find a nice comfortable spot by my black hole to reason on it.

My fundy friend will show me how the Greek indeed says it his way.  And there is no hard surface to beat my head against.

And then I will show him even in English there are many different points of view.  I will ask him how easy is it to put man's spin on things?  He will say he doesn't do that.  But somebody did.  And they still do.

Is that something we can all agree on?  What?  People are not God.

Just maybe

The worst criticism against the Apostle Paul is what is taught at 1 Timothy  2:11,12.
It is said he forbid women should TEACH the congregation.  That would put me in big trouble.

What might it mean?

First of all, "all" means whole.  When in the Bible it is published "every" and "all" it means WHOLE.  Pas 3956 Strong's "all"  in the sense of "each part that applies".

Remember that

A woman
let learn

to teach
a woman
do allow
to use authority over
to be

Can he be saying: A woman will be learning in quietness to understand, therefore she will be submissive to the WHOLE, to teach her I, Paul do not allow nor do I use authority over her (because) properly she IS LEARNING in quietness.

Did he not write this because he understood he does not know how women think?  And he could see that men might hurry her along to think like a man.  So he said "I won't allow that".

It absolutely does not mean that

They say "bad associations spoil useful habits" means that to associate in a friendly way with people who are not for the Lord can spoil ones works that they have worked for God's Glory.  Or something like that.

I already shared my translation about what I think it really means.

What I am observing is that the way the scripture has been understood incorrectly (according to logic I guess) is coming true.  I don't want it to come true.  You guys just don't get it.  Is there really no one who GETS it?

What I see is this:  People who hang around other people too much take on the persona of the group.  That is what they say 1 Corinthians 15:33 means.  But I am sure as positive that is not what it means.

Actually what it means is what they ARE doing.  Which is understanding scripture incorrectly.

Does not the MIND communicate with itself?  That is what it means.  BAD "associations" which are communications within the mind, spoil the whole understanding of Christianity (in this instance).

But I'm sure it applies to a lot of things.  Even Science.  

Judging each other poorly

To patronize means to adopt an air of condescension toward; treat coolly.

That is what the members of JWN are doing to Michelle even Tec.  See what she wrote on her thread "just wanted to say".  They did it to me too.  They "heard" Michelle and me be condescending so they condescended right back.  How is that Christian?  "Turn the other cheek"

Many people there are proving disloyal to their promise to obey God for the glory of God.

Now they are rubbing shoulders with people who blaspheme God.   How does that not deserve a warning?

To be condescending toward the least one who does the will of the Father is the OPPOSITE of doing good to him or her.  Matthew 25:40

It is simple

The simple truth is Earth belongs to love and to life.

The "war of God" is NOT a war, it is a quarrel.  Quarrels start with a disagreement and when quarrels cannot be settled they ALWAYS lead to "strife".  Internal or external, does it matter?  If it is internal eventually it will manifest itself externally, I do not doubt it.

What is the quarrel about?  To whom does the Earth belong.  That is called in the Bible Armageddon.  That is why I call it "Imagetting out of here" because I know who the Earth belongs to.  And I believe that to "come out of the great tribulation" which I suppose is Earth (history) means to know who it belongs to too.  

I'm sorry

I hurt my foot.  The doctor says that rest is the best cure.  That is why I am thinking up things to write today.

I am sorry to call the watcher "don't count".  I meant doesn't count and I am probably wrong.  I have no way of telling.  You know all about me but I know nothing about you.  So to me it seems you con't count.  But to someone else, I am sure you do!  Love!


I have not yet figured out the ticker tape thing.  I shall tell you about it.  When cut and paste is done which means draw across the words with the mouse left I mean right, no left, button down and after it is highlighted press the control key on key board  and the letter "c".  It is cut.  Then put the cursor* where you want to paste and press control and now press the letter "v" at the same time.

Sometimes you get "ticker tape" by "c & v".  But sometimes I get ticker tape but I don't know how it gets there because I think the only way is cut and paste.  OK I will tell you sometimes I imagine things.  OK?

Spelling mistakes take my mind somewhere else.  I will tell you where.

Curses are in people's heads.  So a great and "good" person from Heaven's point of view can be the foulest person for real.

Luke 18:19

"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone.


Sometimes I read what I wrote and I did.
See how easy a small error can mean two very different things.  Then believing in the meaning can take one person one way, and another person the other way.

I wrote "to" many, but I meant "by" many.  A whole world of difference.  Good thing I'm no one.  :)

By many I am not considered God's friend.  Or they might actually read my posts.  One visitor can not see that few come to my blog.  I am going to tell you that view come to my blog.  How many?  2157.  Today? five.  Someone is watching me so he don't count.  

Must it be?

God is not a jerk so uh, no, it doesn't have to end that way.

You see!  Even though I think God is great and everything I will not be looked upon as God's friend to many as I have put the word "God" and the word "jerk" in one sentence.


Daniel and Noah

Metaphorically OK?

666 means first they killed Daniel then they tried to kill Noah.

The many ways a person might be killed.

"Shut up!"
"Get out"
"My way or no way"

Hm, three?  Three reminds me of frogs.  No laughing allowed.  


Good morning!

What is it?  Is it not error multiplying? I think it means believing in error as opposed to believing in righteousness.  And there are three of them to mean multiplication.  And there being only three sixes to me means time to fix it is short.

"on understanding do not lean" Proverbs 3:5
"therefore come out from the midst of them and be separated says (the) Lord and unclean not touch and I will receive you" 2 Corinthians 6:17

A person is their thoughts.  The World did evolve to believe a person is their work.  And indeed it does take work to reject lies and think righteousness.  But God judges the inside.  "God judges" means what will happen to a person because of their work including their thoughts.  God is love.

Thoughts of a person lead the person to wherever they do.  

The premise of the Jehovah's Witnesses is true, I believe.  The Earth should be laying in Peace.  That is their goal but they teach The Holy One Yahweh will give it to them.  In my humble opinion there isn't anything further away from the truth than that.  Why?  Yahweh has given it to The Son.  The Son is One.  To be giving it to Them would be taking it away from The Son.
Matthew 27:46 and Luke 15:34

On the other hand the Fundamentalists have taken to understand "quit touching the unclean thing" to the physical.  They have forgotten the Lord's Prayer which says Our Father in heaven.....

Oh one more thing.  Noah's rain was not a judgement from Yahweh.  It was the people reaping what they did sow which is going to happen again if I can't stop it.  When the Bible says Yahweh did do something it means LAW.  Yahweh wrote the law.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

That's all

Someone on forum said something nice about someone who couldn't care less about what forum posters thought.  This:

Peter Singer is an interesting thinker not afraid to tackle difficult subjects. 

But not one soul in 7000 posts of mine said anything near so complimentary.   I was there to care what people thought of my idea.  Am I wrong to think I tackle difficult subjects?


Peter Singer Atheist Champion "A Pig Is Worth More Than A Disabled Person!'  JWN

Has the World gone stark raving mad

Did I spell that right?

I don't know what it means, do you?

I'll tell you why I think so.

Babies need all kinds of things.  Most of all they need love.

They also need the things for the body.  A place to live with the rent paid and heat to be warm.

It is common in my country for babies to get gifts.  It is called a shower.  Clothes is most common to give at a shower.  Babies need clothes.  If the family is poor diapers are better.

Sometimes I go out on Saturday.  On Saturdays in the summer there are Yard Sales.  I don't have babies in my house, nor do my children have babies.  I haven't been baby shopping for a long time.  So I didn't know about what they make for babies.

I like baby things and sometimes I even buy some used baby things, just in case.

At this yard sale there were many pretty baby things and they were all in very good condition.  The baby was even there at the yard sale.  It was a cute baby and the mom was friendly.  They lived in a trailer home so I know they are not rich.

Baby needs a hat or two.  Some of them were homemade which is nice!  I bought some. I like Winnie the Pooh so I bought a couple of those clothes that had Winnie.

There was a baby bath robe.  I told the mother "babies need robes?"  She shrugged (she was a real nice person) she said "there's more"  and there was another one. What is wrong with people?  Two, maybe more miniature robes for baby? What is wrong with a towel?  OMG Aren't robes for people who walk around? 


Romans 10:9

You will be saved

Acts 11:14
Acts 10:9

Be saved

Does it mean that believers will have a share in the saving of the World?  Or does it mean believers will be saved from the World?  Most people who call themselves Christian like the second choice better.

8But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOUIN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. 11For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” 12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”

appeal unto, call on, invoke
Middle voice from epi and kaleo; to entitle; by implication, to invoke (for aid, worship, testimony, decision, etc.) -- appeal (unto), call (on, upon), surname.



JWN has so far equated everyone who comes there with a warning as HATERS.  That is what the Israelites  did to the prophets.  But I believe the Israelites were actually ALL prophets who were living THE TIME OF THE END. It does not matter when/where the end is.  The end is taught by scientists who study the heavens.  And it is being played out by the war mongers.  For some people it is the end every single day.  That is what the World "takes no note of".   The World does not realize that the lives of many people are so bad that they would WISH the end to come.  People are hating being warned "just like the days of Noah".  

Maybe I should get real

I don't want to be real.  I was real but it gets boring being real.  But I still have to be real sometimes.

I'm glad mrsjones turned the thread about me into  something funny.  Now she is no longer the worst person I ever met.  I don't know who it is and that is good news.  I don't want to know people who I might be tempted to knock off the raft.

The somewhere I had to be was button club.  When I asked my husband if he even knew what my blog was about he said buttons?  I didn't hit him.

It occurred to me that I can start a new blog.  And then my nasty little self said in my head "OK but when they read this other stuff, they might think to think what I have thought is dangerous because it is opposition to what the wise men have said."  So if I start a new blog I will sound normal (maybe) but I'm not and I shall be careful that I do not seem to be someone I am not.  Because if my new friends find out I am what I am they might hate me more because they have thought I have deceived them.  Which in my opinion is much worse than being nothing.

I collect buttons.  I collect all kinds of things.  All kinds of things almost caused a breaking up of my marriage.  I do not have much clutter.  And I do not have many cats.  My house does not smell bad.  I would rather have a fresh house than dust and clutter free.  I am torn between Victorian have to have a lot of stuff and contemporary design which is a lot of unused spaces.  That is what my house looks like.  Because of my duo nature I began collecting small things.  And useful things like pretty throws that double as two dimensional art but can be used to stay warm.  

Buttons are small.  Most people do not think about buttons their whole life long.  When I am at a sale I say "do you have any buttons?" and nine out of ten times they say "what?".

My favorite real thing to do is search a bunch of buttons to find something new.  And I almost always do.

I am a picker, but not a professional picker.  I do not buy things to sell as I do not have a store.  Sometimes I sell things at the flea market. But business is slow.

Describing myself as a picker means I always pay less than retail for anything.  If it cost too much I won't buy it.  Ever.  Except for vacuum cleaners, cookware, and other electronics, and of course personal items.  I also will pay retail for crafted items as I love to support the arts.  I have some nice paintings.  To buy something someone made is sharing in HAPPY I think.

I am notorious in my small town for liking all kinds of old stuff.  Whenever I bring something to the auction house that does free appraisals I always get good news that the item can be auctioned for more than I paid.  Sometimes much more.  And I have sold things on eBay so I know it's true.  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

And then

Why I don't care to make sense to some people.

It just goes to prove that Peace is NOT going to happen.  It won't happen by men's efforts.  Peace needs understanding of heavenly things.  Here I am saying these things and does anyone care?  Nope, it appears nobody does.

So some people are anxiously waiting for something from Heaven.  Heaven in the literal sense ie the sky.  And Heaven in the spiritual sense ie wisdom.  But I know from experience that human's have evolved to a state that they can not understand the things that matter.  Spirit Affect and Change

"They took no note"  saith Jesus  

I get bored

Like everybody I run out of things to occupy myself, that I want to do so I made up a question.

Guess what it's about.  You might need a computer.  I'm just pulling your leg.

Can something I'm doing (present tense-that's a hint) cause the reason for my doing it?  Yes.  It is my understanding that somethings affect the past.  That is what I said the Sacred Secret is.  Time flows both ways.  


I don't know much about the saints, except the ones who reportedly wrote the Bible.  They are very much alive!  But those other ones that the Catholic Church canonizes and the modern day saints (all kinds)  are dead people walking in my imagination.  I'm sorry.

 How so?  What did they contribute to the WHOLE World?  They were lifted up to sainthood because they did not rock the boat!  I would rather rock the boat, wouldn't you?  :)

LOL!  I would rather stay here and talk to the black hole but I have to be somewhere.

Raft, not boat!  LOL

sharks too!  Yes!  Paranas I don't think I have time to look that up. Giant turtles!  A good one!  LOL 

The Truth

Then if it is true that the writers of The Bible dwell "where" we do now, they are not predicting events they are reporting them.

"Nothing new under the sun"  Ecclesiastes I would make that true, wouldn't I? (By my publishing the Good News I guess)

Realizing the past is real for encouraging us AND tripping us (evil people do that) then one can begin to imagine why the Bible sounds like it does.  Look around you.  That's why.

Some people like the Bible because they view it as pictured in Revelation 6:2.  There the imagination of the people is described.  Notice there are no arrows mentioned?

Hm.  I'm getting the feeling I should not write the next ah, idea?

They make make laugh!  LOL

One small mistake in translation can bend the whole world to disaster if the people who matter are leaning on it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Revealing The Sacred Secret

There are times when effect does not come after cause, but before.  It's true.  Isn't it?

Job 37:24

World English Bible
Therefore men revere him. He doesn't regard any who are wise of heart."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Think like me

I have been on forum.  Two forums.  If anyone has read my blog anyone will know I do not think the same as most/any.  And I have discovered on forum if you are marching to the beat of a different drummer eventually you will be removed, stop posting or like me who doesn't know how to shut up, you will cause a removing of self from forum.  I should have left and NOT read it anymore.

But I read it again and again even when it made me feel like shit.  But it was worth it for the few good souls there that had something to say.

The critics on forum do not understand that they are projecting their weakness onto me.  I guess they feel justified because I am such an easy target.

What they did to me many times on forum is called physiological projection.  It was unnerving to me every time it happened because it seemed so obvious what they were doing.  And indeed they did do it in packs. Even when I am gone for awhile , weeks, they are still at it.

The title of my post "think like me" is what they want.  I will not.  LOL  OMG

The Jehovah Witness debater

Thinking is discouraged among the Jehovah's Witnesses, the religion.  I reported them to the Washington Post but um, they don't care.

1 Corinthians 1:20

of this
did make foolish
the wisdom

Nancy raises hand.
I also asked the question.  It is because I have not found the wise and the scribe yet.  I'm still looking!  :)

It is about John this time.  I think it is cute that there is two Johns in Bible.  No?

The Jehovah's Witnesses teach that John the Baptist, he who is called by Christ, "there has not arisen among those born of women one greater than John the Baptist"  Matthew 11:11, will not inherit God's Kingdom.  The reason?  Because he died before Jesus did.  It's a contest?

OK No it is not.  It's real and it's serious ["you could have fooled me"]  I realize.  And I am truly sorry.  

They interpret the scripture after as "the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he is".  They adopted that interpretation from the Presumptuous one. The ruler of the air.

Please listen to my debate.

I knew that John being "in the wilderness" can not possibly be a person who chooses to dwell with the Sons of Adam on Earth forever.  He is Spiritual.  He is the greatest feature of the Body of Christ.  The best feature in some people's opinion.

So what's it mean?  I once attempted to explain it but they will not desist in calling it babble.  But I will try again.

The Kingdom is not a star, it is a cloud.  It even has an antithesis, which is where all the people's attention is directed.

The cloud is made up of molecules of water.  John is one molecule.  He is "little" Greek mikroteros. 

(The brains have stopped and I'm scared.  Well, if it wasn't so funny, I'd be scared.)  

It means John is one least part of the WHOLE which all together is GREAT Greek meizon.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why Religion IS NOT Babylon the Great

Revelation 17:5

Babylon the Great is described as the mother of harlots and discussion lol disgusting things.  Like some people don't I do proof read.  Phew good thing too!

Jesus said harlots will go ahead of self righteous ones into the Kingdom of Heaven.

What defines something as a disgusting thing?  I think disgusting things are what cause illness.

It is obvious that religion does what it will.  Harlots do that.

Religion is not great.  It is divided.  And jealous. And skilled in the art of making people feel good about their um nevermind.

Like religion?  Yes.  How can you say religion is not like that?

So in case I'm right about something, like this, religion can't be the harlot AND the mother.  Not with my math it can't.


Babylon the Great
The Great Tribulation
The Great Crowd
The rider on the white horse
The meek shall inherit the Earth.

People don't like me because I believe the race must earn the Earth.  I am concerned that "the meek shall inherit the Earth" is not a promise.  It is the truth that the race will meet extinction if it does not put on meekness.  I think Christians were suppose to teach meekness.  But, um, I think we can all agree that is not what happened.  

I went to Church today


I took notes.  One leftover  I have from the other religion I was.

I shall throw them into internet's black hole.  I say "why not?"

I'm going to write them as wrote.  The reason why is I have imagined that I have made sense in the past but still got blasted for making no sense so it doesn't really matter to me to try to make sense because I don't know how.

Post script on the top;  When I took notes I wrote what I thought not what he said, even then when I was suppose to be writing what he wanted me to write.  I'm a rebel.  Are you?

Here you go;

multiplying error of word is a spiritual CANCER why would the governments NOT want to stop it?

The more the merrier :)  

Believing in Jesus means believing what he is saying.  NOT what dead men have said.


My sheep listen to my voice they do not listen to the voice of strangers

that is what it means "on understanding do not lean." until we are arriving at our cross we are alien to heaven
To lean on How we know The WORD is to be listening to the voice of stranger.

The eternal reward that Faithful seek is All men be saved and come to knowledge
Which means an Earth inhabited by happy (saved) people who are continually believing in the True Shepherd and want to.

For What?  For Him.
Not for salvation
salvation is not a goal it is a tool
"Humble yourselves under God's Hand".

I see no difference between the JW and these

The suffering a Christian experiences For Being  one is not the cross Christ said to bear.

Just as Christ Knew he would suffer the maximum punishment But proceeded anyway. is what Christians are admonished to do.  Do right even to death (cross) trusting in God Always that the End will prove bearable.

With the multitude of councilors there is accomplishment  But are Christian councilors dead writers and dead interpreters of the Bible?  Yes.  they are dead
"Feet that are in a hurry to run to badness"

The communication between cells is lost it causes cancer .

The Word is power
Rev 19:11
But the word man feeds to the faithful is their own version.  It is men with a good motive making the Word unaffective because they teach "Believe me".  But what they ought to teach is God is our helper  Believe God.

Cancer spreads as cells spread that are sick.  They multiply.  Christ came for the world to be saved through him   He is The Word.
Christ did not come to teach heaven is the place to seek.  Christ came to teach Peace on Earth is too seek.  The Kingdom of God is not far off from each one.
The Kingdom of God is Heaven
Heaven is perfect for...then I think I started to listen to the speaker.  That is all I wrote.  But I was also brave and during questions I asked some and said a few things.

Unraveling the Mystery of Trinity

According to what I thought I heard on TV that the physicists say is there is a place "where" there is no time. I agree.  The Bible agrees.  It is where The Almighty Yahweh dwells.

Then there is us.  We exist in time, but we will never be part of the mystery.

The Christ, Son of God exists over all time.  He can do that because he is from the place of no time.

The Holy Spirit exists with time.

Because it is impossible for God to lie and because God can not see badness (I learned that in the Bible) The Holy Spirit can be crowded out.  And it is.  


I do not know why my computer does that ticker tape thing.  Sometimes it's because of cut and paste.  I don't think I did that.

The problem about friends

When a person gets baptized as a Jehovah's Witness they leave the "World" behind.  They are taught to believe if a person does not come over to the Jehovah's Witness side they will not be saved.  Even though every person knows their self will die, they are offended by that doctrine.  I do not blame them.  So the Jehovah's Witness loses the friends she had before baptism.  Sometimes baptized ones believe it is a good thing.  I don't and didn't.  I'm looking for a friend.

THEN when the person who is baptized wakes up to discover the Leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses are neither faithful nor discreet like they claim to be, their "worldly friends" are already long gone.  And their "friends" in the organization who will not be their friends as long as they are escapees are lost too.

AND now that another way of thinking has been learned other  people don't seem to understand  the escapees.  Friendship is about understanding.  

There are other escapees but they are not able to be understood even by each other.  It's not like I didn't try.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dear Mr. Lean why I am mean

You all think it is ridiculous that I say I don't like a person that I don't like.  I understand.

But I will explain because I feel like it.

After a while I get to know that some people care for me less than nothing.  I should not exaggerate?  You are right!  After a while I get to feeling some people care for me as much as nothing.  But for me, there does not exist a personality that I know (I've heard of some) that I trust should be as much as nothing.

So the land of cause and effect gets too tipped for me, then I try to right it the only way I have left.  Because I don't want to fall off.  And nobody can blame me for that.

That is why I have told a few people that I don't like them.  And it got exploded to mean I say it to everyone,  but it was not me that exploded it to mean that.

I shall double up this post.

I shall call this one

Mr Cofty why are you mean?

Someone someday might read I wrote cofty is a bore because he tells us he know the Bible better than most Bible readers.  By the way, he doesn't even believe it, go figure.

Then same someone might think as it pops into his head "take the rafter out of your eye blogger before you think of taking out the splinter in cofty's eye".

And that's fair.  But wrong.  I shall tell you why.

I do not know the Bible better than anyone else.  It is the Bible that knows the Bible.  The Bible is my best friend.  I listen to it.  If I had to be polite and use a pronoun I think "she" is best.  The Bible is my best friend, I listen to HER.  

Friday, June 22, 2012

It still bothers me

The only hope, I have that being called by anyone who has paid any attention to me at all a babbler won't eat me up, is Paul.  I also believe Jesus and the resurrection.  That is just one way the Bible helps me.

I should probably say that in English lol.  They all call me a babbler.  Those who don't call me that, they don't say anything at all to me.  So I have to wonder if the critics are correct.  It is only natural to listen to the majority.  So, Paul being Paul helps me.  They called him a babbler too.  And now some people think he is not a babbler.  Thanks Paul!

 Acts 17:18

18And also some of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers were conversing with him. Some were saying, “What would this idle babbler wish to say?” Others, “He seems to be a proclaimer of strange deities,”—because he was preaching Jesus and the resurrection.

Revelation 20:15

They await a magical book that has their names written in it.

But I think it means;

Whoever does not find what is written in the book of life, they will suffer death.

It could have said "find the book of life, it is a protection"  but the book is not magic so it says find what is really written in it.  And so far, as I can tell, all have failed.

It has come to my attention

Is my exclusivity due to the truculency that I provoke?  Because someone thinks I sound too much like Jesus perhaps?    Is that it?

Truculency is a harsh word.  It is probably too harsh. Anathema is more likely.  You deny it?  LOL

If I sound like Jesus talking does it mean I have the devil?  What universe is this anyway?

Jesus can't be here.  They're WAITING FOR him.  And everyone else is not with um I would say us, but there's only me.  Or not.

I sometimes wonder why I have not found trouble yet.  

Does no one else think it is odd?

I have heard there are seven million souls that are present to enjoy "food at the right time" from the "faithful and discreet slave"  but I'm sure I have proved they are not "faithful" nor are they "discreet".

How is it I have found not one soul that understands there is real water and real milk?

Isaiah 55:1,2

One to seven million that is not even counting every one else.  I say NOT FAIR!

Oh my goodness.  I did not say there isn't one.  I think I'm sure I said I haven't found one.  

A House Divided

Anyone who is belonging to a group and teaches the doctrine of the group but does not obey it is the one who is causing division.  And anyone who causes division is opposed to the group not for the group.

When I was a Jehovah's Witnesses I was for obeying the rules.  It was not because I understood them, liked them, or believed in them.  It was because to be a witness is to witness and how could I be telling someone to obey rules if I did not?  It was against the power of me to disobey because I was actively seeking other people to believe that I might be right.

What they are doing is proving right and wrong are coexisting as the same. How much more evil can it get?

Some questions for Jehovah's Witnesses please

There is no doubt that the Society of Jehovah's Witnesses teach it is wrong to be using the WWW.  Jehovah's Witnesses are cautioned to use ONLY the official Jehovah Witness web sites.

And those who hear the warning go door to door telling others to believe in the Watchtower.

My question is; how does the conscious of the one who disregards the order heard at convention to avoid web sites not belonging to Jehovah's Witnesses remain innocent?   How can they say they are "walking in the truth" and tell others they are "walking in the truth" but not obey "the truth"?

You are angry?

And is it my fault you are angry?  How so?

If I am hurting you, I should know it and I should stop.  How will I know if we cannot talk about it?

Oh bother

Now I'm hearing voices.  I thought you'd like to know or maybe I just like to add evidence for the white coats.  LOL

My computer is noisy with the music from Wild West Town and Indiana Jones.  LOL

But out came a little voice that sounds like "stop".  You know I won't unless you tell me why.

What I mean is I might consider stopping if I can be convinced of a good reason to stop.

What do I think of the voice telling "stop" that may or may not be significant?  Or real (probably not).  It's telling me to stop making sense of The Word.  They would tell me to stop because to them the dead are better than the living.....

Jehovah's Witnesses adopt propaganda

Proverbs 3:5,6

Why did they copy every other Bible translation for it?

What does it say?  (Is it OK if I know?)

I hate propaganda and if I can warn You about anything, but only one thing, it is to learn to hate propaganda too.

as for
about everything
considered [with heart, not just mind]
on (denoting motion toward)
an understanding
lean (support oneself)

Why would all the Bible translation add "OWN" understanding.
Because....those men like to tell you what to think.  So they added "own" so that you would not be warned about leaning one THEIR  understanding.

How do you think a builder would feel if you were against the place the builder needed to hammer?  Everyone knows knowledge is progressive. But if there are people leaning on the building how can the hammer ham?  I know it's hammer.  Don't worry!  Now what?

It means a warning against believing a lie.  Once a lie is believed knowledge stops.  It is because a lie infects the wholeness of anything.  1 Corinthians 3:9 says

we are
fellow workers
you are

The men are not the field.  God is the field.  A field is always over rocks.  I'm not making this up.  Why do you not believe the one you believe made it up?  Luke 6:48

1 Corinthians 10:4  Isaiah 48:21

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I can

My mind has learned how to grasp foreverness.  No beginning, and no end, I get it.

But I don't know how to grasp how much a million is.  I must imagine it is smaller than it is.  The reason why is they say ALL the mutations that cause diversity happened since the "big bang".  But nonlife doesn't mutate.  Right!  Except for stuff like diamonds.

Since the first known life type organism there doesn't seem (to me) to be enough years between then and now  for the very high level of specialty we see.  What do you think?  How many successful  mutations need happen every day since they say it began.  I forget when they said.   Then let's add in the unsuccessful mutation.  How many?  We should probably count the mutations in the species that have become extinct too.   Don't forget those.  

It's not possible

It is not possible for two bears to violently tear up forty two boys.  But that is what they say it says.

2 Kings 2:24

Even the resident "Bible expert" on forum did not agree it must mean something different.  That's why I said "boring has left the room".  I guess I'm sorry.  But if a person brags about knowing something better than anyone else, I think it is called a bore.  So it is my opinion that I would much rather be honest than nice.  But an apology is in order.  Um, I apologize cofty.  I should not have made it public that you are boring.  That is all.


You think the joke is not funny?  You wish it might be explained?  Haha


For as long as I can remember I don't repeat myself.  I'm older now and seem to do it better.  Sometimes I must say something some more because ears aren't so fine anymore.

Believe it not, I don't talk much.

The joke means of course You do not repeat yourself.  You must say something to repeat it!

It's not funny?

I think it is.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I got 100

I had a question of the computer hearts game.  Sooner or later I would get 100.  It happened much sooner than imagined.  I had forgotten about it until tonight.  I didn't really care but now I know.

The question was; if a 100 is scored on the computer does the player get a zero?  Some people, I have heard, play that way.  The answer is no.  The game on my computer does not grant a zero for a hundred.

It does seem to remember the cards played.  And the way it is programmed it seems to play against me but not against each of the other computer playing sides.

I play really fast.  


No.  The Kingdom of God is not a reward,  neither is losing the Kingdom of God a punishment like some love to teach.

It is not something owed.  It is not something withheld.

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual place that is found by listening to the Leader Christ Son of God.  Yahweh is Salvation.

Why does it say liars, and such won't inherit the kingdom?  Because those things block the way there.  Those things are all manifestations of selfishness.  If you can see only yourself, how then can you see the Kingdom which is for everyone?


It is believed by many that Genesis 6:4 describes a union between human women and spirit sons of God.  I disagree.  But that is neither here nor there.

What I want to talk about is what hassem means.  Strong's Concordance 8034 translated "fame", means "name".  It is also used at Genesis 4:26 which says A son was born to Seth.  His name was Enosh.  Then began to call the name Yahweh.

Genesis 6:4 is understood by many to mean "the mighty ones of old, the men of fame" NWT.  So "fame" or NAME in that scripture is applied to the Nephilim, or MEN.  But it means, does it not, the mighty nephilim influenced the world to the extent of effecting the opinion of The Name Yahweh.  As in "Let You're NAME be proved holy".  Like today, God's reputation as Savior is sullied.  Was sullied, is being sullied again.  It isn't funny.

Learning what happens by believing it can help one predict what will happen.  I think so.

Let it Be

If they think they will win anything at all they will want it to remain the same.  Nobody who has an agenda would love to see the game change.  Knowingly but probably more so unknowingly they want things to remain the same.  Even if the same means landmines and starving children.

Psalm 23 is the alternative.

A Psalm of David.
1The LORD is my shepherd,
         I shall not want.
2He makes me lie down in green pastures;
         He leads me beside quiet waters.
3He restores my soul;
         He guides me in the paths of righteousness
         For His name’s sake.
4Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
         I fear no evil, for You are with me;
         Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
5You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
         You have anointed my head with oil;
         My cup overflows.
6Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
         And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Oh God

I have hit a wall.

1 Chronicles I did look up because I think "in the days of Noah" it was not violence that filled the Earth.  I think it was error.  So I looked up "violence".  It is hamas, which is very interesting.  I watch TV.

I found something that makes no sense.  Why is 1 Chronicles 12:18 translated that way?  I would like to know.  I'll give you money.  Or I won't, I don't know.

Dear John

['Your reason is that I looked at the meaning of the words God inspired others to write and logically figured out what something meant where as you have spiritual insight that others do not have...."] 

["Why should I trust that your beliefs are the only true beliefs. You have not shown me any proof."]

Let's do some dissection, why not?

First and foremost please do not trust my beliefs.  OMG.  AND one person's proof is not another's.  So my proof won't work for you.  Proverbs 3:5,6  Trust in Yahweh with all your heart, on understanding do not lean.

Logic:  Reasoning(1) conducted according to strict principles of validity.

Validity: cogency.  The quality of being valid(2) and rigorous.

Cogent:  Appealing(3) to the intellect(4) or powers of reasoning,(5) convincing(6).

Cogency:  authority(7), conclusiveness(8), convincingness(9), effectiveness(13) , force(10), persuasion. 

Rigorous:  Extremely thorough(11), exhaustive or accurate(12)

(1)   Proverbs 3:5,6
(2)   Matthew 6:9-13  anything else apart from these is not valid Logic does have a place
(3)   1 Corinthians 6:16
(4)   Matthew 16:23
(5)   Romans 3:10
(6)   John 20:29
(7)   Matthew 28:18
(8)   Ecclesiastes 12:13,14
(9)   2 Corinthians 10:4,5 
(10) 2 Corinthians 10:6
(11) Matthew 26:39
(12) Isaiah 29:14
(13) Matthew 21:31,32

I have a joke

Question:  Nancy, why do you not repeat yourself?

Answer:  Why do you not?

What is stupid?

They teach that when the Bible says something is "stupid" it means immorality.  I think immorality means offenses against other people, or s-i-n.  I don't know.

I can see that some things have happened but I'm not telling because I don't want to.  It is stupid to believe something will happened that already happened but they did not see it because it did not happen the way they say it should, would, could.

It is like a man waiting at the train station being alert for the coming train.  It comes, and goes, but he did not recognize it.  Then someone who works at the station comes along later and knowing that there are no more trains today asks the "alert" one "are you waiting for something?" and the waiting one says with a little annoyance for the angel, (not me) "I'm waiting for the train".  I suppose you could write about anything on the face of the angel. 

Then who are "the great crowd"?

Wouldn't you like to know  punctuation unknown.  

It might be the stupidest thing they teach

Matthew 27:46
I have heard them say that Jesus asked why God had forsaken him because God had taken away the Holy Spirit from Jesus right before he died so that he might be tested to the max.  Huh?

It is my opinion that the Holy Spirit and Christ cannot be separated.  But what do I know?

I think it means something else.

Does it mean that people will believe what they will and no one in our time endured in him for the truth?

That's what I think it means.  

You will misunderstand and the one who won't, God bless you!

I do not know how all you who love the Bible could have missed this one thing.  Do you not believe Noah was alone?  Do you not believe what your Jesus said "like the days of Noah the days of the Son of Man will be"?   How can you also condemn my interpretation of anything?  How, please?

If anything I say is true but I am the only one believing it, how am I wrong but Noah right?   

Interpretations belong to God

Because God alone can see the whole of everything. Men have interpreted scripture and handed it down to be believed as they have understood it.  So now it is men's understanding that the world clings to.

What if it's wrong?  If there is no one knowing what it says, how does it work?  It doesn't.  

Does righteousness equal righteous standing?


But is that not what Christians believe and teach?
One can not see their own soul so to say oneself  is righteous is not possible.

And to teach someone else to find their own righteous standing with God is ridiculous, isn't it?

That is how Christ is not "someone else" because as there is no one equal to God there is no one who is Christ's equal either.  In other words the rule that anyone can not teach righteous standing  to anyone else does not apply to Christ Yehoshua. Because He can.  

It's complicated

Hey!  Maybe that's why it is taking so long to get it.  They say so long means no god.  I say whatever.

It had something to do with the body.  It must not be important.

How is soul greater?  God sees soul.  People see bodies.  Sometimes people even see minds.  But not often.  

I should stop now.

Do they have it backwards?

People have said I "speak to" the body and that others "speak to" the soul.  It is my opinion that "mind" is body, not soul.  The body is less than the soul. So then if correct, the mind is also less than the soul.   I think that because I have made people "feel" in their bodies without knowing in their minds why, it is their soul I speak to.  That is what I THINK I'm speaking to.  

Anyway, just call me misunderstood :)  

How again?

One thing on my walk got me thinking about being clear, the other one I want to tell too.

How are they "lovers of money"?  They project an image of being the opposite.  So I shall try again to be clearer this time around.  I have to believe God is love.  What is love?  Love is patient and kind.  It is not jealous, does not provoke (or be provoked, I'm not sure), I used to know this by heart.  I shall, I suppose, look it up.  Does not brag, does not "get puffed up", does not behave indecently (this is a clue for me, but that's not it), DOES NOT LOOK FOR IT'S OWN INTEREST, does not become provoked (that is why one should guard one's sense of humor with all one's heart and ability), it does not keep account of the injury,   DOES NOT REJOICE OVER UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, but rejoices with THE TRUTH.  It is not true that six billion hearts will stop beating. But they rejoice that they will be spared when that "happens".

How then, are they lovers of money?  The patience and kindness that are due their God, they give to their money.  Even though they do not have a lot of money to love, they love the money they have.  How so?  They say it is what identifies them as publishers of the Good News.

The other way my brain went this morning was how does the "recreation" add in?  I do not know but I have a theory which I will not throw into this black hole called the internet.  Matthew 19:28

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Looking for love

There are  people who love me because I am their friend.  It is easy for me to be friendly.  There are people who love me but they do not know who I am. The spiritual me, they do not know.

I have found love.  God is love.  Now I must find righteousness.  Along with righteousness I must find meekness. Knowledge puffs up. It is why meekness must be sought along with knowledge.

Zephaniah 2:3
1 Corinthians 8:1

Cuter than my buttons

Eventually someone might say.  Oh no, if what you say be true, is there any HOPE?  I have no idea, but I like the question.  If I was writing a book, I would write, yes, the writer believes there is hope.  Lots and lots of hope.  

Dead People Don't Make a Difference

When Samuel was manifest to Saul for consultation was he being taken out of Sheol or was it a trick of an evil spirit?

OR was he taken from the whole that is in the "past"?   If I was taking a test I would chose that one, but it wouldn't be on the test.  I wonder why?

<< 1 Samuel 28 >>
New American Standard Bible

      3Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him and buried him in Ramah, his own city. And Saul had removed from the land those who were mediums and spiritists. 4So the Philistines gathered together and came and camped in Shunem; and Saul gathered all Israel together and they camped in Gilboa. 5When Saul saw the camp of the Philistines, he was afraid and his heart trembled greatly. 6When Saul inquired of the LORD, the LORD did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by prophets. 7Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “Behold, there is a woman who is a medium at En-dor.”
      8Then Saul disguised himself by putting on other clothes, and went, he and two men with him, and they came to the woman by night; and he said, “Conjure up for me, please, and bring up for me whom I shall name to you.” 9But the woman said to him, “Behold, you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off those who are mediums and spiritists from the land. Why are you then laying a snare for my life to bring about my death?”10Saul vowed to her by the LORD, saying, “As the LORD lives, no punishment shall come upon you for this thing.”11Then the woman said, “Whom shall I bring up for you?” And he said, “Bring up Samuel for me.” 12When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice; and the woman spoke to Saul, saying, “Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul.” 13The king said to her, “Do not be afraid; but what do you see?” And the woman said to Saul, “I see a divine being coming up out of the earth.” 14He said to her, “What is his form?” And she said, “An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped with a robe.” And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground and did homage.
      15Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” And Saul answered, “I am greatly distressed; for the Philistines are waging war against me, and God has departed from me and no longer answers me, either through prophets or by dreams; therefore I have called you, that you may make known to me what I should do.” 16Samuel said, “Why then do you ask me, since the LORD has departed from you and has become your adversary? 17“The LORD has done accordingly as He spoke through me; for the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, to David. 18“As you did not obey the LORD and did not execute His fierce wrath on Amalek, so the LORD has done this thing to you this day. 19“Moreover the LORD will also give over Israel along with you into the hands of the Philistines, therefore tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. Indeed the LORD will give over the army of Israel into the hands of the Philistines!”

One more thing

Anyone in it for what they can get is siding with the god Baal, because that's what it means.  It doesn't really matter who they say they worship.  It doesn't even matter if they are atheists.  Atheism is no place to hide.  Neither is Christianity a place to hide.  Ecclesiastes says at 9:2 "it is the same for all".

What's in it for me?

That is where World took a wrong turn.
It is why people can't hear.  The answer is nothing but your life.  Because reality is not a bunch of little pieces. It is a WHOLE THING.  And the WHOLE THING is coming to an end.  How do I know?  Because God's will has not been done.  1 Timothy 2:4

7Go then, eat your bread in happiness and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works. 8Let your clothes be white all the time, and let not oil be lacking on your head. 9Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of your fleeting life which He has given to you under the sun; for this is your reward in life and in your toil in which you have labored under the sun.