Saturday, December 24, 2011

Not much

I know it's not much of a Bible Study.
And really, I might work harder on it.
If I knew that somebody cared to read it.
And maybe even share a word of encouragement.
But that's not happening.
In case you are "checking in",
because somebody is,
(but I can not be certain of that,
because someone might be clicking by accident).
Just so you know.
I haven't got an audience.
I'm sharing that because I think there is no way for you to know there is hardly anyone who reads me.
And if it was a poem, I'm sure there would be more to it than that though I don't know WHAT.
Merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Who is the anti-christ?

Christ came so the world might be saved through him. John 3:17
Does everyone have to believe it for the world to be save?
I think not.
The world is in a labyrinth.
God knows the way OUT of it.
No man knows the way out of it.
No angel all alone knows it.  (the way out is related to the day and the hour and nobody knows but the Heavenly Father knows.)
God sent his son to be leader out of it.
The labyrinth can be likened to the great tribulation or from another perspective Babylon the Great.
Why is a savior needed?  What will happen that the world needs saving from?  I think the point of savior coming is to save world so we don't get to know from what the world needs saving from.
There are those who come out of the great tribulation.  I think it's important to differentiate coming through and coming out.  Isn't it so, that the tribulation can be on going, but a person can come out of it?  I think so.  Coming OUT of it does not mean it is over.  One can come out of it while it is happening, because all things are possible with God.  Some religious people claim there are some on the other side of the tribulation.  From my perspective (which certainly can be wrong, just as your's can be wrong)  there is no other side of it.
The anti-christ can be anyone who teaches error to mislead away from the Way Truth Life that are the Christ. One way the anti-christ misleads is teaching the tribulation that we need to come out of for life has a beginning and end.  There are only two possible ending to the Great Tribulation Revelation 7:14.  Destruction or rebirth.  World's rebirth, not personal rebirth (which is something else).
Another way the unsuspecting are misled is they teach that the scriptures can't be changed.  In believing so they believe it should happen, they want it to happen, but it is a warning.  What is a warning for?  Warnings are for avoiding the danger that was warned about.
Her sin has massed clear up to heaven.  Number of sins? No.  It's the kind of sin that renders heaven helpless. unable to be of assistance (because of laws that cannot be changed).

Every eye will see who? Revelation 1:7

Is it clear it  means the One Christ? (Jehoshua)
Not to me it isn't.
This is where censor and time CLASH
A cloud, huh?
And then they'll wail?  I wonder why?
Does it mean the cloud of the bomb?
Back to the question.
Who is the pronoun talking about?
I don't know, I don't know one word of Greek.
But it might mean "every eye" will see himself.  What do you think?
I need want help in unraveling the mystery, but people don't care.  Do they?

Monday, December 19, 2011

I have a problem with that

The popular opinion I have heard is the sheep on the right hand of the LORD are they that do good to the least one of the brothers of Christ.
"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

And that is why they are sheep who get life.

But what it means is the brothers of Christ are they who do the will of God.  It is a difficult and sometimes thankless endeavor to do works for God's Kingdom to come.  The reason why they need encouragement, in the form of hope that they will succeed, is because the world lies in the power of the wicked one.
So the simple gifts that God has noted, water, food, clothing, a visit, and some comfort are for reason to hope that the choice to serve The True GOD is with reason to expect accomplishment.
Matthew 5:16
"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
The light is the realization that their love for GOD is not in vain.  The faith that there are other persons (in the form of them who offer the good things) who will benefit in Christ.
Life is not granted  for the giving of the gift, but for the reflecting of the love of the Heavenly Father.
Of course there is a difference. Because anyone can show generosity.

Books I have read and am reading

No religions books, thank you very much.  I'm a little too atheist for that.  I'm not atheist.  Not agnostic either.
The last one I finished was a collection of short stories.  I recommend it.
by Anthony Doerr (2010)
Excellent prose.

Before that I read
By Rachel Lloyd (2011)
A biography and political commentary (but not boring) about human trafficking presently.

I am reading
Our Last Best Chance the Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril
by King Abdullah II of Jordan.
He sounds like a real peace maker to me.

But most of the time I read JWN

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Psalm 14:1

Traditionally; New American Standard Bible (©1995)
For the choir director. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.

Then Jehovah's Witnesses take out elohim (god) and put in Jehovah.

But what I think it means is;

The musician David (King of Israel)  has said...
The fool's (nabal) heart is without elohim because the fool's hatred has caused a casting off of God's will to do.  Then the fool's deeds can not accomplish anything good.

So the scripture can apply to anyone, either an atheist or a believer.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What does "on the Sabbath" and "in the winter" mean?

Matthew 24:20
"Pray moreover that your flight does not occur in the winter nor on the Sabbath".

I think it means that when you recognize the need for you to exit "Babylon" and to flee to the "mountain" that pictures submitting yourself to God's rule so that glory might go to Yahweh.Then pray that it is not your Sabbath and not your winter because both of those things can and do hinder progress.

Seek Yahweh (how?)  seek to hear Jaheshua (let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations)   Seek righteousness.  Seek meekness.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What will be a sign of your presence? Knowing Jesus' coming.

Jesus did not say the "sign" they asked for is what follows in Matthew chapter 24.  In other words the description of the world at Matthew 24: 4-14 is not the answer to the question "what is the sign?".

Matthew 12:39 says no sign will be given a wicked generation.  Which I think means he will not tell what the sign might be.

Then why would the question be included if he wasn't going to answer it?  Maybe because it is showing that even his intimate acquaintances thought they needed proof.  So don't feel stumbled if you want proof.  No proof will come, but don't feel bad that you want it. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Flee to the mountain

There is some research I did at Biblos online with Strong's Concordance. 
1 Thessalonians 5:3
NWT:  Whenever it is they are saying "peace and security" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pangs of distress upon a pregnant woman and they will by no means escape.
This is how it is written: For when they say peace and security then suddenly upon them comes destruction as the labor pains to her in womb is having and no not shall the escape.    
It has a totally different meaning all around, but i just want to point out one aspect witch is the word translated "escape".  Please look it up here  and here and see if it doesn't say "escape".
I believe it is a prophesy of they who are saying peace and security in Jesus, not in world.
No human can ever promise "security" because salvation belongs to Jehovah....
....The soul that is sinning will die
Where it is translated "escape" it means flee.  They will not flee.  
The order was "when you see the disgusting thing that causes desolation...flee to the mountain. Matthew 24:15,16
It's the same root word.
So now we see that there are actually people who are siding with ERROR and they are refusing to flee.
How is destruction upon them?  It means they teach contrary to the chief agent of life. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Jesus said. Matthew 18:15

What did Jesus say at Matthew 18:15?  Did he not say remove the person?  Yes, yes he did.  Then Nancy is wrong.  Or not!  I think I'm not wrong.
The command of Jesus is love your neighbor as yourself.  The "congregation" are all the people who have presented themselves to do the will of the Heavenly Father (who is ALWAYS for love).  So in the scripture of Matthew 18:15 Jesus means the congregation for doing the will of the Father.  So now you have two who at at odds in the body for the doing of God's will.  Whose fault is it?  The offended one is the first one at fault so he must go to the perceived offender to set things strait.  Likely, if obeyed as ordered, the perceived offender will say what a dunce I am, I am sorry, I did not know I had offended you, thanks for the heads up!  Then they go have a nice glass of wine beer or a cup of tea together.  Maybe it won't work that way.  So now they are equal in offence/defense so now they need someone to mediate.  Now take along one (if it looks like it won't turn to fighting) of two (if it does), then repeat as before.  He did, no I didn't yes you did.....  If the four of them can't get to the truth, then they are to go before the body of believers for the doing the will of God.  Now it becomes interesting because pronouns are not so clear in the ancient language.  If there is no listening to the congregation which is for peace, unity and doing the will of God, then the person becomes like a man of the nations and oh by the way, like a tax collector (give it to me, no matter what).
The following words prove to me that either party can be outed because it has been determined that he, or they are determining that their personal vendetta is more important than the goal of the congregation which is the doing of God's will for peace.  Matthew 18:18 says how many  things you may bind on it really can, and should, be both of them who are fighting about being wronged, or not.  Because the goal is of the congregation is unity for purpose, not unity of thought.  

So many words about it

If all the feelings behind all the words about disfellowshipping rained down we would be smothered.  So I am going to write a few more words about it.  Haha  Nobody listens, but it might make me feel better.  And it might give me a little power to dodge the fire balls from heaven.
Bible interpreters are interpreting people where people are missing from the scripture.  This one I found today.  But of course you must know I don't know what I'm talking about.
At Corinthians 5:13 Bible says God will judge those on the outside (of the body of Christ), so remove badness from yourself.  I don't know much about language except for a little English, ten words of French, and Wibble.  But I think the writer of "put out evil" from among yourselves means evil, not evil person.  Is there a difference?  Yes, there is.  There is a difference.  To make it mean evil makes the world a better place.  To make it mean persons gives power to evil for justice which is bad because it causes travail.  The scripture means making evil weak.  The interpretation means making evil strong.  Ask some one who knows logic.  Does anyone know logic?  I'm kidding.  I know there are people who know how to think logically, at least I hope so!  Kidding again.  Haha.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Someone says what has God done to prove God is real?

The sky.  The stars.  The clouds.  Trees.  Puppies.  Fall. Sand.  The ocean.  Whales.  Beards.  Belly buttons.  Women.  Cotton.  OK, Men.  Language, Boats float.  Fingers.  Marshmellow.  Fried dough.  Dreams.  The color blue.  Music.  The Beatles. Saltines.  Salt.  Jokes.  And of course, lest we forget Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness.  Goodness. Faith. Mildness. Self control.  Justice.  Grace.  Beauty. Wisdom. I think it is much better that wisdom be gained, than it would be if it need not be acquired.  That is why I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hi! Y'll from the EAST

I want to chat.
The thing about hating someone (shunning) so that they might come back
to Love (obedience) is a wee bit sick.  Because, if a "faithful" one does not
know that the rebellious one is being rebellious, and they be all friendly like,
isn't that sinning according to the tradition of understanding "bad association"?
According to the understanding of the "Society" isn't saying a greeting to the
disobedient one sinning for both the greeter and the greeted?  Yes, it would be,
if it  really was real, which it isn't.
So... China and Russia, what's up?
It's so nice to have you blogging in!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My God Why have you forsaken me?

That's the question.
Jesus uttered it,says the Bible,  before he died being crucified.
People are "no Jesus for me, thank you very much".
But Jesus leads the world, to balance.  Nobody went.
Some people believed, but look around, what we see is
"My God, why have you forsaken Jesus?"
So they blame God.  But the people did not listen, learn and obey.
It's God's fault?  No.  The proof is in "why".
Why "the end?" That's what people want.
The good ones for one reason, the bad ones for another.
This means everlasting life for the world, no? taking in knowledge.
The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom.
I don't see anyone fearing Jehovah, do you?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Salvation belongs to Jehovah

If you want to believe that or not it's your problem.
But it is everybody's problem that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
is teaching a new generation of people that the WTBTS is salvation.

Go ahead, I dare you to check it out.
Am I wrong that where they publish God's Name they mean themselves?
Read it.  The Watchtower is easy to find, isn't it?

I am not bluffing

I know you think I'm bluffing. I wonder how I would know that?
I might be imagining it.  I might be imagining You.
You want to know what  Armageddon was, is, is coming?
Are you happy?  That's what it means.
You want me to explain?  I don't want to.

I don't think both of you think I'm bluffing.
Did you hear me say that?

Friday, September 30, 2011


Or armegeddon sigh, how well do I have to spell, my dear friend speel-check.
I've seen it.  If you're waiting to see it, and you don't see it yet, it ain't going
to happen.  I mean for you.  Oh, too bad, so sad.

People suck

In case you read this and you have found out that people are so selfish and so unfriendly, just please know that it isn't you, it's them.  Be cool!

Frikin riddles

We don't have time for your stupid riddles, lady (....)
What means Russia?  Fine!

They checked in when I typed "sex". And then I said
stay tuned, one day I might publish naked pictures.
And they did.  OK.  Please don't be embarrassed. We like
naked pictures too.

Peace Russia.  You made me happy to see you on the chart.
Blog has a chart.

Pretend You care

Matthew 24:46
Who? is making himself least of all
If he remains so he will be happy.

Matthew 5:1-12 Jesus' famous sermon on the mount.

Same word "happy" at 24:46 and chapter 5.

The "faithful" and "discrete" slave say they are who who is at Matthew 24:46.
Lots of people believe them.
Did I?  The lie is king, so what difference does it make if I tell
the truth according to me?  No, I didn't, I got baptized to find out.

OK.  The Watchtower Society who say they are the appointed one or ones,
teach a spiritual paradise they who believe in the Watchtower have.
You following me?  My daddy says "open your good eye".  Nancy says
don't be afraid.  My point?  Oh, yes, if the Jehovah's Witnesses of the Watchtower
Organization are happy like verse 46 says they are, if they are true, then
they must be happy like chapter 5 says they are.  That is not a "spiritual paradise".
A spiritual paradise is the Good Lord in me, or you, or them.
When the Lord dwells with a person, the person reflects the sermon on the mount.
1. beggars of the spirit
2. they that mourn
3. (demonstrating power without undue harshness)
4. hungering
5. thirsting
6. full of pity
7. pure (unmixed with undesirable elements)
8. lovers of peace
9. persecuted

OK, only 7 and 8 can define a spiritual paradise.
And the Watchtower Society does indeed makes #7 a priority,
but I have seen that spirit is well with a balancing, all things balanced.
In the organization they have not got #7 and #3 balanced.
And by now everybody knows that in the organization there are many
who do not obey to be pure at heart (#7).
Are they lovers of peace?  No! Me and my daddy are the only ones who
know how much they are not lovers of peace.  And he's dead.
My heavenly Father is very much alive.

Fair question, is there a spiritual paradise?  I think the bible doesn't teach
that there is, but that there might be.

So then, what do they have?  Blood, they have souls.

Questions welcome, but first read the essay, once, or twice.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I have feelings

How do you think I might feel being hated by both troops?
Should I write more words?  Hell no.  OK....
One side are the righteous, and on the other side, damn, you
have the righteous.  What is aGod to do?  

Holy Cannoli

Yah!  I do.  Cry me a river.
I was trying to be a butterfly but those meanies won't let me.
I have to be a caterpillar, which kind of sucks, but butterflies
are harmless, and some caterpillars are poison.
Butterflies die young, caterpillars get one cozy blanket.
It'il do.  


I shall try to recreate my last post on
Or not
It might have got me off, and I like my blog
and it might be the same owner.
Now I am in a pickle.
Translation; in a quandary or other difficult position.

OK I can deal.
I just thought of something funny but not funny.
Our wonderful posts about faith in God got chopped off.
Like John.

Now where?

Where will I get my endorphin now?
I might have to get real.  Shit.  Shit

OK A story. 2 Kings 13:18.  Elisha was to die.
Israel was in trouble.  The King of Israel came to
Elisha to mourn Elisha's passing away.
Elisha told the king to strike the earth with his
remaining arrows.  The King struck the earth only
three times.  Then Elisha said with indignation
it meant to strike five or six times.
You know what that means?
To me it means the king did it for Elisha
because Elisha told him to.  But Elisha was to die.
The striking the earth for Elisha means he did not 
strike it for Jehovah, but he stuck it for someone
on his way out. 

So now I'm out, where to go?  My blog... shit.
Boss caught up with me.  It's OK I have so much to do!

A list.
Mop the floor.
Organize the buttons.
Send money to a friend.
Strip the chair, paint it and sew a cushion.
Organize all my shit.
I have to shop today.
Vacuum clean everything.
Pray they don't shut down my blog (please don't get any idea about that)
Clean out my closet.
I should do that first so when I shop I can drop off stuff.
Finish my mystery.
I might take notes on the Bible.


Atheists are babies.  I wonder who will take care of them
when they need taking care of.  Babies need care or they will
die.  It's true.

Censor is God

They offed me again.  I will miss me.  Shit.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why 'Time indefinite" not forever?

Most declarations in the Bible about the future say
to time indefinite.
Why might the bible be shy about saying forever?
Because God does not lie.  If to time indefinite
became forever, the Time would become (in theory)
mightier than God.  That's all.  Time is not mightier than God.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Is dumb good?

I don't think so.

How do you KNOW?

Kudos to the Watchtower Society for the good they do.
But how do you know they are not the cause of the trouble,
they are right there to fix it?

When examples are given in testimony from people who were praying
for the answer to "what should I believe?" and then Jehovah's Witnesses
come to the door with the answer, how does one know they come with the
correct understanding of the Truth, or is it that they own the reason for the
not knowing?

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Jesus told us what it is that makes the world, the world.
He told us how to make the world fair even for the orphan and the widow,
the least of human kind.  If the least of human kind is happy,and most people are
happy, the air gets to be rested for the repair.

Bible says "do not judge that you might not be judged".
So why do people, even mostly the people calling God god
judge?  Is it not the "original sin" to want to be judged?
I should put in one more sentence to make it even.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Romans 16:17

From the New World Translation:
Now I exhort you, brothers, to keep your eye on
those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling
contrary to the teaching that you have learned and avoid them.

To offer up evidence that can stand up in God's court (truth) and
You, brother, look on as in contemplation, the (also the, doubled)
standing apart (wrong separation into parts), also the traps causing stumbling,
close beside as among, the respected teaching which you learn (come to realize),
to make, avoid ,away from, and (ends in a pronoun which can mean he, she, it
they, them, same).  This scripture can mean personal belief system, but the
Watchtower has turned it into them who cause division, but is it not meaning
false reason that causes division?  It does not mean between people, it means
within the mind.

And the next verse, also similarly cautioning about the mind that can
believe for the "belly", not for the spirit, and can be led to deception
unawares, seemingly innocently. 

Nancy's reasoning 101- Why would bible say to contemplate them 
who cause a stumbling?  Does not God judge those on the outside?
And why keep an eye on them who are to be avoided?

Also can we not see that it is they who fear division that cause the worse
division?  Who is divided against the world?  Jesus came that the world might
be SAVED.  Who is against the world?

The Mount

Matthew 24:3  Jesus spoke on the Mount of Olives which
is fittingly symbolic of the question and the answer.
His disciples asked him "when" and "what".
What were they thinking?
They asked Jesus, the things that we do, that you have
commanded us to do, "when will they bear fruit?"
"And how will the people know we are for you and you are for us?"
Jesus said "take care you are not led astray"
Or even perhaps take head you do not cause a leading astray.
How is where the dialog took place significant?  Olives are for oil,
oil is for anointing kings.  They knew Jesus would be king, and Jesus knew it too.
How is Jesus the king?  Holy spirit is provided through Jesus.
Holy Spirit is that which no man can overcome.  They have tried.
The trying is over.

Monday, September 19, 2011


If there is something that is true, and it is important to know
but they who can know refuse to know, isn't that defining
an unbeliever?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The disgusting thing that causes desolation

Is it not obvious what it is?
It is a warning.  It does not mean causing desolation
only to itself.  How will you fight down the abomination?
You will not?  You then must share in the desolation.
I believe that is the warning Jesus meant when he did give
his life to save the world.

2 Corinthians 8:11-12
The world is making the grave mistake of applying the scriptures
to the flesh only, when really scripture means SPIRIT. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What the Watchtower does

The philosophy behind the beliefs and actions of
the Watchtower society is too similar to the
Mayflower compact of 1620 of the Plymouth Colony.
In part it says; as shall be thought most meet and convenient
for the general good of the colony.
Some people translate it thus; All to conform to the will
of the majority.

I have noted that there have been people who have stood up
for accuracy in translation of Bible Scripture that have been
outed by the ruling class of Jehovah's Witnesses for imagined
apostasy against "the good of the society".  Something only God knows.

It worried me that at convention there was a resolution that was
declared for approval, which most present (seemingly)  did approve, 
that said among other things that we should all  think in agreement.
That is where the name for followers of the Watchtower got the name

I got nothin to say


Atheists are theoretical friends of the Watchtower.
Supporters, really.
Why would I say such a dangerous thing?
It is because the worst sins committed in view of the world
are sins against the Spirit of God.  Sinning against the spirit
is the sinning the Society sins. (Teacher would be proud!-elementary that is.)
(see post-previous).

On the other hand, sinners are good for them who do not sin
to feel mighty good about themselves.  It's relative.

oh and another thing.  The least one in the world is applying the
principle of "do unto others" BECAUSE they possess  absolutely
nothing to be jealous of.  (Because jealousy is rottenness to
the bones).

Did you never thank them?  You might call it
Topsy Tervy applying  it to terra firma
Not drunk

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I think I said that when a true prophet of God says "the end is near"
it means it is near to happening, not being.
When it is said "the Kingdom of God" is near, it means happening.
They both mean near to the hand that makes things happen.
Near, not on the calender, but by ability.
The Jehovah's Witnesses don't know that, they can not be telling the truth.
They are bearers of false witness.
They take up the Name of God in a worthless way.
They take the throne and the crown, putting themselves before God.
They steal what rightfully belongs to Christ.
They dishonor their mother and father in a spiritual sense because they
promise to do God's will making them family of Christ, but they do
the will of men instead.
And even some have desired the house of another after the death of
the householder by God.
Do they even murder?  Some people believe so. (by causing death needlessly).
The Sabbaths resting?  They cause more fighting than resting.
Do they make an image?  Not of wood or stone, but by teaching lies about God.
God is not the image they make God to be.
In fact, do they not say by their waiting many many years, "where is his presence?"


The Bible says the lesser is blessed by the greater.
I think that is simple logic.  Everybody by now knows that
great means good to a lot of people.  Wise people know that is not true.
Turn it around, and some people might also believe that good is great.
(there is no one good, no not one), but that is something
the world did not listen to.  Jesus said it.  There are too many
persons that believe the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
are good.  And those many many people will be putting in their
effort to make them great.  How would they ever become great?
By the World being destroyed.


The reason why with no weapons they can do it is PRIDE,
and that which is in all of us; a supernatural desire to see the
end of effort.  I already told them that the word for escape is
"flee" and even with a world chock full of evidence that they
are wrong, they will not "flee".  Without any intervention, that
which they are hoping in will happen, but not by God's power,
but by man's weakness.  It is as simple as an end of effort.
On the other hand the True God is not deaf to the cry of afflicted one.
It is all being done in the name of the Father, I do not see anything but
the end of humankind, because there is no compromise.
Such warning was ignored a billion billion times over.
You think desire and pride are not contagious?  I hope you are right.

The Writing on the Wall

Nobody understands the writing on the wall?
If Jehovah's Witnesses are they saying "peace and security"
and therefore Bible says destruction is on them, doesn't it mean
they cause it?  Or the Bible is wrong,  I think it unwise to take that chance.
So if they would cause it, why not send a delegation to them to
ask them if they might not cause it?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Mom

Maybe you think Eeyore is not happy to go to public school?
I would not trade my Mom, my Dad, my history for anyone's
history.  I love where I have been and I love more where I am going.
So Eeyore said that (previous post) because people jump all the time.
But I say flying is much better.
When people jump to conclusions the thinking one (Eeyore)
feels sad.  That's why Eeyore said "not the same school".

I'm a hole digger, in case you were wondering.
Translation; the more I talk, the more I try to unravel confusion,
the more confused I make who?  There's no way of knowing.
And that is all right with me.
But I should say, thank you for dropping by.

The Brain

Does anyone else notice there is something happening to The Brain?
It's down right too scary to contemplate.
But I do anyway.

Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous!!!

Borders books still on sale.  Now 70% and 80% off.
For the title I bought King Abdullah II of Jordon (where would the 's go?)
King Abdullah II of Jordon wrote a book, I bought it.
For the title, I bought it.
Our Last Best Chance The PURSUIT of PEACE IN A TIME of PERIL
By King Abdullah II of Jordon, 2011, Viking (Publishing).
Sometimes I decide not to read the preface of a book, but I read this one.
It is fabulous!  It should be printed in booklet form.
What I have been trying to say with my blog is
"Our last best chance of the pursuit of peace in a time of peril"!
He even was educated in the same state as I was.  But not in the same class.
What he writes in the preface applies to the WORLD.  The whole world!
Anyway, thank you King Abdullah for writing your book.
I am in anticipation of reading it.  Biographies being my favorite genre.
But the title is perfect, heaven speaking!  God bless heaven.
And long live the king!  Can I say that?  I never said it before.

Do you know Eeyore of Winnie the Pooh fame?
How he talks?  Say in Eeyore speak "no, not the same school".
OK!  I love you too!

Monday, September 12, 2011


It is time to understand that the sinning that is condemned
in the Bible applies also to the heart.
Most especially I am concerned that idolatry has become rampart. 
Idolatry means "graven image" and worthless.
I know a little about the brain and how thinking relates to action.
We learn and as we do we "engrave"  images of understanding in the
intellect.  These images, in turn, encourage thought and motivate
what we do and say.  Even the brain looks like a series of imprinted
depressions of valleys and hills.
What I witness is persons imprinting the images of God and Jesus
the way they understand THEM.  This is sinning.  They do not know they
are sinning.  To believe you know God is to believe (not consciously, of course)
that you are equal to God.  I know Jehovah, yes, but only the reflection of
Jehovah in the Bible.  They have also created an image of the Bible.
The images are worthless.  I do not insist that my understanding of
scripture is the correct understanding but they do.  World sinning, what do
think might happen?

Who are these women?

2 Timothy 3:6 Are we still waiting on these women being identified?
Who are they?
What does it mean?  Or, how to get in really big trouble with
a few innocent words.
Does nobody recognize  the illustration?
Men Household Women Sins
For of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts
An interesting twist for sure.  What it really means is, because we can see
it with our own eyes, is Watchtower sent to
households leading away to them women.  But they are some of the nicest
people you know.  I know!  I was one.
So, how to translate it?  They are "sighing and groaning"  over the
(sins) of the world.  Not their own sins silly.  What's it really saying?
The women are easy pray prey for the organization to lead away because they
(the organization) is the SOLUTION not!  Please don't misunderstand me, please!!
Then it says "eagerness for many colored".  Many colored like a
datadada RAINBOW.
Rainbow means God's promise.  Genesis 9:12,13

How do I know?

Sinning is that which leads away from love.
We all sin, it is true, but the sinning that the Bible warns
against is sinning to do harm.  So if you decide to associate
with a doer of harmful deeds, you are showing approval
of the sinner sinning.  So it is not doctrine, but a WARNING
to be conscious of the danger of being an accomplice to
harmful deeds.
Got it?  A warning, not a rule. 

Why bad associations are bad

Bad associations DO NOT SPOIL anything.
Unless you make it your mantra.
Which you can do but why would you?
So what does the Bible warn about?
Associating with them who love to sin is
hurting MORE the one that loves to sin.
Something I call criss cross applesauce.
It has nothing to do with apples, it just sounds good.
What does criss cross mean?
Switching places.  Tradition has it it hurts the one associating,
that is not correct.  It hurts the sinner.  How?

People put their

Faith in their own understanding.  And the power is to win.
I know there is nothing one's own understanding CAN win,
but that is an opinion, I do not lean on my own opinion.
Why has the belief moved away from the Earth to death?
I wonder why, but I try hard not to wonder except that it
might be made to happen that way.  That is my war, in case you
were wondering.  War of one.  And in case you need proof, there's plenty.
I don't have it, the eye does.  My dad said "open your good eye".
God is good.

physiological property

Should I label all my posts Sex?  If in case I want myself be read?
Or readed, if you will.
I am sorry to disappoint all the many clickers who clicked
for something better.  I will never post naked pictures,
unless I go crazy, which is a possibility.  Stay tuned!

But you said...

No, I didn't.

What would you have

Us to do, Nancy?
Put away theories of dead men.
Picture yourself claiming climbing the Mountain of Jehovah
Isaiah 2:2-4 with a dead man on your back, for that is what people are doing.
It's a no wonder they have the patience the size of an ant's brain.
It's unnerving.  But I care for the intellectual value, that is why
I am immune. I am not holy (but I might be), I am curious.
And intellectual,, believe it, or not. Did somebody else already say that?


Opposites with nothing in the middle is a very good name for "the end".
What does it mean?  There are them who give themselves up to Jesus.
They surrender their soul to him even them.  But then, if they do not seek
righteousness, they become like dead to him.  1 Corinthians 15:29
Then, on the other hand there are people who have given up on Christ.
Many choose to wipe out  any drive at all coming from heaven.
Why would they do that?  The Bible knows why they do that. I have explained
why they do, but there is no one in the middle to listen.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I do feel much more comfortable talking to men than to women.
I think the reason why is I worry that women won't like me,
but I am sorry to confess, I think I don't care if men like me or not.


It is not air.  Some people trust air.  Air is not considered mammon.
Not by any one's definition.
Could it be one's religion?  Yes.
Could it be some one's job?  Even if it doesn't pay money? Yes.
Could it be some ones's faith?  Yes.
It can be some one's belief system, the goal they head for.
So then, if I am correct, the world heads away from God and
then they do blame God for being led astray.  Weird, huh?

So what is mammon?

Mammon means the treasure that a person puts their TRUST IN.
What do you trust?  What will you not let go of?
That is your mammon.

Lame brain

Maybe it really is one person checking in to read my blog.
It might be nobody, but it might be one.
I'm am going to tell you HOW I come up with my
lame brain idea of love drives a person there.
I posted mammon is not money, but I am not believed,
which makes my posting funner than fun stuff.
The Watchtower is the clue.  OK?  So they say
worship God our way.  But that is not possible.
It is not possible to worship God and at the same time obey man.
That is how I came up with the LOGICAL conclusion that
"mammon" does not mean worldly possessions.
Because Jesus said you can not serve God AND mammon.

World, what is wrong with wrong?

 Hello world!  My name is graffiti.  That was a good line in the movie
Contagion.  The character said blog is graffiti and that is right.
It is right, but should it be right?
No, that is what I think.  I think here are important things to say and
many people do not have the time or the money to say the things needing saying.
Oh!  They also do not have the pedigree. Which is screwy when talking about
what is wrong, because what is wrong concerns those without pedigree the most.
You do not get what I am saying.  I know you do not.  How do I know?
That is my point I am going to try to make.  It won't be easy.

Why is wrong wrong and does it matter?
If you believe in Jesus, you also have to believe wrong matters.
Because God is a spirit.
People who don't believe God, also might not believe spirit.
THAT was the item that Christians were instructed to "overturn".
It didn't happen, I'm hoping not yet it didn't happen, but it is not looking
good for spirit.  We move in the spirit, so healthy spirit is good spirit.
It's like air.
So then what is wrong with error?  Error infects the air.  Time is for
two things.  One is identifying error to have it overturned. And one is
for replacing wrong with right.  It is more than personal.  Some
people know that, if you want to know who knows, a good
place to start looking is in a mental hospital.

So what is wrong with not identifying error to remove it?
(it is spirit, it can't be hurt).  I believe error is the birthplace of crime.
So there you have it.  That is what is wrong with it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

When will these things be?

What does Jesus stand for?
He stands for "make it happen".
He is the promised descendant of the father Abraham.
Abraham means "father of nations".
Despite every obstacle Jesus was born and accomplished his ministry.
And they who were sent forth from him as he was sent forth from
God also accomplished their ministry.  Then the apostasy came over the wall
instead of through the door.  That is where the world is now, in the apostasy. 
When?  Think TIME.  Jesus was glorified.  But only if you believe he was man.
Gods don't have pain like man has pain.
What Jesus stands for is that which will be.
To listen to Jesus, one gets peace and the hope.
To name Jesus but not to listen to him is idolatry.
To follow after idols is a worthless endeavor.
That is what the world heads for, worthlessness.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The hope ahead

That is the promise the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
holds out.  "The hope ahead".  But the hope is that which is NOW.
The Jehovah's Witnesses have the world hoping for hope.
I have hope.  Before I became a Jehovah's Witness I had hope.
They are spending all that time looking for HOPE?  That is
what it is beginning to look like to me.  "Everything is vanity "
says Ecclesiastes 12:8.  Everything including all the new members they
seek to convince they (the Watchtower) are the only hope.  They are
not The Hope, Jesus is.  Did no one ever wonder what Peter meant by
"I do not know the man"?  Matthew 26:72  Did he not honestly mean
"I have no idea what he is doing".  Jesus is The Hope, that is what he is doing.
Hope leads to the promises of God.  They who redirect the hope away from
Jesus are leading the world to destruction.  I choose not to go.  I will
be found with Jesus, I hope.  Matthew 11:28

Monday, September 5, 2011

I make you say you make me say

I told you I suspect I make people say the f word.
You want to know what you make me say?
Lord have mercy!  That is what I say.


I have observed that people love to respond to just about anything.
I have observed on my blog and on more than a couple forums
people do not respond to me.  I can't help but wonder why.
I do not have a reasonable theory.  I have theory that might land me
in a mental institution.  (I have been there, surprised?).  Those people there
did not say much, just like you.  But at least I could observe them, which is
more than I can say about you.

Are you?

Are you boring me to the death?  Is there anyone out
there who wonders what the gift is that can destroy the heart is?
I surmise it has something to do with boring.

How is a million not a million?

Taxes and sometimes lost benefits. 

Is or are?

Do you think it should be are a quiet bunch?
Or is?  Am I really multiplying the "F" word,
or is it just my imagination?  What do you think?
You don't like to (I think I just heard a voice).
Now what should I do?  Finish my sentence or listen to the  GD
voice?  Finish my sentence. called a bunch? 

I'm going to share

This is what I think.  You, meaning everybody, is such a quiet
bunch, you'll have me imagining that I am imagining myself.
Imagine how that makes me feel.


I am not talking about my family of friends who can all fit in my bathroom.
I'm talking about my Jesus side.  There are no friends on my Jesus side.
And let me tell you something, pretty please, if I am right, we're in
for a storm.  A big one.

Being Friendless

I'm not a cry baby.  Most of the time I say it just as I see it.
Honesty the best policy.
Friendless because I am an irritation?
No, friendless came first, so I have good reason to be irritating.
I was not always so.

A PROMISE or a possibility?

I haven't read the whole Bible for a while now.
I am having too much fun being ignored by 100%
of the people. I have a hypothesis that I might, if I live
long enough, try out.  Paradise; a promise or a possibility?
I think I shall go with possibility.  You may vote.
I know you won't, but then you might,  because I said you
won't and then you won't because now you are confused.
I might win a million dollars for you all ignoring me,
because it really isn't possible.  I know math, I just don't
know numbers.  But the million dollar challenge is just that,
it won't ever be paid.  And everyone with half their
brain intact will know a million dollars is not a million.
So it's not enough.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Whole World

So the whole world was misled, now everyone
is afraid of being misled?  Can no one see the irony?

So there you have it.

The Nephilim are not hybrid humans, they are goat like leaders,
humans, but influenced by the spirit sons of God.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A million decisions

It must be by now a million life altering decisions made
with the wrong interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:33;
"Bad associations spoil useful habits" according to
The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures.

Everlasting life is dependent on "taking in knowledge".
The "useful habits" are obviously works done in faith
for the sanctification of Jehovah's Name.  When all
"know Jehovah" then, and only then, can the world
find peace.  Everlasting life does not come with knowing
Jehovah, but one can not be had without the other.

Has nobody looked at the context but me?  The mind, does it
not communicate? and make associations?  Mine does.
That is what that scripture means.  The mind.  Making bad associations
in the mind spoil the "new personality" (NWT), or "self" for Christ.
Look at the chapter, please.
Paul says he fought "wild beasts" then you think he said
being with people who do not want to know Jehovah will
spoil your wanting to know?   Who believes that?
Isn't it dangerous to your everlasting life to believe that?

There is caution mentioned  about associating with some
people, but it does not make for spoil.  Associating with the wrong
people causes a weakening of wisdom, not love.

How to listen

Sheep listen to the shepherd's voice.  Sheep will not listen to a stranger's
voice "to lean on".  Sheep look stupid because they love only one thing.
They "keep their eyes simple" so some look mighty simple.  But
they are not simple minded.  They scare easily, well I wonder why that might be?
Genesis 42:18
Exodus 20:20
Leviticus 19:14
Deuteronomy 4:10
Joshua 4:24
Ruth 4:6
1 Samuel 12:14
1 Kings 8:40
2 Kings 17:35
2 Chronicles 6:31-33
Nehemiah 5:9, 15
Job 6:14
Psalm 2:11
Proverbs 1:7
Ecclesiastes 5:7
Isaiah 11:2,3
I'm sorry, am I boring you?
There is more.  

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean
on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5

Or, do not support yourself on your own understanding.
Because of the uncertainty of everything most people choose
to understand little about The Spirit.

But modern man can see that without special attention to
what will be in the future, the world becomes unbalanced.

The modern world has the means to do much more than
was ever possible before.  And modern man has the knowledge
that the world is not as stable as it was believed to be in the past.

Very few people know how to believe without leaning.
The majority of the human race totters between leaning on
nothing, and leaning on some one else's  understanding.

What should we support our selves on or lean on?
Please remember that what most of you know about
Jesus you learned from them who were leaning on their
own  understanding.  That is why it is written
"You make the Word of God invalid because of your tradition"
Mark 7:13
The tradition means knowledge handed down by the
men who don't know.  Then them who can cause a balancing
because of trust in God, become them who causes an unbalancing.
Because humans naturally expect humans to behave as they themselves
behave.  Liars expect lies, honest people expect honesty, so everyone
is easily miss led.  The Earth and the Human race can no more bear it.
The Jehovah's Witnesses, liars though they are, are they who know this.
They know we can not have healthy Earth without Spirit.
The mistake they make is teach "it will be".  It won't be unless we
make it be.  The quarrel is in the way.  Revelation 16:13,14.

World upside-down
1 Timothy 6:10
Traditional meaning;
Anyone led astray by the love of money will be going after
pain for them self.

It says root.  Of a tree.  It means when the Son comes to the  right time
to restore all things to God, they who were chosen to know, instead
went off after the security of money and caused grief to many.
Brainy says it says pain to self.  Or can it mean they left the faith and
the self for the selfish pursuit of money?  I am not brainy. 

It means

It means what a faithful person hopes for,
"salvation", is what will be what he does not want
How?  Because the world followed "expressions
inspired by demons".  Because you all are busy
thinking about how to make more money I will hypothesize
what a demon wants.  OK, to be a demon means what was his, once,
is no longer his, he gave it up to become a demon.
So the natural thing for a demon to do is to take away
what it is that makes world Earth.  Earth world?
No, that was done.    Jesus came to turn it around.
Does any one see any one listening to Jesus?

It doesn't mean reward

When Jesus comes in HIS Glory to sit on
HIS throne, he will separate the people.
Matthew 25:31
The people on his right are them who are with him
for everlasting life.  So the factor of determining
who are on his right, were those who showed love to
them who are Jesus' brothers, even the least one.
What does it mean?  Jesus is the way, truth and life.
The reward is not everlasting life for the individual,
it meant everlasting life for Earth.
Jesus came so the world might be saved through him.
The sheep who are on his right are they who
who participate in that lofty goal.

They made it into "tales old women tell". 1 Timothy 4:7

How to ID a Bully

There is one common element that all the bullies have.
It is that they can not admit mistake.  In fact, if they
are caught in a lie, they will accuse the closest person
in reach, even the weakest.  But not their friends.
When they are judged it is their friends who will have
caused their demise, because their friends were proof they
knew what they were doing. They recognize their friends
are like themselves, ergo, they know themselves.
Their stupid act, is just that, an act.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I shall complain

For once god damn it!  When they exterminate
people and them other people go out to party
and dance, don't you just hate it?

Never say

The Bible never says anything that is not true.
Never?  I think never, I do not know all, but so far, it is all true.
Jesus said "if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead".
That is law.  It is in the Bible.  How was law of listen to dead
established?  Me.  I am not kidding.  There is one protocol in
Jehovah's Witnesses Organization.  It is Be Good.  Most of the
time I was be good from my perspective, not from their perspective.
How so?  I was listening to learn, but not so zealous yet for getting
someone else to listen.  I believe "do God's will" and who is to
say what it is?  God knows what God's will is.  So when I ill-treated
protocol and slapped the holier-than-thou lady I proved "from the dead".
I am not dead, but as I went to that god-forsaken meetings of brothers
who were not "qualified", she and I wished I were extinct and an accident
might have been staved off.  So technically I am "back from the dead".
And people don't listen.  Just like the Bible says they will not listen.     

What is the fear?

During times of adversity there is a law in force.
The law is God's love.  When times are hard, if there
are people who do prevail, then they become affirmation
that the law is indeed a law.  The mortal examples are
first, Noah, then even Jesus.  Jesus was mortal, that is why
he can't be Jehovah.  But I'm going to venture to say it is
a good joke in heaven.  That is an aside, which gets me
in big, big trouble most of the time.
What is the fear?  Is it not obvious?

They are afraid they might condemn the strong one.

They are afraid of the bully
who does not want condemnation, so if there is no one winning, then
the loser proves the tribulation was evil from God.
Does that spell trouble?

So for them who like lots of words I will repeat from a different perspective.
Satan said see you put up a hedge.  They love you for it.  But
sometimes there is not a hedge, hardly a crag and a sip of water.  When that
happens will all the people "curse God to His very Face?"  No.
"No" means Jesus.

Oh!  because
time is fine, right now.  The  majority is doing fine,but not for long
and that is the choice, it is too difficult to choose, that is the fear.
The fear is if we choose right we become an enemy of the loser, if
we choose unrighteous , we won't know what to do.
So nobody does either.

What would I have them do?

Seek Jehovah

It is like Noah's day.  The nephilim rule.
I think what "the mighty ones of name"
means is it is they who determine how it will
be "Our Father let Your Name be sanctified"
They are the ones who shape thought.
When I shape my thought it looks like babble when
I try to communicate because of the bullies.
But Jesus said, "blessed is the one who is excluded".
Nobody else but me so far has discovered it is
the same ones naming Jesus who are against Jehovah.
So, in case you have not taken religious side, good for you.
I would wish to "raise my self up" against the bullies.
The "nephilim" have everyone doing as they please.
People are getting beat up spiritually and what it looks
like to me is people are standing away (like WWII).
Why not speak up against tyranny?  
To become a spiritual man does not require a second of time.
It is a process.  I say, start the process, what do you
have to lose?  Jesus said "have no fear little flock"
No fear of what?  The bully taking you away from Jesus.
"look out that you are not misled"  Be wise.
Jesus will protect you from the bullies.
When you get spiritual wisdom, you will see that everything
is not as it seemed to be.  

It means perspective or What secret?

Why do people insist that Jesus is God?
I am not getting into every scripture that they use
just one; John 1:1  How is Jesus God?
God is He who all we are by and live and are.
Acts 17:28
If one has come to know Jehovah that one can not
teach Jesus and God are the same.
How is Jesus God?  John 1:1 says he is.
By Earth's perspective he is god.
Jesus' Father says 'my son" Matthew 3:17 so how we
shall listen to God's son is the same as how we obey God.
How we obey God is the same as what will be.
So therefore, what is and will be is dependent on Jesus.
From Earth's perspective he IS God.

Friday, August 26, 2011


The riddle, is ?????? Then he wrote one less ?????
Stupid Stupid.  And you wonder why I am careless?

Why "sudden" destruction not "destruction"

1 Thessalonians 5:3 "Whenever it is that they are saying
"Peace and security" then sudden destruction is to be
instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a
pregnant woman.  From the New World Translation

The quarrel is very great.  Religion is the worst offender.
It is religion which says "peace and security", it teaches it.
It is alright to teach peace, but by teaching security, peace
is not needed.

So why does the Bible say unexpected destruction will "set upon".
It does not mean it will be accomplished, it means "standing by".
Don't ask a religious person, their mind is set.  They do not understand.

So many times the quarrel comes to this "you will know you are wrong".
That is why "sudden destruction" not "destruction".  I believe
they will not know, that is what it means.

May I elaborate

I will recreate the discussion.
Original poster posted a question that had only one answer
which was no.  For the thread to progress simply to satisfy
Stupid Pants it would have looked like this;
no no
ect. ect.

So I thought maybe I would elaborate on the question
The question posed was Is there reason to believe that it was God's
will the people be misled to believe the Faithful and Discrete Slave was
the Governing Body THEN when accurate knowledge was made known
they were all to change their mind, it wasn't really the GB and is there a
scripture in the Bible that says Yes God does that.
So she or he was looking for a scriptural precedent.

There is not scriptural precedent.

So I interposed (and got stepped on for it-yes it hurt)
God does not lie.  But because the Bible Students  
(what Jehovah's Witnesses were) believed themselves even
less than a lie, they did not recognize the lie the same way as the
"super fine apostles" did.  No, they are not stupid Bible Students,
they are trusting like children are.
Then I pointed to (never point at the Bible in front of Mr. Smarty Pants)
the Bible  parables for the warning against "eating" lies.
Eating actually did apply because The Faithful and Discrete Slave
"feeds" the household.  He forgot about that.  Or maybe he's government
and never read the Bible.

And then Wobble hopped over me like they all do, and I got
a little angry.  So I went off my rocker.

They are afraid

I can see that they who are dis-satisfied are afraid
to choose which side to be a part of.
But there are no sides.  The bullies like to make
people believe there are, but there are no sides.
One Earth One destination.
There is kindness to choose to show or not.
There is love to give or not.
There is wisdom to practice or not.
There is peace to seek or not.
There is goodness to share or not.
There is self control to wish for or not.

The love of the greater number will wax cold
And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold
Matthew 24:12
I know what it is and amazing graze!  there is not one who
wishes to understand.  Does that not amaze the reader?
I have been doing this for years and I'm still amazed.
How are you not amazed?

OK Mr. Stupid Pants

You have to be kidding.
You said a "pretty good" original post I "high jacked"
which I didn't, but I can't blame you for thinking so.
Now you say ,as you insult me AGAIN, thus your name,
and now the "original post" is "a VERY good point"
"original too".  So, make up your mind.
The OP is about lying DAH!  So if I go with that I'm
high jacking it?  Oh!  I forget World listens only to too
many words, if it is short and sweet, it gets thrown out
with the baby.  I am NEVER going to that place of too many words.
I think I would rather die.  

The Day and Hour

What does it mean when Bible
says No one knows the day or the hour?
Not the angels or even The Son, only the Father.
It means God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.
He is the only SURE one.  

So rude

I think it is so rude I want to post.
Instead of the men acting like men,
they act like bullies.  And they are stupid.  They enter into spiritual
conversations only to make them into missiles.  Then when I start talking
like I'm thinking of Bible, they call it babble.
So I shall explain.  The order is "come out" of Babylon which means
confusion, so it means becoming wise with accurate knowledge.
I have "come out" because to come out means getting away from
that which confusion causes, which is sin, illness and death.
Now I am happy because I have come under the yoke with
Jesus Christ.  But now what I speak is confusing to them because
they are in confusion and I am not.
But that is not why he was so rude.  He did not notice that I had no
more posts to write today and he insulted me anyway.
He gave me four hours of "righteous" indignation because,
I don't really know why.  Because he is mean like Borg?

On the other  hand, whenever I mention BDF people
respond like I'm making it up.  That is why I asked
"am I imagining it?"

Babbling about ADA?  No, she said to find a doctor who will
put me on psyc meds so I wouldn't bother her anymore. No,
she said it nicely.  She said I'm not evil, just sick sick sick.
Is she a doctor who prescribes medicine on line?
I think she's not even a nurse.  She is not ADA but *.-.*.
I probably won't be back much as
you guys here are sticks in the mud, snakes, jelly fishes, wolves,
princesses, clowns, mice, worms, johns.  ect ect.

My riddles

You do not like my riddles?
You hate them so much, you wished I would die?

In spiritual reality that can be quite funny.

Am I becoming British?  I don't know how.
So no, I'm not becoming British.
Oh! Is it possible for an American to become
a British citizen?  It doesn't make much sense,
does it?

Stupid Stupid

So while I am practicing my self control
in public and in front of the angels, I'm thinking
they (the sheep) were told that to preach for
getting converts to convert to Jehovah's Witnesses
one had to obey the Society.  Watchtower Society.
To do so would be accomplishing Matthew 25:35-39
where the faithful will feed, water, clothe, visit, and actually
talk to the "least one" of the brothers of Jesus.
So I'm wondering ,why do the "faithful" when Jesus
arrives in his glory, ask him "when" did we feed you?
The religion teaches it it the door to door preaching
that accomplishes the blessing, so then why do they ask

Double trouble or double standard

What does this mean; Matthew 25: 34,46

The king will say to those on his right "come the speaking
well of my father, to inherit the preparation of the  kingdom
from the sowing of the world"
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye 
blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you
 from the foundation of the world

...then go into life eternal

stan dard-5. a. a degree or level of requirement, excellence , or attainment.
b. a requirement of conduct.
adj. 1. a. Serving as a standard of measurement or value.
b. Commonly used and accepted as an authority
c. Of average, but acceptable quality.

It means during the presence of the Lord, not, like they
say, at the finish.

And then HOW does one accomplish Matthew 34-39?
It has meaning in the heaven, not on earth.  That is why
the ones on the right say "when?".

When is the presence of the Lord?  When love of Jesus
enters the heart and it is real, and they reside all together
"as one". John 12:44-50

But what it is that we have, the trouble is
the blind leading the blind because the whole world is
misled, it being without "the light".
Why does the light not shine on the wicked?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Wedding

Matthew 22:1-12

Are you scared yet?
So then, The King  had a look see who was dining at
the marriage feast for his son.
vs. 11-13   he caught sight there of a man not clothed with a
marriage garment He said to him "companion"
(I shall assume it was one of the originally invited)
"how did you come in without having a wedding garment on?"
but he was not allowed to answer and the king said to the
servant to have him bound hand and feet and thrown out
into the darkness.

What is meaning not having on a wedding garment?
It means that when you are present at a wedding
do not be distracting the guests away from their
purpose of being in attendance, which is for rejoicing
with the Groom and the Bride.

King James Bible

John 14:23  in the King James Bible says; "If a man love me he
will keep my words and my father will love him and we will
come unto him and make our abode with him."

the New World Translation says; "If anyone loves me, he will
observe my word and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him and make our abode with him".

That pronoun "we" underlined above, who does it mean?
God and Christ  OR  the ones that love Jesus?

OK, now if no one will answer my question, what does that mean,
but Constipation. See 1 Samuel chapter 6   OK, like, please?

Jehovah Witness

I am wondering if someone there at Bethel might
help out the world here.  It is important.  The reason why
it is important is because the world must believe the same
as you do or become dead.  So please, if you may,
tell the world, it being in danger of dying, how it can
conscientiously* adopt worship that is a QUESTION.
Because as I understand The Saving Society and the Bible
there is only ONE  scripture that gave birth to the Organization
and that scripture is a QUESTION.  It saying
"who really is?".  You might attempt, please, to see the
difficulty of believing a religion whose foundation is a
QUESTION.  Please and thank you.  I am eagerly waiting
for your public announcement.

*When, if ever will the religion allow contention?
Because as you know now, it does not.
But if the answer to the question might in the future
prove wrong, then you will have baptized all the people
for lying.  And lying is the child of the devil.

How do?

God is not stuck in time with us.  God can see all of human
activity.  God has given humans The Word to warn and to teach.
The Word by virtue of the Source of said word, has authority
of it's own, but never more that the source.  So when the Word
utters a warning the warning can't be "it will be" because it is a
warning that the folly won't happen.  It is called Love.
But because Love is worshiped, Love can not come out and say
it for the obvious reason that Love would MAKE it happen.
So it speaks in a rainbow.  When a folly is committed because the
warning was not heeded, then The Word is sounded definite.
But even then, because all do not share in the folly, the warning
can not be popularly understood.  That is called wisdom.  Because why
should the innocent suffer?  I'm an Earthling, I do not know about
that other stuff.

That is how.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In my head

I did not forget about the Indian man.
The crazy one.  Did you?
Just so you know, that is what I meant
by "the truck".  One word riddles are not fair.
I know.  So Father says you need a hint.
So there it is.  

A truce

OK.  No God, fine.  The All Mighty one
DOES NOT EXIST is our reality.  Happy?
But I cannot say that His Holy Spirit does not
exist here AND His son WAS here.  Can we just
get along  please?  OMG

The Trees

At the beginning there were two trees
One The Tree of Life  and  The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad.
The Tree of Life is for everlasting life and a resurrection.
We can't get there from here.
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad
was not placed in the garden to test man.
It is a reality that exists with us, it means all the time.
So without it, we could not exist.
Are they the same?  I will venture "yes" they mean the same
thing, but one is to be "eaten" with trust the other one
was not.  You try to say it better, I would actually like that
I think.

No I didn't say

I did not say JUST like us.  Did you hear me
say "just" like us?  You did?  I didn't.

Thank God for stupid.  Oh no!
Do you think she knows more?
I know what I make people say.
I can't say it, I'm a Christian.
Now!  Don't edit that.

I think my husband said don't say this;
"Where did the brains go?"

Not to the Bible.
I mean the brains did not go to the Bible.
He said people might listen if you weren't so
SARCASTIC.  But they roast people who they love.
I love you. Therefore I roast you. or maybe
I love you hence I roast you.
You don't mind, do you?

So it means?

We should consider the bull shit.


Jehovah God resides in the spiritual heaven,

it is the heaven of the heaven. Heaven as we know it is the 
expanding Universe.  It and time are twined.  The Heaven 

of the heaven does not exist in our dimension.  

Time is not present there.  I know you beautiful women 

want to go there, OK, you men too. But then you wouldn't have, 

never mind.  Maybe the spiritual "person" Satan, when thrown down, 

entered then into Earth with it's "short" time.  Get it, 

forever of no timeness IN heaven then timeness which would be shorter 

even if it lasted forever in on over with Earth, so it's not a date.  

Not a date; for you busy persons; means this, they say 
Revelation 12:9 means we can expect the demise
of "Satan" because he has as Revelation 12:12 is saying
a "short" time.  Short time means "like us" now.