Saturday, July 7, 2012

Something different

7:05am Saturday  Today I have a chore to do to help a neighbor.  I have an hour.  I was formulating a theory about "the ruler of the air".  In the Bible it is called Satan.  Jesus said to Peter "get behind me satan because you think men's thoughts, not God's thoughts".

So the spirit of the air is associated with what men think.  And because of equality in the Heart of God, what women think.

Someone said (on forum) it is power that men worship in response to post "the ruler of the air means what people worship".  But I think it is too simple.  If it was power, it would have been worked out by now imho.

Is it favor?  Favor is related to power.  One needs favor to be powerful, no?

Let's define worship shall we?  Is it whatever a person pays close attention to?  That is how the practice of the worship of many gods came about I guess.  Because some people pay close attention to a lot of things.

What do people pay close attention to?  Money first.  That probably explains why ancient man had more time to worship God, they had no money.

I know some people pay attention to fear.  This is sad.

Some people are obsessed with vindication.  This is probably the seed of evil.

It is now 7:19am.  I will have to get ready for the day and my thoughts are a wall right now.  I will try to find the posts we posted.  I might be surprised that they have nothing to do with what I just wrote for you.  But...that is life!

People pay attention to righteousness.  I wonder why I am not befriended by anyone, who like me, has come to realize The Society is not right.  That is not an exaggeration.  I have a penpal and I have family so I can not honestly say "no one has befriended me".  If you are reading; HI PENPAL!  I love you!

It would seem to some people paying attention to righteousness is right.  How is it wrong?  Is it not like the mythical figure who got tired of looking at himself in the water and fell in?  What's his name?  Something.  It's 7:43.  I have to go soon......

I have found that paying attention to one's own righteousness is a losing battle.  And sometimes it spreads to paying attention to other people's righteousness, which is, let's say, stupid?

Oh yes, facebook.  Why do they visit my post, I have evidence now they do, but they do not click "like"?  Cause it's funny?  NO!  I think it is because some people, who pay attention to righteousness, have concluded (all ready, go figure) that I am a Jehovah's Witness sympathizer.  Be that as it may.  (I wonder who wrote that first).  7:47.  I gotta go.


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