Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mentally diseased

To be projecting one's own behavior onto another person or group is an immature coping mechanism.  In marriage counseling it is called a losing strategy.  To persist in it is evidence of mental disease or mental weakness.

The Jehovah's Witnesses do it.  They say the nations are described at
1 Thessalonians 5:3 where it is described a group will cry "peace and security" and they will not "flee" from that cry. It is not the nations lying, it is believing Jehovah will make everything right.  When Jehovah makes everything right, what shall we have please?

They do it again as described at 2 Peter 3:3.  Many people, the witnesses of Jehovah included in the group who say, say these who "come" are those who persecute preachers of the good news and tauntingly say "where is he?"   But
2 Peter 3:3 is describing something that has it's roots in the first century and that is the belief that salvation comes by the obedience to everything that is right. That is what the Jews do.  And it was alright for them because they were the line before Yeshua. [I have quotes and would share such, if I thought I was talking to anybody] It means they are mockers of Israel.  Why, oh why, would Peter write they are with something?  What are they ALWAYS with?  They are always with their opinion, principles, articles of faith, attitude, creed, declaration, gospel, instruction, position, rules, teaching and universal law.  Isn't that so?

I wish I had three but I cannot think of another one right now.

So what I am saying is that the very people who are conforming to the prophesy are saying no, not us, it is You.

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