Sunday, July 28, 2013

Do not you people be owing anyone a single thing

Romans 13:8

The Jehovah's Witnesses teach the Bible is The Word of God and should be obeyed.  It is why they come to your door.  It is to study the bible with you.  Do they take to heart what Romans 13:8 says?

No they do not.

I have not known a loyal Jehovah's Witness (the religion) that does not believe in their heart they owe the organization something.  I was never bit by that bug (thank God).  But whenever there comes up a persuasive argument that goes against their teaching they will say something about how they believe the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses delivered them from darkness to light and even after many years still offers them gems of insight into God's Word.

A nice little project for you would be to try it.  See what they say.  In whatever words they use they will say their loyalty to the organization is paramount.

You might know by now that a directive in The Bible to a Jehovah's Witness is as good as a command.  Everything the bible says do or do not do they obey.  The more they obey, the better they will be.

They are not obeying Romans 13:8

The whole of it says (NWT) Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing except to love one another for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled (the) law. 

If I caught onto an idea and if people started following me for my idea and my idea proved false in time can it be true that those who followed me were showing love? Of course not!  In the gaining of followers the idea gets more and more attention and it becomes straightened among the crowd.    But it's strength isn't real if it is truly a lie.

The loyalty to the organization that the Jehovah's Witnesses show is breaking the command at Romans 13:8. The people are acting as though they owe their group something and in owing and not loving they break it two ways.

1 comment:

  1. I did not mean to write straightened but it has caused another idea. The idea is to make the way of Jehovah strait, not the way of people strait. The way of people leads to disaster. The way of Jehovah leads to life. It is so written at John 1:23 where it says in the New World Translation "I am the voice of someone crying out in the wilderness 'make the way of Jehovah strait' just as Isaiah the prophet said.(Isaiah 40:3)The original manuscript of the New Testament or the Greek scriptures does not say Jehovah. It says Kyriou. (in Greek) But that is old news.
