And encourage them in their lies. They are not lying? Either I am or they are.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Another stupid error.
I hate the superfine apostles I really do. Hebrews 10:24,25 (NWT) And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works. Not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.
Define encourage - give support confidence or hope to.
The word is parakalountes NOT symparaklethenia which is the cross reference at Romans 1:12 for Hebrews 10:25
To sympathize with someone means you hear their testimony and their trouble and you share friendly fellow feeling with them. That is what most Bibles say is also at Hebrews 10:25. Why isn't it the same word then?
Hebrews 10:24 does not mean share like Romans 1:12 does. It means to implore. It is a verb used to encourage a person to do what they are not doing, not what they are doing like so very many people believe.
People use this scripture for a pep rally. It isn't about making others feel good about what they are doing and what they believe. It's the opposite of that.
What are they not doing? They are not seeking truth. Nobody cares that so much of understanding is not pleasing God. It is misleading them. If a message comes through distorted is it the message still?
I will tell you why I am writing this. I'm thinking nobody is doing that to me. They are doing neither actually, for the most part. They are not encouraging me to do what I'm doing and they are not imploying me for correction if I am wrong. So I was thinking, what if anybody did get contentious with me? Isn't silence better than that? NO! Not according to Hebrews 10:25. It is your job as a Christian to correct me if I am wrong. You are doing neither so either way you are disobeying Hebrews 10:25, unless I am right.
It is not logical that I should believe I am wrong just because I am the only one that thinks it. Someone thought what you believe first and now you believe it. And since the whole world lies in the power of the evil one it is very probably true you believe something that is not true. Must I admit it too? Nobody is asking me to. Actually very very very few people will even talk to me.
By the way you can be able to tell what the evil one does if you are a searcher of truth like me. What is the power of the evil one in which everyone lies under? Lies. The evil one lies. If you are a Bible believer which says the power of the evil one fills the air you just have to admit you must be wrong about something. Do you want me to say it? I'll say it. I believe something I hold is true must be wrong too. Happy? Is happy a troll thought? I must have that disease like Dr. Temperance Brennan has.
Nobody likes me. Is it because I am unlikable? Oh God.
By the way you can be able to tell what the evil one does if you are a searcher of truth like me. What is the power of the evil one in which everyone lies under? Lies. The evil one lies. If you are a Bible believer which says the power of the evil one fills the air you just have to admit you must be wrong about something. Do you want me to say it? I'll say it. I believe something I hold is true must be wrong too. Happy? Is happy a troll thought? I must have that disease like Dr. Temperance Brennan has.
Nobody likes me. Is it because I am unlikable? Oh God.
Friday, August 30, 2013
They are saying it
Jehovah's Witnesses say that if you join them you will enjoy peace with them. You will even learn peaceful relations with your enemy. They say that God will protect you from eternal destruction if you obey God and God's appointed representative, the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Protection from eternal destruction is called security.
In what way does saying peace and security relate to ruin? Well, one must enter the organization to enjoy peace and security. It is reminiscant of the city they built in the land of Shinar with a tower that reached to the lofty sky. Is there anyone puttng on lofty better than the Jehovah's Witnesses?
When a follower of Christ Jesus enters the city he no longer is a follower of Jesus but is now a followerer of The Watchtower. Being dedicated to a man made organization ruins ones prospect of succeeding in seeking Jehovah seeking righteouness seeking meekness. Zephaniah1:2
God's command to Adam was to subdue the Earth by becoming many by filling the Earth. Genesis 1:28* Jehovah's Witnesses teach this will occur later after the nations are destroyed by God and they won't subdue the Earth God will do it.
*Later Jesus repeated this as written in Matthew 28:19 where it is said to GO! disciple the nations baptising them in the name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit.
In what way does saying peace and security relate to ruin? Well, one must enter the organization to enjoy peace and security. It is reminiscant of the city they built in the land of Shinar with a tower that reached to the lofty sky. Is there anyone puttng on lofty better than the Jehovah's Witnesses?
When a follower of Christ Jesus enters the city he no longer is a follower of Jesus but is now a followerer of The Watchtower. Being dedicated to a man made organization ruins ones prospect of succeeding in seeking Jehovah seeking righteouness seeking meekness. Zephaniah1:2
God's command to Adam was to subdue the Earth by becoming many by filling the Earth. Genesis 1:28* Jehovah's Witnesses teach this will occur later after the nations are destroyed by God and they won't subdue the Earth God will do it.
*Later Jesus repeated this as written in Matthew 28:19 where it is said to GO! disciple the nations baptising them in the name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit.
I might as well repeat myself
Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the cry of peace and security will come from the nations and then God will destroy them.
from the Greek:
1 Thesalonians 5:3 for when they say peace and security then suddenly comes upon them destruction as the labor pains to her in womb is having and no not shall they escape.
Destruction is from the root word ruin. As a matter of fact it is also used at 1 Timothy 6:9 where it says from the Greek;
those moreover desiring to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and desires many unwise and hurtful which sink the men into ruin and destruction.
If you were asked which word in 1 Thesalonians 5:3 is the same as in 1 Timothy 6:9 the right answer would be what is underlines "destruction". You would be wrong.
If the word used at 1 Thesalonians 5:3 was written destruction as it is in 1 Timothy 6:9 thay might be right that it means the end of a person or thing.
My reference say destruction (as in 1 Thess 5:3) does not imply extinction (annihilation) as the Jehovah's Witnesses teach it means, rather it means the consequent loss that goes with the complete undoing.
What have they undone? Simplicity. They are certainly not alone in undoing simplicity. I know them so it is of them I speak.
I see very little in prophesy that promises peace and nothing that promises security. But they say it does say it.
What does sudden mean? I think sudden means no chance of aquittal. It doesn't mean swift. Doesn't it mean no time between the edict and the execution? I think that is what suddenly means.
Why? The answer lies in the word that was changed. The translation says it means they will not escape. But it means to flee. They will not flee. I know why they won't flee.
Those fleeing Sodom escaped with their lives. But those who did not flee were destroyed. It is about fleeing, not escaping.
from the Greek:
1 Thesalonians 5:3 for when they say peace and security then suddenly comes upon them destruction as the labor pains to her in womb is having and no not shall they escape.
Destruction is from the root word ruin. As a matter of fact it is also used at 1 Timothy 6:9 where it says from the Greek;
those moreover desiring to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and desires many unwise and hurtful which sink the men into ruin and destruction.
If you were asked which word in 1 Thesalonians 5:3 is the same as in 1 Timothy 6:9 the right answer would be what is underlines "destruction". You would be wrong.
If the word used at 1 Thesalonians 5:3 was written destruction as it is in 1 Timothy 6:9 thay might be right that it means the end of a person or thing.
My reference say destruction (as in 1 Thess 5:3) does not imply extinction (annihilation) as the Jehovah's Witnesses teach it means, rather it means the consequent loss that goes with the complete undoing.
What have they undone? Simplicity. They are certainly not alone in undoing simplicity. I know them so it is of them I speak.
I see very little in prophesy that promises peace and nothing that promises security. But they say it does say it.
What does sudden mean? I think sudden means no chance of aquittal. It doesn't mean swift. Doesn't it mean no time between the edict and the execution? I think that is what suddenly means.
Why? The answer lies in the word that was changed. The translation says it means they will not escape. But it means to flee. They will not flee. I know why they won't flee.
Those fleeing Sodom escaped with their lives. But those who did not flee were destroyed. It is about fleeing, not escaping.
Someone someday
Might wonder why, if it's true they are wrong, they won't change their mind. They have to want it. If they beieve they have it they cannot want it. They believe they have it.
Matthew 23:37
....(Jesus saying) I would have gathered you together but you did not want it.
They must humble themselves and admit they don't know what they don't know. I do not know why they won't or can't.
Someone talked about a mind filter on YouTube. It is something the mind does to information. I don't think I have that, that might be the reason I am different.
Matthew 23:37
....(Jesus saying) I would have gathered you together but you did not want it.
They must humble themselves and admit they don't know what they don't know. I do not know why they won't or can't.
Someone talked about a mind filter on YouTube. It is something the mind does to information. I don't think I have that, that might be the reason I am different.
Here's the thing
Someone sometime said what certain scriptures mean and you believe him or her (but probably not her). Right? If you believe it, you believe it your certain way. Somewhere in the past each scripture was written down it's own unique way and you believe it YOUR way. You do not believe it my way. Is it because you know I am wrong? How do you know if I am right or wrong? Do you know I am wrong the same way you know you are right? That's fair, but be sure to consider carefully the original writitng or you will be guilty of doing somethiung then that you won't do now. You probably don't understand what I just said. My husband said saying things like that is what results in the troll moniker. People believe I am a troll and that is OK by me. Someone on forum said he thought I am more than one person. I am physically only one person. Mentally one I do not know. I shall leave out the comma for two good reasons. One is I like it that way ansd two is I do not know if a comma belongs there or not. Are you reading this in Russian? Or Polish, maybe? I think Poland is new. Africa has not arrived yet but they're working on it.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Least or last? Matthew 25:40
Matthew 25:40 The King wiill say truely I say to you, to the extent you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
Might least have been changed from the original last?
Here they are in Greek thanks to Strong's 1646 and 2078
Jesus as the good shepherd is last. Is he not? We are here to help one another to accomplish God's will on Earth, are we not?
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to relieve orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Jesus promises that he will not lose a single one so it is our duty to work towards that goal. If we do not do good to the last one it is the same as not doing good to Jesus as Jesus is behind the last one.
To believe it means "least" is promoting class distinctions which is so obviously against God's law.
Might least have been changed from the original last?
Here they are in Greek thanks to Strong's 1646 and 2078
Jesus as the good shepherd is last. Is he not? We are here to help one another to accomplish God's will on Earth, are we not?
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to relieve orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Jesus promises that he will not lose a single one so it is our duty to work towards that goal. If we do not do good to the last one it is the same as not doing good to Jesus as Jesus is behind the last one.
To believe it means "least" is promoting class distinctions which is so obviously against God's law.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Every eye will see him Revelation 1:7
People have said that this means all people will see the person of Jesus who has come back.
What did Jesus do? He set the standard of judgement, didn't he? Either believe him for the forgiveness of sins or die in your sins. Two choices which means two destinations. Matthew 25:31-46 this; [I]Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.[/I] or this;[I] Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.[/I]
Pronouns are not to be made known to the casual listener in Hebrew. Does anyone want to dispute that? So the word rendered him can mean "It" or what he accomplished which is Judgement. It=the judgement. The pronoun autos does not mean the person of Christ. It means the power of Christ or "it".
Jesus did not come to the earth to be himself. Does anyone want to dispute that?
So Jesus means what he did do. What did he do? He made the way for the forgiveness of sins. When a person's sins are forgiven they KNOW it. When a person denies he sins he is lying. When a person will not accept the kindness of God for the forgiveness of sins she dies.
I propose that "every eye will see him" means they will become aware of his or her judgement [U]according to God's glorious throne[/U].
Why not look up the Greek word rendered "when". People assume when means a specific time that all will become aware. But that is not what it says. The word when at Matthew 25:31 means whenever or more specifically "when the conditions are met" which means it can be anytime. People who have been truely born again know that imo. Is it not so?
What did Jesus do? He set the standard of judgement, didn't he? Either believe him for the forgiveness of sins or die in your sins. Two choices which means two destinations. Matthew 25:31-46 this; [I]Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.[/I] or this;[I] Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.[/I]
Pronouns are not to be made known to the casual listener in Hebrew. Does anyone want to dispute that? So the word rendered him can mean "It" or what he accomplished which is Judgement. It=the judgement. The pronoun autos does not mean the person of Christ. It means the power of Christ or "it".
Jesus did not come to the earth to be himself. Does anyone want to dispute that?
So Jesus means what he did do. What did he do? He made the way for the forgiveness of sins. When a person's sins are forgiven they KNOW it. When a person denies he sins he is lying. When a person will not accept the kindness of God for the forgiveness of sins she dies.
I propose that "every eye will see him" means they will become aware of his or her judgement [U]according to God's glorious throne[/U].
Why not look up the Greek word rendered "when". People assume when means a specific time that all will become aware. But that is not what it says. The word when at Matthew 25:31 means whenever or more specifically "when the conditions are met" which means it can be anytime. People who have been truely born again know that imo. Is it not so?
Friday, August 23, 2013
I think I know
Is the reason why people won't talk to me because they think I am kidding? I don't know. Am I?
If that was the only reason it would be amazing, wouldn't it? It would be amazing. It would prove something, I think.
If that was the only reason it would be amazing, wouldn't it? It would be amazing. It would prove something, I think.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
C. H. Spurgeon
August 22
Wrath to God's Glory
Surely the wrath of man shall raise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain. (Psalm 76:10)
Wicked men will be wrathful. Their anger we must endure as the badge of our calling, the token of our separation from them: if we were of the world, the world would love its own. Our comfort is that the wrath of man shall be made to redound to the glory of God. When in their wrath the wicked crucified the Son of God they were unwittingly fulfilling the divine purpose, and in a thousand cases the willfulness of the ungodly is doing the same. They think themselves free, but like convicts in chains they are unconsciously working out the decrees of the Almighty.
The devices of the wicked are overruled for their defeat. They act in a suicidal way and baffle their own plottings. Nothing will come of their wrath which can do us real harm. When they burned the martyrs, the smoke which blew from the stake sickened men of popery more than anything else.
Meanwhile, the Lord has a muzzle and a chain for bears. He restrains the more furious wrath of the enemy. He is like a miller who holds back the mass of the water in the stream, and what He does allow to flow He uses for the turning of His wheel. Let us not sigh, but sing. All is well, however hard the wind blows.
Psalm 76:10
when wrath man to throw remnant wrath will gird
Does this mean the Man's wrath will cause humankind to be cast down but a remant will wear the wrath?
But the Bible says it this is because praise is translated from "use the hand" or "cast out".
Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.
Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon.
Even human wrath will praise You; You will clothe Yourself with their remaining wrath.
Certainly your angry judgment upon men will bring you praise; you reveal your anger in full measure.
Because the counsel of man will praise you and the remainder of his anger you will take away.
Even angry mortals will praise you. You will wear the remainder of [their] anger.
Does this mean the Man's wrath will cause humankind to be cast down but a remant will wear the wrath?
But the Bible says it this is because praise is translated from "use the hand" or "cast out".
Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.
Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon.
Even human wrath will praise You; You will clothe Yourself with their remaining wrath.
Certainly your angry judgment upon men will bring you praise; you reveal your anger in full measure.
Because the counsel of man will praise you and the remainder of his anger you will take away.
Even angry mortals will praise you. You will wear the remainder of [their] anger.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Acts 14:21
Having declared the good news to that city (Derby) and having discipled sufficient they returned to Lustra.
Bibles say it means they made many or "quite a few" disciples (NWT).
Doesn't discipled carry the meaning of having acomplished the will of the Father and saw, learned and spoke what they would and could as followers and disciples The Lord?
Mark 13:37 is the best that I can find that is truely representing what 'disciple' the verb means.
What I say to you I say to all WATCH
Bibles say it means they made many or "quite a few" disciples (NWT).
Doesn't discipled carry the meaning of having acomplished the will of the Father and saw, learned and spoke what they would and could as followers and disciples The Lord?
Mark 13:37 is the best that I can find that is truely representing what 'disciple' the verb means.
What I say to you I say to all WATCH
Make disciples or be disciples?
The Jehovah's Witnesses claim their understanding of the bible is the best one and is closest to the authors' meaning. These are the words I found at Bible Hub by Biblos, transliterated into English from the Greek -
Having gone
all the nations
of the
of the
of the
The Greek word translated disciple is a verb.
This is how The King James Version reads; go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost
The New World Translation says "go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
So they have added - and make of people of
But the word disciple is a verb. Strong's 3100 disciple means to become a pupil. So the Watchtower is in the business of making people pupils. It is one huge leap to make disciple the verb into disciple the noun, isn't it? So they get around that by adding "make". Other Bibles do it too. Some don't. I think the ones that don't are more respectful to the author.
Jesus didn't make disciples. It is written that Jesus is a model to follow. To be persuading followers of Jesus to be making more followers of Jesus is to take them away from being a disciple because it is not possible to teach something that you haven't learned yet. To be a disciple means to learn.
It is right to obey "to preach" for some, not for others, but to teach them to follow Jesus isn't right.
We follow Jesus (Yehoshua) because we love him. Love cannot be taught. God is love.
Having gone
all the nations
of the
of the
of the
The Greek word translated disciple is a verb.
This is how The King James Version reads; go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost
The New World Translation says "go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
So they have added - and make of people of
But the word disciple is a verb. Strong's 3100 disciple means to become a pupil. So the Watchtower is in the business of making people pupils. It is one huge leap to make disciple the verb into disciple the noun, isn't it? So they get around that by adding "make". Other Bibles do it too. Some don't. I think the ones that don't are more respectful to the author.
Jesus didn't make disciples. It is written that Jesus is a model to follow. To be persuading followers of Jesus to be making more followers of Jesus is to take them away from being a disciple because it is not possible to teach something that you haven't learned yet. To be a disciple means to learn.
It is right to obey "to preach" for some, not for others, but to teach them to follow Jesus isn't right.
We follow Jesus (Yehoshua) because we love him. Love cannot be taught. God is love.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
I might be scared out of my wits
Why? It is because I imagine I am doing something proper and good. But nobody else thinks so, do they? Seeing that I have got thanks one in maybe 100,000 and never have I been offered an apology, I wonder where I am. I can not imagine it is possible.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
I am not much for defending myself but I am inspired to do so today against the accusation that I am grinding my ax because someone hurt me.
I have been accused by any JW in the mood, of leaving the organization because of a personal reason. If you want to call a search for truth a personal reason, then they are right. But I don't think that's what they mean.
Doubt grew very early is my adventure with the witnesses. I must say that I did not dedicate myself to an organization. I knew my dedication was to God alone.
The first question I had (I was silent the whole time.......the time before I found my voice) was, what are they thinking saying forsake means missing a meeting? I knew Hebrew 25:10 does not mean what they say it means but I needed to pretend it did to be a good witness. I didn't miss meetings much. I think I went to every conventions and circuit assembly even missing all the outings my husband took the children on. I did go to Christmas though! Thanksgiving too! (I didn't get any presents, but I did sneak in a few for the kids - my husband doesn't know how to choose well)(Shut up!). (LOL).
The second curious puzzle I found seemed to come to me by magic. God knew I was questioning what He was doing. I thought if I looked up some history I might make it out was God was up to. There is a library at the Kingdom Hall. I looked in a book. I was just standing there and I picked out a book and opened to a page and read it. It said (I'm paraphrasing) the preaching work will continue as long as Jehovah provides the means. I did not need any inspiration to know it cannot truly be said Jehovah is providing the means. Then I knew there was something wrong.
It is wrong to claim divine intervention where there is no divine intervention. See what happened to Yehoshua. It is perhaps the greatest sin I think. Now I know I am in a place that isn't what it appears to be.
Why do I stay? I stayed because I felt the presence of YHVH in my life. I did not know what to do. One of the first great lessons of the Jehovah's Witnesses is to wait on Jehovah. That is what I did. While I was waiting, it occured to me that the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses is not loving. How so? We go door to door with a warning and if the person will not respond correctly they will die.
Another seed of doubt that grew in me was the truth about Mr. Rogers. I could not imagine a finer person than he but he wasn't a Jehovah's Witness. Why wasn't he a JW? If he was a JW would he still have a show? I don't know. It was he who got me thinking the best thing to happen to good people in this system who won't give up their lives to the society is die. It is true. The JWs teach that anyone alive when the judgement is here who have rejected God's representative will die. So why are we going house to house finding people who are afaid to die when I knew the scriptures say:
He who loves his own soul is not worthy of me
They do love death
He who will save his own soul will lose it
I also stayed thinking that there were others in the congregation like me who were hungry for the real truth that sets one free. So I did not leave. It was not obvious to me that anyone else had doubts. Doubts you learn to bury. There was one young sister who confessed to me her doubt about recording time spent in the ministry. I told her she is right. It is wrong.
Why is it wrong? It creates class distinctions. That was another contention I had. If two JWs are having a dispute the brothers will always favor the one who works more. I have never tested that, but I experienced it first hand and I think it almost always happens that way. That is not why I left even though all JWs on line assert that it is.
The reason why I finally left is the brothers told me face to face it is the govern body we obey. I know for sure it is Jehovah God I obey.
I have been accused by any JW in the mood, of leaving the organization because of a personal reason. If you want to call a search for truth a personal reason, then they are right. But I don't think that's what they mean.
Doubt grew very early is my adventure with the witnesses. I must say that I did not dedicate myself to an organization. I knew my dedication was to God alone.
The first question I had (I was silent the whole time.......the time before I found my voice) was, what are they thinking saying forsake means missing a meeting? I knew Hebrew 25:10 does not mean what they say it means but I needed to pretend it did to be a good witness. I didn't miss meetings much. I think I went to every conventions and circuit assembly even missing all the outings my husband took the children on. I did go to Christmas though! Thanksgiving too! (I didn't get any presents, but I did sneak in a few for the kids - my husband doesn't know how to choose well)(Shut up!). (LOL).
The second curious puzzle I found seemed to come to me by magic. God knew I was questioning what He was doing. I thought if I looked up some history I might make it out was God was up to. There is a library at the Kingdom Hall. I looked in a book. I was just standing there and I picked out a book and opened to a page and read it. It said (I'm paraphrasing) the preaching work will continue as long as Jehovah provides the means. I did not need any inspiration to know it cannot truly be said Jehovah is providing the means. Then I knew there was something wrong.
It is wrong to claim divine intervention where there is no divine intervention. See what happened to Yehoshua. It is perhaps the greatest sin I think. Now I know I am in a place that isn't what it appears to be.
Why do I stay? I stayed because I felt the presence of YHVH in my life. I did not know what to do. One of the first great lessons of the Jehovah's Witnesses is to wait on Jehovah. That is what I did. While I was waiting, it occured to me that the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses is not loving. How so? We go door to door with a warning and if the person will not respond correctly they will die.
Another seed of doubt that grew in me was the truth about Mr. Rogers. I could not imagine a finer person than he but he wasn't a Jehovah's Witness. Why wasn't he a JW? If he was a JW would he still have a show? I don't know. It was he who got me thinking the best thing to happen to good people in this system who won't give up their lives to the society is die. It is true. The JWs teach that anyone alive when the judgement is here who have rejected God's representative will die. So why are we going house to house finding people who are afaid to die when I knew the scriptures say:
He who loves his own soul is not worthy of me
They do love death
He who will save his own soul will lose it
I also stayed thinking that there were others in the congregation like me who were hungry for the real truth that sets one free. So I did not leave. It was not obvious to me that anyone else had doubts. Doubts you learn to bury. There was one young sister who confessed to me her doubt about recording time spent in the ministry. I told her she is right. It is wrong.
Why is it wrong? It creates class distinctions. That was another contention I had. If two JWs are having a dispute the brothers will always favor the one who works more. I have never tested that, but I experienced it first hand and I think it almost always happens that way. That is not why I left even though all JWs on line assert that it is.
The reason why I finally left is the brothers told me face to face it is the govern body we obey. I know for sure it is Jehovah God I obey.
Friday, August 9, 2013
I'm actually looking forward to it
I should be disfellowshipped. I have heard that people who talk against the governing body rules for Jehovah's Witnesses are disfellowshipped. Is anyone talking about more bad rules than I am? I do not know. So here I sit, retire, in my house, at my computer, alone most of the time, with not much to do but complain. I have tried to make friends. It's not working. Oh brother. Miss JJ on forum says see, you need to come back to us. I don't have a zombie picture to share. You think I am kidding?
I suspect that if it is decided I should be disfellowshipped I will be contacted about it. Is that what they do? I might be disfellowshipped but I have not heard. If and when I do hear about it, at least it will be someone talking to me. You know?
I suspect that if it is decided I should be disfellowshipped I will be contacted about it. Is that what they do? I might be disfellowshipped but I have not heard. If and when I do hear about it, at least it will be someone talking to me. You know?
Do you think I am sad?
I am not sad no one wants to talk to me. Actually it might make a good story.
STORY STORE is closed. Say what you will.
STORY STORE is closed. Say what you will.
They don't want to believe me
Because they do not want to be fooled again and everyone else just doesn't care.
If no one will believe some simple logic* what will they do when Jesus "gets back"?
*some simple logic is, forsake means to leave behind, so Hebrews 10:25 cannot possible be about missing meetings. No one believes me because they have their customs that they are familiar with. There is also no proof the scripture is about physically meeting together.
The scriptures are about God WHO is spiritual. God is a Spirit and those worshipping must worship in spirit and truth. Did he say they must also meet together? Where? Where did Christ say we must meet together? Nowhere. He said GO! disciple all the nations. Matthew 28:19
This is where the command to "not fear them" can be practiced......
Interesting. My post has been removed from forum. By the way this is where I do say "can I have salt with that please", just so you know, like you care. Sigh.
It is even more interesting that now I see my post is back up. Hey! What's going on here?
If no one will believe some simple logic* what will they do when Jesus "gets back"?
*some simple logic is, forsake means to leave behind, so Hebrews 10:25 cannot possible be about missing meetings. No one believes me because they have their customs that they are familiar with. There is also no proof the scripture is about physically meeting together.
The scriptures are about God WHO is spiritual. God is a Spirit and those worshipping must worship in spirit and truth. Did he say they must also meet together? Where? Where did Christ say we must meet together? Nowhere. He said GO! disciple all the nations. Matthew 28:19
This is where the command to "not fear them" can be practiced......
Interesting. My post has been removed from forum. By the way this is where I do say "can I have salt with that please", just so you know, like you care. Sigh.
It is even more interesting that now I see my post is back up. Hey! What's going on here?
Thursday, August 8, 2013
What are they protecting?
Whenever Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to see something at face value, what are they protecting?
Their peace and security. Actually their sense of peace and security. It's an illusion.
Their peace and security. Actually their sense of peace and security. It's an illusion.
I like this
Here is an example of just one gross lie that drives millions of people, not just JWs either. "do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together" Hebrews 10:25. It is being taught by Watchtower it means do not miss any meetings. How is missing a meeting forsaking anything? What it really means is what the man in the video is actually doing. When some people wake up to realize they are being made a subject for gehenna they don't give up. They keep enduring to gather with Christ.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
What's in a name?
A light bulb has flashed in my little head. People don't read my blog because of the name. I think it's funny and I'm not going to change it...... until, of course I hear from Heaven. Hahaha
For you few who read this I will tell you what it means. It isn't actually a bible study, but you knew that. It is a weak substitution, isn't it?
I forgot to google it to see where I am. Am I anywhere? I don't know.
I have had the thought "someone might google bible study" if a Jehovah's Witness comes to their door. So that's what that's for.
For you few who read this I will tell you what it means. It isn't actually a bible study, but you knew that. It is a weak substitution, isn't it?
I forgot to google it to see where I am. Am I anywhere? I don't know.
I have had the thought "someone might google bible study" if a Jehovah's Witness comes to their door. So that's what that's for.
Monday, August 5, 2013
This is beautiful
This page is from Faith's Checkbook. It is a daily sharing of scriptural thoughts. This one is particularly beautiful and I want to save it and share it. It might not be right to copy it. I am sorry if it isn't right. I want to read it again and the page gets updated daily.
Jehovah's Witnesses make the false claim that with them is the only real spiritual food. How wrong, wrong, wrong they are.
I do not even know who writes these gems. God bless them, him, or her.
Put the law into the heart, and the whole man is right. This is where the law should be; for then it lies, like the tables of stone in the ark, in the place appointed for it. In the head it puzzles, on the back it burdens, in the heart it upholds.
What a choice word is here used, "the law of his God"! When we know the LORD as our own God His law becomes liberty to us. God with us in covenant makes us eager to obey His will and walk in His commands. Is the precept my Father's precept? Then I delight in it.
We are here guaranteed that obedient-hearted man shall be sustained in every step that he takes. He will do that which is right, and he shall therefore do that which is wise. Holy action is always the most prudent, though it may not at the time seem to be so. We are moving along the great highroad of God's providence and grace when we keep to the way of His law. The Word of God has never misled a single soul yet; its plain directions to walk humbly, justly, lovingly, and in the fear of the LORD are as much words of wisdom to make our way prosperous as rules of holiness to keep our garments clean. He walks surely who walks righteously.
Jehovah's Witnesses make the false claim that with them is the only real spiritual food. How wrong, wrong, wrong they are.
I do not even know who writes these gems. God bless them, him, or her.
Put the law into the heart, and the whole man is right. This is where the law should be; for then it lies, like the tables of stone in the ark, in the place appointed for it. In the head it puzzles, on the back it burdens, in the heart it upholds.
What a choice word is here used, "the law of his God"! When we know the LORD as our own God His law becomes liberty to us. God with us in covenant makes us eager to obey His will and walk in His commands. Is the precept my Father's precept? Then I delight in it.
We are here guaranteed that obedient-hearted man shall be sustained in every step that he takes. He will do that which is right, and he shall therefore do that which is wise. Holy action is always the most prudent, though it may not at the time seem to be so. We are moving along the great highroad of God's providence and grace when we keep to the way of His law. The Word of God has never misled a single soul yet; its plain directions to walk humbly, justly, lovingly, and in the fear of the LORD are as much words of wisdom to make our way prosperous as rules of holiness to keep our garments clean. He walks surely who walks righteously.
Someone might wonder why I won't let them rest in peace
That is a very good wonder.
If you heard someone say "soon six billion hearts will stop beating" what would you do?
I was at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses not too too long ago and that is what the man said.
This is hearsay but what I suspect about what is coming from the platform of Jehovah's Witnesses is what originates in the private chambers of the so-called faithful and discreet slave.
Correlate "faithful" with "six billion hearts stopping" and it is the farthest thing away from a good picture than I can think of.
I do not know if I might have been a loud mouth, even though you can't hear me, if I had not heard that.
I don't even know if it came from the private chambers. But if I did nothing, what would that make me, please?
If you heard someone say "soon six billion hearts will stop beating" what would you do?
I was at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses not too too long ago and that is what the man said.
This is hearsay but what I suspect about what is coming from the platform of Jehovah's Witnesses is what originates in the private chambers of the so-called faithful and discreet slave.
Correlate "faithful" with "six billion hearts stopping" and it is the farthest thing away from a good picture than I can think of.
I do not know if I might have been a loud mouth, even though you can't hear me, if I had not heard that.
I don't even know if it came from the private chambers. But if I did nothing, what would that make me, please?
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses keep on resisting?
They believe they have the truth, are in the truth, that Jesus who is leading them is the truth, and that God will protect them from every enemy. Notice the name Jehovah in this Bible verse I cut and pasted from Bible Hub. Isaiah 54:17
Young's Literal Translation
No weapon formed against thee prospereth, And every tongue rising against thee, In judgment thou condemnest. This is the inheritance of the servants of Jehovah, And their righteousness from me, an affirmation of Jehovah!
Young's Literal Translation
No weapon formed against thee prospereth, And every tongue rising against thee, In judgment thou condemnest. This is the inheritance of the servants of Jehovah, And their righteousness from me, an affirmation of Jehovah!
It's not an out-right lie but....
The Jehovah's Witness mission is to convert every thinking person to their way of thinking. They know by Bible prophesy that they will not succeed but they will do it until they can't anymore or until "God tells them it's over".
Happiness comes to a Jehovah's Witness every time she can answer your bible question. It is what they do......but not all the time.
I have been on forum too long. I have asked many bible questions. When I ask my bible questions they ignore them most of the time. Sometimes they even call my asking an "ax to grind".
They stand for anwering your bible questions but not the ones that stump them. That I call not being honest.
I thought of one example. I asked (I'm paraphrasing) : If it is so important to believe the Jehovah's Witnesses are the "faithful and discreet slave" whom his master appointed over ALL his belongings why is it a question? They do not know why it is written as a question. Ask them why and you will ruffle their feathers.
Here's another really good one: If Jesus is only mediator between the 144,000 and Jehovah, why do they use the disfellowshipping clauses for ALL people? Isn't it obvious that the command to separate from [them] is for the kings and priests that will rule with Christ? Why do they apply them to everyone?
I might think of more so please stay tuned.......
I thought of another one. They say they are alone in preserving God's Name in these last days. They say "see all these Bibles where God's Name Jehovah (it isn't) has been removed." Then your mind gets to thinking "oh God! No name. That would not be good". But they are not the only ones. They lie. The ones who have left and preach God's Name still are not even the only ones besides the organization who preach it. It has not been removed from Young's Literal Translation and the Jews surely still know it.
Happiness comes to a Jehovah's Witness every time she can answer your bible question. It is what they do......but not all the time.
I have been on forum too long. I have asked many bible questions. When I ask my bible questions they ignore them most of the time. Sometimes they even call my asking an "ax to grind".
They stand for anwering your bible questions but not the ones that stump them. That I call not being honest.
I thought of one example. I asked (I'm paraphrasing) : If it is so important to believe the Jehovah's Witnesses are the "faithful and discreet slave" whom his master appointed over ALL his belongings why is it a question? They do not know why it is written as a question. Ask them why and you will ruffle their feathers.
Here's another really good one: If Jesus is only mediator between the 144,000 and Jehovah, why do they use the disfellowshipping clauses for ALL people? Isn't it obvious that the command to separate from [them] is for the kings and priests that will rule with Christ? Why do they apply them to everyone?
I might think of more so please stay tuned.......
I thought of another one. They say they are alone in preserving God's Name in these last days. They say "see all these Bibles where God's Name Jehovah (it isn't) has been removed." Then your mind gets to thinking "oh God! No name. That would not be good". But they are not the only ones. They lie. The ones who have left and preach God's Name still are not even the only ones besides the organization who preach it. It has not been removed from Young's Literal Translation and the Jews surely still know it.
Another false teaching of WATCHTOWER
Whenever a person leaves the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses they become marked. People will say they are free to mark or not to mark and it is a risk that is taken by all who join and then leave, if they are inclined to do so. There are many people on the outside who are on the inside and are loyal to the organization except for their disobedience about apostate contact. How is it possible? It is possible because the people on the inside feel free to interpret what they will but people on the outside have no such freedom. It is probably a good reason people like it there.
Some people on the inside who do not take the liberty to interpret a ruling will not contact apostatess because they are making every effort to obey The Word of God and what they hear from the mouthpieces of God is don't, so we don't. If we did disobey we won't know what it is we are not knowing about God regarding the promise of everlasting life. They say it means taking in knowledge of God. To me that always meant that I will obey every which way I can and see what happens.
What the Word says is it is for judging inside not outside, but they do. 1 Corinthians 5:12,13
For what have I to do with judging it not those inside you judge...God judges those outside.
Try and say anything contrary to the teachings of the governing body and you will be judged by those inside even though you have made yourself outside. How can they explain this? I think they consider all baptized ones as their own, even if the baptized one leaves. But that is false according to another scripture and they know it.
1 John 2:19 They went out from us but they didn't really belong to us....
I know what will happen in their minds. They will think 1 Corinthians means The Judgement Day and not marking.
I was marked because I am contentious. I being glad it was not for being good, then I might be mad.
I am sure that they judged me. They say I have an ax to grind. I think that is something they cannot know. I do complain, it is true. But when someone hears "you have an ax to grind" it means something more than simply complaining. It carries the meaning that the complainer is being selfish and vindictive. If I am being selfish and vindictive, I am sure nobody, even myself, knows that. Only God knows. That is what I believe "God judges those outside" means.
If someone insists on marking someone else as "vindictive and vengeful" they are doing what only God has the priviledge to do.
God reserves the right to judge those outside as 1 Corinthians 5:13 brings to light but they have taken that right as their own.
Some people on the inside who do not take the liberty to interpret a ruling will not contact apostatess because they are making every effort to obey The Word of God and what they hear from the mouthpieces of God is don't, so we don't. If we did disobey we won't know what it is we are not knowing about God regarding the promise of everlasting life. They say it means taking in knowledge of God. To me that always meant that I will obey every which way I can and see what happens.
What the Word says is it is for judging inside not outside, but they do. 1 Corinthians 5:12,13
For what have I to do with judging it not those inside you judge...God judges those outside.
Try and say anything contrary to the teachings of the governing body and you will be judged by those inside even though you have made yourself outside. How can they explain this? I think they consider all baptized ones as their own, even if the baptized one leaves. But that is false according to another scripture and they know it.
1 John 2:19 They went out from us but they didn't really belong to us....
I know what will happen in their minds. They will think 1 Corinthians means The Judgement Day and not marking.
I was marked because I am contentious. I being glad it was not for being good, then I might be mad.
I am sure that they judged me. They say I have an ax to grind. I think that is something they cannot know. I do complain, it is true. But when someone hears "you have an ax to grind" it means something more than simply complaining. It carries the meaning that the complainer is being selfish and vindictive. If I am being selfish and vindictive, I am sure nobody, even myself, knows that. Only God knows. That is what I believe "God judges those outside" means.
If someone insists on marking someone else as "vindictive and vengeful" they are doing what only God has the priviledge to do.
God reserves the right to judge those outside as 1 Corinthians 5:13 brings to light but they have taken that right as their own.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Some more words for you
Whoever you are.
I do not have a YouTube channel. And here are some reasons why. I don't know how. I think I don't have the necessary equipment. I could get the necessary equipment, but I don't want to. I do not like it that my picture gets taken. It is not because I am grotesque. And I don't like listening to my own voice recorded because it doesn't sound the same way as I hear it, which is weird. Another important reason is many times I cannot think of a right and proper word for something. When I am typing I can use, which I love. In person, I cannot do that.
But if I did a YouTube production I would set it up better than many productions are set up.
That's all. Do you have any words to share? Are you afraid I might talk back to you?
I do not have a YouTube channel. And here are some reasons why. I don't know how. I think I don't have the necessary equipment. I could get the necessary equipment, but I don't want to. I do not like it that my picture gets taken. It is not because I am grotesque. And I don't like listening to my own voice recorded because it doesn't sound the same way as I hear it, which is weird. Another important reason is many times I cannot think of a right and proper word for something. When I am typing I can use, which I love. In person, I cannot do that.
But if I did a YouTube production I would set it up better than many productions are set up.
That's all. Do you have any words to share? Are you afraid I might talk back to you?
Saturday, August 3, 2013
They become what they are with
Mockers with their mockery will come saying where this promised presence of his is.
Who do we know that identify themselves by what they are with? Please feel free to share.
I know two "theys" who come "with" something. The something they come with is what identifies them for who they are.
First it was the Jews. They did not come scoffing. They came as foreigners with a promise. Genesis 17:8, Hebrews 11:9 But are they not identified with The God of Promise? A man is not a Jew if he is separated from the promise made to Abraham. Please correct me if I'm wrong. A Jew is he or she who comes to the world scene WITH something.
Who else comes with something being identified by what is with them? I cannot pick solely on the Jehovah's Witnesses, but they are who I know. There have been many people and a few groups who claim God is with them. They become known to their contemporaries as being with something. The something they are with is (they claim) God's Promise.
The Witnesses are the last ones to come with it and the reason why that is so is they say (or have said) "soon six billion hearts will stop beating". Are they coming "scoffing"? Yes, they do. Even though some people who have identified with God's promise are very nice people, the fact that the promise is only for them is scoffing you and God.
That's just some more words about 2 Peter 3:3
A Jehovah's Witness is not a Jehovah's Witness without what? They identify themselves by what they have. What they have they call "the truth".
Who do we know that identify themselves by what they are with? Please feel free to share.
I know two "theys" who come "with" something. The something they come with is what identifies them for who they are.
First it was the Jews. They did not come scoffing. They came as foreigners with a promise. Genesis 17:8, Hebrews 11:9 But are they not identified with The God of Promise? A man is not a Jew if he is separated from the promise made to Abraham. Please correct me if I'm wrong. A Jew is he or she who comes to the world scene WITH something.
Who else comes with something being identified by what is with them? I cannot pick solely on the Jehovah's Witnesses, but they are who I know. There have been many people and a few groups who claim God is with them. They become known to their contemporaries as being with something. The something they are with is (they claim) God's Promise.
The Witnesses are the last ones to come with it and the reason why that is so is they say (or have said) "soon six billion hearts will stop beating". Are they coming "scoffing"? Yes, they do. Even though some people who have identified with God's promise are very nice people, the fact that the promise is only for them is scoffing you and God.
That's just some more words about 2 Peter 3:3
A Jehovah's Witness is not a Jehovah's Witness without what? They identify themselves by what they have. What they have they call "the truth".
To Andy
Hello! Peace to you Andy.
I do not seek out all internet sites about JWs and exJW. I believe I am being led by The Son of God Yeshua or Jesus. Hebrew has no 'J'. I make mistakes like everyone else. I am careful what I say but I was not always so.
Even if you believe the Jehovah's Witnesses teach about God the best of any other group or religion, they are different. They are like the Catholics who taught they were sitting FOR God Almighty making rules for the people to obey. Basically, all the rules the Catholics and the Jehovah's Witnesses put into affect are attached to a command of God, Jehovah. Also both groups teach that they are the only way to gain salvation. To refuse to be attached to them now OR sometime in the future is to lose your everlasting life. Do you believe it Andy? If you do not, then you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses (the religion) because that is what they teach in the name of God.
The commandment of Moses that really is from Jehovah says "you must not take up the name of the Lord your God in vain". When a person attaches a man made rule to the Name of God it is in vain. It is a sin.
I do not seek out all internet sites about JWs and exJW. I believe I am being led by The Son of God Yeshua or Jesus. Hebrew has no 'J'. I make mistakes like everyone else. I am careful what I say but I was not always so.
Even if you believe the Jehovah's Witnesses teach about God the best of any other group or religion, they are different. They are like the Catholics who taught they were sitting FOR God Almighty making rules for the people to obey. Basically, all the rules the Catholics and the Jehovah's Witnesses put into affect are attached to a command of God, Jehovah. Also both groups teach that they are the only way to gain salvation. To refuse to be attached to them now OR sometime in the future is to lose your everlasting life. Do you believe it Andy? If you do not, then you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses (the religion) because that is what they teach in the name of God.
The commandment of Moses that really is from Jehovah says "you must not take up the name of the Lord your God in vain". When a person attaches a man made rule to the Name of God it is in vain. It is a sin.
Friday, August 2, 2013
A job for you
The character of Sheldon's girlfriend on The Big Bang Theory first appeared on Cheers* in 1988. If you are an out-of-work lawyer, you might look into it.
*"To all the Girls I've Loved Before" (1988)
I do not know if characters are copy righted. And I really don't care. But who knows? Maybe you are a lawyer and game (theory) has brought you here. Hi!
I see nobody has voted.
Bla bla bla
*"To all the Girls I've Loved Before" (1988)
I do not know if characters are copy righted. And I really don't care. But who knows? Maybe you are a lawyer and game (theory) has brought you here. Hi!
I see nobody has voted.
Bla bla bla
I am going to break my um...what is it called that isn't a rule yet but is a good idea?
I am having some wine. And I feel like talking. So this is going to be the nonsense stuff. If you have something need doing you should go do it. I did not forget about the story store.
First thing is I am worried about Danny Hazard. He does not live very far away from me like Russia and our proximity might be influential about how I feel about him. I hope you are OK Danny Hazard.
The other thing I think I want to know is what about Russia? I wonder what I sound like translated from English into Russian?
It is my opinion that the peeps in are not different peeps but are peeps in from the same people. But because no one talks to me there is no way of knowing.
I understand that the Big Brother of The Watchtower might peep in to me but that would account for one peep and from the USA I suppose. Do you think operations have been moved to Russia? You do not know how funny that is, do you? Is it possible that the shenanigans will be moved to Russia? That would be news worthy, don't you think?
First thing is I am worried about Danny Hazard. He does not live very far away from me like Russia and our proximity might be influential about how I feel about him. I hope you are OK Danny Hazard.
The other thing I think I want to know is what about Russia? I wonder what I sound like translated from English into Russian?
It is my opinion that the peeps in are not different peeps but are peeps in from the same people. But because no one talks to me there is no way of knowing.
I understand that the Big Brother of The Watchtower might peep in to me but that would account for one peep and from the USA I suppose. Do you think operations have been moved to Russia? You do not know how funny that is, do you? Is it possible that the shenanigans will be moved to Russia? That would be news worthy, don't you think?
About shunnig
The worst thing about religious shunning is it is believed to be God's will and it hurts people. The religious people who will shun family members believe that doing so is loving them. But to say to a person "I will have nothing more to do with you" is not love, it is hate. Hate is a passionate dislike for someone. It is true the hater does not hate the person but hates what the person has become. Sometimes what the person has become is a better, truer person to his or her self, but it does not matter to the religious community that is doing the shunning. I believe it is usually the case that most people in the religious community doing the shunning have no knowledge of why they are shunning the shunned, they are doing it because they are being told to do it.
Shunning is for keeping the congregation clean. But shunning only happens to people if their bad behavior becomes known. So in every community that practices shunning there are those present who actually do make the collective unclean but they either do not become known as sinners, are considered too valuable to be removed, or show themselves sad enough to be forgiven.
What kind of person can make the community unclean but are not removed? The worst kind are child molesters. Very fine apostles who put their faith in Jehovah do not also put their faith in children. Children can lie and are witless, don't you know? So an admittance of child molestation many times goes ignored to a greater or lesser extent.
The other kinds of sins that cannot be proved by evidence is loving money, coveting, lying, and many other religious traditions, and people with those bad habits are present along with all the people who work hard to keep the congregation clean. Sometimes sinners like those are even in teaching positions and other positions of authority.
If someone is very careful to keep their sin a secret, they may stay. It is the people who are not careful keeping their sin a secret that get removed. Is this Biblical Wisdom? James 5:16 (NWT) Therefore openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may get healed. A righteous man's supplication, when it is at work, has much force.
There are many stories (true or not, I do not know - I trust they are true) where a person's conscience bothers him or her to the point of confession, and still the person gets disfellowshipped. That kind of disfelloshipping is not so much to keep the congregation clean but is for teaching a harsh lesson. That is my opinion. If I am right, then there is more than one kind of disfellowshipping leading to shunning. If there is more than one kind, one of them cannot be correct, and cannot be from God because The Bible makes no distinctions about shunning. It is man making the distinction.
Shunning is for keeping the congregation clean. But shunning only happens to people if their bad behavior becomes known. So in every community that practices shunning there are those present who actually do make the collective unclean but they either do not become known as sinners, are considered too valuable to be removed, or show themselves sad enough to be forgiven.
What kind of person can make the community unclean but are not removed? The worst kind are child molesters. Very fine apostles who put their faith in Jehovah do not also put their faith in children. Children can lie and are witless, don't you know? So an admittance of child molestation many times goes ignored to a greater or lesser extent.
The other kinds of sins that cannot be proved by evidence is loving money, coveting, lying, and many other religious traditions, and people with those bad habits are present along with all the people who work hard to keep the congregation clean. Sometimes sinners like those are even in teaching positions and other positions of authority.
If someone is very careful to keep their sin a secret, they may stay. It is the people who are not careful keeping their sin a secret that get removed. Is this Biblical Wisdom? James 5:16 (NWT) Therefore openly confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may get healed. A righteous man's supplication, when it is at work, has much force.
There are many stories (true or not, I do not know - I trust they are true) where a person's conscience bothers him or her to the point of confession, and still the person gets disfellowshipped. That kind of disfelloshipping is not so much to keep the congregation clean but is for teaching a harsh lesson. That is my opinion. If I am right, then there is more than one kind of disfellowshipping leading to shunning. If there is more than one kind, one of them cannot be correct, and cannot be from God because The Bible makes no distinctions about shunning. It is man making the distinction.
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