Sunday, August 21, 2011


Oh, it's like, real?

Has anyone else not gone after their own desires?
2 Peter 3:3,4   


Shall we do a little logic equation?  "last days" and them in the same place HM?
I wonder?  God wouldn't let that happen you might say.
Interesting. That he would let a baby be fucked, but wouldn't
let the Earth be destroyed, because You don't think it should be?
Oh, I mean because you don't want it to be?
What about the baby?
What about the baby?
God lets bad things happen?  You know nothing.
You let bad things happen.  Can I say that?  OK I do too.
Feel better?  It is true and I'm in trouble, and you wonder what is wrong?
Can it be that people do not like the truth.
Why do people not like truth?  Does anybody know?
I know about the baby.
Them going after their own desire
are desiring someplace good.  Away from baby fuckers.  But there is only
one Earth.  ONE Earth.

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