Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's about a dog

My husband and I got frustrated with each other this morning.  I strongly suspect he will forget it if I never bring it up.  The next time I talk to him and I won't be ruffled he will assume there is nothing wrong.  What's wrong?  I shall tell you.

We have a dog.  I love the dog OK.  He adores the dog.  That is a problem I let lie, this is a brand new problem.  It is my neighbor.  She has let me know and kindly the dog's morning barking disturbs her sleep.

I will tell  you about what I know about my neighbor.  She is a good person and I am sure she would not complain about anything if it was not important.  She is having a rough time presently.  She has a benign tumor that needs removing.  It is behind her uterus.  She is young and wishes sometime she might have children.  Her husband is away at work for long periods of time.  She has trouble sleeping and I understand why.

We have a dog that gets out of the house.  She gets off her leash.  She even quite easily gets out of her body leash.  Our town has a ordinance which says it is unlawful for an animal to roam "at large".  The only way I have imagined to keep her not at large is to have a cage with a top on it.  Which reminds me.  She knows how to climb chain links.  I have not seen her climb a chain link fence but the rescue man who kept her said she needed a chain link that goes up to the ceiling of the building.

We do not put her in a chain link box.  I have never told my man we should.  My man says she will bark even when she is chained but I do not agree with 100%.  It is not a fight worth fighting that is why I am writing.

I am having an attack of the giggles.  I should probably write the rest later.

It is later.  We put lever handles on our doors.  The garage door has a lever handle.  The dog soon learned she can let herself out and she does.  Every morning she lets herself out.  My neighbor has known that the dog lets herself out.  That is how the husband/wife thing started.  I knew about my neighbor's  sleeping problem.  Then once last week she told me she had had a bad night and was just getting sleepy when the dog started barking.  She suggested we get our lever handles replaced with knobs.  One of the best things about the design of our house is the lever handles and I told her so.  We sometimes put a chair in front of the door to keep the dog in. That is what my post is about the chair and when is a good time to let out the dog.

We have other neighbors too and they have said they do not like the dog's bark either.  I do not know them as they are not nearby.  To my knowledge they have not complained often, just once I've heard.

My dog is a hound.  I mean our dog.  Whenever she catches a scent she goes after it barking loudly.  It has bothered me too but I do not have trouble sleeping.

This morning is Sunday.  People sometimes sleep in on Sunday.  My husband seems to think (honey if you ever read this notice how I said "seems") that peaceful sleeping after 9:00am in not an option.  He is an early riser so then, if someone wants to sleep till 10:00 or my god even later, it's their problem and no one else's. That is not what ruffled me either.  It's kind of dumb/funny.  Oh....bite me!

When he got back this Sunday morning from his regular Sunday morning outing I told him I had thought of letting out the dog at 9:30 but changed my mind for 10:00.  Sometimes his outings take longer than today.  He said he came right back this time not to let the dog out but because my brother-in-law who is our other neighbor and who goes with him Sunday mornings is he who wanted to come right back.  And I believe him.

It was obvious my husband was agitated.  He hates when I get agitated and lets me know each time that I am but that is not what this is about either.

What this is about is the proper time a barking dog should be allowed out to bark.  (the funny thing is when she finally went out at 9:40am she was done with wanting to bark.)  I had let her out at 8:00am on a leash to pee and to poop but after she peed and before she would poop she caught a scent.  So I took her quickly in after barking just three times over the ice.  I did not fall down.

The thing that has me riled is my husband made it about me.  I had told him that I was considering 9:30 as a decent time to let the dog out.  But he insisted that because I  had said 10:00am is a reasonable time that is what time it must be.  Did he hear me say I do not know if after nine is good enough?  No he he did not.  So instead of making the whole thing about being fair to the neighbors he made it about surrendering to me.  So I explained to him I did not decide the 10am thing for me, but for the neighbors who sleep in that late.  The conclusion of this matter is only that people should know 10:00am is too late to sleep in.

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