Monday, April 28, 2014

Where did he say THAT?

All Christianity which includes all Jehovah's Witnesses are teaching Jesus said "take heed lest you be led astray".  So for two thousand years people believe Jesus warns us that those coming in his place are able to mislead us.  A real Christian has God, The Son and The Holy Spirit on her side but THEY are not able to prevent a defection.  Only I am able to cause a staying with THEM because Jesus said so.

What did he really say?  He said perceive (what I am) that you do not cause a straying in others by your misrepresenting me.

They have Jesus saying it is not the teacher's fault that others will stray.  It is the one straying whose fault it is.

It isn't their fault.

Twins.  There are many proofs to this one.  First of all Jesus is called teacher.  His followers must also be teachers.  If they do not perceive the truth they will not be able to teach the truth.  So he says at Luke 21:8 if you are not seeing clearly there is a risk that you will not teach clearly.  If you do not teach clearly there is the danger that YOU might mislead someone else.  Be careful you do not do that. The tongue is a fire (James 3:6) .....also those teaching will receive a heavier judgement.  (can't find the scripture - maybe I am imagining it)

So who's fault for straying is it according to Chritianity?  The teacher or the student?  "See that you are not misled" puts the blame on the student.  "See that you do not mislead" puts the blame on the teacher.

There will be many false teachers but their many many many many students who are misled by them are the ones at fault for real.  Not!

You do not want to believe me.  Because?

Titus 2:1 is all I have to say to that!

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