Hello world! My name is graffiti. That was a good line in the movie
Contagion. The character said blog is graffiti and that is right.
It is right, but should it be right?
No, that is what I think. I think here are important things to say and
many people do not have the time or the money to say the things needing saying.
Oh! They also do not have the pedigree. Which is screwy when talking about
what is wrong, because what is wrong concerns those without pedigree the most.
You do not get what I am saying. I know you do not. How do I know?
That is my point I am going to try to make. It won't be easy.
Why is wrong wrong and does it matter?
If you believe in Jesus, you also have to believe wrong matters.
Because God is a spirit.
People who don't believe God, also might not believe spirit.
THAT was the item that Christians were instructed to "overturn".
It didn't happen, I'm hoping not yet it didn't happen, but it is not looking
good for spirit. We move in the spirit, so healthy spirit is good spirit.
It's like air.
So then what is wrong with error? Error infects the air. Time is for
two things. One is identifying error to have it overturned. And one is
for replacing wrong with right. It is more than personal. Some
people know that, if you want to know who knows, a good
place to start looking is in a mental hospital.
So what is wrong with not identifying error to remove it?
(it is spirit, it can't be hurt). I believe error is the birthplace of crime.
So there you have it. That is what is wrong with it.
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