Thursday, April 24, 2014

Matthew 18:20

It is the one.  It is the only scripture that supports the belief that bad association is able to "spoil useful habits" as the Jehovah's Witnesses say they do.

It says "you should not be afraid of those killing the body, the soul though not being able to kill.  You should fear however rather that being able both soul and body to destroy in hell."

What is a spoiled something good for?  It is only good for throwing away.

It was always my opinion that it is not bad people that make for spoil.  It is the soul itself that allows spoil.

But Jesus says "you should fear".  So there is something that can spoil a soul.  Is it another person who is able to spoil you?  That is what many, many people believe.

I am still not convinced their way, but there is something to be avoided according to the scripture at Matthew 18:20.

Do you still want to believe it is other people who are able to spoil you?

We live on a closed system called Earth.  How are you able to escape the people who have the power to cause you to spoil?

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