Friday, August 26, 2011

May I elaborate

I will recreate the discussion.
Original poster posted a question that had only one answer
which was no.  For the thread to progress simply to satisfy
Stupid Pants it would have looked like this;
no no
ect. ect.

So I thought maybe I would elaborate on the question
The question posed was Is there reason to believe that it was God's
will the people be misled to believe the Faithful and Discrete Slave was
the Governing Body THEN when accurate knowledge was made known
they were all to change their mind, it wasn't really the GB and is there a
scripture in the Bible that says Yes God does that.
So she or he was looking for a scriptural precedent.

There is not scriptural precedent.

So I interposed (and got stepped on for it-yes it hurt)
God does not lie.  But because the Bible Students  
(what Jehovah's Witnesses were) believed themselves even
less than a lie, they did not recognize the lie the same way as the
"super fine apostles" did.  No, they are not stupid Bible Students,
they are trusting like children are.
Then I pointed to (never point at the Bible in front of Mr. Smarty Pants)
the Bible  parables for the warning against "eating" lies.
Eating actually did apply because The Faithful and Discrete Slave
"feeds" the household.  He forgot about that.  Or maybe he's government
and never read the Bible.

And then Wobble hopped over me like they all do, and I got
a little angry.  So I went off my rocker.

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