Thursday, May 21, 2015

Do you bet?

I don't, but I might.

Do you want to bet how long I will be welcome on Meetup?

I think I would risk $10.00.

Another gospel

They are certain I preach another gospel and I am sure they are right!

I have another question. (why does she ask questions knowing nobody is listening?)  I don't know.  I should probably go clean the house.

How are you so very certain that what was preached to you and what you believe isn't another gospel?

Too many people believe it for it to be wrong??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OK

It works for you.  BUT I am sure it isn't belief that works but is God who is blessing you and keeping you.  "I will never leave you nor forsake you".  Right?  

I do not remember if I told you this

They say Jesus will come again and "every eye will see him".  But pronouns are not specific in the language in which it was written, or so I have heard.

I believe "every eye will see".  But see what?

Might I propose it means everyone's conscious will know how God sees them?

Might it mean everyone will know what his coming means to them or doesn't mean to them?

Someone Many people say I am not English-speaking by the way I write.  Huh.  I say, "HOW to write right what I am trying to say?"  I think there is no right way.  YOU try it.

I wish you would.  

Honest to God

Oh? I'm sorry

Were we suppose to make the good men and women of Christendom look good?

I am sure that I missed that memo.


My idea that the message of Jesus Christ was changed is rejected.

I have a lot to say about that, but I think I shall only share a question.

They say it is not changed because Christ protects it from corruption.

So God protects God's book.

Why doesn't God protect the little children?  The ones who are beaten and assaulted in other ways, who are sold into slavery and put to work are forgotten.  

A child might cry out "WHY does God let this happen?"  And the great minds of Christianity must reply, "God is busy caring for God's BOOK."

Monday, May 18, 2015

Are you?

Are you awaiting the show which accompanies Christ's return?

I have a question.  It is a fact I have a difference of opinion.  I suspect that people are happy enough keeping their own opinions.  Not all Christians think alike.  So when Jesus returns I am assuming people will be expecting some correction.

I am powerless to initiate correction.

What is it about CHRIST that makes him powerful to initiate correction?

Still pretending

A question, please. If it is really the truth that the bad associations of 1 Cor 13:55 are people who are able to spoil a believer can I be spoiled by a person who is bad, but I do not know it? Or is it only about people we know are bad?

There are scriptures about people who on the outside appear that they are for Jesus, but they are not. If I associate with a person like that, but I do not know it, can he or she spoil my character?

On the other hand, I think there are scriptures about being readjusted though I can't think right now of which one. One scripture says to be putting on the mind of Christ. I think the warning about bad associations is linked to that concept. If I do not put on the mind of Christ then I am probably nurturing bad associations in my mind.

Does anyone know of a scripture which warns about what will happen if I keep bad thoughts about The Truth? I say 1 Corinthians 15:33 is for that.

Is The Truth related to thinking or is the way, truth and life only on the outside of a person? 

I say bad associations are in the mind. YOU say bad associations are people and people are outside not inside.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Does anyone?

Does any reader want more story stuff?  I have more.

What does nature do?

Does it elimate the unsound aspect of itself?

People are able to remove unsound aspects of themselves consciously using something called conscience.

Groups remove what they believe are unsound members.

Does the World?  Is there such a thing as coordinated removal?

Why would they?

I do not doubt my interpretation of certain aspects of God's word are kinder and more reasonable than what is customarily believed upon.  So why don't they change their minds?

I think it is because they trust God's word to lead them.  They have come so far with it the way they believe it that they won't admit that they have not been led to where they believe they should be.

Do I have a backup scripture?  Yes, I do.

This is a stiff-necked people says The Lord.

Honest to Jesus

I see people trusting in their understanding.

I put all my trust in God.  I think God demands all of it. I think it is fair that God does demand it all.

I am sure that trusting in undersatnding is not trusting in God, but it is what they do IN GOD'S NAME.

Needs help

Is a lie a worthless thing?


As Christians we believe it is God's will that all be saved and to knowledge come.  According to that there are no worthless people.

Then why does the Bible use the word worthless to describe some people?

Bad associations spoil useful habits to Christianity it means exactly this:  Worthless people spoil good character.

The Greek word kakos

Friday, May 15, 2015

I just want to say

The Jehovah's Witnesses disfellowship people for a number of reasons. The people will always be made aware of why and also about what they must do to be reinstated.  The person who is disfellowshipped can not be associated with by other JWs.  But if the disfellowshipped person wishes for the disfellowshipping to be removed JWs are glad to oblige.

The communities of former Jehovah's Witnesses remove people from their communities for reasons unknown to the one who is removed.  And their excommunication lasts forever.  For the one removed there is no welcome back ever.

A picture for you

I  shall draw a picture.

I will use an historical account to try to make my point.

Jerusalem would be devastated.  It was foretold.  Jesus said to not even go up to get your coat when the time came.

The time came and many Christians left the city.  They fled to the mountain.  It seems they took few things with them but some took along their custom or customs.  It would be easier for the few who took nothing but their hope.  The ones taking their custom with them began to realize that they might not be able to practice those customs any longer.  SO SOME TURNED BACK.

Not forsaking the assembling together of ourselves even as custom with some but encouraging one another....

What does "custom with some" mean to YOU?

As a JW for almost 20 years, I puzzled on what  does "as custom" mean?  Do you know what it means?

Also, what does "forsake meetings" mean?  I knew I could refuse one meeting but go to the next.  I also knew I could one day forsake it all and the next day change my mind. and start going again.

But if on your way up to Mountain Zion you change your mind and turn around, THAT is forsaking it.   Or maybe you can imagine yourself turning back to go down then turning around to go up and so on and so on.....

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The teaching of control

Tradition has the Bible teaching control.  NOT self-control which is a fruit of God's spirit and must be received, not learned. 

There might be more, but these are the ones I have found.

Jesus saying, "go make disciples".   You must control yourself to do the command of God which is to make other people believe him and you must somehow control the ones you find.

Hebrews saying "not forsaking the gathering together".  This one is true, but misunderstanding that it is about your daily physical life makes this one about CONTROL also.  You must control where you go and when you have decided where to go you must not forsake it, which again, is CONTROL.

Bad association spoil useful habits.  You must CONTROL who you will associate with.  

Love does not become provoked.  You must CONTROL your feelings.

It is written; those seeing are blind and the blind see.  Is not Christ about learning and NOT control?  You believe in Christ, you can see.  But you make him about CONTROL, you can not see.  Those who can't see, who do not believe, KNOW it is not about control.

The making of disciples I have said is what GOD does.  Do you believe it?  Your job is to be a disciple which comes about by UNCONTROLLED growing.    GOD makes it grow.   1 Cor 3:7  Think of it.  What father makes his children into what HE wants?  That is not love.  God is love.

Hebrews 10:25 is about gathering together in agreement about what is wise and true.  It is not about control.

1 Cor 15:33 is about rejecting bad ideas, not about  rejecting bad people.

1 Cor 13:5 is about the QUIET and mild spirit.  It is about learning to mind your own business and not to be meddling into other people's lives because when you do they are provoked. 

So it is all about learning, and not control.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What is decided on is desolations

That is what I remember is written in Daniel.

WHOSE decision?

What is decided [by whom?] on is desolation.

While I was picking up sticks today it occurred to me it is the believing one who is decided on desolation.

You say how so?

I think some people might say "God" has decided it.  Other people will say it is already fulfilled thus of no consequence further on.

I can see that the people who say they are for Christ have decided on desolation. They are holding to their guns about standing for the error of God and they would stick by it even if it means the end of them.  That is called martyrdom.  But they would be martyred not for God but for the enemy of God who is called Satan. Let's just say Satan is the name for believing things that are not true.

Perhaps when it was written it was not so much a prophecy of real events coming but was an insight into the human psych.

It might mean there are people willing to die rather than to give up on their god or gods.  We know there are people like that.  

The forth twisted wisdom

Bad association spoil good habits meaning bad people are allowed to take you away from the god.

The three we , I mean I, (I can hear you.  Are you saying "snarky bitch"?  tell the truth ;) )  That is happy fat* have covered are

1. Jesus said for you To Make
2. God says you must gather together in the physical body of yourselves
3. You should believe that love does not get angry

The twisted wisdom is in contrary to the true wisdom which says NOTHING can take you away from the love of God.

So?  What might it mean?  The good habit is preaching the Good News.  We can agree about that.  Or maybe that wisdom has changed too?

Many people preach that Jesus taught us to live.  They do not believe in the person of Jesus, but they say his words are for obeying for the good life.  See? The scripture "bad associations spoil useful habits" is part of a manuscript about the resurrection.  People were saying that there is no resurrection.  If there was no resurrection then Jesus is not resurrected.  If Jesus is not resurrected he can not communicate.  Belief and to teach are different.  1 Cor 15:33 is about splitting the wisdom of God to be teaching only that which you are leaning on to believe, right or wrong.

You might be 99% percent right about the message that you are teaching.  But that 1% is able to spoil that 99%.  1 Corinthians 15:33

*do you want sober to tell you?  I do too. but....though...really....seriously....I am sober physically.  OK?  Let's find one who doesn't act crazy to agree.  Shall we?  


I photograph buttons.  I photograph them up-close.  When people see them they get an idea about them but their idea might not be true.  Imperfections which show clearly up-close cannot be seen with the naked eye.  Also the size of an item looks BIGGER in the picture than it really is.

These situations cause a seller to give it some thought.

I am careful and I define every imperfection in pictures and in words.  They know what they are buying, except for the size.  Respecting size I photograph the buttons and other stuff next to a 1. a ruler in standard measure 2. a ruler in metric measure 3.  A quarter....and even once I put them all in my hand for showing relative size.  The funny thing is that time that they were photographed in my hand, I got a message something like this;  Good sale but I thought they were bigger.  Haha

There is no winning.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Killing God

If the Bible is The Word of God and The Word of God is Jesus and Jesus is God, and if the Bible really is corrupted and they don't care, and they will stay with their corrupted word, is that like killing God?


I have said I am one of the worst apostates.  They don't believe it, but it is true.  I was referring to leaving the Watchtower and to proving they have too much wrong for anyone to be taking them seriously.  But it seems I only proved it to myself which is OK.

I am apostatizing from people.  Like Noah I have my family, but all the others, I am learning not to care.  I started out caring too much.  And even after they hurt me, I cared for them.  But I think I do not care anymore. And I feel OK about that.

People have said that hate means to wish harm on a subject, but I think hate means not to love them. I still love them according to the command of my Lord but that it all.  I can't worry anymore about saving them from hurt.

Good question!

What am I asking anyone to do?  I am not asking.  I am not telling either.

I think that if many people would please just want restoration and then keep making it known that they want it the winds of change will begin to blow. SOMEONE who is able will then consider doing something.  The reason being is wind which gains strength is something most practical people would prevent if they could.  So?  You who think you are for CHRIST are actually for WORLD because it is the WORLD which hates wind.  Unless of course they are moving produce.  But threaten their warehouses and you got trouble.  Are you afraid?   Or lazy?  Or even hateful?

The fear of man lays a snare.  

Or maybe their Christianity is about self confidence

I do not at first promote self-confidence.  So when someone reads a post of mine they might worry "I might be WRONG?".

If a reader does not get what she came for right away then why stick around. People do not like the feeling of wrong.

The beginning of the belief in Christ imho is to GIVE UP self-confidence.

It is a journey.  Your having self-confidence is you knowing the way.  You do not know the way.

You wanting self-confidence for knowing the way is you desiring to be like God.

I do believe that at the end of your journey you will find your confidence and it will be yours and personal.  It will make every difficulty along the way precious to you.  You will be glad.

But it will not be group confidence, something which at least the Jehovah's Witnesses teach.  I have not been taught by any other group so I can not say if others teach it.

I shall go out on a limb here and say that group confidence is EVIL.  


Earth's inhabitants who are claiming their allegiance to The God of The Bible are betting on the rightness of it.   At the same time, some of them are publically preaching against betting.

Is betting wrong only respecting money?

Define bet.

Risk something against something else on the basis of the outcome of a future event.

The future event is what they believe God will do.  

Because no one knows for real what God will do,  trusting in what they think it is is BETTING on it.

What are they betting?  Some of them bet everything on it.

Some of them do not bet everything, but they bet their self-respect which is according to me, much more valuable that ALL the money there is for gain.

The third one

Matthew 28:19 is probably an error in words and 1 Cor 13:5 is probably an error in words.

Hebrews 10:25 is probably an error in understanding.

It is universally understood to mean that people of like faith should physically meet together.  And it says that a person should not forsake meeting together.

That is another scripture which teaches control over learning,

It even says some people have made not gathering physically together their custom, or habit.
I vote it isn't right to call something a person doesn't do "a habit".

It is possible, is it not, that people are forsaking gathering to wisdom?  The wisdom of The Christ. What prevents them from doing so?  You know the answer. Why not make my day and SAY it?  I know the blog is able to receive comments as I have already got one or two comments.  I know you won't.  Why not prove me wrong?

Please prove Hebrews 10:25 isn't about gathering together in agreement about what The Word means.

Do you want another one? No?

Just for one second please, step in my shoes.  Thank you.

I am going to give you another one.

If The Bible says "Love is not provoked" the person reading to obey it will likely learn to gather to her own people who agree with her or even to live alone. Because it is not possible in this world not to be provoked.

If The Bible says "Love does not provoke" the person reading to obey it would learn to speak only wisdom in love.  If love or wisdom causes another to be provoked in anger, that is all on the angry one.

The first one which is the custom means a person should get his feelings in check, or if that is not possible then to eliminate them.

The second one needs to be learned, and not controlled.

Love is not provoked is about control and love does not provoke is about learning.

I vote for learning.

The ones for custom they vote for waiting for the end of all those who will not obey control and the making of more control (which the second one I cover in the post below).

I shall try again

And again....and again.....and again.....and again     Like a rock star.  I don't know if I am suppose to unravel my riddles.  Am I?  DOES ANYBODY KNOW?

Influential words cause action and/or reaction.
What words are more influential than The Word's words?

IF someone reads that "Go make disciples" is God's command for him he might do so by any means possible (Because God said it).

If someone reads God's command for you is to go make disciples, you might think that you should make another disciple BEFORE you are ready.  And that is what they do and it is has proven very bad.

If someone reads "disciple" the verb, being in God's image, he would resort to contemplation and that would be good.

I want to be a disciple of Christ.  What should I do?  God's word says I should make MORE of them. What should I make more of?  Does anyone know?

The question remains for answering; should it be changed BACK to disciple?  Why or why not?

Should Christianity take out the word MAKE?

I vote yes.  Does that make me an apostate? An apostate of what?  Custom.


If I believe so strongly in the wrongness of certain Bible verses then why not tell someone who cares and can DO something about it?

I have given it some consideration that I might try to contact some powerful religious leader or a Christian publishing company.  But the reason why I don't is I can't even reach my own brothers and sisters.  I have brothers and sisters?   Well, I DID.  

Another insult

LOL  You are aware, are you not, that The Bible says "the taking of offence lies in the bosom of the stupid ones".  Noah proved you need not be stupid.  You are stupid by CHOICE.

"They care not for the Bible" is what I said.   That sounds like an insult.

Instead of instajudge (for my foreign friends that is my new word for instant judging) why not let's consider what it MEANS?

Let's now pretend you are my friend (oh I can't listen to this and half of my readers leave, that would be three, or two) and we go out to the museum.  I have doughnut powder all over my face.  You would tell me if you love me.  You might even tell me if you don't like me.

Why are we not telling The Bible that it has doughnut powder on its face?  It's because you do not love it.

1/2 an hour

It sure does seem like a lot longer than half an hour.

What now?



For the lucky soul who.... who what?.....scratches head......who need not know what the Bible means and all them other people who I can't describe with an adjective, it is in reference to Rev What is in reference to?  The title of the post,   Revelation 8:1.

What?  Another riddle?  Who I can't describe with a word because there are so many, many wonderful words which would describe a person who knows the Bible but cares not for it.  Why should they know it?  They shouldn't if they don't love it.

Psalm 4:2

Monday, May 11, 2015

Am I right?

I am getting the sense that Christianity has become something that is about making others FEEL good.  Is that why everyone hates me, because I do not make them feel good?

Following Jesus Christ is not about feeling good.  Where did anyone ever get the idea that it should be?

I hate talking to myself.  


The prophecy says that the people for Jesus Christ will be hated.  I do not know if I surely am for him.  But I sure am hated!   I got kicked out of another community.

With no explanation this time either.  God, who do they think they are?

Is it that my words stir their innards?  And they do not like it?  I wonder why?

Do You know why?

Sometimes I read my own posts.  I can see that this one has a question and the next one seems to give a half convoluted answer to it.

It isn't.  The next post below this one came BEFORE this one.  The previous post is a question to a question which question is; "who I do think I am?"  I mean "Who do you think you are?"  And then I say Maybe I am smarter than the people who translated The Bible.  NOT more holy.  Haha


Did you never think it might be because I am smarter than them?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

For the record

Someone might say "I have done nothing to you so offensive that I would need to make peace with you".

That may or may not be someone who is led by God's word.

God's word says that a person is judged for everlasting life by the kind attention they offer others.

Doesn't it?

What else?  Paul said he wishes for brotherly sharing not for his own benefit but for the benefit of the one offering it.  Does anyone know what that means or where it is found?


When you offer up your gift at God's altar and there you remember someone who has something against you, go make peace and then offer up your gift.

How many times am I to forgive my brother?  7 times 77 says Jesus Christ.

Have I said something you do not like?

Well, You all have said lots of nothing and I don't like it.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Do I want to know

why I should not hate people who have nothing to do with me?


I do not wonder why.  I wonder how?

Maybe I should for fun define "corresponding power"

When they copied what was written instead of always depending on The Truth to write it they used their own understanding which I have called "corresponding power".

Corresponding power comes from the belief that one scripture is understood by another.  It is true that one scripture is able to knock down another, but I'll say it is not true that one makes another one stand.  God alone makes to stand.  Of course, God is not scripture though many people live like scripture is god.

To do anything requires power.  Correct?

A man, or men, decided what scripture should mean by his understanding of other scripture.  That is what I have called corresponding power.

What is wrong with that?

I am sure if ever you actually listened at the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses you can hear an echo "do not lean on your own understanding".  And that is another scripture which is miswrote because "own" was added,  which is another example of silence.  The silence that I am suffering.

Is truth rude, do you think?

I hear people crying over "I'll pretend that You care" like I know you don't care.  LOL.  But I have not heard one word, not one, about it from anyone.

Nothing about 1 Corinthians 13:5.
Nothing about Hebrews 10:25.
Nothing about Matthew 28:19.
Nothing about anything.

So much nothing that I do not know why I should not forget it.

Another perspective

When I was young, there was a common expession that I remember which was "make me", whenever someone was angry about being told what they should do.

Love does not make people do what they will not do.  Love does not provoke.

But people who want to do what is right should be provoked to do it because the work needs doing.

That is why The Bible says "love does not provoke" AND that we should "provoke one another to love".

One is for people who won't and one is for people who will.

I am going to pretend You care. OK?

Does that make me crazy?

I have discovered why a scribe might have changed "provoke" to "become provoked".

He was using corresponding power.  I shall assume he wasn't alone so from henceforth I shall refer to it as they.  If I have to.

They were using human reasoning for corresponding scripture to scripture.  In case they found it reading "provoke" they would decide to change it to become "be provoked" to correspond to another witness which said,  "let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works".

As they were considering the danger of changing the meaning of Hebrews 10:24, they were disregarding the danger of changing the meaning of so much more.

Like what?

The first one to come to mind is the reaction of Jesus against the money changers.  He was provoked. Modern publishing companies might have agreed with me that he was provoked so they have added "easily" to scripture.  So now "does not become provoked" is changed to "does not easily become provoked".

Then there is The God of Israel saying that HE was provoked.  (Deuteronomy 32:16; 1 Kings 14:22)

Moses was provoked and Paul was provoked.

So who are all these people and gods who say we MUST love one another?  Love is not provoked says The Bible.  But God, Jesus, Moses and Paul were.  Tell me please.  Is the Bible saying love is not possible?

They see "love not provoke" and they see "let us provoke to love" and it didn't match.

Why does it appear not to match?

Because The Father provokes to love.  It is not a person's OWN job to provoke to love.  God is love.
So Hebrews 10:24 is about allowing God to provoke to love through us, but we must not provoke to love BY us.  1 Cor 13:5 is a scripture warning us not to take matters into our own hands.  And Hebrews 10:24 is a scripture allowing us the privilege to be God's fellow workers in Christ for love.

Let God provoke the people.  But let us not be provoking our neighbor. Hebrews 10:24;1 Cor 13:5

Another thing.  The meaning of provoke has taken on a negative meaning.  But what it means is "to be stirred up".  Positive and negative emotions can be stirred up.  Love can be stirred up and anger can be stirred up.  The Bible saying "love is not provoked [or stirred up]" is proving true.  Isn't it?
It is not true.  Anyone (everybody) having a part in making it true that love is not being stirred up, as scripture says it should not be, is on the liars side.

The Bible is on the liars side.  And by your silence you are all agreeing that it is where it should be.

Am I crazy?

I can't even imagine

How the wall of disdain is even possible.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

They say

They say that knowing what words were written originally is not possible.  Those are people of FAITH who say it.

But against The Will of God people did changed it to what it doesn't say.

Now people say that to change it WITH God's blessing isn't possible.

And those are the people who would convince YOU to believe in God.

At the very least it is funny.

Do you really and truly not understand?

I do not say The Bible needs to be changed.  I am saying it needs to be UNCHANGED Restored.

At the writing of it something (good I believe) was intended.  OK, now think about that.

If someone after its writing changed it, which is possible because voila! you are afraid of that, then the INTENT is now missing.

Is it so hard to understand?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The dragon

The dragon is a mythical figure which protects his treasure with fire.
In the Bible, fire is a symbol of purification and total destruction.
Them believing that God protects God's word from corruption is them worshipping the dragon.
For only a dragon would put his treasure above everything else.

They fear judgement

I am not being puffed up to say that I have convincing scriptural evidence that some ideas in The Bible have been changed.  For instance 1 Corinthians 13:5.

The command of God is to love (John 13:34) and to be holy (Leviticus 11:45).

But the Bible says "Love does not become provoked".  Some Bibles add the word "easily" which is a compromise.  Though Holy does not compromise which is the very definition of holiness.

There is no creature that has ever existed that has not become provoked.  It is even written that Jesus became provoked at the money changers in the temple.

So?  Why won't they change it to say what was written (I believe) which is "love does not provoke"?

It is because they are afraid of God Almighty and also because they believe that God gave us The Bible just as it should be.  Their god protects it to keep it holy. God does not protect PEOPLE to keep them holy.  He does not protect children from calamity.  But those words in that Bible are all right and will always be all right, according to everyone actually.  Except me.

This is the interesting part of it.  I have observed that believers in God would have everyone fearing God to please God with their righteous acts.  Then the judgement will go well.  But those who are fearing God's judgement are the believers because they have proved incapable of considering their Bible might be wrong. They won't change it because God might not care for the change.  If God does not care for the change God might not care for the changer.

So you see (if you can see) that the wrong people are fearing God's judgement.