Sunday, May 22, 2011

To be A Jew

I understand being Jewish is a state of mind.
It is trust in God, and a revelation.
Faithful persons of  Israel who served GOD KNEW GOD.
Many were granted an understanding of truth and of the future.
And The Lord did use them for a warning.
They knew what would happen. Daniel 12:3,4
But the traditions of men claim time.  They do not know time.
I am sure as sure that verse 3 means them that were, not these that are.

If that is not true, I am not true.  I do not know if I am true.
But I do know that religion teaches foolishness opposed to the truth.
I know it.
But the Bible does not teach foolishness.
I believe in the resurrection.
The reason why is; I believe no life is worthless.
But if the war, pain, suffering, and worthlessness of many lives is not an illusion
Then the resurrection has to be.  It is the only logical conclusion.

The war.
The war I see is within Man's heart.
It is what I imagine Gog of the land of Magog is.
I am the only one who knows?
I was the only one who knows.
I do not know if it is a secret.
It is those with the one thought meeting them who know God.
And those insisting on teaching them the one thought, or else.

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