Monday, August 4, 2014


There are two mistakes in the Bible that I have posted a lot about that I think DO make a difference.

They say Jesus said to make disciples.  The making of disciples is a life changing occupation.  The one making disciples must live for it and the one being made must change for it.  Most people will never make-over another person to be for Jesus so why would Jesus command it?  Also he never told us HOW to do it. Some people feel less of a disciple if they can't make more disciples.  Their focus is on making others love God when it should be on loving God.  Also it puts everyone on the same job.  All the parts of a body are not for the same job.  The JWs are ALL about making other people into JWs because they believe Jesus said make them.

He said "Having gone therefore disciple the nations".  People believing him were to do what he did.  What was it?   God's will, whatever it is for that person.

The other important one that is wrong is they have Jesus saying "take care you are not misled".  Misled?  By whom?  Yourself?  If you are following Jesus' lead who should you beware?  JESUS?????  Are we to be making Jesus into a leader who doesn't mislead?  Or are we who wish to teach about Jesus to be careful not to be wrong?  Of course!

They make the Bible about how not to be wrong.  Jesus is about how not to be wrong.  Untruths are wrong.  Truth in Jesus is right.  Truth can't mislead but by their saying "see that you are not misled" apparently it can.  He would never have said it.  What makes more sense, that would carry the same idea is "Stay by me. Do not quit following me". But people have quit.  Even his beloved disciples did at first.  Were they not welome back?  They were.  So he said "take care you do not mislead".

It is possible to mislead in the name of Jesus Christ even if you, or I, believe we love him.  Even if we believe we love who teach.  In fact I can see the whole world has been misled.

Saying I am leader, do not be misled makes NO SENSE.  But all the Bibles say it. All of them?  I think so.

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