Monday, April 28, 2014

The reason why

I know the reason why you who believe in The Bible your way do not want to believe me.

You have already placed yourself on the winning side.  You have already tasted victory.  In fact you have already drunk the blood of the slain. But the slain are slain because what Jesus taught never took hold.  Look at any Bible published and you will see the many errors.  But you do not want to see them.  If the errors be corrected then many of the people who in the past rejected it for the reason that it did not make sense, will embrace it.  But according to you, who believe the Bible your way, they are already slain and you have already drunk their blood.

The darkness of your heart is saying they should not win.  It is your self who should win.

Unless I am imagining this whole folly of Christ then it must be true you will stick to your error as I have not heard one word about even one small correction.

What will error get you?

You have already judged those to be in error (according to your believing in Jesus) to be worthy of DEATH.

If you are clinging to error (which I think I have proved you are) what are YOU worthy of?

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