Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The forth twisted wisdom

Bad association spoil good habits meaning bad people are allowed to take you away from the god.

The three we , I mean I, (I can hear you.  Are you saying "snarky bitch"?  tell the truth ;) )  That is happy fat* have covered are

1. Jesus said for you To Make
2. God says you must gather together in the physical body of yourselves
3. You should believe that love does not get angry

The twisted wisdom is in contrary to the true wisdom which says NOTHING can take you away from the love of God.

So?  What might it mean?  The good habit is preaching the Good News.  We can agree about that.  Or maybe that wisdom has changed too?

Many people preach that Jesus taught us to live.  They do not believe in the person of Jesus, but they say his words are for obeying for the good life.  See? The scripture "bad associations spoil useful habits" is part of a manuscript about the resurrection.  People were saying that there is no resurrection.  If there was no resurrection then Jesus is not resurrected.  If Jesus is not resurrected he can not communicate.  Belief and to teach are different.  1 Cor 15:33 is about splitting the wisdom of God to be teaching only that which you are leaning on to believe, right or wrong.

You might be 99% percent right about the message that you are teaching.  But that 1% is able to spoil that 99%.  1 Corinthians 15:33

*do you want sober to tell you?  I do too. but....though...really....seriously....I am sober physically.  OK?  Let's find one who doesn't act crazy to agree.  Shall we?  

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