Saturday, May 5, 2012

Just one example please

Palmtree convinced me to leave the forum. I was wasting time there not being heard.  And I was getting a reputation for notoriety which is something I would rather not have.
But how do I know she is not a Christian?  She said to me the worst thing a person can say to a Christian which is "You have me believing I would rather not be a Christian".

That is an example of the sons of the age having more to do with making things right than the sons of the Kingdom.  For me, I don't know about for heaven.  I am grounded.  Haha
BTW that is the mean girl's job.  Setting things right.  People are getting awful jumpy, aren't they?  

1 comment:

  1. I do not like writing in a lot of words but for clarity I shall add some words.

    The sons of the age straiten things out, but they don't know they are doing it.
    The sons of the Kingdom know what they do.
    That's the difference fyi.
