Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Do you want another one? No?

Just for one second please, step in my shoes.  Thank you.

I am going to give you another one.

If The Bible says "Love is not provoked" the person reading to obey it will likely learn to gather to her own people who agree with her or even to live alone. Because it is not possible in this world not to be provoked.

If The Bible says "Love does not provoke" the person reading to obey it would learn to speak only wisdom in love.  If love or wisdom causes another to be provoked in anger, that is all on the angry one.

The first one which is the custom means a person should get his feelings in check, or if that is not possible then to eliminate them.

The second one needs to be learned, and not controlled.

Love is not provoked is about control and love does not provoke is about learning.

I vote for learning.

The ones for custom they vote for waiting for the end of all those who will not obey control and the making of more control (which the second one I cover in the post below).

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