Monday, August 15, 2011

The Letter

I wrote a letter to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I said I was fine with all but the one about thinking the same.
The unnecessary  list of things is archived I'm sure, I don't have them
in front of me.  Not unnecessary to contemplate but to study.
My contention began at the congregation level.
I got in trouble, and the brothers had to deal with it.
I got in trouble with the wrong person.
They might have put it all behind with just an apology.
But I was being a little or a lot self righteous about
procedure.  They didn't like that.  You do know I'm
female?  How they handled it was BIZARRE.  I do know
that the Almighty True God is not bizarre, I'm sure of it.
But the Jehovah's Witnesses are they not suppose to
demonstrate by their actions that they know Him?  I believed
that.  They dropped the ball.  So I'm thinking "if they all
dropped the ball, then I wonder what them who have appointed
them who dropped the ball are doing".  Well, I became
keen way beyond what was usual.  I was looking for
The Spiritual Paradise in the "spiritual paradise".
I can't explain what I saw, but it wasn't of this world
me thinks.  But I did not hear too much wisdom so I wrote
a letter.  I do not know if the letter ever got to the Governing Body.
They did not answer the letter.  Oh, by the way, just to be very careful
I did not ask questions.  I told them three things.  One was I can't
have the same mind.  The other things, fine, but not the one mind thing.
there was a list to do at the convention.  I don't know if I have a point
because I usually don't say too much, so if I had a point, it's gone now.
Maybe I'll think of something later.
The other two things for later or not at all.

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