Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The Jehovah's Witnesses might be the group with the most bible study hours of any other group in the history of the world.

They study the version of The Bible that is handed to them, as food is, by their governing body, who are in New York USA, who call or calls themselves the faithful and discreet slave.

James 1:5-8

5 So, if any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. 6 But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. 7 In fact, let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Jehovah; 8 he is an indecisive* man, unsteady in all his ways.  (From the New World Translation Bible)

* lit. two-souled

Where do Jehovah's Witnesses get wisdom to understand The Bible?  They do not get it from 'Jehovah'.  The faithful and discreet slave(s) get it from Jesus who gets it from The Father they call Jehovah.

The writer of James 1:5 says wisdom is got from asking God.  But Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to be wise apart from the governing body.

If it really means life with blessings or death by a curse to believe or not believe what the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses says about the way, the truth and the life, then why did not James SAY so?  If where we get wisdom about God is so important why didn't he write (after verse 5) "from the messenger God will provide"?

Two souled?  Aren't loyal Jehovah's Witnesses really two souled?  They are taught to doubt their own wisdom and to replace their trust in God with trust for the faithful and discreet slave.  They will say they worship YHVH and listen to The Son of God and they are not lying.  They want to worship YHVH and they love to listen to Jesus but they really are not allowed to do so by the governing body.  That is two souled.  One soul for Jehovah and Jesus.  One soul for the governing body.

verse 6 Let him keep on asking in faith.   The governing body teach that to have faith in them is God's way.  I think verse six means have faith in God.

When will Jesus stop me?

I will blog this one.

There is another reason why the business of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is not with honesty.

Whenever they ask for money donations it appears they are needed for the preaching of the good news.  So many people's first thought about it is they have not properly been contributing and it leads to guilt feelings for a few.  The people suffering from the guilt feelings do not know that many of their contributions have gone to legal expenses.  Millions of dollars have been spent by the faithful and discreet slave for their legal team.  (does anyone know if WT lawyers work for nothing like everyone else does?) and for settling out of court injury awards.  And (this is off topic a little) those who have been paid have had to sign gag orders. Gag order for the TRUTH?  What are THOSE?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you suppose there ever was...

....anyone who blew out his or her brains* just for the fun of it?

* brains?  I mean brain.  His brain or her brain.

Friday, December 27, 2013

I am not fond of it.

Sometimes I love being ingored but sometimes I don't.

I think I should be on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.

The reason is complicated.

I have news.  If you have read me and believe it, it's news, isn't it?

The hope is real to be on it if only I might write a book.  Chances slim but possibility real.  I know about statistics,

I just don't know how.

Why  should I be on it?  It is because pEGG SAYS i WILL NEVER BE ON IT.  Dontcha just hate when that happens?  What?  When the fingers go wayward.  Still don't get it?

Pegg is a poster on Religious Education Forums and she really said I will never be on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.  To prove her wrong I want to be on it.  ALSO, i THINK jON IS CUTE.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Another idea. Wisdom versus Truth

I realize something about myself.  I have tried to be a friend to many people and the many people have rejected my friendly overtures.  It is true that they don't wish to respond, so they don't.  But I see a problem with that.  Maybe there is someone in my future that will need my friendly initiative.  If my friendly reaching out has been quashed a hundred times, then I might stop trying.  If I stop trying someone might suffer.  If anyone suffers from a lack of friendship, whose fault is it?  Is it the fault of the one who suffers?  I am quite sure it is not.  I know of the telling of many righteous men and women in the Bible who suffered.  It was not their fault.  

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Luke 23:43 Paradise Earth

I have an idea about "today". Luke 23:43  Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."

Jesus cannot make a promise to another person that the person will remain a loyal believer in God.  I think when he said "today" he meant as the situation is now or "today" you will be with me in paradise.  As of right now (today) you are putting faith in me and in God's promise of a new heaven and earth, therefore you will be there.  Jesus does not know if the man will "endure to the end" so he says "today" that is how it will be.  You will be with me in Paradise.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I have read the Jehovah's Witness thread about the revised New World Translation Bible and I am happy it is free on line.

I like that they have changed John 3:17.  It is a good change.  I looked up the related scripture at Matthew 5:3 where it reads "happy are those conscious of their spiritual need" wondering if they had revised it to go along with John 3:17. They didn't.

It was said that the revision was proper because "simply taking in knowledge is not what leads to salvation" and I agree.

But I also think that being conscious of a need does not mean begging for it to be filled.  The scripture at Matthew 5:3 uses the word poor meaning beggerly, not poor meaning a lack of awareness.  It is also used at Mark 14:7 where it says you will always have the poor with you.  Was Jesus saying anything about awareness at Matthew 5:3?  Conscious means aware but I am sure there are poor people (both physically and spiritually) who are unaware and there are rich people (both physically and spiritually) who are unaware.

Being aware of one's lack and begging for it to be filled are two different conditions.  One does not naturally lead to the other.

The New World Translation is wrong at Matthew 5:3.

Anyone can be conscious of a need and not ask for it to be filled.  Jesus preached it is the asking for the need to be filled that leads to kingdom of the heavens belonging to You.

The NWT has Jesus saying Happy are those who know they are in need.  But he meant happy are those who are begging to be filled.

I realize that an awareness comes before asking (usually).  The  point he is making (Matthew 5:3) is those who are dependant on their true needs being [U]filled by him[/U] are sharers in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

It is about enduring in a beggerly fashion until God exhalts You.  1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

It is NOT about realizing a hunger.  It is about depending on God to satisfy the hunger.

A person who is beggerly in the spirit will KEEP ASKING as in Luke 11:9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

The NWT has it right when it says "keep on asking", which means continue being beggerly in spirit as in Matthew 5:3.

When anyone believes he is full he is leaning on his own understanding which is forbidden, isn't it?  Proverbs 3:5

Do Jehovah's Witnesses wake up each day conscious that they need exalting?  (1 Peter 5:6) No they assume they will be exhalted.  They are filled.  They need not beg anymore, according to them, so according to Jesus the Kingdom is not theirs.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Um.....What to SAY?

Jeremiah 5:8

I read the whole Bible out loud once upon a time.  I do not remember reading testicles.  But there it is in my Bible. (NWT)  It isn't in any other Bible.  And I thought the Jehovah's Witnesses were copiers of Babylon The Great's Bibles.

How can I tell?  Can you get Bible Hub by Biblos?  It is how I know.  Somewhere it was prophesied.  Who cares?  Nobody cares.  I don't want that to happen but it has happened a thousand times, so being human, I have to imagine, it will happen a thousand times more.

Nobody checks in on what I have to say but I check in on others.  There will come a day when they are no longer able to check in on me.

From the New World Translation Bible;  Horses seized with sexual heat, having [strong] testicles, they have become.  They neigh each one to the wife of his companion.

Well well

What does it actually say?  I don't know as I don't know Hebrew.

Here is what Biblos says:

Horses [it seems able to mean cranes too - I love that] were well fed lusty become each after wife his neighbor's neighing.

Word's meaning:  cranes (because it's funnier) fed (to be plump - because it's true) perhaps to roam (through lust in the morning - why not?) become (no commentary) man (each is wrong imo) against woman (of) another

Woman can mean many things.  Here are just some; (Strong's 108) woman wife female aldulteress harlot widow....

The new Silver Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses "They are like eager, lustful horses.  Each neighing after another man's wife"

What is true is the young men of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society are being fed every morning.  The purpose of their feeding is not for strength.  It is to make them fat with the governing body's own perspective.  What is the plumping up of the young men for?  It is for going door to door making more converts for the governing body.  Even other men's wives?  Yes, even those.

It is their desire to convert the whole Earth to their way of thinking.

What I do not want to happen is nobody caring.  I can see nobody caring, which is a reverse miracle imo.  The appearent miracle is eight million people willing to learn what Jehovah's says.  But they are really in line to hear what man says.  Now one has broke free but still wants to know what Jehovah says.  It was why I was a Jehovah's Witness.  How many others have I found?  It is magic that I have found none.  Isn't it?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I am assuming it is true all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial.  I don't assume "all" means every passage of scripture that if believed will benefit the person.  I believe all scripture means in total or the WHOLE of scripture.  What happens when it is looked at in it's wholeness is it brings the past, present and future together and then the person seeing gets a glimpse of Heaven's view. Looked at it with the same faith of Jesus it is possible to get God's view. (if you read my post somewhere in which I said I have seen God, that is how it happened).

They were written by the power of The Holy Spirit.  I believe it.  The Holy Spirit is not for teaching law.  The Holy Spirit is for teaching love.  I am assuming no one can disagree with that.

Some people believe the Bible interprets itself.  I think it is true.

The Bible does not interpret itself by the manner of men.  The way it interprets itself is by the manner of Heaven.  That means it cannot be picked apart.  People do pick it apart but that is not what it is for.

Jesus has proved to me that I must not lean on my own understanding about what is written under the infuence of The Holy Spirit.  People are doing that.  That's a fact.

So then to my point.  If anything of the Whole Scripture is misunderstood, the misunderstanding becomes like leaven.  The more leaven, the more difficult it is to see the whole picture.

What I can see that has happened is Religion has busied itself adding leaven.

But the original was written leaven free under the power of The Holy Spirit.  To twist scriptures' original meaning is to sin against The Holy Spirit.

How is sinning against The Holy Spirit not forgiven?  The Word that has been graciously given us by God is what is able to lead us to the place of Psalm 23.  But if leaven is to be believed, it won't lead us there.  Where you are led is where you will be.  Where you will be in not able to be forgiven because it is where you are.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who cares?

So what if people teach The Word the wrong way?  Didn't even Jesus say "let them alone.  Blind guides of the blind they are.  If the blind  leads the blind both will fall into the pit"?

Who did he say it to?  Did he say it to believers in him or believers in LAW?  He said it about the Jews.  He also said he did not come to abolish the law. Matthew 5:17 so he was definitely not saying it is alright to lead anyone to the pit.  The law never led anyone to the pit.  Misinterpreting the law does though.

It is so different to say it to the Pharisees who are teachers of law and to say it to The Son who is teaching love.  If you take the words of Christ and teach them wrong it is not the same as taking words of law and teaching them wrong.  It is serious.


What would happen to Israel if Israel left off obeying the law? Deuteronomy 28:1-68.  I am not a fool.  I know what happens, in any part of The Earth, affects the whole earth.  So when people who claim they are speaking for God, for Truth, for Peace or for The Son of Peace, Jesus, and they are not really for these things but are for their own desires, then I know it can't be good for any part of The World.

Who cares?  When the malediction hits because it was what was warned and because it is what is deserved, it won't only be those deserving it that will be hit. How is that even possible? They say it is possible.  It isn't.  Earth is one closed system.  That is a fact.  Isn't it?

I am going to tell you who I think you are

I have not stopped feeling like a gorilla.  My blog is still being watched by God knows who.  I think the only ones who care about what is wrote are those who do not care about what I say, only what I write.  Sort of like a weather person.

Then there are those who come by mistake, and they do not care either.

I still have found not one person who cares that the message connected to The Christ is coming to us crooked.  Weird, huh?

It is so weird, in fact, that sometimes I wonder if it's real.  Do you ever wonder if it's real?

I do not know what it is.  I am not afraid of it.  Yet.  Haha  Why do I have to go ruin every post?  I DON'T KNOW.

I suppose if a gorilla had the chance to ruin something, she would.

Monday, October 14, 2013

This is off the topic of Are the translators of the NWT infallible? Religious Education Forums

It is believed by some that God breathed means God is the author of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.  What I think God breathed  per 2 Timothy 3:16 means is God's Spirit inspired the writers to write it.  God is not the writer.  The people who wrote it are.  When they wrote it they were under the power of The Holy Spirit.  They were not actually The Holy Spirit.  This is not debating whether there are errors or not.  I don't care.

This is debating whether the argument for "The God is the Author so God's Name should be put where it belongs" is properly under the same Spirit as the writers were.

It is argued many times that the translators are not infallible vs they believe they are.

A believer in the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses will never argue that the governing body are infallible because it is in stark contrast to other scriptures they beleive are authored by God Almighty.  (I can look those up if you ask).

It is believed they are infallible.  How?  How can they believe they are infallible and not infallable at the same time?  I think how they do it is they believe it is Jehovah's business to be sure we believe The Word as it should be believed.  So it is not the people who are infallible.  It is The Spirit Of God which is.  I believe that.

Now the point is there are no Greek transcripts that have God's Name written.  The translation committee of Jehovah's Witnesses thought it best to replace the writer "Lord" with "Jehovah".  The reason they give is it sgnified the author better and didn't Jesus himself say he came to "make God's Name known"?  So they believe it is their job to make The Name known so they add The Name back where it belongs.

Did the original authors write  the Tetragrammaton or did they write "LORD"?  I believe so far there is no way of knowing.  So it seems certain they have changed the words that were (they say) written under the influence of The Holy Spirit.  I also believe the words are written under the influence of The Holy Spirit.

They have taken liberties with God's NAME.  Did Jesus take liberties with it*?  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Government shutdown

I think the world would be a better place if people would just look up the meaning of words.  It strikes me as alien that someone is able to say "we have obeyed the scriptures to the letter".  To the letter means exactly.  There are many scriptures that nobody knows what they mean.  There are some scriptures that use the wrong pronoun, verb tense, quantity ect.  It is not possible to obey the bible perfectly.

One example is the word "all".  Most people think it means every one.  It means all as in the whole.  It's like the difference between the many computer parts and a functioning computer.  Or the many brush strokes it takes to make a picture.  The picture is ALL the brush strokes.  That is what "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial" means.  If you can't see the picture, it is not beneficial as is intended.

I could not think of a proper title.  

All the animals will continue to be fed and cared for

No shit Sherlock.  Will there be someone to clean up the you know...shit?


It is what is said when someone says something extremely obvious.  Now you know.

The zoo's closed.

No more gawkers I see.  That is kind of them, whoever they were.

I heard the parks are closed and I thought of me the gorilla and I thought of them that came to stare at the gorilla.  Then I wondered if the National Zoo is closed.  It is.  So are all the other museums in Washington DC.

When they said that government was shutting down, that is what I thought it meant.  I thought "that's weird, how does that work?"  Now I know.  It's not a government shut down.  It's a um teenage tantrum. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

What's funny

Jesus is one person with a unique message and many people have believed it.

I am one person with a unique message and nobody believes it.

That is more than interesting.  Is it even possible?

The same people who believe Jesus will not believe me.

It's so strange.

What's funny?

What is funny is Jesus was the only one believing things his way.  I am the only one believing things my way.  I do not disagree with Jesus but every soul known to man disagrees with me.  How?

I am not sure everyone disagrees with me but it looks that way to me.

And that is funny.  Is it I making you not believe me?  I am sure it is funnier that you don't.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Might I propose?

It is possible the errors in translation were made on purpose with God's blessing. There is a scripture telling about how God sent a deceptive spirit.  Shall I look it up for you?

Why?  The real Messiah knows what was written and what it all means.  The false one will attach it's self to the wrong meaning, which is proof he is false.

I could say a lot of things right now.  But wisdom says maybe I shouldn't.

This is the question

This is the question:

What does provoke at 1 Corinthians 13:5 mean to you?

These are some to choose from:

Not easily provoked.  King James
Not irritable.  New Living
Not easily angered. New International Version
Never...or ever gets annoyed.  International Standard Version
is not provoked to anger. Douay-Rheims Bible
nor blaze out in passionate anger. Weymouth New Testament

This is the word translated as such (above) paroxynetai trnasliterated from the Greek παροξύνεται

I think not easily angered and does not blaze out in passionate anger are right IF it is talking about the person's OWN feelings.

I am sure real love does not exist to provoke another.  That is what I think it means for real.  My husband says maybe it means both.  It might.

What do you think it means?  Is it talking about self control or is it talking about good manners?  Or both?  I do not know if one word can mean two different things that are sort of opposite.

Do you understand the question?

It is possible for me to be angered by another AND it is possible for me to cause anger in another.

I think it means love does not cause anger in another (person).  You know, on purpose or for the sake of conflict.

Sometimes experience shows that what you are doing is causing anger.  Love would stop  what love is doing if it is causing anger , according to 1 Corinthians 13:5, if that is what it means.  I think it is what it means.

What do you think it means?

Will you stay with tradition, or your custom, or will you consider it?

Do not leave off gathering together as some have the custom.....

OK.  Nobody wants to gather with anyone who makes her angry.  And getting angry or irritable has nothing to do with a lack of love.  But that is what it says.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Best jokes

A wife asks her husband, "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk and if they have avocados, get 6.

A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, "Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?"

He replied, "They had avocados."

Let me make this a Bible study

Revelation 112 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

That's Jesus. Yes, or no?

Matthew 17:2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

That is Jesus for sure.

Daniel 10:5 there was a certain man dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz.   6 His body also was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult. 7 Now I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, while the men who were with me did not see the vision; nevertheless, a great dread fell on them, and they ran away to hide themselves. 8 So I was left alone and saw this great vision; yet no strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor, and I retained no strength....13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia...16 Then one who looked like a man touched my lips, and I opened my mouth and began to speak. I said to the one standing before me, "I am overcome with anguish because of the vision, my lord, and I feel very weak. 20 So he said, "Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; 21 but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince. 11:1 And in the first year of Darius the Mede, I took my stand to support and protect him.).

In this vision of Daniel the one speaking to Daniel (the glorified son of man) and the one touching him (the man Jesus?) are the essential characters.  Michael is not present but is someone else.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What is old stuff called?


It is not fair that nothing I say can be believed because no one will start believing it.  Everything believed had a start.  That was my point way back when.  I'm talking to the one person who read it who seems to be gone now.  It does feel a little realer that I am not getting viewed like I was.  I suppose I felt like a gorilla.  I would say thank you for leaving but that wouldn't make sense, would it?  It wouldn't.

I do not know if I was the only one who started out thinking the custom at Hebrews 10:25 meant the custom of not going to the meetings which isn't a custom at all, is it? I suspect they taught it that way.

I'm talking about Hebrews 10:24 and 25.  It probably wasn't inciting to love to be calling anyone god damned.  I've been talking my head off for some years now and have earned the right to call you that.

They won't stop saying it means to gather together to a religious gathering, but it can't mean that because there are too many choices.  People who know that have quit believing it means anything at all.  Those are not the people who are called god damn.  The god damn people keep believing a lie but at the same time say they are for the truth.

What are the customs that prevent the gathering together to the truth?  It is religious tradition.  The custom is with them to believe what they want.  The reasons are many.

You want an example maybe?   Acts 16:20,21  They brought them before the magistrates and said "These men are Jews and are throwing our city into an uproar by advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice."

I do not know if something a person does not do can be called a custom.  I think not.  I might be wrong.

Maybe I should let Jesus say something.  Jesus is the customary name for Yehoshua.

Mark 2:21 No one sews a patch of unshrink cloth on an old garment.  Otherwise the new piece will pull from the old making the tear worse.

Liken my difference of opinion to an unshunk cloth.  Liken their old garment to their custom.  They must strip off the old personality or the old garment (Ephesians 4:22) and be made new.  They won't.  Or they don't.  I do not know why.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I don't want to be stupid but I really want to say something

I was going to post this where it belongs but I am afraid of that man.  I do not want him to know my name.

I am a little bit interested in the Miss America Pageant and somehow I am connected to Social Reader so I clicked on it.  I missed most of the show so I was interested in who might have made the finals.

Someone commented 'more blackamoors than humans'  His name seems to be Tito Perdue,  like the chicken.

I was going to write; Humans know how to count, or so I have heard.  I suspect even baby humans know how to count to ten.

I did not post it because I am afraid of what that man might do to me.  I being afraid of stupid.

The puzzle for me is not the man's stupidity but that two people have liked what he said.  How is that possible there are three of them?

He is from Brent, Alabama and I wonder if he knows he is making Alabama look bad?

He must hate the south because he plants thoughts in people's heads such as "I am too smart to be southern".

Monday, September 16, 2013

People say

They say the word would not have come to us crooked.  I am wrong.  That just proves to me there are people who do not know how to think.

You say there is a god who will direct the mind of the men to translate unbiased for people and situations that they don't know, all the time, every time.  Every time there was any question of clearification by the writer the Almighty God Jehovah would enter the mind of the man and redirect his thinking away from his own understanding and what his heart is telling him and cause him to write the truth. Am I understanding it correctly?  And because a thought comes and goes so swiftly Jehovah must be ahead of it every time.  We are talking about words, not actions.

Now let's talk about actions.   Where is this god directing thought when a god believer faces a dilemma?   Why is there so much stumbling go around?  Why are there different creeds in the same faith?  Where is the god who directs a thought in a man writing, whenever another believer is praying for clearification?  God will write a book, but won't tell the truth to save a race?  Who wants to believe in a god like that?

Do you see the problem of trusting in what has been written instead of trusting in A Living God?

If God can do perfectly through imperfect men for sending a message then why is there so much suffering that could be soothed with a little redirecting of the mind? Some people would do good to others if they just knew how.  Why does not God put in their head how?

Everyone is the same but according to the theory that God's written word has come to us near perfect, there are at least two kinds of people.  There are people who do God's will perfectly and there are other people who God leaves alone. What are the people called who do God's will perfectly, who wrote and write the Bible?  Why are people assigning God place to the Bible?

The only scriptures I know of that support that belief are 2 Timothy 3:16  "all scripture is God breathed" or due to the inspiriation of God.....Romans 15:4 "for as many things that were written before for our instruction were written before"....2 Peter 1:20,21 "any prophesy of scripture of it's own interpretaion is not, not by will of man...but by Holy Spirit."

The words highlighted have come down to us meaning each and every one but it means everyone together. They who wrote those could see it and I can see it.  I can liken it to a story.  The Story About God.  That is what those scriptures mean. Relkigion is teaching you to read just parts of the story.  Their parts.  Read the whole thing.  If I can do it, surely you can.

The scriptures are not God telling us them.  They are all part of what God is showing us.

How can you see it?  Do not listen to men.  Listen to Jesus.  One man who is now one spirit with YHVH.



It is too true that many who have left the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses can truely be considered apostate.  The definition of an apostate (web defined) One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.

When I got baptized I dedicated myself to God (my religion), with kind consideration for the others who had aslo dedicated themselves TO GOD, to learn how better to be self controlled, to love and be loved, (my principles) and to put the Kingdom first (the cause).

I came to find out that the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is NOT for God's Kingdom because they place themself between the people and The Kingdom. You might be able to comprehend that I am NOT an apostate because I am still dedicated the way I described above.   There are many others like me who have left "God's organization" but who are still dedicated to Jehovah to do God's will. Has not God's will always been about exposing faslehoods?  What has changed that that is not longer the case?

You are bearing false witness against me every time you call me an apostate.  It is one of the commands that you MUST NOT do.  Why do you do it?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why do I care?

I think it is too late to changes the bad circumstance.  That is the only reason I know for why everyone is so silent.

I suppose I just have one wish and that is that the UN please not do what they say they will do.

If you're not caught up on the terror I will tell you.  The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses say it is the UN that will turn on all religion.  

No problem

They have no arms.  They do not pose a threat.  BUT

Is it possible they might be a mommy or a daddy to someone who DOES pose a "real" threat?

Maybe that threat is already born.  Or maybe not.  Maybe it is and it gets it's strength from mommy or daddy.  If mommy or daddy has not strength to give it it might not be a threat after all.

What the hell am I taking about?  I love you!  A girl can change her mind, you know.  

If you witnessed a murder, what would you do?

Would you report it?

It is one of the ten commandments to not murder.

What if you are a witness to an organization taking up God's Name in vain?

Would you report it?

What about if you witnessed many people many times bearing false witness against their former brothers?

Would you report it?

These things are also included in the commandment "You must not do".

Why has doing them become right and defendable?

What if you were aware of what "remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy" means and you were a witness to it being taught to ignore that command?

Might you feel a little crazy?

How about image making?  What if the second command has less to do with substance and more to do with attitude?  You see people making an image of what God will do and even when.  What would you do?  Are they not breaking that command by telling us how we should view God and what God will do?

What about the command not to covet anything belonging to your neighbor?  Do you know there is a modern religion that promotes it?  What do I mean?  Well, the Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the Earth is their inheritance.  Not your or your childrens.  It is theirs and God will give it to them soon.

How is it not counterproductive to be teaching the Trinity again?

The Watchtower Society (which is all troll) was raised up to combat the Trinity Doctrine.  Spirit is not flesh and flesh is not spirit, but that they are is what trinitarians teach. Then you have all these people leaving the Watchtower to go back to believing the Trinity.  I want you all to know, please, that you are giving me a hard time.  The Jehovah's Witnesses who I am trying to reason with, think that I am you who have returned to the mire.  They think that I am you who got sick of their false prophesies.  They think that I am you who quit their dedication.  I am not you and I have not returned to the mire.

How is proving their point that they are for the truth helping anyone?  They say God is ONE.  God is not a trinity.  That is the truth.  But you who believe God is three are only for giving them power.  Please stop it!  If you must believe one is three shut up about it.  Please keep it to your god damn self.

So my question stands.  How is teaching the trinity good for bringing down the beast?  I want an answer please.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I think

I think I am better than the nothing I am getting.  I am now convinced I need no bravo to keep on thinking and to keep on writing.

I do like when someone pops in.  Silly isn't it?

Do you want to know who Mr. Lean is?  You must ask first.  Better yet, let's play twenty querstiopns. questions.  That is one real weird word.  I like it.  I'm keeping it.

Friday, September 13, 2013

You can not get through

Maybe you can not get through to comment and here I am blaming you.  I am sorry.

I'm only kidding about Russia.  I am teasing you.  I am sorry (but I might do it again).

You want to know about the party?  It's not really a party.  It is people peeping in to my blog.  When I post I get a lot of peeps.  I cannot think of a good reason people are doing that.  So I have to call it a party to make it lighter.

God knows

You might have noticed that I am occupied with trying scripture for a different view.  It is going well for me.

But it is not going well for any audience that I imagine.

This is what God knows.  God knows that the ones who I am talking to, who will not listen, do listen to someone else.  The someone else they think they are listening to is God Almighty.   Who are they really listening to?  They are listening to the men who believe they are listening to God Almighty.  Does anyone know if they really believe it?  I know for certain the people listening really believe it.  I do not know how hope becomes belief.  Does anyone?  Maybe you feel tempted to say something.  I should not add my email here.  Is it here?  If it is present here, I should mad.  I think I'll be mad.

Is it cold in Russia?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gathering together

They say that to obey God you must gather with them.  The scripture they use to prove it is Hebrews 10:25 which says do not forsake the gathering together but be encouraging one another.  Some even believe that being in their group will make them safe from Earth's worst tribulation.

A scripture came to mind as I was pondering what was said to me on forum about finding the right people. Who are the right people?

There is a story about a woman who was childless.  It made her very sad that she had no children.  I am a mother.  I know that for me my children are dearer to me than anyone is.  Her husband saw that she was sad and said this: (1 Samuel 1:8) Elkanah her husband said to Hannah "why weep and why not eat and why is your heart grieving, am I not good to you as ten sons?"

Now substitute Christ for Elkanah remembering he has received God's throne from YHVH.  And substitute conditional friendship for the ten sons and what have you?

They keep on insisting they know God's word best but how can they whenever they are saying we need them?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Will it be banned?

I wrote this on a website and I think it might be considered evangelizing (and I am doing pretty good with no spell check - that's me patting myself on the back). Evangelizing is against the rules.  Says who?  Haha

quote doug”can we find someone out there that is perfect that can teach us the truth ??” unquote
Jesus can. I have found Jesus but it seems like they say “where is this promised presence of his?” His presence is in your midst, isn’t it? Has God not always been with us? The son always does like his Father. He is always here as his Father is always here. Why do you say can we find someone? What is lacking in Jesus that you need someone else to teach you?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I don't

Think I would think it was funny if I thought I was doing it.

I liked that, so I wrote it.  You can't have it.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Destructive sects

The way the truth the life OR not.  What does the way, truth and life do?  Some people say it gets you out of here, here being The World.  But I think it is in answer to peace and security.  There exist only ONE who is secure in his place and the death of The Lord proves that, doesn't it?  The only one who exists forever is YHVH.  To claim security is to claim YHVH.  I don't have to tell you YHVH can't be claimed.  Is that obvious or is it only obvious to me?

You wanted to understand how destruction is upon them?  That is why.  To be allowing yourself to be claimed by YHVH is the way, the truth and the life.  To be claiming YHVH is the opposite, isn't it?

What is the opposite of life?

Monday, September 2, 2013

You do not know what the party is?

Well, neither do I.  One thing in common is better than nothing in common, don't you talk?

Will we have a party today?

Learn to listen

They won't listen to Gordon who says there is no truth.  Why won't they listen? They don't know how.  If they were really followers of Yehoshua Messiah they would know how to listen.

If they had let themselves listen   OOO wait a minute.  If they had let themselves disobey it who says don't listen they would have heard him say "only 20% is true". So there you go!  There is truth and he never said there wasn't.  What did he say?  He said there is no Truth Institution.

Trolling now.  See you later......

Why is it not possible to like you?

It is because you do not exist..........or I don't.

I once wrote on forum "I hate you".  It was for everyone.  Why, why would I hate everyone?  Well, let me count the ways

1.  I have found no one but my family who gives me a chance.
2.  I don't know you,  of course I don't like you, how can I?
3.  You have emptied your mind.  Why would I love that?
4.  You do not want to know me
5.  I need friends but you won't be it.
6.  The people on forum were mean or disinterested.  Nothing more, nothing less

I'm not going to try to think of any more.

I really don't know

That anyone who believes in the things I believe in are reading my blog.  I believe God is true.  I believe God is active.  God doesn't lie.  God doesn't destroy people for disagreeing.  I believe what is written "this is my beloved son, listen to him".   I believe what is promised to Abraham that his descendents would become like the stars in multitude.  Genesis 15:5  I can see those who care about the promise made to Abraham are anihilating one another.  And there is a scripture for a warning about it but I can not find it.  Is the reason why I cannot find it because the superfine apostles have rejected the idea that we can?  It doesn't seem right.  I learned it from the Jehovah's Witnesses so as soon as I find that concordance belonging to them  I think I can find the scripture. Maybe it doesn't say what I hear it saying.  I just don't know where it is.

I am not a teacher

I do not want to teach.  But I will say what the difference is between believing and confirming.  You can believe anything you want and people do.  Confirm means to prove true.

Do you know Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass was written by a cleric?  People might think it is only a story for a child but isn't it true that what comes out of a man is what originates in a man?

I can see it was more than a book.  It is a prophesy.  I can see the vast majority of people who are stubborn in their mind are believing the opposite of what many things say.  Maybe all they can be is funny but I can't believe everyone wants to be funny.  So why are they?

Emptying one's mind

I have heard there are religions that teach that to empty ones mind is the greatest achievement.  I think some people who call themselves Christians believe it too.  But according to what is written we are suppose to listen. Revelation 1:3, 2:7 and so on.  To be emptying ones mind is to be refusing to listen on purpose. Instead of using your strength to listen to what the spirit says, you are using your strength to not listen.

2 Kings 17:14 They did not hear intelligently hardened their necks necks  fathers who not confirm YHVH The God

To believe means to think true.  But confirm means something else, doesn't it?

Or if you want to hear it from a superfine apostle here:

English Standard Version
But they would not listen, but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in the LORD their God.

Strong's aman 539

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Made you look!

Haha.  I do not know why anyone is inspecting my blog.  It is strange that you don't talk.  Maybe there is a great chasm between me and you. Oh that makes me feel real safe.

Someday I hope I might hear from God about what the hells going on here.  The next thought belongs to Troll.

I think it's Hal

who is reading my blog.  Am I right?

I have no reputation

To guard so....

I can almost, but not quite, hear someone say it is not to them he comes as a thief, it is to those other ones he comes suddenly like a thief.  Have you who think that thought that out?  There is no accord among believers about who he is, what he will do and when.  What would be his purpose coming as a thief to those who don't believe?  Please.  Thank you.

I am sure

I am funnier all by myself.  

Speaking of secrets

By their saying Jesus returns as a thief (something I know I disagree with though the words they think say that mean something to me*) they are saying what God is doing is a secret.  If it is a secret and the right prayer to pray is to pray for God's will to do, we cannot participate (we can, but I'm talking about them) in it because it is a secret.

*I have to laugh that you are reading that in a different language.  I wonder if it gets through in something other than English?  That would be nice.

Does anyone one to talk about the consequence of that?

A party!

How nice.  Should I wish I knew who was here?

If I had someone

to talk to we might talk about the significance of so many people believing things not true.  But I don't.  I wonder if it's because it's suppose to be a secret?

Please try to form these words, that you believe, outloud for yourself

After reading this please:

Unrighteous means un-right
un-right means not right
not right means it's a lie

These are the words for you to say outloud please;

It does not matter what you or I believe it says.

Thank you.  (that's in case you did it, but I seem to know you didn't do it)

They say "put on a happy face"

It might be true that a person who confesses belief in Yehoshua and does not put on a happy face is doing damage.  I do not know if that's true.  I don't believe it.

I will tell you what I know is true.

A president who knows trouble is coming puts on a happy face.

A child who is being raped, later puts on a happy face,

A wife who is being mistreated puts on a happy face.

A crooked business man whose business is failing puts on a happy face.

Even a hit man puts on a happy face for goodness sake.

Drunks are pretty happy too, aren't they?

I have produced a lot of babble

It is true.  But I have learned that people who believe they are friends in Christ are no friends.  What is the most important thing about being a Christian?  It's forgiveness.  People judge the past about a person and they won't forgive it.  If that is you, please stop calling yourself a Christian.  You would be doing Heaven a favor.  

The Christian Nation is lying

Saturday, August 31, 2013

So someone says I should go to church then

And encourage them in their lies.  They are not lying?  Either I am or they are.

Another stupid error.

I hate the superfine apostles I really do.  Hebrews 10:24,25 (NWT) And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works.  Not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.

Define encourage - give support confidence or hope to.

The word is parakalountes NOT symparaklethenia which is the cross reference at Romans 1:12 for Hebrews 10:25

To sympathize with someone means you hear their testimony and their trouble and you share friendly fellow feeling with them. That is what most Bibles say is also at Hebrews 10:25.  Why isn't it the same word then?

Hebrews 10:24 does not mean share like Romans 1:12 does.  It means to implore.  It is a verb used to encourage a person to do what they are not doing, not what they are doing like so very many people believe.

People use this scripture for a pep rally.  It isn't about making others feel good about what they are doing and what they believe.  It's the opposite of that.

What are they not doing?  They are not seeking truth.  Nobody cares that so much of understanding is not pleasing God. It is misleading them.  If a message comes through distorted is it the message still?

I will tell you why I am writing this.  I'm thinking nobody is doing that to me.  They are doing neither actually, for the most part.  They are not encouraging me to do what I'm doing and they are not imploying me for correction if I am wrong.  So I was thinking, what if anybody did get contentious with me?  Isn't silence better than that?  NO!  Not according to Hebrews 10:25.  It is your job as a Christian to correct me if I am wrong.  You are doing neither so either way you are disobeying Hebrews 10:25, unless I am right.


It is not logical that I should believe I am wrong just because I am the only one that thinks it.  Someone thought what you believe first and now you believe it.  And since the whole world lies in the power of the evil one it is very probably true you believe something that is not true.  Must I admit it too?  Nobody is asking me to. Actually very very very few people will even talk to me.

By the way you can be able to tell what the evil one does if you are a searcher of truth like me.  What is the power of the evil one in which everyone lies under? Lies.  The evil one lies.  If you are a Bible believer which says the power of the evil one fills the air you just have to admit you must be wrong about something. Do you want me to say it?  I'll say it.  I believe something I hold is true must be wrong too. Happy?  Is happy a troll thought?  I must have that disease like Dr. Temperance Brennan has.

Nobody likes me.  Is it because I am unlikable?  Oh God.  

Friday, August 30, 2013

They are saying it

Jehovah's Witnesses say that if you join them you will enjoy peace with them.  You will even learn peaceful relations with your enemy.  They say that God will protect you from eternal destruction if you obey God and God's appointed representative, the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Protection from eternal destruction is called security.

In what way does saying peace and security relate to ruin?  Well, one must enter the organization to enjoy peace and security.  It is reminiscant of the city they built in the land of Shinar with a tower that reached to the lofty sky.  Is there anyone puttng on lofty better than the Jehovah's Witnesses?

When a follower of Christ Jesus enters the city he no longer is a follower of Jesus but is now a followerer of The Watchtower.  Being dedicated to a man made organization ruins ones prospect of succeeding in seeking Jehovah seeking righteouness seeking meekness. Zephaniah1:2

God's command to Adam was to subdue the Earth by becoming many by filling the Earth.  Genesis 1:28* Jehovah's Witnesses teach this will occur later after the nations are destroyed by God and they won't subdue the Earth God will do it.

*Later Jesus repeated this as written in Matthew 28:19 where it is said to GO! disciple the nations baptising them in the name of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit.  

I might as well repeat myself

Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the cry of peace and security will come from the nations and then God will destroy them.

from the Greek:
1 Thesalonians 5:3 for when they say peace and security then suddenly comes upon them destruction as the labor pains to her in womb is having and no not shall they escape.

Destruction is from the root word ruin.  As a matter of fact it is also used at 1 Timothy 6:9 where it says from the Greek;
those moreover desiring to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and desires many unwise and hurtful which sink the men into ruin and destruction.

If you were asked which word in 1 Thesalonians 5:3 is the same as in 1 Timothy 6:9 the right answer would be what is underlines "destruction".  You would be wrong.

If the word used at 1 Thesalonians 5:3 was written destruction as it  is in 1 Timothy 6:9 thay might be right that it means the end of a person or thing.

My reference say destruction (as in 1 Thess 5:3) does not imply extinction (annihilation) as the Jehovah's Witnesses teach it means, rather it means the consequent loss that goes with the complete undoing.

What have they undone?  Simplicity.  They are certainly not alone in undoing simplicity.  I know them so it is of them I speak.

I see very little in prophesy that promises peace and nothing that promises security.  But they say it does say it.

What does sudden mean?  I think sudden means no chance of aquittal.  It doesn't mean swift.  Doesn't it mean no time between the edict and the execution? I think that is what suddenly means.

Why?  The answer lies in the word that was changed.  The translation says it means they will not escape.  But it means to flee.  They will  not flee.  I know why they won't flee.

Those fleeing Sodom escaped with their lives.  But those who did not flee were destroyed.  It is about fleeing, not escaping.

Someone someday

Might wonder why, if it's true they are wrong, they won't change their mind.  They have to want it.  If they beieve they have it they cannot want it.  They believe they have it.

Matthew 23:37

....(Jesus saying) I would have gathered you together but you did not want it.

They must humble themselves and admit they don't know what they don't know.  I do not know why they won't or can't.

Someone talked about a mind filter on YouTube.  It is something the mind does to information.  I don't think I have that, that might be the reason I am different.


Here's the thing

Someone sometime said what certain scriptures mean and you believe him or her (but probably not her). Right?  If you believe it, you believe it your certain way.  Somewhere  in the past each scripture was written down it's own unique way and you believe it YOUR way.  You do not believe it my way.  Is it because you know I am wrong?  How do you know if I am right or wrong?  Do you know I am wrong the same way you know you are right?  That's fair, but be sure to consider carefully  the original writitng or you will be guilty of doing somethiung then that you won't do now.   You probably don't understand what I just said.  My husband said saying things like that is what results in the troll moniker.  People believe I am a troll and that is OK by me.  Someone on forum said he thought I am more than one person.  I am physically only one person.  Mentally one I do not know.  I shall leave out the comma for two good reasons.  One is I like it that way ansd two is I do not know if a comma belongs there or not.  Are you reading this in Russian?  Or Polish, maybe?  I think Poland is new.  Africa has not arrived yet but they're working on it.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Least or last? Matthew 25:40

Matthew 25:40  The King wiill say truely I say to you, to the extent you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

Might least have been changed from the original last?

Here they are in Greek thanks to Strong's 1646 and 2078

Jesus as the good shepherd is last. Is he not?  We are here to help one another to accomplish God's will on Earth, are we not?
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to relieve orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Jesus promises that he will not lose a single one so it is our duty to work towards that goal.  If we do not do good to the last one it is the same as not doing good to Jesus as Jesus is behind the last one.

To believe it means "least" is promoting class distinctions which is so obviously against God's law.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Every eye will see him Revelation 1:7

People have said that this means all people will see the person of Jesus who has come back.

What did Jesus do?  He set the standard of judgement, didn't he?  Either believe him for the forgiveness of sins or die in your sins.  Two choices which means two destinations.  Matthew 25:31-46 this; [I]Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.[/I] or this;[I] Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.[/I]

Pronouns are not to be made known to the casual listener in Hebrew.  Does anyone want to dispute that?  So the word rendered him can mean "It" or what he accomplished which is Judgement.  It=the judgement.  The pronoun autos does not mean the person of Christ.  It means the power of Christ or "it".

Jesus did not come to the earth to be himself.  Does anyone want to dispute that?

So Jesus means what he did do.  What did he do?  He made the way for the forgiveness of sins.  When a person's sins are forgiven they KNOW it.  When a person denies he sins he is lying.  When a person will not accept the kindness of God for the forgiveness of sins she dies.

I propose that "every eye will see him" means they will become aware of his or her judgement [U]according to God's glorious throne[/U].

Why not look up the Greek word rendered "when".  People assume when means a specific time that all will become aware.  But that is not what it says.  The word when at Matthew 25:31 means whenever or more specifically "when the conditions are met" which means it can be anytime.  People who have been truely born again know that imo.  Is it not so?

Friday, August 23, 2013

I think I know

Is the reason why people won't talk to me because they think I am kidding?  I don't know.  Am I?
If that was the only reason it would be amazing, wouldn't it?  It would be amazing. It would prove something, I think.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hello!  If you did say something what would it be please?


C. H. Spurgeon

August 22

Wrath to God's Glory

Surely the wrath of man shall raise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain. (Psalm 76:10)

Wicked men will be wrathful. Their anger we must endure as the badge of our calling, the token of our separation from them: if we were of the world, the world would love its own. Our comfort is that the wrath of man shall be made to redound to the glory of God. When in their wrath the wicked crucified the Son of God they were unwittingly fulfilling the divine purpose, and in a thousand cases the willfulness of the ungodly is doing the same. They think themselves free, but like convicts in chains they are unconsciously working out the decrees of the Almighty.
The devices of the wicked are overruled for their defeat. They act in a suicidal way and baffle their own plottings. Nothing will come of their wrath which can do us real harm. When they burned the martyrs, the smoke which blew from the stake sickened men of popery more than anything else.

Meanwhile, the Lord has a muzzle and a chain for bears. He restrains the more furious wrath of the enemy. He is like a miller who holds back the mass of the water in the stream, and what He does allow to flow He uses for the turning of His wheel. Let us not sigh, but sing. All is well, however hard the wind blows.

Psalm 76:10

when wrath man to throw remnant wrath will gird

Does this mean the Man's wrath will cause humankind to be cast down but a remant will wear the wrath?

But the Bible says it this way....it is because praise is translated from "use the hand" or "cast out".

Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.
Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon.
Even human wrath will praise You; You will clothe Yourself with their remaining wrath. 
Certainly your angry judgment upon men will bring you praise; you reveal your anger in full measure. 
Because the counsel of man will praise you and the remainder of his anger you will take away.
Even angry mortals will praise you. You will wear the remainder of [their] anger.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Acts 14:21

Having declared the good news to that city (Derby) and having discipled sufficient they returned to Lustra.
Bibles say it means they made many or "quite a few" disciples (NWT).

Doesn't discipled carry the meaning of having acomplished the will of the Father and saw, learned and spoke what they would and could as followers and disciples The Lord?

Mark 13:37 is the best that I can find that is truely representing what 'disciple' the verb means.

What I say to you I say to all WATCH

LINK http://biblesuite.com/greek/1127.htm

Make disciples or be disciples?

The Jehovah's Witnesses claim their understanding of the bible is the best one and is closest to the authors' meaning.  These are the words I found at Bible Hub by Biblos, transliterated into English from the Greek -
Having gone
all the nations
of the
of the
of the

The Greek word translated disciple  is a verb.

This is how The King James Version reads; go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost

The New World Translation says "go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"
So they have added - and make of  people of

But the word disciple is a verb.  Strong's 3100 disciple  means to become a pupil. So the Watchtower is in the business of making people pupils.  It is one huge leap to make disciple the verb into disciple the noun, isn't it? So they get around that by adding "make".  Other Bibles do it too.  Some don't.  I think the ones that don't are more respectful to the author.

Jesus didn't make disciples.  It is written that Jesus is a model to follow.  To be persuading followers of Jesus to be making more followers of Jesus is to take them away from being a disciple because it is not possible to teach something that you haven't learned yet.  To be a disciple means to learn.

It is right to obey "to preach" for some, not for others, but to teach them to follow Jesus isn't right.

We follow Jesus (Yehoshua) because we love him.  Love cannot be taught.  God is love.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I might be scared out of my wits

Why?  It is because I imagine I am doing something proper and good.  But nobody else thinks so, do they? Seeing that I have got thanks one in maybe 100,000 and never have I been offered an apology, I wonder where I am.  I can not imagine it is possible.  

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I am not much for defending myself but I am inspired to do so today against the accusation that I am grinding my ax because someone hurt me.

I have been accused by any JW in the mood, of leaving the organization because of a personal reason.  If you want to call a search for truth a personal reason, then they are right.  But I don't think that's what they mean.

Doubt grew very early is my adventure with the witnesses.  I must say that I did not dedicate myself to an organization.  I knew my dedication was to God alone.

The first question I had (I was silent the whole time.......the time before I found my voice)  was, what are they thinking saying forsake means missing a meeting?  I knew Hebrew 25:10 does not mean what they say it means but I needed to pretend it did to be a good witness.  I didn't miss meetings much.  I think I went to every conventions and circuit assembly even missing all the outings my husband took the children on.  I did go to Christmas though!  Thanksgiving too!  (I didn't get any presents, but I did sneak in a few for the kids - my husband doesn't know how to choose well)(Shut up!). (LOL).

The second curious puzzle I found seemed to come to me by magic.  God knew I was questioning what He was doing.  I thought if I looked up some history I might make it out was God was up to.  There is a library at the Kingdom Hall.  I looked in a book.  I was just standing there and I picked out a book and opened to a page and read it.  It said (I'm paraphrasing) the preaching work will continue as long as Jehovah provides the means.  I did not need any inspiration to know it cannot truly be said Jehovah is providing the means.  Then I knew there was something wrong.
It is wrong to claim divine intervention where there is no divine intervention.  See what happened to Yehoshua.  It is perhaps the greatest sin I think.  Now I know I am in a place that isn't what it appears to be.
Why do I stay?  I stayed because I felt the presence of YHVH in my life.  I did not know what to do.  One of the first great lessons of the Jehovah's Witnesses is to wait on Jehovah.  That is what I did.  While I was waiting, it occured to me that the ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses is not loving.  How so?  We go door to door with a warning and if the person will not respond correctly they will die.
Another seed of doubt that grew in me was the truth about Mr. Rogers.  I could not imagine a finer person than he but he wasn't a Jehovah's Witness.  Why wasn't he a JW?  If he was a JW would he still have a show?  I don't know.  It was he who got me thinking the best thing to happen to good people in this system who won't give up their lives to the society is die.  It is true.  The JWs teach that anyone alive when the judgement is here who have rejected God's representative will die.  So why are we going house to house finding people who are afaid to die when I knew the scriptures say:
He who loves his own soul is not worthy of me
They do love death
He who will save his own soul will lose it
I also stayed thinking that there were others in the congregation like me who were hungry for the real truth that sets one free.  So I did not leave.  It was not obvious to me that anyone else had doubts.  Doubts you learn to bury.  There was one young sister who confessed to me her doubt about recording time spent in the ministry.  I told her she is right.  It is wrong.
Why is it wrong?  It creates class distinctions.  That was another contention I had. If two JWs are having a dispute the brothers will always favor the one who works more.  I have never tested that, but I experienced it first hand and I think it almost always happens that way.  That is not why I left even though all JWs on line assert that it is.
The reason why I finally left is the brothers told me face to face it is the govern body we obey.  I know for sure it is Jehovah God I obey.

Friday, August 9, 2013

I'm actually looking forward to it

I should be disfellowshipped.  I have heard that people who talk against the governing body rules for Jehovah's Witnesses are disfellowshipped.  Is anyone talking about more bad rules than I am?  I do not know.  So here I sit, retire, in my house, at my computer, alone most of the time, with not much to do but complain. I have tried to make friends.  It's not working.  Oh brother.  Miss JJ on forum says see, you need to come back to us.  I don't have a zombie picture to share.  You think I am kidding?

I suspect that if it is decided I should be disfellowshipped I will be contacted about it.  Is that what they do? I might be disfellowshipped but I have not heard.  If and when I do hear about it, at least it will be someone talking to me.  You know?

Do you think I am sad?

I am not sad no one wants to talk to me.  Actually it might make a good story.

STORY STORE is closed.  Say what you will.

They don't want to believe me

Because they do not want to be fooled again and everyone else just doesn't care.

If no one will believe some simple logic* what will they do when Jesus "gets back"?

*some simple logic is, forsake means to leave behind, so Hebrews 10:25 cannot possible  be about missing meetings.  No one believes me because they have their customs that they are familiar with.  There is also no proof the scripture is about physically meeting together.

The scriptures are about God WHO is spiritual.  God is a Spirit and those worshipping must worship in spirit and truth.  Did he say they must also meet together?  Where?  Where did Christ say we must meet together?  Nowhere.  He said GO! disciple all the nations.  Matthew 28:19

This is where the command to "not fear them" can be practiced......

Interesting.  My post has been removed from forum.  By the way this is where I do say "can I have salt with that please", just so you know, like you care.  Sigh.

It is even more interesting that now I see my post is back up.  Hey!  What's going on here?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What are they protecting?

Whenever Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to see something at face value, what are they protecting?

Their peace and security.  Actually their sense of peace and security.  It's an illusion.

I like this

Here is an example of just one gross lie that drives millions of people, not just JWs either. "do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together" Hebrews 10:25. It is being taught by Watchtower it means do not miss any meetings. How is missing a meeting forsaking anything? What it really means is what the man in the video is actually doing. When some people wake up to realize they are being made a subject for gehenna they don't give up. They keep enduring to gather with Christ.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What's in a name?

A light bulb has flashed in my little head.  People don't read my blog because of the name.  I think it's funny and I'm not going to change it...... until, of course I hear from Heaven.  Hahaha

For you few who read this I will tell you what it means.  It isn't actually a bible study, but you knew that.  It is a weak substitution, isn't it?

I forgot to google it to see where I am.  Am I anywhere?  I don't know.

I have had the thought "someone might google bible study" if a Jehovah's Witness comes to their door.  So that's what that's for.

Monday, August 5, 2013

This is beautiful

This page is from Faith's Checkbook.  It is a daily sharing of scriptural thoughts. This one is particularly beautiful and I want to save it and share it.  It might not be right to copy it.  I am sorry if it isn't right.  I want to read it again and the page gets updated daily.

Jehovah's Witnesses make the false claim that with them is the only real spiritual food.   How wrong, wrong, wrong they are.

I do not even know who writes these gems.  God bless them, him, or her.

Put the law into the heart, and the whole man is right. This is where the law should be; for then it lies, like the tables of stone in the ark, in the place appointed for it. In the head it puzzles, on the back it burdens, in the heart it upholds.

What a choice word is here used, "the law of his God"! When we know the LORD as our own God His law becomes liberty to us. God with us in covenant makes us eager to obey His will and walk in His commands. Is the precept my Father's precept? Then I delight in it.

We are here guaranteed that obedient-hearted man shall be sustained in every step that he takes. He will do that which is right, and he shall therefore do that which is wise. Holy action is always the most prudent, though it may not at the time seem to be so. We are moving along the great highroad of God's providence and grace when we keep to the way of His law. The Word of God has never misled a single soul yet; its plain directions to walk humbly, justly, lovingly, and in the fear of the LORD are as much words of wisdom to make our way prosperous as rules of holiness to keep our garments clean. He walks surely who walks righteously.


Someone might wonder why I won't let them rest in peace

That is a very good wonder.
If you heard someone say "soon six billion hearts will stop beating" what would you do?
I was at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses not too too long ago and that is what the man said.

This is hearsay but what I suspect about what is coming from the platform of Jehovah's Witnesses is what originates in the private chambers of the so-called faithful and discreet slave.

Correlate "faithful" with "six billion hearts stopping" and it is the farthest thing away from a good picture than I can think of.

I do not know if I might have been a loud mouth, even though you can't hear me, if I had not heard that.

I don't even know if it came from the private chambers.  But if I did nothing, what would that make me, please?