Monday, April 28, 2014

Let us reason, shall we?

Many people believe the scripture by Peter that was written under the influence of The Holy Spirit says "in the last days ridiculers with their ridicule will come saying where is this promised presence of his..."

There are so many aspects to these words I doubt I can adequately cover them all fairly (and truely).

So here we have Peter writing about us, presumably. I learned this scripture means a prophesy.  (I don't know). I was taught Peter wrote truth which truth was delievered to him by the The Holy Spirit (I believe it and capitalizing it is moot, don't worry about it).

So the Holy Spirit WANTS us to know there will be ridiculers in "the last days". Have you ever wondered why? Peter might have given us a vision of the future that was upbuilding and happy.  Did he?  I think he did not.  I will have to read him again with a critical eye to find other visions he shared of this time we have here.

He sees a "picture" of our time (I say "our" because it is what people believe).  In the picture he sees, he mentions the ridiculers.  Does he mention believers in that vision he shares?  No.  Why not, do you think?

He is seeing it by the power of the holy spirit.  The Holy Spirit wants us to see the ridiculers in the scene, but not the believers.  Does that make any sense to You?

A second important point.  If the holy spirit speaks it is something important.  Why do you think it is important to know ridiculers who have almost always existed will still exist in "these last days"?  It isn't.

A third point.  If the holy spirit speaks, what is spoken WILL COME TRUE.  Why do you think God wants ridiculers to remain until the end?  And if God's will is that all men be saved, who are they that must act as ridiculers to fulfill the prophesy?  According to my understanding Christ is for the saving of the world. But there MUST be men and woman coming to ridicule him because what is written by the influence of holy spirit is true.

Another point please.  What does it mean that a person who is a ridiculer comes "with" ridicule?  That does not make sense either.

But I believe Peter.  There will come ridiculers WITH their ridicule.  How to make sense of it?

What is law?  Law is what the Israelites were to live by.  When they entered a territory they came WITH the law.

Now when so many Christians go about their business they go about it WITH the law.  A Christian is identified by what she or he IS WITH.   How do I know this? A Chritian is a Christian because of believing.  Believing is able to come and go. So a person who believes is considered by Peter with something.

Whenever you discover why The Holy Spirit wants me to believe in ridiculers coming, please share it with me so that I might be corrected.

Thank you for reading.

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