Friday, May 2, 2014

20 thousand names on the Jehovah's Witness data base

All the names are men (and woman - I don't know) who have been accused or have confessed of child molestation.

Why do the Jehovah's Witnesses want to interpret 1 Corinthians 15:33 "Do not be misled bad association spoil useful habits" as have no association with bad people or your good habits will be spoiled?

They are associating with 20 THOUSAND bad people.  How are they exempt from their own rule?

How so?  They say associating with bad people will cause a leading away and a spoiling.  But they allow the unbad members of the congregation to associate with those 20 thousand bad ones.  Um.  There are approximately one accused for every 400 JWs. That is less than one per congregation but of course all sexually weak and evil men have not been found out.  Is it possible?

So the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are saying it is not OK to associate with a child, mother, sister or brother who has left the organization but it is OK to associate with wicked men who might molest someone else because they are still in the congregation.  Now apply the rule to it "bad associations spoil useful habits" and every congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses which harbors a child molestor might as well stay home.  But they can't. Why not?  It is because of other bad associations the governing body make to be believed.  I have written about them.

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