Thursday, July 19, 2012

Matthew 16:25

Dear B*****e, 
I am stumbled?  
You say "if the Elders did not take direction and teaching from the 
> governing body, then their teachings would have to come from somewhere 
> else".  

But where does the teaching that the Governing Body is occupied with 
come from?  Who is your intermediary? Whenever you do anything religious
it is for the name of Jehovah's Witnesses.   What about God's Name?  
What about asking for Holy Spirit in Jesus name?  John 14:14  
Jesus said "my sheep listen to MY VOICE".  John 10:27 
You are listening to the voice of the Governing Body.  
I believe it is you who is stumbled.   
Jesus warned "he who would save his soul will LOSE it"  Matthew 16:25.  
You go door to door telling people how they will be SAVED by siding 
with Jehovah's Witnesses.  
But Jesus said he who would lose his soul for Jesus, 
(not for an organization), will find it.  You are sticking 
to the Governing Body because they tell you if 
you do not stay you will be LOST.  Jesus did not teach that.  
If you can prove scripturally that Jesus taught that 
I will go back on my knees to the Kingdom Hall.  In words not in pictures. 
(Noah, first century congregation, Nation of Israel).  Those are pictures 

of God's people cooperating.  Tell me where it says 
as a command that I am to obey men instead of God, please, 
and if you can do that I will try again to do it. 
Yours truly, 

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