Sunday, August 28, 2011


Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean
on your own understanding.  Proverbs 3:5

Or, do not support yourself on your own understanding.
Because of the uncertainty of everything most people choose
to understand little about The Spirit.

But modern man can see that without special attention to
what will be in the future, the world becomes unbalanced.

The modern world has the means to do much more than
was ever possible before.  And modern man has the knowledge
that the world is not as stable as it was believed to be in the past.

Very few people know how to believe without leaning.
The majority of the human race totters between leaning on
nothing, and leaning on some one else's  understanding.

What should we support our selves on or lean on?
Please remember that what most of you know about
Jesus you learned from them who were leaning on their
own  understanding.  That is why it is written
"You make the Word of God invalid because of your tradition"
Mark 7:13
The tradition means knowledge handed down by the
men who don't know.  Then them who can cause a balancing
because of trust in God, become them who causes an unbalancing.
Because humans naturally expect humans to behave as they themselves
behave.  Liars expect lies, honest people expect honesty, so everyone
is easily miss led.  The Earth and the Human race can no more bear it.
The Jehovah's Witnesses, liars though they are, are they who know this.
They know we can not have healthy Earth without Spirit.
The mistake they make is teach "it will be".  It won't be unless we
make it be.  The quarrel is in the way.  Revelation 16:13,14.

World upside-down
1 Timothy 6:10
Traditional meaning;
Anyone led astray by the love of money will be going after
pain for them self.

It says root.  Of a tree.  It means when the Son comes to the  right time
to restore all things to God, they who were chosen to know, instead
went off after the security of money and caused grief to many.
Brainy says it says pain to self.  Or can it mean they left the faith and
the self for the selfish pursuit of money?  I am not brainy. 

It means

It means what a faithful person hopes for,
"salvation", is what will be what he does not want
How?  Because the world followed "expressions
inspired by demons".  Because you all are busy
thinking about how to make more money I will hypothesize
what a demon wants.  OK, to be a demon means what was his, once,
is no longer his, he gave it up to become a demon.
So the natural thing for a demon to do is to take away
what it is that makes world Earth.  Earth world?
No, that was done.    Jesus came to turn it around.
Does any one see any one listening to Jesus?

It doesn't mean reward

When Jesus comes in HIS Glory to sit on
HIS throne, he will separate the people.
Matthew 25:31
The people on his right are them who are with him
for everlasting life.  So the factor of determining
who are on his right, were those who showed love to
them who are Jesus' brothers, even the least one.
What does it mean?  Jesus is the way, truth and life.
The reward is not everlasting life for the individual,
it meant everlasting life for Earth.
Jesus came so the world might be saved through him.
The sheep who are on his right are they who
who participate in that lofty goal.

They made it into "tales old women tell". 1 Timothy 4:7

How to ID a Bully

There is one common element that all the bullies have.
It is that they can not admit mistake.  In fact, if they
are caught in a lie, they will accuse the closest person
in reach, even the weakest.  But not their friends.
When they are judged it is their friends who will have
caused their demise, because their friends were proof they
knew what they were doing. They recognize their friends
are like themselves, ergo, they know themselves.
Their stupid act, is just that, an act.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I shall complain

For once god damn it!  When they exterminate
people and them other people go out to party
and dance, don't you just hate it?

Never say

The Bible never says anything that is not true.
Never?  I think never, I do not know all, but so far, it is all true.
Jesus said "if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead".
That is law.  It is in the Bible.  How was law of listen to dead
established?  Me.  I am not kidding.  There is one protocol in
Jehovah's Witnesses Organization.  It is Be Good.  Most of the
time I was be good from my perspective, not from their perspective.
How so?  I was listening to learn, but not so zealous yet for getting
someone else to listen.  I believe "do God's will" and who is to
say what it is?  God knows what God's will is.  So when I ill-treated
protocol and slapped the holier-than-thou lady I proved "from the dead".
I am not dead, but as I went to that god-forsaken meetings of brothers
who were not "qualified", she and I wished I were extinct and an accident
might have been staved off.  So technically I am "back from the dead".
And people don't listen.  Just like the Bible says they will not listen.     

What is the fear?

During times of adversity there is a law in force.
The law is God's love.  When times are hard, if there
are people who do prevail, then they become affirmation
that the law is indeed a law.  The mortal examples are
first, Noah, then even Jesus.  Jesus was mortal, that is why
he can't be Jehovah.  But I'm going to venture to say it is
a good joke in heaven.  That is an aside, which gets me
in big, big trouble most of the time.
What is the fear?  Is it not obvious?

They are afraid they might condemn the strong one.

They are afraid of the bully
who does not want condemnation, so if there is no one winning, then
the loser proves the tribulation was evil from God.
Does that spell trouble?

So for them who like lots of words I will repeat from a different perspective.
Satan said see you put up a hedge.  They love you for it.  But
sometimes there is not a hedge, hardly a crag and a sip of water.  When that
happens will all the people "curse God to His very Face?"  No.
"No" means Jesus.

Oh!  because
time is fine, right now.  The  majority is doing fine,but not for long
and that is the choice, it is too difficult to choose, that is the fear.
The fear is if we choose right we become an enemy of the loser, if
we choose unrighteous , we won't know what to do.
So nobody does either.

What would I have them do?

Seek Jehovah

It is like Noah's day.  The nephilim rule.
I think what "the mighty ones of name"
means is it is they who determine how it will
be "Our Father let Your Name be sanctified"
They are the ones who shape thought.
When I shape my thought it looks like babble when
I try to communicate because of the bullies.
But Jesus said, "blessed is the one who is excluded".
Nobody else but me so far has discovered it is
the same ones naming Jesus who are against Jehovah.
So, in case you have not taken religious side, good for you.
I would wish to "raise my self up" against the bullies.
The "nephilim" have everyone doing as they please.
People are getting beat up spiritually and what it looks
like to me is people are standing away (like WWII).
Why not speak up against tyranny?  
To become a spiritual man does not require a second of time.
It is a process.  I say, start the process, what do you
have to lose?  Jesus said "have no fear little flock"
No fear of what?  The bully taking you away from Jesus.
"look out that you are not misled"  Be wise.
Jesus will protect you from the bullies.
When you get spiritual wisdom, you will see that everything
is not as it seemed to be.  

It means perspective or What secret?

Why do people insist that Jesus is God?
I am not getting into every scripture that they use
just one; John 1:1  How is Jesus God?
God is He who all we are by and live and are.
Acts 17:28
If one has come to know Jehovah that one can not
teach Jesus and God are the same.
How is Jesus God?  John 1:1 says he is.
By Earth's perspective he is god.
Jesus' Father says 'my son" Matthew 3:17 so how we
shall listen to God's son is the same as how we obey God.
How we obey God is the same as what will be.
So therefore, what is and will be is dependent on Jesus.
From Earth's perspective he IS God.

Friday, August 26, 2011


The riddle, is ?????? Then he wrote one less ?????
Stupid Stupid.  And you wonder why I am careless?

Why "sudden" destruction not "destruction"

1 Thessalonians 5:3 "Whenever it is that they are saying
"Peace and security" then sudden destruction is to be
instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a
pregnant woman.  From the New World Translation

The quarrel is very great.  Religion is the worst offender.
It is religion which says "peace and security", it teaches it.
It is alright to teach peace, but by teaching security, peace
is not needed.

So why does the Bible say unexpected destruction will "set upon".
It does not mean it will be accomplished, it means "standing by".
Don't ask a religious person, their mind is set.  They do not understand.

So many times the quarrel comes to this "you will know you are wrong".
That is why "sudden destruction" not "destruction".  I believe
they will not know, that is what it means.

May I elaborate

I will recreate the discussion.
Original poster posted a question that had only one answer
which was no.  For the thread to progress simply to satisfy
Stupid Pants it would have looked like this;
no no
ect. ect.

So I thought maybe I would elaborate on the question
The question posed was Is there reason to believe that it was God's
will the people be misled to believe the Faithful and Discrete Slave was
the Governing Body THEN when accurate knowledge was made known
they were all to change their mind, it wasn't really the GB and is there a
scripture in the Bible that says Yes God does that.
So she or he was looking for a scriptural precedent.

There is not scriptural precedent.

So I interposed (and got stepped on for it-yes it hurt)
God does not lie.  But because the Bible Students  
(what Jehovah's Witnesses were) believed themselves even
less than a lie, they did not recognize the lie the same way as the
"super fine apostles" did.  No, they are not stupid Bible Students,
they are trusting like children are.
Then I pointed to (never point at the Bible in front of Mr. Smarty Pants)
the Bible  parables for the warning against "eating" lies.
Eating actually did apply because The Faithful and Discrete Slave
"feeds" the household.  He forgot about that.  Or maybe he's government
and never read the Bible.

And then Wobble hopped over me like they all do, and I got
a little angry.  So I went off my rocker.

They are afraid

I can see that they who are dis-satisfied are afraid
to choose which side to be a part of.
But there are no sides.  The bullies like to make
people believe there are, but there are no sides.
One Earth One destination.
There is kindness to choose to show or not.
There is love to give or not.
There is wisdom to practice or not.
There is peace to seek or not.
There is goodness to share or not.
There is self control to wish for or not.

The love of the greater number will wax cold
And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold
Matthew 24:12
I know what it is and amazing graze!  there is not one who
wishes to understand.  Does that not amaze the reader?
I have been doing this for years and I'm still amazed.
How are you not amazed?

OK Mr. Stupid Pants

You have to be kidding.
You said a "pretty good" original post I "high jacked"
which I didn't, but I can't blame you for thinking so.
Now you say ,as you insult me AGAIN, thus your name,
and now the "original post" is "a VERY good point"
"original too".  So, make up your mind.
The OP is about lying DAH!  So if I go with that I'm
high jacking it?  Oh!  I forget World listens only to too
many words, if it is short and sweet, it gets thrown out
with the baby.  I am NEVER going to that place of too many words.
I think I would rather die.  

The Day and Hour

What does it mean when Bible
says No one knows the day or the hour?
Not the angels or even The Son, only the Father.
It means God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.
He is the only SURE one.  

So rude

I think it is so rude I want to post.
Instead of the men acting like men,
they act like bullies.  And they are stupid.  They enter into spiritual
conversations only to make them into missiles.  Then when I start talking
like I'm thinking of Bible, they call it babble.
So I shall explain.  The order is "come out" of Babylon which means
confusion, so it means becoming wise with accurate knowledge.
I have "come out" because to come out means getting away from
that which confusion causes, which is sin, illness and death.
Now I am happy because I have come under the yoke with
Jesus Christ.  But now what I speak is confusing to them because
they are in confusion and I am not.
But that is not why he was so rude.  He did not notice that I had no
more posts to write today and he insulted me anyway.
He gave me four hours of "righteous" indignation because,
I don't really know why.  Because he is mean like Borg?

On the other  hand, whenever I mention BDF people
respond like I'm making it up.  That is why I asked
"am I imagining it?"

Babbling about ADA?  No, she said to find a doctor who will
put me on psyc meds so I wouldn't bother her anymore. No,
she said it nicely.  She said I'm not evil, just sick sick sick.
Is she a doctor who prescribes medicine on line?
I think she's not even a nurse.  She is not ADA but *.-.*.
I probably won't be back much as
you guys here are sticks in the mud, snakes, jelly fishes, wolves,
princesses, clowns, mice, worms, johns.  ect ect.

My riddles

You do not like my riddles?
You hate them so much, you wished I would die?

In spiritual reality that can be quite funny.

Am I becoming British?  I don't know how.
So no, I'm not becoming British.
Oh! Is it possible for an American to become
a British citizen?  It doesn't make much sense,
does it?

Stupid Stupid

So while I am practicing my self control
in public and in front of the angels, I'm thinking
they (the sheep) were told that to preach for
getting converts to convert to Jehovah's Witnesses
one had to obey the Society.  Watchtower Society.
To do so would be accomplishing Matthew 25:35-39
where the faithful will feed, water, clothe, visit, and actually
talk to the "least one" of the brothers of Jesus.
So I'm wondering ,why do the "faithful" when Jesus
arrives in his glory, ask him "when" did we feed you?
The religion teaches it it the door to door preaching
that accomplishes the blessing, so then why do they ask

Double trouble or double standard

What does this mean; Matthew 25: 34,46

The king will say to those on his right "come the speaking
well of my father, to inherit the preparation of the  kingdom
from the sowing of the world"
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand Come ye 
blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you
 from the foundation of the world

...then go into life eternal

stan dard-5. a. a degree or level of requirement, excellence , or attainment.
b. a requirement of conduct.
adj. 1. a. Serving as a standard of measurement or value.
b. Commonly used and accepted as an authority
c. Of average, but acceptable quality.

It means during the presence of the Lord, not, like they
say, at the finish.

And then HOW does one accomplish Matthew 34-39?
It has meaning in the heaven, not on earth.  That is why
the ones on the right say "when?".

When is the presence of the Lord?  When love of Jesus
enters the heart and it is real, and they reside all together
"as one". John 12:44-50

But what it is that we have, the trouble is
the blind leading the blind because the whole world is
misled, it being without "the light".
Why does the light not shine on the wicked?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Wedding

Matthew 22:1-12

Are you scared yet?
So then, The King  had a look see who was dining at
the marriage feast for his son.
vs. 11-13   he caught sight there of a man not clothed with a
marriage garment He said to him "companion"
(I shall assume it was one of the originally invited)
"how did you come in without having a wedding garment on?"
but he was not allowed to answer and the king said to the
servant to have him bound hand and feet and thrown out
into the darkness.

What is meaning not having on a wedding garment?
It means that when you are present at a wedding
do not be distracting the guests away from their
purpose of being in attendance, which is for rejoicing
with the Groom and the Bride.

King James Bible

John 14:23  in the King James Bible says; "If a man love me he
will keep my words and my father will love him and we will
come unto him and make our abode with him."

the New World Translation says; "If anyone loves me, he will
observe my word and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him and make our abode with him".

That pronoun "we" underlined above, who does it mean?
God and Christ  OR  the ones that love Jesus?

OK, now if no one will answer my question, what does that mean,
but Constipation. See 1 Samuel chapter 6   OK, like, please?

Jehovah Witness

I am wondering if someone there at Bethel might
help out the world here.  It is important.  The reason why
it is important is because the world must believe the same
as you do or become dead.  So please, if you may,
tell the world, it being in danger of dying, how it can
conscientiously* adopt worship that is a QUESTION.
Because as I understand The Saving Society and the Bible
there is only ONE  scripture that gave birth to the Organization
and that scripture is a QUESTION.  It saying
"who really is?".  You might attempt, please, to see the
difficulty of believing a religion whose foundation is a
QUESTION.  Please and thank you.  I am eagerly waiting
for your public announcement.

*When, if ever will the religion allow contention?
Because as you know now, it does not.
But if the answer to the question might in the future
prove wrong, then you will have baptized all the people
for lying.  And lying is the child of the devil.

How do?

God is not stuck in time with us.  God can see all of human
activity.  God has given humans The Word to warn and to teach.
The Word by virtue of the Source of said word, has authority
of it's own, but never more that the source.  So when the Word
utters a warning the warning can't be "it will be" because it is a
warning that the folly won't happen.  It is called Love.
But because Love is worshiped, Love can not come out and say
it for the obvious reason that Love would MAKE it happen.
So it speaks in a rainbow.  When a folly is committed because the
warning was not heeded, then The Word is sounded definite.
But even then, because all do not share in the folly, the warning
can not be popularly understood.  That is called wisdom.  Because why
should the innocent suffer?  I'm an Earthling, I do not know about
that other stuff.

That is how.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In my head

I did not forget about the Indian man.
The crazy one.  Did you?
Just so you know, that is what I meant
by "the truck".  One word riddles are not fair.
I know.  So Father says you need a hint.
So there it is.  

A truce

OK.  No God, fine.  The All Mighty one
DOES NOT EXIST is our reality.  Happy?
But I cannot say that His Holy Spirit does not
exist here AND His son WAS here.  Can we just
get along  please?  OMG

The Trees

At the beginning there were two trees
One The Tree of Life  and  The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad.
The Tree of Life is for everlasting life and a resurrection.
We can't get there from here.
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad
was not placed in the garden to test man.
It is a reality that exists with us, it means all the time.
So without it, we could not exist.
Are they the same?  I will venture "yes" they mean the same
thing, but one is to be "eaten" with trust the other one
was not.  You try to say it better, I would actually like that
I think.

No I didn't say

I did not say JUST like us.  Did you hear me
say "just" like us?  You did?  I didn't.

Thank God for stupid.  Oh no!
Do you think she knows more?
I know what I make people say.
I can't say it, I'm a Christian.
Now!  Don't edit that.

I think my husband said don't say this;
"Where did the brains go?"

Not to the Bible.
I mean the brains did not go to the Bible.
He said people might listen if you weren't so
SARCASTIC.  But they roast people who they love.
I love you. Therefore I roast you. or maybe
I love you hence I roast you.
You don't mind, do you?

So it means?

We should consider the bull shit.


Jehovah God resides in the spiritual heaven,

it is the heaven of the heaven. Heaven as we know it is the 
expanding Universe.  It and time are twined.  The Heaven 

of the heaven does not exist in our dimension.  

Time is not present there.  I know you beautiful women 

want to go there, OK, you men too. But then you wouldn't have, 

never mind.  Maybe the spiritual "person" Satan, when thrown down, 

entered then into Earth with it's "short" time.  Get it, 

forever of no timeness IN heaven then timeness which would be shorter 

even if it lasted forever in on over with Earth, so it's not a date.  

Not a date; for you busy persons; means this, they say 
Revelation 12:9 means we can expect the demise
of "Satan" because he has as Revelation 12:12 is saying
a "short" time.  Short time means "like us" now.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A letter to Jehovah's Witnesses

The way I understand the hope you teach is this;
Jehovah will destroy every person who will not
accept the truth.  Then He will usher in a new world
of righteousness.  But to be there we must all think alike.
From my point of view that means the difference between
individuals might be only that they look different, live in a different place
and like different food.
So I have told the truth on more than one "Christian" web sight
"forum"s that I would not be wanting to be there and have been removed
from said "forums" with no warning or explanation.  To being saying I would
not want to live two weeks there has been considered something that
was posted only for initiating offence?  It was not, it is true.
And to think that if I tend away from the "popular" viewpoint
I will be shunned.  I do not like being shunned.  If I were called
to go with you, I would have to say "No Sir, please".  I chose to
die with the infidel.   

They have to

They feel they must defend the lady
who's feet won't touch the ground.
"I will never see mourning" that is who they
are protecting.  I have no idea why.
But i know it is cause for concern.

Oh, the rule I found out today; Only men can be trolls.
I don't know what the women are who accompany the trolls. 

If Christians aren't Christians

Then who are they?  To be a Christian means to
treat others as you would like to be treated.
People like to feel welcome, listened to and understood.
I have not felt that way ever.  So where are the Christians?
And if there are none, then we shall have Sodom, correct?
Because a Christian is a follower of Christ who is the leader
of a new covenant.  When the last follower is gone, the sky
will rain fire like in Sodom.  Genesis 18:20-33.

Don't shake the children*

They might grow accustom to it.
Got thrown out of another "Christian" web sight.
I'm on a role.  Do you think they might have me executed too?
I'm tempted to join Mohamed or Muhammad.
I didn't like how the stuck up Jehovah's sight didn't
have spell check.  So I'm like typing and typing and I had to
look up the words to spell them right.

Oh, never shake a baby.

CENSOR is King.  In case it become king for really real,
I think I might be accustomed to it.

*I can admit i am wrong.  I had not been removed, I misunderstood
the computer.  I am sorry.  Never shake a baby, it is murder.
I shall leave the post for now, even though it is incorrect.
The sight it turns out, is not "stuck up" but i could be wrong.
Again?  Yes, sometimes i'm wrong. But not often.
Want to know what I hate?  I could be Hitting the right nerve
a thousand times, then one mistake, and I'm OUT.
That is NON-Christ-like.


Some people say the lie is "man can successfully rule himself".
Some other people say "there is not a lie of any importance".
I'm sure if the Earth could speak it would say "Please stop lying".

So what is it?  It is related to the law; Exodus 33:20
And he said Thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and live "face".

Man CAN successfully rule themselves.  And because Christ IS the head of every man
and God IS the head of The Christ a man does not have to be conscious of I don't
know what the name is.  Jehovah?  A man does not have to be conscious of
Jehovah to be effective in making the world a paradise Genesis 1:26-28.
We are "programmed" to need to know if  it will work.  That was the sin.

What is the disgusting thing?

Mark 13:14
Jesus is the true "food" from heaven. Opposed to Jesus
who is "the way the truth the life" is the abominable thing.
It stinks.  It is not for eating. Proverbs 23:6
But they did.  Then their course went so far that
turning back became worse for the soul than continuing on
the wrong course.  How?  Because they listened to man
who "said" (I have this argument all the time with my husband-
he says "I didn't say that"  And I say you don't have to SAY
something to SAY it.) they are god, but they are not god.
They had been sent by God to be help at the right time,
I believe, but they took over.  I believe "Daniel" is come in
the likes of the men of the Watchtower that said the Watchtower
is a HELP, not a LEADER.  Daniel 12:13.
What have we who learned the Bible learned about the world?
It got this way because of a lie.  Well. the abominable thing
is the lie all grown up.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bad associations

I see again and again the debate about shunning
friends and family because Jehovah's Witnesses
believe 1 Corinthians 15:33 NWT "do not be
misled bad associations spoil useful habits" means
people.  There is absolutely no proof that scripture
refers to people.  Even the next scripture
says stop sin you  ignorance of theo,  which I think
we all understand means to a Christian The Word.
Be not deceived evil communications corrupt good manners
Does it really only make sense to me that it means
do not twine the truth and the misunderstanding
Then it would make sense  the "custom" or the
way the Watchtower interprets it "useful habits"
of preaching the word would be spoiled.  Should I say that?
The "good news" would be coming from a two headed beast
if part were true, but part were false.  What good would it be?

The wheat and the weeds

Matthew 13:24-29  and 36-41
People say it is men that are wheat or weeds.
It is not.  Understanding and wisdom is for the kingdom.
"there is no one righteous, no not one" so what would a wheat be?
But they say who weeps and who gnashes?  People do,
yes but when they do, they will know what it is that led them
to weeping and gnashing.  That is what it means.
"There is where" means the answer to the question "why?" "how"
THERE, the example given.

Wheat is accurate knowledge that leads to everlasting life.
Weeds are lies that lead to death.

Also, it is interesting to know that "teeth" is "tooth"
according to my translation source.  What it might mean
is that many opportunities as a person has teeth (plural)
to cut off error and adopt truth.

Why should you not believe the people are thrown into the furnace?
That would be loving violence and Jehovah 's soul is hating him might be warning the
man of violence.
I learned it JEHOVAH hates a man of violence, but again
I think it does not say that.  (Am I all right-I'm startin to annoy myself)
OK doesn't it say the man of violence is hating his own soul.
Yes, it is correct.  Logic wins again.
That's the side i'm on, just in case you were wondering.


I have a funny one.  Some times the fortune cookie has one that is so right on
it is uncanny.  But this one is so opposite it is curious.
Word is salt but the fortune is
People find it difficult to resist your persuasive manner.
A hoot!  

The Bible understood

The Bible has a reputation of being boring, it isn't.
The Bible has a reputation of being contradictory, dah,
it's been mis-interpreted.  It is long, yes, but not so long as some
peoples' blogs.  The Bible has the reputation of being dangerous,
and surely is it flattered, but it's not dangerous.  The Bible might
be considered by some poison?  I don't think that is true.
The Bible is known to change people's minds?  You are too
happy with your mind, don't mess with a good thing?
I don't have anything nice to say about that.
Speaking of thinking, do you listen to yourself think?
I bet there are some people who don't.

What are you waiting for?
Want to know what I am waiting for?
I am waiting for you waiting for me to say something
self incriminating.  Feel free to jump in anytime.
Oh, be sure to tell ADA.  OK?
Do you know ADA?  If you do, you are under
obligation to warn her.  It's true.  Warn her?
She and I have to die because we hate each other.
I think she does not want to die.

Permission to curse please

I wonder if i might have permission to
curse just in case nobody ever comments on my blog.
And by the way, why do people not like it?
Please comment.  I am willing to take suggestions.
It is prose, is it not?

A riddle

The answer is it might have been righted
but they who might have righted it did not
want to.

How am I the adversary?

You think I am stupid?  Ring theory is just that.  A theory.
It isn't real.  But air is real.  And fair is real.  Fair means on the way
toward justice.  If any one tells you justice is prevailing, you can believe,
of course, if you want to, but that would mean the conspiracy is on the
wrong side?  I don't know anything about the conspiracy except
that it is NOT on the wrong side, I mean the right side.
How?  You are on the edge of your seat, not!
When I get into the hands of the victim, then what do you think
will happen to you who is not a victim?
Confused?  Not on purpose.  But , that's how. 

Elementary School

Does life not seem like elementary school playground?
I have a memory.  I crossed the line, I got in trouble
and I had to stand off as everyone entered the building.

It's a riddle?  Sure, why not?

Why do I hate ADA?

I don't much blame her because I do appear crazy.
But to conclude that I am is judging.
I am sorry that I come along crazy like but i like being
that way.  I am being selfish.  So why do I not forgive ADA
without her asking me to forgive?  She is being way
more selfish than I am.  And she didn't ask.  I would forgive her
if she would ask me to.  But she never will.  Let us call
that prophesy of Nancy #1.  I don't know if I have any more.
Just so you know, my brain is not as crazy as my post is.
But I could be wrong.

So I've seen the world that Satan saw

So what?

Mammon does not mean money

The word mammon means the treasure  that a person
believes in.  It doesn't have to be material.  It can even
mean abstract "things" like hope, love, time, goals, these are
things that people treasure.  They can lead one away from
love of God so they can be considered mammon.
Look at your investment in any thing at all.
Your marriage, your friendship, your talent, anything.
What will happen to you if that which you treasure
proves false?  If you would be devastated then that
in which you have invested is mammon.
Matthew 6:24

Why do I insist?

I do hate mockers, both kinds.
I hate them who choose to mock
because they feel high and mighty
and I hate them who mock because
they don't.  It is probably what armageddon means.
Armageddon does not belong to me, in case
you thought so.

Has Nancy gone to the Dark Side?


Who are they?

I found another WOW!
With hypocritical mockers in feasts they gnashed upon me with their teeth

Teeth is teeth?  No!  It's ivory or even crag!

Ivory will in Nancy's stupid brain will picture treasure.
OMG treasure one is putting their faith in?  Mammon.

They do as they want because they think they own the crag.

How can you not see it?

I should get back to the point.
You know what's good about the written word?
I can't forget what i was thinking.
Let us, if we have time, make a new rule about "I" OK?
There has to be a ridiculer, it had to be me.  because I'm nice.
2 Peter 3:3  It means mockers.  They are mocking Jesus Christ.
They are not?  Because they don't want to?
I don't want to be a ridiculer , does that mean I'm not?
So I have nothing to worry about?
That makes me feel so much better.

New rule about I:  Capitalize it only when it applies.  Won't that be fun!
Oh, it might just exercise (WARNING! master Robin)
Should it be a riddle?  NO!  OK spell check says I'm being
"excessive".  Spell check is wiser than the smartest one.  Is that
a warning to Earth? Could be a warning, if that's OK with you, Mr. Lean.

No resident will say "I am sick"

Jehovah has the power to conquer the Troll.
But the people of the land do not attribute any power
to God.  They say, do they not? that He is weak.

Some say the promise if for the after life.  That might be
considered the mother of Troll.  Because if a person
believes the goal is the after life, then the Earth becomes
demoralized in the mind of him who is headed for
a better place, in his imagination the after life.
He becomes the enemy of Earth.
And what is left behind of the movement to death
for the reward of relief is violence.  Violence feeds
the Trolls who want the Earth.

The residents who want to remain (not according to my opinion)
I only know how to read, must stop saying "He is sick".
No, it doesn't make him sick when you "say" it.
Do I have to be with stupid my whole life?

You know what is really funny.  Even if you just think for
a second that I am calling you stupid (which may or may not be true)
you will leave me forever.  God.

Jesus said to Peter "get behind me Satan" and you think
I am thinking you are stupid and you leave me?  Do you think
you are Christian?  I don't understand.  either?
Where are you?


I have seen the trolls.  They were not pursuing
her, but many were pursuing them.  It wasn't funny
like for her, it was a dangerous game.
Trolls are they who hide what they are.  They want the
whole world to be Troll.  I don't want to be a troll and I know
you do not want to be a troll.  That is why I write to you.
Do I have a theory of why the people do not want to destroy 
capture the trolls?  You know, for readjustment.
They get their power from violence so destroying won't do it.
Violence makes them stronger.

The funny part

OK Mr Lean, you beat it out of me.
The funny part of the story is she
was being hunted by different, many
different, casual agencies, and they didn't know
it.  They didn't cognise*  each other.  Or it you
want to please the English teacher you can
say they were not cognizant of each other.
Then they collided which was worth ever single second.
Nobody was hurt.

* word monkey says it's a word.

I can't help

I am sorry, I can't help but jab you,
I can't help it, but you are not here so
it becomes an interesting puzzle;
If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
One half of my brain says yes
The other side says if the tree is ADA, no.
 Or Peter.  Did I tell you about Peter?
Brother, elder Peter?  No?

Peter?  Do you need a sedative?  Not you Peter, nobody.
He handled things badly, he told a friend of mine that he did,
but he never apologized to me.  That's my life in a nut nut.
It is OK if I call you nobody.
Oh, no?  It means nobody is here.  Can't you please not take everything
so personal.  Jesus.
Oh, you are wondering why it is OK with me that I am nobody
I am not nobody, nobody knows me here, but they in heaven do.
I think I chose wisely, don'y you?  Nobody?


Genesis 6:5-7 11-13

You know they weren't all fighting
me too, so I have pondered it.
And I'm going to share with nobody my conclusion
because I want to.

I heard something about lying, what it does to the body.
In case it rises the blood pressure, lying is doing violence
to one's own self.

Another way lying causes violence is it bends the future,
just picture it, I can't explain it.  And when the hearer
realizes, finally, that he is being lied to, it effects the
spiritual air so that trust is beaten.  That is violent too.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thank you Daniel

The Armageddon means Quarrel.  The worship that is true avoids the
quarrel, keeps one-self without spot from the world (meaning the end of it).
Some things thought to have happened did not happen yet, and also the
other way around.  I know for certain the prophesy of the now is describing 
which is not seen by the eyes, but is being seen with the eyes of
understanding.  There are very few who understand, by my calculation.
I do not know what will happen.  And because I understand, I do not worry.
I know what the Bible says is true.  I am also certain the Bible has been
methodically tampered with.  All of them that I know about and so far, all 
the Bibles are misleading because they were twisted.  It does not matter
as long as one does not lean on what man has made it be saying.  It is sad, yes.
Why if God is true, was it allowed?  It is also funny and wonderful, I think that is why.
Also, as the Bible is saying, it can discern the heart.  It the person is paying
attention he can adjust understanding as needed.  If not, I don't know why.

Hebrews 4:12

I am shunned

I am being shunned better by those people who
condemn shunning than by those people who
practice it.  I am not amazed.


Oh, it's like, real?

Has anyone else not gone after their own desires?
2 Peter 3:3,4   


Shall we do a little logic equation?  "last days" and them in the same place HM?
I wonder?  God wouldn't let that happen you might say.
Interesting. That he would let a baby be fucked, but wouldn't
let the Earth be destroyed, because You don't think it should be?
Oh, I mean because you don't want it to be?
What about the baby?
What about the baby?
God lets bad things happen?  You know nothing.
You let bad things happen.  Can I say that?  OK I do too.
Feel better?  It is true and I'm in trouble, and you wonder what is wrong?
Can it be that people do not like the truth.
Why do people not like truth?  Does anybody know?
I know about the baby.
Them going after their own desire
are desiring someplace good.  Away from baby fuckers.  But there is only
one Earth.  ONE Earth.


Genesis 22:14
The difference I see is the word rendered "will be provided" in the NWT
is "see" in my translation.So they say they are the elevated place of true worship
(the mountain of Jehovah), therefore the mind will logically
conclude that it is really there that the "spiritual food" will be found.
But it says "sees", does it not?  My theory is it is the mocker*s
coming with their mockery that say"where?"
because Jesus isn't there.  They can not see him.  But on the mountain
of Jehovah he can be seen.  Matthew 17:1-3  
Not a mountain they are, it is a low plain Joel 3:14
Matthew 24:16
Mark 13:14
Luke 21:21
There is not another name by which we must get saved  Acts 4:12

Ephesians 1:18-23
*These are them who say they believe but by their actions
they prove they do not.  It is as Jesus said "because you are neither
hot neither cold I am going to spew you out of my mouth."
They say it applies to the unbeliever.  It does not.  It applies to them
who know, but don't believe.  Proverbs 1:22
Or as Willi Wonka would say what did he say?
The other way around.  they believe, but they don't know.
The "unbeliever" is being true to himself, but the mockers are
"believers" who are being false to God.

You don't think so?

Just a little comma would make it OH so different.
I should think of something to say before they shut me off.
Usually I let it flow. ?
Never mind why they did it, HOW did they do it?

Matthew 25:13

How is it implied meaning the son of man?  Added.

Are you still puzzling over how man made Satan sin?
He looked at us and said, they don't do anything but eat and shit.
Am I crazy?  You know, DAY and HOUR.

I might get plain with you, but I'm talking to myself and
myself already knows what I'm talking about.

Day and Hour

Day means where is
Hour means what doing.

I have a virus, I wish I didn't.

I suppose my imagination works better than your's.

I hope this isn't a secret

What is the River Euphrates?  In spiritual speak.
OK, lets take a trip to Babylon, shall we?
World power with a river.  The river sort of protected them that lived there.
When that night came when they were so sure of themselves
(remind you of anyone?) the river got dried up.
So the RIVER is code for protection.
What is the protection that they who are so sure of themselves imagine?
Righteousness.  OK.  But I think you might agree with me that the
righteousness they imagine is imagined because of artificial prosperity.
Numbers and enough money.  So blame the recession on them?
Whatever.  Don't hurt anyone.


If somebody I hated told me that I would do something
To prove them wrong, I wouldn't do it.  Would you?

So they say the United Nations will attack false religion
i.e. everyone else but us.

Us, not me.  They say, I don't.  I try not to say anything.
I can kid if I want to.
But I wouldn't do it.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Can you honestly say you do not "lick the hand" of the
Governing Body as a dog licks his master's hand?

Worship God.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Worldly vs Christ-like

Religion has the annoying habit of calling "sinners" worldly
and "saints" Christ-like.

But the real definition of "worldly" has to do with how a person
perceives today and tomorrow.  A "worldly" person's concern
about tomorrow is selfish.  A worldly person can be as close to
sinless as a person can get, but they are concerned with self.

A Christlike person is holy.  Holy means, not sinless
(because Ecclesiastes 7:10 there is no man that does not sin)
but for truth.  "You must be holy because I am holy" 1Peter 1:16
and Leviticus 11:44,45.

It is impossible for any land based human to judge if a person
is worldly or Christlike.  It does sound ridiculous, but to
insist on knowing is judging and not helping.

Worldly is inborn, Christ-like takes time and training.
A Christ-like person will be happy to be led to
happiness with-out sin, but it is not what identifies one
as for JESUS.

That is what means Matthew 21:31
The tax collectors and harlots go before you
into the Kingdom of God.

Friday, August 19, 2011


The book store Borders is going out of business.
Everything is on sale. 40%-60% off on most things.
I don't usually buy new books, but I love a sale!
So I bought some books.
My children are grown up, I do not read to them
anymore, but I buy children's books sometimes still.
Today I bought two.
Light the Lights A story About Celebrating Hanukkah & Christmas
by Margaret Moorman (1994) and
My Wild Sister and Me by Iris Wewer (2009)
I bought a biography
Susan Boyle The Woman I was Born to Be
by Susan Boyle (2010)
I bought one for "I don't care if I finish this book or not"
(light reading)  Christmas Mail-Order Brides 4-in-1-collection
by Carrie Turansky (2010) No offence Carrie!
And I really did also buy to read
Lessons From San Quentin H64741
by Bill Dallas with George Barna (2009)
And for all around roundedness
Geographica World Atlas & Encyclopedia
by h.f.ullmann I think.
I also bought one DVD The Closer The Complete Sixth Season.

I have borrowed from the library Crisis of Conscience
And even though I am not Borg anymore, I still believe
The Bible "do not be owing anyone a single thing" so
I have to go read it.
I have an idea for you who can't sleep at night.
Instead of taking medicine with it's side effects
get yourself some old Watchtower articles about chronology.
5 minutes of reading those will do it, but there is no guarantee.
I'm not a doctor.  Or a nurse, ADA. Or a pharmacist. 

I want to vent

The "lady" was driving south on a two way street,
I was driving in the opposite direction, then I stopped
to go left into a store on the south side.
There was a car coming that I cut off, but not
purposefully.  It was a grey car the same color as
the grey road.  It was speeding, Also, did not have on
it's head lights. I didn't see it as I turned
to go left, but then it was too late to stop.
Guess what?  I think, but do not know that
I was not close enough for her to need to brake,
just slow down.  OK, so I shook her up a little.
She said "f*ch U", that is she put up her middle finger
to me.  HumpH!  She was ON THE PHONE.
To let me know, because I needed to know, what she
thought of me she had to drive hand's free for a little while.
OK, speeding and hand's free.
I don't understand.
It is common for people to get mad when they have to slow down,
but should I be OK with her going hand's free?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

No light without darkness

I know from personal experience that darkness
is not as awful as some would suppose. Because of
them in darkness propagating error I have made it my mission
to find the correct understanding.
I have seen in other places too the light getting brighter.
Many more discussions are popping up because of the Dark One.
(You know who you are.)
So because of the failure of them who are wrong, will
right be known?  I hope so.
Was it the plan from the start?  I don't think so,
but who knows....

Just so you KNOW

I do not shut up people on purpose.
"On purpose" means to accomplish
one's own agenda.
I think I don't have an agenda.
Do you have one?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

ID the goat or Explain the rain?

The goat will not decide on which
course of action until someone else does.
Which, of course, is funny.

Has anyone seen Jesus' course of action yet?

Monday, August 15, 2011

I set out

I set out to prove holy is better than sin.
I think I only proved it to myself.
What are you trying to prove?


Then being drunk without alcohol and high without
drugs might seem good, except ADA doesn't like
it and what ADA wants ADA gets because she
loves you.  I mean she loves you when you are Borg.
OMG maybe that is the what Psalms 2: 8 and 9 means.
Perfect justice, perfect!  What?

Don't be you feeling bad

Is it that my blog has been, or is being considered as something
contraband?  How do I feel about that?

If it were so, wouldn't it be what I deserve?
Like funny as hell?

That is an out dated destination.

Funny as surprise kitty!

The King

Of logical fallacy, the king is, I am not
therefor I can do as I please. 

Or maybe

Maybe someone might visit and
comment.  I'm not too fond of bull sh&t but
I like the recipe, do you have any more?

If I told you what people were then they
wouldn't be it, but I would.  So I have to keep it a secret.

What I might comment

I might comment it is funny.

In case it is not funny. never funny

then I must be out of my g*d dam f*.-ing mind.

Making things happen for peace

That is what I think the True Religion is.
False religion is that which makes things happen
for war.  War makes orphans and widows, then
false religion does not (usually) come to help them.
So you get a world where there are people living in conditions
worse than most animals live in.  Who is to blame?
Then to balance it out you get disturbed people
doing brainsick things to get back some imagined
balance in the world.  The puzzle, I am  imagining
shaking the world market and without facing the
threat of over population.

The World Market is shook?  I am sorry I sometimes can't resist
even if it eliminates friend by friend by friend.
They don't like how whatever they think I am I am.
Bet nobody ever wrote that before.
Now it's a competition?
Must it not be?

There is not a group that I know of
For The Future.  Is there?  I googled it.
I found forum and Lumosity, but no group.
The best we have for that type thing is
The Jehovah's Witnesses.
And you are not worried?

Don't like being told what to do

And so you don't like my posts??

No comment.    OK that's a joke.

Get it?  No comment no commment

The Letter

I wrote a letter to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I said I was fine with all but the one about thinking the same.
The unnecessary  list of things is archived I'm sure, I don't have them
in front of me.  Not unnecessary to contemplate but to study.
My contention began at the congregation level.
I got in trouble, and the brothers had to deal with it.
I got in trouble with the wrong person.
They might have put it all behind with just an apology.
But I was being a little or a lot self righteous about
procedure.  They didn't like that.  You do know I'm
female?  How they handled it was BIZARRE.  I do know
that the Almighty True God is not bizarre, I'm sure of it.
But the Jehovah's Witnesses are they not suppose to
demonstrate by their actions that they know Him?  I believed
that.  They dropped the ball.  So I'm thinking "if they all
dropped the ball, then I wonder what them who have appointed
them who dropped the ball are doing".  Well, I became
keen way beyond what was usual.  I was looking for
The Spiritual Paradise in the "spiritual paradise".
I can't explain what I saw, but it wasn't of this world
me thinks.  But I did not hear too much wisdom so I wrote
a letter.  I do not know if the letter ever got to the Governing Body.
They did not answer the letter.  Oh, by the way, just to be very careful
I did not ask questions.  I told them three things.  One was I can't
have the same mind.  The other things, fine, but not the one mind thing.
there was a list to do at the convention.  I don't know if I have a point
because I usually don't say too much, so if I had a point, it's gone now.
Maybe I'll think of something later.
The other two things for later or not at all.

I understand!

Yah!  My brain hath just put two and two together!
I love that when that happens!

I didn't originate the Borg!  That's why they got so mad at me.
And all this time I thought it was my brain child.
Have you lost your child?
I have your child.
Is that why they said Troll?
That's why, isn't it?  Just one of the reasons*
Wow a brain, not mine, it is superior, can not imagine that
a brain child can come from two places?
Did you not listen in the elementary history class?  ADA.

*I wonder now if they hadn't made the same mistake
twice or more.

What am I talking about?
I'm talking about the tendency of Jehovah's Witnesses
to think everything the same.  That is what I called Borg.
But on the "apostate" web sight they called them Borg too.
So I got in trouble.  It is my bent.

That is why I am here (because JWs must think the same)
and I don't want to.

No comment?

You too?

Blind ping pong

Are we playing blind ping pong?

And why? for goodness sake!

I'm just checking to see if there is any one
out there, or if what I am seeing is in my imagination.

Do you know?

Why will buy some time

That's what I believe, anyway.
You don't believe me because nobody does?
Did you want to know if you are a sheep or a goat?
Not you, nobody, you somebody who is nobody
who is encouraging stupid poetry.
Did you really?


It makes sense!

It makes sense and when it makes sense
you find you can't do a thing about it.
Except explain it.

What the Quarrel does.

John 17:3  This scripture is used for being born again
for heaven.

(also, in case there was a real conspiracy
can it not have been a misguided miss translation
of  knowledge of the one sent forth?-yes)

But what I know is everlasting life CAN mean
human life not going the way of the dinosaur.

Problem one is; does everlasting life mean individual
or scary end of the world, world?

I think it is scary end of the world world.
Because I want to.

The other problem has popped up more recent like.
The other problem has to do with who? and one
or many.  It has to do with (story store) like wisdom.
It needs sound.

What does the quarrel do? It puts into the negative every
investment that was made.
Trust in God, faith for future and love.
Justice too.  Funny, not funny how they who
can still practice wisdom and justice are they
who are called belonging to Satan in Watchtower lingo.

Is that not how first is last and last is first? Luke 13:30

Come again?

I guess that's the end.

Because English is weird?

I said like "come again?" you saying "what are you talking about"
I'm talking?
OH. And then I look up and I said Jesus?

Goodness.  Sakes alive!  That's my friend, she's black.  Or Black.
OKOK   Oh, they say he's coming back.

Sign of stupid.  Did you know God dares to call them stupid?
OK, stupid is waiting for something that already happened, isn't it?
I am sure that it is.

Who are they?  Them who are waiting for him who is here.

I mean like not here, but like present.  That's a good word!

Don't worry, nobody reads my blog.  I'm sorry nobody, I mean
nobody I know reads my blog.
Isn't that the way?

A Christain

A Christian does not believe that
said self can save the world.
A Christian would never dare
to believe Christ is He who will
give it to said self.  

Who are these?  Revelation 7:13-17

Verb tense

Sarcastic to a fault

Someone might say if you were not so sarcastic
someone might listen to me?

Do you think I should take my chances?

In translation.

I should bore myself because there MIGHT
be someone who MIGHT give me a half second
of consideration.


I shall get serious.

Jesus said the the ghost that took over everything
who said send to my brothers
Luke 16:22-31

Note they said "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets
neither will they be persuaded if someone rises from the dead"

So I shall NOT be like a boring dead person.
Is that OK with you?

At least three

Might be an exaggeration that so few recognized
What went wrong with Christianity.
a Christian doesn't judge his neighbor.
But that is exactly what they did.

And on the other hand
or on the place where two things opposite
come together "Christians" didn't judge them either.

In other words "Christians" were choosing themselves
over their neighbor.

By judging their neighbor, to be not suitable
for to be judged (for love) they judged The Word.

Is it too late to be warned DO NOT JUDGE THE WORD ?

I think not.

I do not know part two

I don't know what side nobody is on,
but if to choose is an option, may I suggest

I should describe my side.

I shall try.

You can't be like me because I have always been
a Christian.

I don't know what would happen to "my side"
if there was more than me here, but i'l give it a try.

A Christian does not fight.
But might fight for one's life.
He believes the Father will be always
   trusted to lead the person away from a fight.
Because Christians don't fight.
A Christian does not resist truth
    even if it is not in harmony with one's vision.
A Christian learns to see love in everything.
    even in one's enemy.
A Christian recognizes his enemies,
    but does not recognize God's enemies.
Oh!  Those that come here are hoping to
be Christian?  For what?
A Christian recognizes what a Christian does.
And a Christian does not fear losing
   even sometimes it looks like there is no winning.
A Christian hates untruth.
Truth evolves
A Christian is not afraid of "evolution"
But what is real, that The God sees
   never changes.  That is how The Kingdom
   becomes established.
Even though World fails, even Earth, the Kingdom does not fail.
A Christian does not believe in failure.
For what?  Fullness.

We haven't given it any thought

We never heard!  We do not know
what side (pick one)
1.we are on
2. to choose

Why am I laughing

When I don't think it is funny?

And then

So some one says "OK" BUT what if the person doesn't have a daddy?
I think what happened to the world was the questions buried the
truth, because she didn't obey 1 Corinthians 14:33-35

Then the next scripture addresses Russell personally
"What? was it from you that the word came forth or was it
only as far as you that it reached? " verse 36

Then he chose?  The world is buried because of or?


Good question.  If the person doesn't have a daddy,
then the name will be the person's grandfather.  OK, if the
person doesn't have a grandfather, then the name will be
the great grandfather.  For every one has a great grand father.

Who's name

What does it mean that they who are 144,000
have a name on their forehead and also his
father's name.

Jehovah's Witnesses taught me it says
(on the forehead)
Jesus Jehovah
Maybe they don't teach, Jesus, maybe it's the name
of the one who is standing, but I am sure they teach
it is Jehovah written on the forehead.

But what it means is the name of the person his self
as he is being recognized by the Lamb, and the person's
daddy.  This is because they don't say
No f*cking way
I can talk plain to you, and you call it un-understandable.
so should I waste my time?
You may vote.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The New World

I do not confess I know the Bible
but I think I am correct in assuming
there is no one who wants to know what it says,
who has a computer and internet service and
speaks English?  I am not going door to door.
I already said why.
So I should probably, if I had enough money, go
to college and learn it their way?
It's not going to happen.

Story store SALE

The danger of death was imminent
so the government took action to
find out the matter and to possibly squash
the resistance.  But how to find it?
They recrudesced the office of
"What the Hell is Going On"
Most people did not notice that the government quietly
took over the means of communicating useless information
BLOGSPOT.  But blogger thought it was a pretty
good deal.  Because everyone was running out of money
and.... That's why it is a sale.

Lesson ONE

Stop jumping to conclusions.
I say they didn't talk, you say what?
You jumped?  Did you?
I left them messages on their blog
you didn't know that, did you?
Did you jump?
They do not not comment,
they are just not there.  OK?
Don't jump.
My hobby?  Putting the same words next to each other.
Did you ever try it?
You should write.  It's fun!

Why is there only one member?

I don't know.  But it doesn't mean I am not important.
I think you can hear most of what I say with out harm.
Or death by boredom.   There were two others, where did they go?
I kicked them out because they don't talk.  Creepy, you know what I mean?

The sacred secret

Is funny.  It might be viewed as the "who's on first?" skit.
Were they who came before demonstrating our
error, or are we reflecting their's?
Your vote counts.

Crisis of Conscience

An article from Raymond Franz's book (1983 Crisis of Conscience)
page 168, 169 tell him with the "right heart condition" this only, for why
so many words?  The foundation of the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses
can well be described as built on sand.  Hear this;
Pastor Russell's voice has been stilled in death; and his voice is,
comparatively speaking, dumb to what will be.  In the time of
revolution and anarchy he shall speak, and be no more dumb to
those that escape the destruction of that day.  Pastor Russell shall
"be a sign unto them" shall tell them the truth about the Divine 
appointment of the trouble, as they consult his books...His words shall
be a sign of hope unto them..."
Who needs the Bible and Jesus?
...enabling them to see the bright side of the cloud and to look 
forward with anticipation to the glorious Kingdom of God to 
be established.  Then "they shall know the Lord" ... Pastor Russell??
Show it to the super fine apostle, in case you want to see Borg.
If it can be authenticated, show it to your friend, but then you
must study the Bible with her.  Probably.  The Bible is good to know.
Friends of the Creator want to know it!

God is not the lie

The lie is that God is not.
And on the other side the lie is God
belongs to us.

Is someone keeping the Bible away from you?

God is not hard to find.

Believe or not, God loves us.
But He loves the least one as much
as the greatest one.
The greatest one does not learn from God,
he learns from  those that make him great.
And the least one learns from the bad air.

In what direction?

I don't know this, but it might fit the pattern.
What is wrong with lying?  If religion keeps people
in line what is WRONG with it?
What danger does it pose?
It is that which affects the air.  Air affects how a person feels.
How a person feels affects how the person thinks.
How a person thinks affects how he behaves.
How he behaves affects other people.  And sometimes even the future.
Does every one agree that with warring factions, eventually the
Earth will be hit bad?  It's a given.
How to prevent it?  Clear the air.  True religion is for peace.
Peace even for the least one.  To teach fear as religion does
is opposite of clean air.    Spirit is real.  The bad
spirit in the air will destroy us.  It is coming from us.  From our
minds.  The smashing instrument is for everyone against the least one
for peace.  The "mark" is for peace.  Who is for peace?
Some people will say don't worry, the destroyer will come to
destroy them who are against what?  Against God?  We all are.
Against them?  See where war comes from?  Who is?
The air, the fright is the air will be destroyed.  We need it to breath.
How are we all against God?  We are OK with air being destroyed.
I'm not talking about pollution.  It's spiritual pollution.
It just might be true that if we clear away the lie, the mind will
feel better.  Why die?  

Daniel 2:44

Dates of starts of something does not always correspond
to the something's origin.  Without understanding that
I don't know how you can understand anything.

Where did LOGIC go?

The argument IN religion would drive away the most patient of saints.
In each one and between them. Nobody has taken the right upon
themselves to tell them they are wrong, wrong, wrong.
Yes!  That means if you are are NOT religious, you have done the
right thing.  But I am sure we must walk with God to the future.
Therefore there isn't one.  Future, not God.
Here you go.  The bible says (John 8:44) Satan is the father of the lie.
So I'm reading the book by a former Governing Body member
of Jehovah's Witnesses.  On every page there is recorded what
they have lied about, but they are riding the lie.  ?????
I don't get it.  How are they for the truth and the lie at the same time?
So them who are seen as enemies of freedom who in times past
tried to stop them are really friends of the future.
Is everyone but me all right with that?  OK, they over reacted.
Blind is good?  Just a note for them who EXPOSE instead of
GETTING OUT the false religion.  You can see it does no good.
So stop.  No, Nancy knows about Canaan, I'm just reasoning.
Have I a campaign?  No, I don't. 

Thinking along the way

That's what I love about Blog.
I love you!!
Blogger makes me look inspirational.
I think I'm really quite dull.
But scary and anti-establishment ?  I love it!

Love out of fashion

That is what is happening.  Love is now all business.
Sign a letter love to a casual acquaintance now and even
though we are suppose to be in or near the time
of the King of Love (and Peace) they will run for the
hills.  Being taught to love neighbor and enemy  you
might think you have it covered, but you don't.
Because love is scary.  Or not scary enough.
You may vote.

It's OK

It's OK if they do evil, as long as
we don't know about it.
Do you know what that baby is called?

Party of Two

The great lesson taught by The Watchtower and the antichrist beast
is the obvious is not.  Humanity, if it is to progress, must recognize
what they would rather not.
I understood that the Jehovah's Witnesses reflected traits of Nazi Germany.
Many more than I was willing to ignore.
I told an elder and his godly wife about my misgivings.  She was shocked
out of her stockings.  I had to apologize so I did which I do because I don't mind.
So who are ya having dinner with?  Reference party of two.  I am sorry, I have not yet
found that intelligence  isn't disappearing faster than I feel comfortable with.
Raymond Franz.  He's dead, but I'm reading his book. page 135 quote
"The insensitizing effect that organization loyalty can produce is, of course,
well documented, having been demonstrated again and again throughout the
centuries, both in religious and political history, as in the extreme cases of the
Inquisition and during the Nazi regime." from Crisis of Conscience 1983.
I am not sorry I saw it for apologizing, I said sorry for saying it.  Of course I didn't
mention that.  Nobody is perfect.

I'm running out of titles

And I'm not aiming at a number.

It is looking like I might be having the last word.
But I am thinking, I don't want it.
How do I know I don't want the last word?
Because the heart is treacherous and so we don't really know what it is saying.
I search other people's comments.  I really do!  I even comment when the
spirit doesn't move me.  Do you think that's OK?


Yes, I recognize that between the lines might be the voice
echoing of a super human nature.  Is Scientology right?
Damn.  Do you not view Nancy as super human?
Interesting.  How did I get this way?  Dedicated four times, oh, at least.
The formula is;  Intelligence, an inheritance, loneliness, thank you very much,
OK faith, and a little bit of crazy.  Now, be nice.  Translation: Most think
A LOT crazy.  I'm crazy in love with love.  I wonder why you are not.
Not what?  LOLOLOLOLOLOL  in love with love.
It only seems natural.  Doesn't it?  Doesn't what?  I'm sorry.
Why am I always the one that has to be sorry.  Whine whine whine whine.

It's a poem.

The funniest place on earth

I right in the middle.  That is where I am.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.
That's a song.  Words not mine.  Stolen past tense of steal,
It looks like bread.  With raisins.
I don't know if I should put an "s" on the I.
Do you know?

I don't drink, it's morning.

Liar liar... pants on fire.

See?  Fools they are.  So everything they touch is what?
Dangerous?   Is it?

I am not a spy.  Am I?  Help me ADA!  Do you think she will come?

I do not drink in the morning.  I do not drink every day.
I did not drink the whole bottle.

I make people be quiet.  Peaceful quiet.  I'm getting to like it.
It was weird, now it is comfortable.

Comments still welcome.
But the opportunity might pass.