Sunday, November 16, 2014

My saving spot

Devote as in committed.  My devil; friend* thinks that is funny.  Haha.  You know, the committed part.

English not your first language?  Itmeans they think I am crazy,  In my country, in the past, crazy people got committed (to the insane asymum).  Or maybe I'm just imaging it.

*I don't really have a devil friend.  I really don't know who it is that thinks I am funny.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Making a post

I know everyone does not agree and I think all people never will agree.  To agree is what the leaders of JWs want to do. They say (but not in the same words)  that one day humankind will be "of one mind".  There will be a paradise where all citizens will agree with, supposedly the governing body will be spirits in don't know who they say paradise people will agree with.  Who do you think they expect to be in paradise to lead them? Jesus? Haha Then why are they not led by him NOW?

Hey, I will still write you but I won't make stuff up just to talk.  OK.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

My list

I am still on forum asking questions.  Shame on me!

So many questions are going ignored that I thought I should start counting them. Here is my list.
The first question is about the Jehovah's Witness belief that the name Jehovah means "Rather, they reveal an aspect of God’s personality, showing that he becomes what is needed in each circumstance to fulfill his purpose."  

Please, how is "becoming what is needed" not change?

If Jesus is mediator for only the 144,000 who mediates for the rest of us?

This next one is about the meaning of I AM.

Is it possible for Jehovah to be separate from Jehovah's will?

That is three,  Here is another one.  The scriptures say Jesus is advocate and mediator.  When it says he is advocate it says he is such for the whole world. (1 John 2:2) Jehovah's Witnesses say when scripture says he is mediator it means only for 144,000.  Why the difference and how do you as  a JW know? (Please provide scripture).

Jehovah's Witnesses teach because of sin, humans can not pray directly to Jehovah but all prayer is addressed to The Father through the son.  They say Jesus did not receive the holy spirit until his baptism.  The question is then how were the prayers of God believers heard before then?

The JWs teach that 1 Timothy 3:16 "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial" means every one of them.  I ask if perhaps all means as it pictures God's Word as a whole thing, like a forest is a whole thing, and not that each scripture is like each thing in a forest but the scriptures are liken to the forest itself.

Another question came from the belief that to be saved a person must be "fed" by the faithful and discreet slave who JWs believe is the governing body of JWs.
Bible scripture says"God is not far off from each one" (Acts 17:27).  Is God not able to feed* people who love God?

* Feed as in tell the truth to.  JWs equate truth to food.

How does the faithful and discreet slave know for sure 1 Cor 1:10 says speak the same as they do and NOT speak Jesus? Do you know what to speak Jesus means? 

It puts religious leaders at an advantage translating it "speak the same". If it was translated "speak Jesus in everything" it would certainly put Jesus at an advantage over the princes whom God says "do NOT trust them for your salvation". Can You trust Jesus for your salvation? It is what 1 Cor 1:10 means. 

Has anyone heard from Jesus or Jehovah about who is being true to Jesus and Jehovah?

Another one.  There is a man on forum who says it is not the governing body he obeys (but it is clear he obeys it) but that he obeys God's word.  He also said the Bible is not a book of rules. So I asked him then why do your people make it so? And I know as best as I can he would say they are not his people.  So I asked him if they are not your people why do you keep trying to make them our people? That won't get answered.  It is a sure bet. 

]How will Jehovah's Witnesses be led after the faithful and discreet slave is gone?  And why can't people be led that way NOW?

Why would James at James 4:8 write about making money with business if it is true what the Bible says about money?   All Christianity preaches James says " do not say I will go to a town to do business and make profit for a year, when you do not know what tomorrow will bring".  All Christianity?  Yes, it is in every Bible.  I am not saying it should not be in every Bible. I am saying it does not mean business and profit.  It means working God's works and adding disciples.

Is it possible for a person to hear from Jesus Christ?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Brenda for a memory

Sisters?  No!  Mother and daughter.
Debra?  No but it does end the same (doesn't it?)
"I don't go out much (but I've done a lot of things)"
Karma?  No, I've never met her but I live here too.
It's been a long time my hair was up in a ponytail
Now it is short after three cuts.
Thinking "three cuts, how many did you pay for?"
Didn't say it.
I am sure the answer is one.
"Do you go back to the same dresser (since then)?
Yes, sometimes I can't wait three weeks and I cut it myself.
Did you cut it?
But I forget the answer.

That is my poem

Monday, August 4, 2014

It is not possible

It is not possible to share the Bible with reasonable people for it to lead them along with Jesus if it is UNREASONABLE.


There are two mistakes in the Bible that I have posted a lot about that I think DO make a difference.

They say Jesus said to make disciples.  The making of disciples is a life changing occupation.  The one making disciples must live for it and the one being made must change for it.  Most people will never make-over another person to be for Jesus so why would Jesus command it?  Also he never told us HOW to do it. Some people feel less of a disciple if they can't make more disciples.  Their focus is on making others love God when it should be on loving God.  Also it puts everyone on the same job.  All the parts of a body are not for the same job.  The JWs are ALL about making other people into JWs because they believe Jesus said make them.

He said "Having gone therefore disciple the nations".  People believing him were to do what he did.  What was it?   God's will, whatever it is for that person.

The other important one that is wrong is they have Jesus saying "take care you are not misled".  Misled?  By whom?  Yourself?  If you are following Jesus' lead who should you beware?  JESUS?????  Are we to be making Jesus into a leader who doesn't mislead?  Or are we who wish to teach about Jesus to be careful not to be wrong?  Of course!

They make the Bible about how not to be wrong.  Jesus is about how not to be wrong.  Untruths are wrong.  Truth in Jesus is right.  Truth can't mislead but by their saying "see that you are not misled" apparently it can.  He would never have said it.  What makes more sense, that would carry the same idea is "Stay by me. Do not quit following me". But people have quit.  Even his beloved disciples did at first.  Were they not welome back?  They were.  So he said "take care you do not mislead".

It is possible to mislead in the name of Jesus Christ even if you, or I, believe we love him.  Even if we believe we love who teach.  In fact I can see the whole world has been misled.

Saying I am leader, do not be misled makes NO SENSE.  But all the Bibles say it. All of them?  I think so.

A conversation continues

[Dear Nancy]

If you have knowledge then fine. It makes me think most times, which is good. But I don't see what difference it makes. What do you think that most people do wrong that needs changing?
I mean in practical terms

Dear R.

When enough people agree that misunderstood scripture misleads but the Bible right leads (thought) then eventually it will be corrected....for future generations.  It takes many more than one person to change it.  If there is nothing wrong with it how can The Lord change it?  By magic perhaps?  The Lord Jesus can't use magic. It is against the law.

Another letter

[Dear Nancy] But that is a contradiction in terms. You say you do not go beyond what is written. Then you say, but what if it is changed..haha. You have to make up your mind. If you are saying you go with your own understanding, then so does everyone.

Dear R.,

I am not "going" anywhere.  I am reasoning from the scriptures.  If A is true then B can't be.  Jesus says "GOD IS LOVE".  The Bible though says LOVE can hate.  It is my "opinion" love can't hate.  People will say ""but the Bible says "love what is good but hate what is bad"". (Romans 12:9) That is not what it says.  It says 'Cling to what is good and have horror for what is bad.'

Which is exactly what I am doing.

The letters

[Dear Nancy] I think my eyes will have none of this today. They ache.

If you are saying that the church and JWs are wrong, as with all the others..... at one time I would have agreed. Now as I have said, I think there are different levels of reality. As such I can see them right and wrong at the same time.

Each person gets through their life. Many disagree on many things, yet they still survive. I see religion like that. There are different levels of Consciousness within God, we ALL fit in there somewhere. Consider for a moment your own position. What if you are wrong?
Everyone considers themselves right, do they not?  I would say that each one of us should be careful with how we judge others. God's will is greater than ours. To tease at a winkle is fine, but to smash it open with a hammer is not. We are all to be judged eventually.

You see life here as a test?* So do I. But we can all fail it, me, you, everyone. Even Paul did not consider himself innocent.

Dear R.  If the mistakes are in association with the words of the promise of God that the earth will stand forever and Abraham's seed will become like the sands of the seas or the stars of the heavens, then to let them pass is setting yourself up as God's enemy.  Do you care?

What if I am wrong?  Wrong about God is love?  Are you kidding?

All the Bibles and the Torah  too (probably) say "Jehovah hates"  "YHVH hates" "The Lord hates"  But what if it says that the doing of those things HATES Jehovah? Two different worlds?  You bet!  You are betting your soul on Jehovah hates.  I am betting my soul on God is love.

Yours truly,


*actually I had not mentioned the world as a test but the book I was proof reading as the test.  The test to evaluate my intelligence.  Paranoid?  Whatever!  I am smart enough to realize what is possible is possible.  

Monday, July 28, 2014

The kings of the North and the South

Even if the Bible is about real events the events described after Jesus are about events that happen in the unseen realm.  So the kings of the North and the South are not leaders of nations or nations but picture driving influences that are not of this world.  The world being politics.  The unseen being trends.

Friday, July 18, 2014


A blog

Blogs have no rules but you, if you have read mine, know I know that.   I do not know if I would read this blog if I wasn't me.  I know if I did read it, I would comment. Why?  I think no one should be left all by herself.  It's not nice.

Then, of course, I thought of Satan all by his self in a prison for a thousand years. If I knew how would I visit him?  Some people have not learned to think yet and those people might say I would.  I think I wouldn't.

It's locked from the top, anyway.  Haha

I can see so far there are [only] two kinds of people in the world.  One kind sees truth falsely and the other kind won't see it at all.

Now you are mad at me?  Do I think I can share without making someone mad? No, the evidence makes plain I cannot.  I hope I think it means God is on my side.

What to worry about?

Is it possible the very Planet of Earth shall someday respond somehow to The Mind of Humankind?  That is something to worry about.
Maybe you want to know what is the difference between the Planet Earth and the Planet of Earth?  Planet Earth is the sphere and everything on it.  The Planet of Earth is just the sphere.

I do believe every or at least almost every religious belief is a reflection, from clear to very distorted, of something real. I can not tell the future. I do not assume that because I can't, nobody can. But if they were really able to tell of future events because of somehow knowing them their visions of knowing are like belief in that they are distorted.  I don't see why distortion cannot be made clear.  Do you?

If Tribulation comes by way of the mind of humankind, it is not God doing it.  The Mind of Humankind says God will do it.  They are saying that.  Their saying that is the same as saying God is the mind.  God is not the mind.

How?  It is not easy to change the mind that is for destruction without destroying God for life.  In fact, my being a Christian, I know only one can do it and he is dead to the world.  Is he dead?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Might I propose?

I am not afraid to ask what it means. But that's another point I might get into another time but probably not.

I ask "Why six hundred, sixty, and six?"  And I got an answer (finally) but I don't know if it is right.  It sounds right.

First is 600.  Six should be first, but it isn't.  The hundred's place stands for an organization that is bigger than the next one which is only in the ten's place.  Oh new thought!  The sixty means fewer people but more influence because ten is the number of completeness in the Bible.  (please see link at end of this).  Six, of course being in the one's place means individuals.

I agree with scholars who say six is the number for human weakness and the manifestation of sin.  Picture it!  Six fingers on each hand is not desirable and six fingers in all is not desirable.

What 600 did caused 60 which is stumbling people.  Matthew 24:24

Six is a number that means something (understood) is wrong and/or something needing understanding is missing.

We are all under God, (even if your god is just time and now).  The self-belief of a righteous standing under God is the number 6.  [It is good to believe it is possible.] To settle on your own righteousness is the number six.

666 means three things with something in common.  What is the common denominator?

If I had someone

To talk to maybe what I have to say would eventually come out understandable. Like.  You know?  

Some times you do not like

The way I talk so you are not able to listen to any of it.  Isn't that interesting?  I should serve your likes and dislikes maybe?  Haha

Psalm 5:5

NWT old edition: No boasters may take their stand in front of your eyes, You do hate all those practicing what is hurtful.

NWT new edition: No arrogant person may stand in your presence.  You hate all those who behave wickedly.

From the Hebrew: not do stand foolish before [your] sight [you] hate all workers of iniquity.

shall not - present the self - shine - before - eyes (in the opinion of) - hate - whole - who work - unrighteousness (which leads to trouble then sorrow)

Those people who wish to shine (in their own opinion), they will not present themselves before (the) OPINION [of The Lord] ....

To hate every doer of trouble.....

Verse 6 From the Hebrew: .....shall destroy those who speak lies man the bloody and deceitful will abhor YHVH

The Bible is saying The God (WHO is the head of every person) HATES some people.  How many times in the New World Translation does Jehovah say he hates us?

Why won't some "wise man" come forth and say what was written is THEY hate YHVH?

If indeed Jehovah is the head of every person, man first, of course, why are we suppose to know Jehovah hates some of us?  Wouldn't it be practical to know some of us hate YHVH?

There's more.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Some one should care

If the Bible means something else than what everybody knows, what does it mean?

Has anyone reading my blog ever asked God for meaning?  

Bonkers is

I got called bonkers by a former Jehovah's Witnesses who is against everything Watchtower, except of course calling people who differ mentally diseased.

He is young and married and has just become a father.  They were Jehovah's Witnesses but he and his wife have left them.  He spends lots of time publishing and producing propaganda primarily to prove people of the governing body wrong.  He still reads their magazines.  He still listens to them.  Why, if you could talk, you might ask?  I posted on his YouTube channel that maybe he is wasting his time.  I knew when I said it there might be a backlash.  I thought "he might think I am siding with the governing body to have him stop".  So I said I am not, I just know there is no one who cares.  He said "what just sit back?" And I said I have posted 10,000 posts about their wrong version of Christ.  So he called me bonkers.

I am not certain no one is listening.  And even if no one is listening I have done what I can.  Who knows?  Maybe I am just a small (very, very small) beginning of something right. 

Friday, July 4, 2014


So sorry.  Just testing to see if the bold type is still activated.  And are you worried yet?


Under surveillance [a difficult word for sure!] for anything even the least bit remotely concerned with Armegeddon.  How cute!  Bored stiff, are you?

I think there was more to this post but I seem to have lost it.  Guess what I went to get?  I forget why.

There was a train of thought here somewhere.  I think I lost it.

I have no pictures of naked ladies.  But I'm not sorry.  Now I must figure out what I pressed.  I hte those bad angels.  Don't you?

Something to ponder

There is a forum that I post on.  I shall link it, if I remember.  On it there are some Jehovah's Witnesses.  There are things there called frubals.  They are a thumbs up for a post.  A post is a long or short comment submitted for publication on forum.  I do not know who owns the forum.  There are no thumbs down.  It is a nice place.

It seems the Jehovah's Witnesses on board will not allow themselves to frubal me. I have received only one Jehovah's Witness frubal and it was for a post on a thread about frubals.  I could check those facts but I am not gonna.  I know for sure there is only one.

Now a new lady of the Jehovah's Witness kind has entered the forum.  I thought she posted something really true so I frubaled it and threw in a friend request for good measure.  That was earlier.  She did not accept it.  It does not mean she won't.

There seems to be a dividing going on.  I will say for sure it isn't God doing it. Could I be wrong?  Ha, I might be.

Oh I remember!  How for god's sake?  It is in the editing that I saw it.  Here it is:

The Beast

Why did John number it?  Why did he number it three times?

The beast, the word, is related to another word which is trap.

To believe something that is not true is a trap.

The reason for believing might be related to the number six.

Have you not seen that they use their belief as a shield?

No one is allowed in to change their mind.

From where does the power come from for their shield?

They might say it is from God.

I say it is from their sixth finger.  Their sixth finger is on their other hand.  They do not obey the command of the Lord "do not let you right hand know what your left hand is doing".

Why though 6000 and 600?  They might picture organizations that use their sixth finger in concert.

If I am for Jesus my left hand holds his right hand because HE is being held by his left hand on God's right hand.  My right hand is for my neighbor.  But my neigbor is also at Jesus' right hand.

Jesus is not for sharing.  Harlots are for sharing.  (that is a little history lesson, that's all).

The number six signifies the knowing God through Jesus which can't be done so sets a trap for everyone trying.  God is known BY Jesus and Jesus can be known and that is the only way God is known.  It is true I might be wrong.  But a beast is never wrong. (edit: in his own opinion he is never wrong) Isn't it what makes him a beast?

Trying is work.  God draws people to Him on God's Sabbeth Day.

To be unraveling their mess of contraditions is to make them work on God's Sabbeth Day.  666 means work.

Monday, June 30, 2014

I am worried

What if the trend toward stupid goes too far?  What is too far?  It's bad enough already in my opinion.  How bad can it get?  


Here is a question to ponder.

Matthew 28:19

From the Greek:  Having gone - therefore - disciple - all - the - nations - baptizing - them - in - the - name - of the - Father - of the - son - and - of the- holy spirit

Matthew 28:20 teaching then to observe all things whatever I commanded you and behold! I with you am

They say it means You go!  But then he says "I am with you".  If you go and he is with you, he is following YOU.  Is that right?

Here is the question:  Is the verb "go" his going or your going?

You may say ""of course it means his going because if it means my going why would he say "therefore""?

What does my therefore going mean?


What do all the Bibles say?  All of them?  Yes, ALL of them.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Do not worry

It is because it is prophesied they would hate me.  They have to.  Isn't that interesting?

The Bible

I believe it but it must be reformed.  If it was indeed written by sons of God Almighty (and I believe it is because there is no reason not to believe it - do you have a special reason I do not know about?) then to hear it different than what it is saying is travesty.

This post is dedicated to the number 25.

There can not be a lonelier place

The loneliest place is on the Mount of Meggido.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Not all

The list of beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses that I believe are wrong and are able to get a disagreeing person disfellowshipped (excommunicated) are only going to cause the disfellowshipping if the person speaks of them and promotes his or her own opinion.

If you are a Jehovah's Witness and you tell your friend who is also one that it worries you a teaching of the governing body is wrong your friend will say "wait on Jehovah.   It will be corrected in God's due time".

This is the list

The reason why

If I am right (I believe I am) about the things Jesus said thus the things written that he didn't say, and they can't believe me, the reason why  they won't believe me is their God is power.  My God is love.

Someone who identifies himself as Jewish says Jesus can't be the Messiah because their Messiah brings in a reign of peace.  But how do his words work for peace if they are wrong?  How long have they been wrong?

Monday, June 9, 2014

I think it is cute

Someone seems to be interested in what I am saying.  I don't know if the view count is a fluke but it's cute never the less.  I would ask if there is something you would like me to write about but then you would have to comment.  It seems commenting to me is against Jehovah's law and satan's chaos which is really interesting.  Do you see the ring?  The funny thing about rings is if they are made well you can not find where each end meets.

It is not crazy talk.  A group (if you look this up in thesaurus you might find the word 'circle' included which I think is nice) of related things exist on a line and the line curls up to make a ring, I don't know why, so Jehovah's law and Satan's law exist NEXT to each other because the ends of the line meet up.  

Paul saying I do not permit a woman to teach

1 Timothy 2:9-15 is true.  But what does it mean I wonder?

It means Paul knew he accomplished his ministry fully and if men would abide by it there would be no need for a woman to teach them.  When he says she should be quiet and in all submission he means she should be at peace and not concerned about anything that might be amiss.  They made it about a woman's lack of freedom but it is about men's disobedience.  If they had been obedient to the good news of the Son of God like Paul was the congregation would not be lacking in anything. Women are naturally providers.  The Holy Spirit made that clear to Paul so HE wrote that his ministry left nothing lacking and I believe him.

So it isn't God, Jesus or Paul that says that about women.  It is Jesus' and Paul's ministry that say it.  Paul was imitating Christ in all things and wrote about it. Then men misconstrued it.  "Permit" means leaving room for misunderstanding. Paul did the best any human could do expressing the things he heard from Yeshua. When you hear him saying "women are not allowed to teach" it isn't Paul's fault. It's your fault. 


On the list is a post about the women liking the angels choosing them to make babies with.  This is a Watchtower teaching.  Not the magazine, the organization.  I saw the convention drama which says so.  Did you?

I think I might have just heard from one of the cloud of witnesses.  The message I heard goes something like this:  They think maybe they can overcome the satan by making the satan laugh it's self to  death?  

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The knowledge of Good and Bad

The Jehovah's Witnesses have made it apparant to me what it means.

It means the mechanism of the mind that decides if anything is good or bad.  For instance there is a man who is a former Jehovah's Witness and he is telling the truth, which is good, but because he has confessed to having left the worship of Jehovah behind him he is considered bad by Jehovah's Witnesses.  Maybe he has something to say to them that will help them but they can not listen to him because he does not obey the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.  He is marked bad by them.  He is not bad.

The mind decides something is bad it builds a wall between itself and that bad thing.  A mind might decide something is good, it follows it.

That is what the tree of the knowledge of good and bad did or does.

It lets the mind decide the judgement of things.

Did anyone see the video of the poor man fallen down and the rich man fallen down?  Which man was helped up?

Friday, June 6, 2014

A list

Teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses that are wrong in my opinion.

Parable of the wheat and weeds.  The wheat and the weeds means people.

Bad associations mean people.

Not forsaking the gathering together means people's bodies.

Jesus saying make disciples.  Oh!  More people.

Jesus saying "get away from me people."

Jesus saying "do not be misled people".

Love is not provoked instead of love does not provoke.

Armegeddon is a war between God and the sovereign nations.

Satan is a person.

The antichrist is a person.

Angels left their rightful place to become men to have sex with women.

The women liked it.

Angles are no longer allowed to make bodies to dwell in.

The thousand years are literally 1000 years.

The 144,000 are literal human bodies.

God's will is that You should obey not God, but the male elders of the congregation of God.

There's more I'm sure. I shall add to the list as I think of more.

The belief that Jesus came to start a new religion.

Jesus is marking people for destruction. ((Maybe this is impossible to believe knowing Jesus said "I came that they may have LIFE"?  Here is what the lady says (although I might be fooled into thinking she is a real Jehovah's Witness)) (post 329)

The sighing and groaning of the men described at Ezekiel 9:4 mean over the abominations of The World, not of the city in  which the hateful things are happening. (It is what Ezekiel is about.)

The other scrolls that will be open are new books. Revelation 20:12

"The making of many books is weariness to the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12) is not about the Watchtower Publishing Company.

Just when the nations are saying peace and security God shall cause their destruction.

A real cult is identified by it's leadership by only one man or woman.  Leadership by more than one person proves it isn't a cult.

They are about peace even as they go about telling everyone who is different they will surely die.

The best way to spend quality family time is serving the Watchtower.

College is a dangerous thing and a waste of time.

A meal and a medical treatment mean the same.

It is best to die than to live without the governing body's protection.

People who disagree with the above can expect the same judgement as an unrepentant Hitler.

It is possible the former Hitler will be your neighbor in Paradise.

It is OK to lie about anything if the truth might shed bad light on the organization.

Some people are better associations than other people.

You will have a better chance to be overlooked by the judgement of destruction if you are snug in the middle of God's organization.

God appointed an earthly organization.

How well you obey the many orders and prohibitions of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will determine your place in it.  And the better your place in it the more protection you will have.

Protection from what?  Jehovah.

Everlasting life is not about knowing God it is about taking in knowledge of God.

Only the governing body know God for real.

Matthew 24:48,49 does not, and never will, apply to the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Anyone dying before Jesus Christ died does not have a way to get to heaven because Jesus made the way to it.

It is possible Moses, Daniel and John the Baptist will be your neighbors in paradise but they must pass the test first.

What test is that?  I suppose it is the same test as now.   Will you bow the knee to the governing body or if they are not present because they are made new in heaven, will you bow the knee to their legacy?  I am personally sure they won't.  So they get gehenna.

Humankind's purpose on Earth is to avoid genenna at all costs.

The purpose of humankind is NOT to be kind.  I suppose the one language will get rid of kind in humankind.  Then it will be humansubmissive.

Jesus came to cause division and a sword against the people.  [His coming wasn't FOR that.  Division and a sword are a product of his coming, not the purpose of his coming]

It is the command of God that women should not teach brothers. [teaching brothers is a shame because why must a women wake them up? It's not fair]

When anyone becomes an apostate to the organization they are also considered an apostate to God and Jesus Christ.

Paul's words must be taken at face value.

If someone is already baptized to God (by the person's own choice, not babies) he or she must be baptized again to the organization.

People can be disfellowshipped by elders voting for it.

Disfellowshipping is different than excommunication.

Men should not have beards and women should not wear pants.

Obeying some of Israel's laws while ignoring others.

Forbidding tatoos.  (A law of Israel)

Mockers are ridiculars who are members of unbelieving nations.

The world is only as old as they say it is.

To be ridiculed is a sign they are in the truth.

Children should sit through many hours of theocratic instruction and remain quiet.

Exchanging presents is all right but never on Christmas.

All money donated to the Watchtower will be wisely spent for the promoting of the will of God and God is well pleased.

Proof God is backing the Watchtower is people reading their magazines and see all the buildings going up for meeting together!

Do not be found in a meeting place of false religion when Armageddon strikes.  It might cause Jehovah to let you die with them.

A person's worth is measured by their heart felt works for God's Kingdom.

Children must be trained in the way of the Watchtower.

An elder might be told to step down if he has not brought his children up for the Watchtower.

To disagree with the Watchtower is to be cut off from those familar with it.

God's Name will be sanctified by the people's obedience to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

A witness's clean car and yard will draw people to Jehovah.

It is good news that evil people cannot be punished in hell.

Harry Potter has the power to steal your soul.

[am I running out of things to disagree with them about?]

The love among themselves is proof they are for God.  The love among atheist isn't.

To be keeping the congregation clean of apostates takes priority over keeping it clean of the criminal element ie pedophiles.

That people enjoy their visits is proof they have the truth.

The good works of flesh make God love you more.

The Boy Scouts make boys into soldiers thus it is not allowed.

So the Girl Scouts are also not allowed.

Martial Arts practice is not allowed.  Just doing it for exercise and self control? NOT allowed.

Yoga discouraged.

Membership in the YMCA is not allowed.  You can go there to use the facilities but it's gambling with your own soul to be there.

Voting and military service is something God despises.  [So when all the good people refuse to vote and join the military all that is left are the bad people doing them.]

The Bible relating the story of Adam and Eve is history and

The tree of the knowledge of good and bad were real trees.

The Bible is all you need to draw close to God.

Matthew 24:45-47 is a prophesy not another one of Jesus teaching tools.

Jesus is present but only with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

The takeover of Babylon happened in 607 BCE.

Everything the Bible says about what happened is true history.

God keeps the organization orderly by means of the reporting of time spent in the public ministry.

Brothers can report time spent preaching at the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Women can not.

The true God tolerates the teaching of violence.

The good news of the kingdom is six men to obey.

The devil plans

The New World Translation is an original translation.

Jehovah will cause false religion to be destroyed.

All religion is false except the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.

If you leave the organization you will be fodder for Satan.

The Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is your  protector.

You must pray to God the Jehovah's Witness way for the will of the organization.

Baptism is for the organization.

Jesus' purpose right now is to oversee the preaching work.

Angels are for finding souls to convert to the Jehovah's Witness way.

The marking of the number 666 on people will be for real.  History.  It is not symbolic.

Jehovah will cause the Earth to be a paradise for Jehovah's Witnesses.

Jehovah caused the woman Mary to be pregnant with the angel Michael who left his original place in heaven to be born a man.

The Word, another name for the Son of God is a god.

There are many gods.

All the many gods except the word will be forgotten in paradise.

Paradise is only for workers of God's Kingdom and believers in the faithful and discreet slave.

The cover up of the child abuse scandal of the Catholic Church is different than the cover up of child abuse in the Jehovah's Witness organization.

For as long as "Jehovah" provides the means and ways to preach the good news, it will continue.

The leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses are not prophets so they can't be false prophets.

There will be an inhabitable Earth after Jesus gets rid of all wickedness.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not judge between sheep (who will be granted everlasting life) and goats (who will be destroyed). [What I mean is they DO judge but they say they don't and if someone will point out the lie they will be marked as, you know, satan]

Possible to know the real Jesus

How to know the real Jesus?  He is his words.  Measure his words against what love is.  Do it with the whole Bible.  Why not?  If it doesn't match it isn't what he said.

It is only after you admit you do not know what he said that you can discover what he really said.

Antichrist must come first.  The antichrist is what he didn't say.

2 Thess 2:3 from the Greek  no one you should deceive in not one way because if not shall have come the apostasy first* and shall have been revealed the man** of the lawlessness the son*** of the destruction.

*first does not mean in time.  It means in importance
** Definition
a man, human, mankind
NASB Translation
any (1), anyone (1), child (1), enemy* (1), everyone* (1), fellow (1), friend (1), human (5), human judgment (1), human relations (1), king* (1), Man (89), man (232), man's (8), mankind (5), men (164), men's (2), nobleman* (1), one* (3), others (4), people (13), people* (1), person (2), persons (1), self (4).
***equivalent to pupils (see τέκνον)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

What's the big deal?

Christ is for saving.  John 3:16,17 Thus indeed loved the theos the world that the son the only begotten he gave that the all the believing in him not should perish but might have life eternal.

Antichrist is the opposite of that.  They say antichrist is coming to the world and them that believe in The Christ will be saved.  I do not know that the Bible says that.

The command of The Christ was to disciple the nations and teach them.  Teach them what?  All the things he taught.  But they did not.  I am not expecting salvation.  I believe in him.  I know he will not forsake me.  But I can't see that salvation was ever guaranteed.

I said I cannot say what I think of Christianity on forum.  Someone said I could and encouraged me to say it.  I did not.  This is my private place where I am alone so I will say it here.    Christianity is the antichrist.

What does the Bible say?  It says the antichrist must come first.  The antichrist is everything but The Christ.  The believers in Jesus do not represent the true Jesus Christ.  He did not say "get away from me".  They say he will say it.  He is saying they are not including him in their works.*  They went after their own desire.  Jesus is for the desire of The Father.

*away from me means not with him.  Where two or more are gathered in the name of him he is there.  In the name of means integrity.  They thought it means their integrity but it is about the integrity of Jesus Christ.  They are assuming it.

Romans 3:4; Psalm 51:4

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Good point Jesus Christ

We were talking about the difference between being led astray and leading astray. The Friends of Jesus say he said that you should not be led astray.  But that is not his good point.

Luke 12:49 Fire I came to cast upon the earth and how I wish if already it be kindled.

His good point is that fire is a good thing unless it has gotten out of control.  When the fire gets out of control people flee.  He was telling them take care of the fire. A nice fire is for camping.  Do you think Jesus does not know about camping?

A camp fire is for friends to sit around to keep warm and to heat the water and to cook the food.

That is Jesus' good point.  His good point is there are two kinds of fire. Controlled fire (take care you do not mislead) and wild fire (take care you are not misled).

Why are they choosing the destructive power?  Aha!  They are for blueberries. (that is my good point- haha)

What?  China might not know we burn the fields of the weeds so the blueberries do not get choked.  Is it because the blueberries grow underground?  I should look it up.

I think Russia has blueberries.  I do not know why.  I think China does not.  I don't care about Mexico.  That is the satan's good point I think.

What's it called?  I think it is called a zoink.  I should look it up.  Oh good!  That is what it is.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Teach it any way you want

Jesus warned his listeners to heed what he was saying and to pay attention lest they teach it wrong and mislead anyone.

His disciples asked him "what is the sign?" He said "take head lest you lead astray" but they make him say "take head you are not led astray".  When I make YHVH my sheherd and make Jesus my teacher HOW would I be led astray?  Are YHVH and Jesus not good enough to keep me on my journey?  That is what "take heed you are not misled" means.

So is it all right to teach the sayings of Jesus any damn way you please?  What do you think?

What needs more attention?  Where you will go off to or what you will speak? Come on!

Luke 21:18,19....Then if you have not been misled not a hair of yours will perish, by your endurance you will gain your life.


Asking for a sign and Jesus knows what he says will be misconstrued.  So he says "take heed that you do not mislead"  The tongue is a fire and sets the whole woodland on fire.  When it is on fire people flee.  Flee who?  Flee Jesus.  Isn't that what they do?  Why do they flee the source of their life?  Do you know?

Monday, June 2, 2014

They are so very kind!

Once I blurted out on that nasty forum I use to post on that I hated them.  I hated them because there was no one there that wished to continue together to the mountain of YHVH.  I was sure of it because along with my many proposals for the reconsideration of what the holy ones really wrote for our benefit came total silence.  I am not exaggerating.  My posts were not once voted up, shared, or discussed rationally and that in my opinion is careless and irresponsible.  Now it continues another 10,000 posts and I just think I should say thanks to the Christian community that have bumped into me a little or a lot for dispelling the embarrassment that might have lingered in me.  I was right.  I think I am not wrong to hate people hating truth.  They are also opposed to reconciliation and that is very wrong too. Isn't it?

They are kind to keep ignoring me forever as I can die knowing that saying I hate you! was certainly warranted.  To hate all the notable citizens of the Christian Nation sounds crazy, and it probably is, but whose fault is it please?

If they want to scatter rotten seed forever the nations say LET THEM and leave them alone for goodness sake.

But they believe God is blessing them for their wicked deeds and that is to be hated imo.

OK Anyone following my blog, which I believe is none but I shall assume it is at least one, I am aware I had said I hate just three people.  That hate is different. Those three I think I can never forgive.  I have already forgiven the rest.  See the title?  I even call them kind.  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The question is; how is the wrong Christ the antichrist?

Will anyone believing in their own concept of Jesus Christ search out Jesus Christ the real Christ?  HOW?  If you believe you know Jesus Christ what more is there to do?

Is it possible that a person's concept of Jesus Christ is righteous?  They can't all be right.  

Is he suppose to come to them?  It is what they say will happen.  What more will he have with him than what he has already given us?

If he has not become known by most by his words he has already spoken what more will he bring?  Some say wings. (this refers to the oh god I forget the name) Some say judgement.  Some say new scrolls.  Once I said maybe the new scrolls of Revelation 20:12 mean real insight in what has been right in front of us the whole time.  It is new because now it is different.  And I was speaking to the wind in a storm.

Jehovah's Witnesses prove sin

Jesus Christ proved righteousness so all authority in Heaven and on Earth is his. Any Jehovah's Witness will tell you they serve the Watchtower's Jehovah to prove Satan a liar.  Most of the time lying is a sin.  Their job is to prove Satan's sin. What a strange way to waste time.  Isn't it?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mystery solved

Why would they risk everything to prove their righteous devotion?  It is because they think that by winning in the end (because they believe they will) they will not be guilty of not making disciples which in fact Jesus never said in the first place.

They are sticking to the Jesus they know because they are being taught Jesus wants more of them* souls.  If they forsake the Jesus they know then they will have failed. They can't fail so they stay.

* I mean more souls, not more devotion to righteousness. Teaching he wants more devotion to righteousness is true I think.  We are not doing enough.  How can anyone honestly say we are?

The Thread

The thread is about misleading teachings.  So I'm sorry for the title. But there would be no debate if there was not a true  message.  Right?  Can't you pretend? Haha I can.  I mean I do.  Right?

The debate:

An important message was tranmitted to The Earth (that's step one)
Someone wrote it down (step two)
Someone else misconstrued it (step three)
Taught it (step four)
People believed the misconstrued message (step five)
The original message was lost
The people believing the misconstrued message live by it (step six)
Them living by it causes restlessness in other people (step seven)
The restlessness causes a lot of bad feelings (step eight)
Bad feelings cause a reaction (step nine)
The reaction causes death (ten)

Who is responsible here?

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A sign

Jesus said you know how to interpret  the weather but you do not know how to interpret the signs of the times.  The national sovereigns indeed might do what the Jehovah's Witnesses say they will do but it is not the satan making them do it.  It's reason.

Good morning Nancy, You asked the other day, doesn't any Ex JW's want to talk scripture/ We'll i do.. I get up in the Mornings and read My Bible and Pray, sometimes in tongues...oops another point I will not debate , it is what it is. But I like to discuss , not so much in debate , lol you seem to have the market cornered in that anyway. Lol That can come in handy with the right situation tho but this morning i read in ex;14... wow, what a story.. I am sure You know it well... but, this time it hit me, just all about Him( LORD)(YHWH) which when You think about it everything is. Using Pharaoh like a puppet , knowing his folks would rebel before they knew it, read it like you can keep up with all the drama and then the climax of it all and Israel seen the great work that the LORD did upon the Egyptians and the People feared and Believed . Nancy I believe that He knows what He is doing, that it is all going to work out just like that, He will make a way for "His"to survive and for "His nots" not. just a Southern Girls take on it all, But Oh the Peace of it all.. Oh how good I sleep at night Nancy.. knowing Who I belong too.

 N.Hello! Good morning! I am not worried about The Lord or of God's purpose. It is all fine. I believe Jesus told his believers (Matthew 28:20) to teach the nations what is truth. It is not true he said "Make" disciples but that is what Christ "followers" are teaching. God is HE who makes it grow. It is not possible for a human being to make a disciple for Christ. And there are many other mistakes they are teaching. One big bad mistake they teach is there is the person of antichrist coming. Antichrist is the word for everything that is NOT Christ. And everything which is not for Christ is getting bigger and bigger. Jesus is the Way Truth and Life. Whenever they teach a big or a little lie about Jesus Christ they are on the side of antichrist. I am trying to pop the lie that an evil in the form of government is coming. The truth is all authority is given to Jesus Christ. And actually no one is helping me. Haha?

 N.Noone is even reading me to understand and of course then noone is sharing. How difficult a thing is it to vote up a post and share it? You are the first one of believers to vote up anything I have written. And I have written 20,000 posts on Youtube, forum. blog and here. My youngest daughter has voted up a post about it but she is an atheist the last time I knew. I have found "worldly" people value reason much more than "spiritual" people do. It's not an insult. It is a conclusion reached from much (too much) experience. Nobody cares. It seems to me that even you feel free to talk but not free to change your mind. (this is an observation - I do not know if it is true.)

D. Well, I have to say I enjoy reading Your posts, but, you are gonna have to talk a lot plainer than that if You are trying to change My mind on something... I think we agree!! Lol so glad You have a connection with atheist maybe that is Your Ministry field. I am sure the Holy Spirit will use us both as His vessel to teach and Minister... looking forward to another morning scripture 

 N.Do you think we agree the Bibles say "go make disciples" but that Jesus didn't really say that? What do you think Matthew 28:19 means please?

D.Do you believe the Bible is the word of God?

N.I believe Jesus is the Word of God. The transcribed word about God is what leads us to Jesus. Jesus in turn leads us to God. But the transcribed word we call the Bible is not unleavened. Jesus Christ is the pure unleavened bread.....he is a man, not a book

D. But You Believe that Jesus Christ is the Only way , that He died on a cross and Rose again and through Him We are saved ?.....just getting it figured 28;19 is pretty self explanatory .

N. I think you might be putting too much importance in the article he died on. I beleive Jesus is th eonly way. I believed he died like the scriptures say he did, I believe he rose and through him the world is saved..... matt 28;19 is pretty self explanatory"WHAT? So we do not agree like you said. Are we to make disciples OR be disciples? Which one?

D.Ok we are cool;)

N.Oh goody!.....Please see the question above. Thank you (is it make disciples or be disciples?)


N. I beleive the last thing Jesus said on Earth was....I am going therefore disciple the nations teaching them what I taught you.....OK. So he said make disciples for sure (self expalinitory). Ask your Jesus what he thinks of all the bloodshed caused by all the people going forth to make disciples FOR HIM'

D.Be blessed ps 34;14

N. I shall not seek peace in error. Why would you please?.....Lies are the devil's weapon. Why are you hitting me with those?.... Your peace first I guess..... A disciple of Jesus what he told us to do speaks the truth. BOTH? Where did he say "be a disciple"?.....If it is so very obvious he would have said go be a disciple of mine making more disciples for me*

D. Nancy,You are of Satan the devil I rebuke in the name of Jesus Christ , Do not contact me again, I see You are a trouble maker I am not hitting You , I will Block You. end of Contact. I am being nice and You are starting trouble . Now You know why the lady yesterday rebuked You. see a Psychiatrist.

*What I was really thinking was not comprehesible by me and most likely not printable.