Sunday, July 28, 2013

To tell you the truth

I do not want your opinion.  I do check sometimes for comments on the blog but comments do not come anymore.  I sure do hope Danny Hazard is OK.

Nobody has ever given me an opinion of my blog.  I have family.  I am not a hermit.  Are you?
I do believe no one in my family knows about my blog.  They might know I have a blog.  I am sure I have mentioned it.  According to my knowledge no one I know has ever read my blog.  I asked my husband once if he knew what my blog is about.  He said "buttons?"  I have posted button stuff.  Oh!  Some people do not like the word stuff.  I watched a lecture of a professor who was lecturing about Earth's biology and he said stuff a few times.  So now I must readjust my belief that people do not like the word stuff.   

Do not you people be owing anyone a single thing

Romans 13:8

The Jehovah's Witnesses teach the Bible is The Word of God and should be obeyed.  It is why they come to your door.  It is to study the bible with you.  Do they take to heart what Romans 13:8 says?

No they do not.

I have not known a loyal Jehovah's Witness (the religion) that does not believe in their heart they owe the organization something.  I was never bit by that bug (thank God).  But whenever there comes up a persuasive argument that goes against their teaching they will say something about how they believe the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses delivered them from darkness to light and even after many years still offers them gems of insight into God's Word.

A nice little project for you would be to try it.  See what they say.  In whatever words they use they will say their loyalty to the organization is paramount.

You might know by now that a directive in The Bible to a Jehovah's Witness is as good as a command.  Everything the bible says do or do not do they obey.  The more they obey, the better they will be.

They are not obeying Romans 13:8

The whole of it says (NWT) Do not you people be owing anybody a single thing except to love one another for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled (the) law. 

If I caught onto an idea and if people started following me for my idea and my idea proved false in time can it be true that those who followed me were showing love? Of course not!  In the gaining of followers the idea gets more and more attention and it becomes straightened among the crowd.    But it's strength isn't real if it is truly a lie.

The loyalty to the organization that the Jehovah's Witnesses show is breaking the command at Romans 13:8. The people are acting as though they owe their group something and in owing and not loving they break it two ways.

Friday, July 26, 2013

I wished for contact

And I got it!  After all these years some very nice people reached out to touch me. I called a hotline number on the internet.  After I thought it might be a foolish thing to do.  But I do a lot of thinking and I reach out a lot.  No one was reaching out to me.  Then I made a wish and it happened.  I have had four kind and interesting people call me.  All in a week!  Now you need not worry about commenting anymore.  Haha.  (That was a joke).  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Their confidence is their money too

They say "see!  Jehovah takes care of us.  We have riches in buildings and riches in many books of wisdom. If God were not on our side it would not be possible. Jehovah is blessing us with enough for all we need to preach the word to the world.  We will know that the preaching is done when Jehovah no longer provides the means".  Look it up.

It is true much of their resources comes from their own.  It might even be true that some money comes from nonmembers.  Who knows?  I do know one thing.  Some of it comes from investments.  Now think. Please. If money comes from investing in the stock market can it really honestly be said it is coming from Jehovah?

Is anything coming to your mind that Jesus said about the world?  Is there anything more "world" than money?  Sin, you say?  OK.  So do you believe the Governing Body is "no part of sin"?  Interesting.  "if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth in not in us". 1 John 1:8 Where is truth, please? Jehovah's Witnesses will say truth is in their organization.  It is what they go door to door about.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I will tell you why or their protection is money

Why haven't the media taken up the problem of The Watchtower?  It is because it is too wide spread.  The fall of it would be too great.  The stock market would be affected.  So people who have influence over the news and care about the market keep it hushed.  They want to be able to predict the market.  If the corruption in the Watchtower becomes known it would cause a disturbance that would spread to every continent and the result cannot be predicted.  People who know where they are at, like to trust they will be where they are at, tomorrow.  

If that is true then the real protector of The Watchtower is money and not Jehovah.  

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why are you reading my blog about The Watchtower The Jehovah's Witnesses The Governing Body The Bible and some nonsense too?

It seems some people are viewing my blog but I don't know why.  I might be under surveillance Haha.  Am I under surveillance?  But by whom, I wonder?  Is my comments application disabled?  Well, I guess if it is you cannot say, can you?

That is all I have to say about it.

Do you have anything to say?

Making Sense

The explanation of Genesis 6:4 by The Watchtower never made sense to me. They say that it means angels made human bodies for themselves that were able to copulate and that they took any woman they chose, had sex with her and procreated a hybrid race.  That race is said to have been destroyed by The Flood.

I could not help but ask myself why they did not want sex with Noah's wife or with Noah's sons' wives?  Genesis says they took all whom they chose.  Why did they not choose them?

It has been said Satan is our enemy and he is the leader of the fallen angels.  If they had chosen to have sex with Noah's wife and the three wives the human race would have ended.  Is that not so?  Only four men remaining would not have made babies, I know.

You will say it is because Jehovah did not allow it.  So the truth is they chose all "whom Jehovah would allow".

"This means everlasting life, their knowing God and the one God sent forth, Jesus Christ". John 17:3

According to the Jehovah's Witnesses this god they teach allows his children to be able to have unnatural sex and by virtue of the "fact" that he prohibits it for some, allows it for others.

And have you ever wondered why you are so few?

Oh....I really Do believe what is written and I think it is important to know what it says.  Don't you?


You say "but is says at Genesis 6:2 that they took to themselves wives, all whom they chose".

But it really does not say wives definitively.  The word "wives" here which naturally means cohabiting can mean "female humans" which does not necessarily mean cohabitation.  I think it means "to take over".  We see it many times and it is warned about.
2 Timothy 3:6 out of this sort are for those who enter into the houses and lead captive weak women burdened with sin (or guilt) led away by various desires.
Luke 22:3 Satan entered Judas
Acts 5:3 what is the reason why Satan did fill your heart?
1 Samuel 18:10 the next day an evil spirit from god came forcibly on  Saul 

"on Saul" has the same meaning as
"to the women" at Genesis 6:4

Now what about "all whom they chose"?  I will propose it means not the choosing of the angels.  I think it means all the women who chose the wayward way.  The word translated they can mean which.  It is an indefinite pronoun.  "All which chose" means the women chose.  They did not chose to "sleep" with angels. They chose to allow the bad angels to lead them just like the weak women burdened down allows men, and not God, to lead them.  (2 Timothy 3:6)  Matthew 24:37

By the way, why is sex called sleep?  


Being silly is much funner than planting apps.

What does it matter?  Who cares what really happened described at Genesis 6:4. No Bible?  If you have a computer you have a Bible.  Are you afraid someone is monitoring your screen?  Haha.

All the evidence that ever was about supernatural babies (I'm not talking about Jesus - OK?) exists in 23 words, some are marks, I guess.  Two are marks it seems.

Here they are (translated);

earth (land, firm)
days (an indefinite term)
so (after that)
came (or go)
ha elohim
of man
bore (the form of word used just four times - Genesis 31:8, twice, also Deuteronomy 21:15)
[not 'beget" as is customary]
like, how, the same, so such [pick one]
mighty men
aser* (who which that)
and a mark

They call babies conceived by sex between angels and women "Nephilim" but the so called description of sex between the women and the angels is said to be after the Nephilim appearing.
** meaning for them or to them

I propose the natural appearance of "Nephilim" caused something to happen in the women and whatever it was caused the angels to approach them.  But angels are spirits.  The children born to those women were not "begot".  They were "born".

I believe what it means is the women had natural children but their children they dedicated to those sons of God instead of to God.

1 Samuel 1:11, 27,28; Judges 13:5

More magical thinking of The Watchtower

It is a law according to The Bible that magic must not be performed.  To perform magic is taking a stand against Jehovah.  I am not talking about tricks.  I am talking about supernatural events like The Creation.

It is a long held belief that Genesis 6:4 describes the appearance of supernatural creatures who mated with human women.

Jehovah's Witnesses make the claim that they are for "the truth".  They say every other explanation of The Bible is wrong and they are right.   So.....have they made a correction about the meaning of Genesis 6:4?

I don't think so.

About not for

You think you need or want something so you look to God for it.  It is what people do.

God is not for the people.  God is about the people.  If you are right and God is for the people then why do so many people go without (stuff).  I's in a trollish mood.  I apologize.  Huh.  Do you think I have the devil? Sometimes I do.  Oh why oh why? S is on one side of the board and m is on the other.  Did you know that? Every single time except this time I type that taht.  And there are words I try to spell and they always come out wrong.  The same words all the time.  Over and over and over again.  Do you know why?

Jehovah's Witnesses go to the Jehovah's Witnesses to find a better expectation. They stay there because they are warned it is the only place God is for them. They are taught God who is for them is for a better world, but it isn't true.  GOD IS ABOUT A BETTER WORLD.

You say "oh brother! what the hell's the difference?"  And if I might have the devil, the devil laughs at that.

But if I have the devil and the devil knows the difference then you don't want to know the difference.  It's just because the devil knows it.

How am I suppose to know it?  I don't know.

Maybe it's because I do not care about the devil.

What are good people for?  Peace.  Not security.  Love.  Hope.  Justice.  Faith.  Happiness.  Fairness. Goodness.  Plenty.  But not plenty of the devil.  Confidence.  Health.  Well being.

I can not say I know anyone who is for truth but it should be on the list.  To be for truth means to be for it all the time.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Way Way Too Much Leaven

A little leaven ferments the whole lump.  Nobody is perfect you say.  We must be forgiving and non-judgmental.  OK.  I am not judging.  The special advantage of being born again for Christ is no more lying. Liars prove themselves children of the devil.  It is better to be silent than to make mistakes about the word of God.  If you read on you will find four serious translation mistakes they make.  Who am I? Nobody.  Just look at them with a reasonable perspective.  Ask yourself questions. Here's one, for instance.  Why would the writer of "in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule" write that?    There have always been ridiculers. Writing material was scarce then, I guess.  What would be the point in warning us they would still be present?  There would be no point, so it's not what it says.

What about the sheep and the goats?  They say the goats will go off into destruction means they will be destroyed by God's judgement.  They say the sheep will be saved by God's judgement.  Here are some questions for you.
"God judges no one"  John 5:22
He has given him authority to judge because he is the son of man John 5:27
There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not get my words (meaning) that word that I spoke will judge him in the last day. John 12:48
Who is The Judge?  According to John 12:48 God's Word is judge.  How can God's Word decree a sentence in the last day?  I have more to say about that.

I remember number three

Hip hip horee!

One scripture they should apply to themselves is those who say "peace and security" are marked with destruction.  It is they who say God will deliver them to paradise but destroy all the others.

A second scripture they should apply to themselves is "in the last days comes mockers with their mockery".  It is they who imitate the Jews' obedience to law instead of staying with freedom.

The third one is "bad associations spoil useful habits".  People are not bad associations.  Jesus ate with them. He went into their homes.  What 1 Corinthians 15:33 means is what they do.  "Bad associations" or more correctly "bad communications" ruins a person's attempt at reflecting The God of Righteousness.  It means to be in serious error about just one thing of The Word will spoil a person's credibility about all the other things because a little leaven ferments the whole lump.

There is a forth one.  They say "do not forsake gathering together" means to be  in person with others who worship God Jehovah the correct way (according to them).  What it actually means is a warning to not give up doing fine works just because 1. you might feel all alone 2. you might not appreciate other seekers 3. you might be critical of other's progress and 4. you might wonder if it isn't real.   

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mentally diseased

To be projecting one's own behavior onto another person or group is an immature coping mechanism.  In marriage counseling it is called a losing strategy.  To persist in it is evidence of mental disease or mental weakness.

The Jehovah's Witnesses do it.  They say the nations are described at
1 Thessalonians 5:3 where it is described a group will cry "peace and security" and they will not "flee" from that cry. It is not the nations lying, it is believing Jehovah will make everything right.  When Jehovah makes everything right, what shall we have please?

They do it again as described at 2 Peter 3:3.  Many people, the witnesses of Jehovah included in the group who say, say these who "come" are those who persecute preachers of the good news and tauntingly say "where is he?"   But
2 Peter 3:3 is describing something that has it's roots in the first century and that is the belief that salvation comes by the obedience to everything that is right. That is what the Jews do.  And it was alright for them because they were the line before Yeshua. [I have quotes and would share such, if I thought I was talking to anybody] It means they are mockers of Israel.  Why, oh why, would Peter write they are with something?  What are they ALWAYS with?  They are always with their opinion, principles, articles of faith, attitude, creed, declaration, gospel, instruction, position, rules, teaching and universal law.  Isn't that so?

I wish I had three but I cannot think of another one right now.

So what I am saying is that the very people who are conforming to the prophesy are saying no, not us, it is You.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Who do the Jehovah's Witnesses follow?

They follow the followers of Jesus.  The Governing Body claim they are the ones who Jesus has given the privilege of telling the people what God's will is for them, each one of them.  Jesus is The Word.  The Word is to be obeyed.  So it follows that they who teach us the word's meaning are they who follow Jesus.  Are you following me?  [haha].

So today I had a wonderful EVIL thought.  Do you want to know it?   

I am wishing for some contact

I wonder if it is feeling the same as those crazy people who can't wait for some contact from outerspace. There was Danny Hazard who use to comment and that was nice but he is gone and I wonder where he is. Sometimes I get a reply on the forum but most of the time it falls flat and I get the feeling I am wasting time. So I am posting because somehow by posting I get somewhat of a response that comes by way of views. In case you do not know what views are I will tell you.  There is a stats page that comes with blog.  There I can see a number which corresponds to people looking in. There is no way to know if the post has been read or liked or not liked because there are no comments.  Another thing blog has is a map of where the views are coming from.  I think it is weird and wonderful that someone is viewing it from Russia.  If someday someone might view me from Africa, that would be even more wonderful, wouldn't it?  

Monday, July 15, 2013

8 views and I didn't even post! ? !!

Haha.  I have not figured this out yet.  I posted absolutely wonderful logic on the forum but it seems to be in the process of being ignored.

I was thinking of duplicating it here when oh look!  eight views.  I wonder who you'll are?

But the plants and the buttons keep nagging at me.

And it's all true.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Like a thief in the night

How does Jesus come "like a thief in the night"?  [Maybe You can pretend I am a man]..........

"In the night" means people are sleeping.  I think that is the popular opinion about that.  Sleeping means only seeing things from one perspective, your own.  It is possible to see things as things are.  A person cannot do it when sleeping.

Why is Jesus compared to a thief?  People say it is because he comes unaware, like a thief does.

I shall say it is because his coming is associated with a loss.

I had been listening to some former Jehovah's Witnesses who had been raised Jehovah's Witnesses and I am hearing them say the life they might have chosen was stolen.  Did Jesus steal it?  No.  The Jesus Jehovah's Witnesses teach stole it. I am only aware of the Jehovah Witness doctrine so to be fair I will say they are not alone as thieves.  There are other doctrines that steal people's minds away from The Spirit and The Truth.

Here is the link;

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I am thinking about eating crow

This is me being mad at Ebay.  I stipulated on an Ebay community help board for discussion that I was done with Ebay because of Ebay's formula for finding items. What I found is my items were assigned a place on the Best Match List, which is the list everyone sees first when logging in, and my items stayed in that same place all week.  Even though thousands of items came to their completion before mine did, the spot they got at first was the spot they stayed in all week.  It doesn't seem fair.  So...I went over to Etsy.  But I do not want to learn a new formula.  And it being summer time and fewer people are browsing the internet to buy things, I have not listed for sale any buttons.

Does anyone want to see some more button pictures?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I feel moved to talk about peace and security

Peace can be likened to what life will be like in paradise.
Security can be likened to the promises of safety made to some people.

When the nations speak of "security" in relation to peace, they mean by means of control they will protect the peace.

Who is promising a peaceful new system of things?
Who is promising that if you do things right, their way, God will protect you at Armaggedon?

How then is "destruction instantly upon them" then?

First of all I'd like to say the New World Translation Bible adds a word here at 1 Thessalonians 5:3.  It reads "sudden destruction will be instantly upon them".

What I suppose destruction be upon them means is this:  They say Jehovah though Jesus (Prince of Peace) will come to destroy the wicked.  Who are they? The wicked are all the people who ignore the good news that the Jehovah's Witnesses preach.  They will not admit they teach that to believe the Jehovah's Witness way is to choose security which leads to peace in paradise Earth.  They will say only Jehovah know who will survive God's wrath.  They are really believing in the death of their fellow citizens of Earth. In fact there are recordings of the governing body member  explaining to the crowd there will be many dead even "billions".

It is written at Matthew 5:28 that a man looking lustfully at a woman is committing adultery.  Can the same be said of a person convinced in their heart in the rightness of an execution?  I think the same law applies.  Believing a person will die if the condemned person does not do what is right (according to the one judging) is like murder, just like the thought of adultery is adultery.  The thought of killing is killing.

Bear with me please.

When Cain killed his brother Abel he begged for his life.  Jehovah allowed him to live.  But a sign was placed on him.  THAT is what "is upon them".

Why does it say "sudden".  I think it is because it comes with believing.  It does not develop over time.  When a person becomes convinced of the (false) promise of security and the death of  the others they get the mark.