Thursday, May 1, 2014

Another question about bad associations

Do not be misled bad associations spoil useful habits 1 Corinthians 15:33

"Wise" men teach it means fellowship with bad people will spoil good people.

My question is this:  For how long does the association last before spoilage occurs?

Here is an aside.  I think many people who are openly critical about the shunning policy of Jehovah's Witnesses do not know why so many Jehovah's Witnesses are willing to shun their former loved ones. Is it because they work very hard (Oh no! I hear sarcasm coming it spoilage?) on Jehovah's Sabbath Rest Day to get Jehovah's Work done so prophesy might be fulfilled?  And they will not risk prophesy not happening by their spoiled work, spoiled by their only son or daughter?

How long a meeting with an unbeliever  will cause spoilage?  Five minutes?  An hour?  Is it different times for different people?  How many times can Jehovah allow it to occur? How many times at five minutes?  How many times at an hour each?  And what about five minutes here and an hour there?  I suppose the math is wonderful! The firmness or weakness of a person's dedication is one variable. On the other hand the degree of badness of the associate is another variable. Who knew you had to be a math geneyous to walk the way of holiness?

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