Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Beast

The beast of Revelation is ONE BIG FAT LIE.  The writer did not lie, the reader did.

What is a beast?  It is wild.  It is hungry.  It is usually big.  It does not care.  It isn't intelligent.  I'm thinking hair, but that is just silly.  What else?

People lie because they want something.  Is this correct?  Wantimg something is being hungry.

We know for sure that someone has to be lying as World is not in agreement and any of the groups in opposition to each other are BIG.  Very BIG.

They don't talk to each other and that means they do not CARE.

They grasp onto whatever their father tells them to grasp onto which is not intelligent. Haha you thought I'd say smart.

It is WILD.  For sure whenever a lie is flown you have NO IDEA where it will go or what it will do.  That is wild.

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