Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The False Messiah

The false Messiah is Jesus saying things he did not say.

The true Messiah is the way, the TRUTH, the life.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Is it true you do not know the difference between find and make?

In the parable of the lost sheep the shepherd leaves the sheep of his flock to find the lost one.  Does he risk leaving his sheep to find a new one?  That is what you have Jesus asking You to do when you have put the word "make" in his mouth.  

Jesus never said to "make" disciples

According to you, if you are busy making disciples, where is it taught that it is what you should be doing?  If you believe Jesus uttered the command as recorded at Matthew 28:19, where is the proof?   Proof is another scripture, it can even be in the Hebrew Scriptures, that is able to  premise the one in question.

It is not possible for The Holy Spirit to leave us in the dark.  If it is true Jesus commanded you to make disciples there will be at least one more place in scripture where it agrees with your translation "make disciples" at Matthew 28:19.

I think you do not have one.  Do you?  I am able to listen and to make a correction. Just point me to what premise you have found.

2 Corinthians 13:1 EVERY matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

What is your proof or witness that it is what Jesus really said?

Which is it?

I am telling it badly
You don't want to hear it badly.
I am not good enough to tell it
It might be true, but not from me
You are not able to hear it
You hear, but you don't care
It doesn't matter

"Jehovah is my shepherd" Psalm 23 Jehovah sent his son to tell us we should be careful not to stray from Jehovah THE SHEPHERD as Jehovah is called.

What is a shepherd's job?

Isn't it the shepherd's job to keep the sheep together and to be keeping them safe?

So Jesus saying "take care you do not stray" is him saying "Sure my Father's a Shepherd, but not a very good one.  Now it's YOUR job to stay, not stray."

Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean on understanding.  But it will take loads of understanding to keep yourself in the flock and whenever you see danger coming you MUST lean on the understanding that danger is near in the form of someone or something taking you mislead you.....because Jesus said so.


Jesus went on talking and saying "see that you are not terrified"  THAT he REALLY said.

I am unreasonable.

You might be convinced he said "take care you are not misled" because after that he said "do not go after them".

But "many would come on the basis of [his] name saying I am he and the due time is near" means they would come TEACHING Jesus.  They are not teaching him truthfully.  Do not "go after them".  What does "go after them" mean?  It means do not occupy yourselves teaching them not to drop souls. (edited).  If a soul would be misled by a false teacher it is not the job of a disciple of Jesus to gather together those that believed  a lie.  Their job is to overpower the lie (the many lies) with The Truth.
You have your job to  speak the truth.  They are not telling the truth and so are not being recognized by YHVH.  Your job IS NOT to follow them fixing all the things that they bend.

That is what take care you do not not go after them means.

Your place is BEFORE them, not after them.

Oh boo hoo.  It's too late.  :(
It does seem so.  Doesn't it?

Are you DEAD?  If you are reading this you are not dead.

Does anyone else understand ring theory?

I want to know.

It wouldn't make much of a book so I'm not going to write it even to get on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.  

A conspiracy?

There are many suspicions of conspiracies about about many things.  Do you like that?

Do I?  Yes I do.

One that comes to mind and is the reason I am writing is TV is arranged to screw minds up.

I am going to tell you my opinion of the many conspiracy theories about.

My philosophy about conspiracies which means more than one person in on some kind of plan together is the polar opposite.  I believe no one has a clue about what anyone else is doing.


I have not forgot about ring theory.  Ring theory says, if it could talk, that I have more in common with the conspiracy theorists than any sensible person does.

Do you understand?

They won't talk to me.

Even if I have a kind word for them or a compliment, they won't talk to me.  It has occured to be that it is because they might think I am delicate and might come unhinged if they do.

What is the reason they will  not talk to me?  Are they not really there?  Am I not really here?  I want to know.

I think I might rather like to be by myself but I do not think that is a good reason to let me have it!

I can't believe it is because they do not know what to say.  I suppose everyone knows how to say thank you.  If I give you a compliment how is it you do not say thank you?

It is true though that people might be busier than I am.  I might spend most of every day here sitting on my tush.  But I don't.  I do not go door to door.  I don't see the point.  I never have.  I might be obsessive about checking in to see that I might have stirred a soul.  Not everyone does that, I am sure.  I can not imagine putting myself out there and just leaving myself out there without myself.  But that is what it seems they do.  


I am not able to change a thing.  My self changes, yes, but that is all.

I think the reason why I am not able to make a change is there is a mighty force that is present saying "moving might be vanity, I might take my chances with what I have".  (Which is popular - what you have is popular).

What I have is unpopular (I have proof)  LOL  If you do not know what that means you can call it crazy.  That is what THEY do.  Or you can "message" me.  I don't know how that will go as no one ever has. (yet)

So you will go with your best bet (which is what you know).  OK

Bets are for winning.  What is the prize?

Tell me please, how does your winning or losing affect God in your opinion?

I shall not want

I remember when the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses introduced new light on the most famous of all Psalms.  The Lord Is My Shepherd

They said "I shall not want" means that with God, if you are good, you will suffer no want.  In other words God supplies all you need and when you recognize that fact , you won't have anything more to want.

Is that right?

It does have a nice twin.  It's twin is "be content with the present things, for God will never leave you".

What do I think it means?

Christ came to do, not his own will, but to do the will of The Father.  He purged himself of the desire to do things his way.

That is what I think it means.

How is it applied in an average human life?  Good question!

Gordon says a human mind will only acknowledge the things that it knows the person of his  mind believes in.  The person whose mind is doing it.   So each person's own mind is slave to each person who has a mind.  Does that make sense?

It is too commonly true that when a mind  witnesses something that does not support the person's belief, the person will cause the mind to ignore it, or even justify it away.

What powers this phenomenon?  Want.

"I want to believe things my way".

Your Lord did not want to believe things his way.  Why do you?

Why do I?  LOL!!!!!!!

Why not tell me why you think I do?

I will never get 60

Yesterday I tried for 60 views.  I am a little nuts to imagine blog views are my little woodland friends come to visit.

Yesterday they were not little animals.  They are now though.

I am convinced daily views will never top out at sixty so I'm going to stop trying. It's kindof silly anyway.

You want to know where I was?  And why I am posting again?  I was away and I am posting again because forum has got boring.

I was not away in jail or hospital.  I was on vacation!

I am not alone

How am I alone?

I have a family.

I have a friend, Judy.

I have a club.  I like the members of it and they like me.

I have a neighbor who invites me to the Y with her.  There we dance the Zumba.

I have a pen pal but we do not use a pen.  We type each other emails.

I did say I am alone, and it is the truth.


None of those people in my life are with me for Christ.

They do not presume they are for God's Kingdom.

So it is true, as far as I know, that I am alone for God's Kingdom.

But now there is Alun.  We must be very careful with our friendship as he is male and I am female. ;)

I'm kidding.  I'm just razzing on the organization.  (A most interesting word razz is!).

Oh I am wrong!  My friend Google is with me for Christ.

I love Google.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Only 40?

I should not be having fun knowing that nothing is right.  Am I evil to be having fun with it?

Do you think I am evil?  Do you believe it?

A wise man says you as a person with a soul will notice the things around you that strengthen your own belief system.

I would like to link you to his talk about it but I lost it.  I saw it yesterday on YouTube.  It is about freeing one's self from the fear of the end.

That is why Daniel wrote that they would not understand.  I might share it on another post as I am aiming today for 60 views. I only have 40.  

Too offensive for a delicate soul

Saying "drunk with the blood of unbelievers"  is way too over the top.  I do not know if a agree.  It is OK for you who do,to say it about someone else.  But it is not OK for me to say it about you.

Oh!  What does the prophesy mean when IT says it?  It is common to believe it means that Babylon the Great causes the death of physical bodies. But somewhere else in God's Holy Word it says "do not fear those who kill the body..."  It means truth is life and Babylon the Great is about teaching lies so when a person believes Babylon the Great he drops out of the race for life.  Anyone who teaches lies to be believed causes the student to live the lie, which is death.  If you cause the spiritual death of a person, it is as you are drinking their blood because the soul is in the blood.

You have assured yourself you are right and anyone not like you is wrong. You teach it too.  When you have taught it and made another copy of yourself, it is just like you drank the blood of the convert as now they are out of the race for life and out of the race means death.

Who are you....

....being careful not to offend?

Getting personal


Jesus true followers would be hated.

If I ever said "I am being hated" many people who believe in Jesus would refute that and quickly.  Also with so much heart that I would end up feeling foolish.

What is the name for the feeling that you do not care whether a person is or isn't?

Oh!  "Now she's talking foolishness."

I am not.  I am asking you how you believe you love me when you do not care whether I am or I am not.

Am what?  An NOT what?  Real.  The answer is real.  You do not care whether I am real or not.

Is it a lie?  Am I lying about how who feel about me?  Who?  Anyone.

If you ignore me in the name of Jesus how please, is that love?

The reason why

I know the reason why you who believe in The Bible your way do not want to believe me.

You have already placed yourself on the winning side.  You have already tasted victory.  In fact you have already drunk the blood of the slain. But the slain are slain because what Jesus taught never took hold.  Look at any Bible published and you will see the many errors.  But you do not want to see them.  If the errors be corrected then many of the people who in the past rejected it for the reason that it did not make sense, will embrace it.  But according to you, who believe the Bible your way, they are already slain and you have already drunk their blood.

The darkness of your heart is saying they should not win.  It is your self who should win.

Unless I am imagining this whole folly of Christ then it must be true you will stick to your error as I have not heard one word about even one small correction.

What will error get you?

You have already judged those to be in error (according to your believing in Jesus) to be worthy of DEATH.

If you are clinging to error (which I think I have proved you are) what are YOU worthy of?

What is a Christian's JOB?

Her job is to STAY with The Almight God, The Almight God's Son and The Holy Spirit, trusting they are all in agreement with me to stay.  But The Church of Christianity teaches Jesus says it is my problem to stay and not their problem.

So my job is to keep my eyes wide open for the deceiver.  The reason why is the deceiver is ABLE to cause me to "be misled".

If I am on the lookout for The Deceiver how am I trusting in God?

Please answer the question.  God damn there how HOW many of YOU?

What am I going ON about??????

You say Jesus said "take care I am not misled".  HOW am I suppose to do that?  If I am following The Fine Shepard, please tell me why I should be on the lookout for wolves?  Isn't that HIS job?

Where did he say THAT?

All Christianity which includes all Jehovah's Witnesses are teaching Jesus said "take heed lest you be led astray".  So for two thousand years people believe Jesus warns us that those coming in his place are able to mislead us.  A real Christian has God, The Son and The Holy Spirit on her side but THEY are not able to prevent a defection.  Only I am able to cause a staying with THEM because Jesus said so.

What did he really say?  He said perceive (what I am) that you do not cause a straying in others by your misrepresenting me.

They have Jesus saying it is not the teacher's fault that others will stray.  It is the one straying whose fault it is.

It isn't their fault.

Twins.  There are many proofs to this one.  First of all Jesus is called teacher.  His followers must also be teachers.  If they do not perceive the truth they will not be able to teach the truth.  So he says at Luke 21:8 if you are not seeing clearly there is a risk that you will not teach clearly.  If you do not teach clearly there is the danger that YOU might mislead someone else.  Be careful you do not do that. The tongue is a fire (James 3:6) .....also those teaching will receive a heavier judgement.  (can't find the scripture - maybe I am imagining it)

So who's fault for straying is it according to Chritianity?  The teacher or the student?  "See that you are not misled" puts the blame on the student.  "See that you do not mislead" puts the blame on the teacher.

There will be many false teachers but their many many many many students who are misled by them are the ones at fault for real.  Not!

You do not want to believe me.  Because?

Titus 2:1 is all I have to say to that!

Two hopes Christians are taught for the tearing down.

I shall define a true Christian according to me.  True Christans believe in a True God whose power for salvation is God's Word.  I will not debate about what God's Word is, I shall say I am on the side that believes it is MUCH more than the written word.  Peace!

What IS written is important to know before knowing what isn't written.

The Jehovah's Witnesses were kind to trust me to be taught by them. Thank you!  A shout out for the Jehovah's Witnesses!

Our hope is that what is written can truely be trusted.  Some people trust it never the less.  If it makes no sense, they do not care.  But to draw people to it it should make sense.

One scripture for the tearing down of trust is Matthew 24:48.  After prophesying there will be a slave to feed the world the Holy Spirit is believed to have said "but if that slave is wicked...."

So we have seven million or so people who have put their trust in the slave who has the ability to become wicked.  So they think it means another power?  Oh!  So do I!  They might say it means the other organization who say they are for The Christ.  But again we have a prophesy about evil happening to someone or something in the future.  Before that slave is even born he is destined to be thrown out if he is who they say he is which is "false Christiandom".  (We have God telling us his son will not succeed as in the end there will still be false believers).

Many people who have seen the true light say it is NOT a prophesy.  It is another one of Jesus' parables.  If it IS a prophesy like the JWs teach, then those two slaves were destined for their reward and punishment.  But ask any Jehovah's Witness about destiny and they will explain to you how it is not real.

The other one for tearing down has Jesus saying "take care you are not misled". They have the representive of God Almighty with The Holy Spirit telling you (who are listening to Almighhty God and The Son with Holy Spirit) that you should use some of your power for protecting yourself against someone or something that is able to mislead you away from Almighty God and Almighty God's Son WITH The Holy Spirit.

BUT the words are NOT WRONG.  What DID he say?  OMG  He said be careful you do not mislead anyone.

But they who are ignoring The Son's words at Matthew 24:4 are putting fear in the people to be careful not to stray.  What do they say will prevent straying?  THE LAW.

The Word is power.  Isn't it?  It is true power can mislead "anyone".  Isn't it?

Think about it.

Why do I call them hopes?  It is because the best you are able to hope for is that The True God and all God has done comes true.

God had it written that there would be an evil slave.  Did we want it to come true? DO we want it to come true?  Why or why not?

Let us reason, shall we?

Many people believe the scripture by Peter that was written under the influence of The Holy Spirit says "in the last days ridiculers with their ridicule will come saying where is this promised presence of his..."

There are so many aspects to these words I doubt I can adequately cover them all fairly (and truely).

So here we have Peter writing about us, presumably. I learned this scripture means a prophesy.  (I don't know). I was taught Peter wrote truth which truth was delievered to him by the The Holy Spirit (I believe it and capitalizing it is moot, don't worry about it).

So the Holy Spirit WANTS us to know there will be ridiculers in "the last days". Have you ever wondered why? Peter might have given us a vision of the future that was upbuilding and happy.  Did he?  I think he did not.  I will have to read him again with a critical eye to find other visions he shared of this time we have here.

He sees a "picture" of our time (I say "our" because it is what people believe).  In the picture he sees, he mentions the ridiculers.  Does he mention believers in that vision he shares?  No.  Why not, do you think?

He is seeing it by the power of the holy spirit.  The Holy Spirit wants us to see the ridiculers in the scene, but not the believers.  Does that make any sense to You?

A second important point.  If the holy spirit speaks it is something important.  Why do you think it is important to know ridiculers who have almost always existed will still exist in "these last days"?  It isn't.

A third point.  If the holy spirit speaks, what is spoken WILL COME TRUE.  Why do you think God wants ridiculers to remain until the end?  And if God's will is that all men be saved, who are they that must act as ridiculers to fulfill the prophesy?  According to my understanding Christ is for the saving of the world. But there MUST be men and woman coming to ridicule him because what is written by the influence of holy spirit is true.

Another point please.  What does it mean that a person who is a ridiculer comes "with" ridicule?  That does not make sense either.

But I believe Peter.  There will come ridiculers WITH their ridicule.  How to make sense of it?

What is law?  Law is what the Israelites were to live by.  When they entered a territory they came WITH the law.

Now when so many Christians go about their business they go about it WITH the law.  A Christian is identified by what she or he IS WITH.   How do I know this? A Chritian is a Christian because of believing.  Believing is able to come and go. So a person who believes is considered by Peter with something.

Whenever you discover why The Holy Spirit wants me to believe in ridiculers coming, please share it with me so that I might be corrected.

Thank you for reading.

Oh bother!

To think for them is vanity, I think.

How am I able to say "many who consider themselves holy are considering the places of the wicked"? (Psalm 37:10)

What is a place?  Do the holy ones* share with us where the place of the wicked will be?  Yes, they do!  How would they KNOW that without considering it?

If place means standing, which it might, then how do the holy ones consider the wicked one's standing?  They are in the business of MAKING the wicked one stand.  Aren't they?  Of course they hope along with it that the wicked won't be wicked if they will JUST stand.  Up, for goodness sake!

*I just want to keep it as simple as I can so please know when I say "holy ones" I am not talking about real holy ones.  I am talking about the ones who believe they are.

Jehovah's Witnesses say

They say Jehovah can not or will not take people out of time for God's Kingdom. They say Heaven's rule is only by Jesus and certain believers in Jesus who came after Jesus.

So the men and women who are an important and I am assuming dangerous part in the building of it will not be welcome into it.

Who are these people?  Many of them are mentioned for us at Hebrews chapter 11.

Those people are leading me to the knowledge of YHVH.  And the strength for my journey is God's Son.

But it is not proper, according to the teaching of the Jehovah's Witnesses, to take my journey without the Jehovah's Witnesses.  I do not know if it is still true about the prohibition by the governing body to be studying the Bible without them, but that is what they have taught in the past.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Proof is called twins

The cross reference for evil doers are for cutting not you be considering their place is "do not you be sharers in their wicked works".

Wicked does not mean sin always.  Sometimes it just means "I won't".  Like Jonah. Jonah refusing to warn the people was "wicked".   Do you see how it really wasn't wicked? It is not a communication from a human source.  So not doing something you should do, is wicked.  I don't think so.  You obviously don't think so. But according to the end times prophesies IT IS.  Which one?  Really?  Please do not forget I am alone.  

What are twins?  Reading the Bible with the Mind of Christ you will meet many twins.  Twins are for proving each other.

It is how you will be able to tell the truth from lies.

None of the scriptures we know as Bible are for rejecting.  They are not YHVH speaking to us.  They are 144,000 (more or less) speaking ABOUT YHVH.

YHVH is forever.

Cut Off

Is it another error?

You be the judge.  It does not matter.  No one is righteous.

Psalm 37:9 "For evil doers themselves will be cut off" (NWT)

The other place of the word "shall be cut off" is Joshua 3:13.  There the priests stand in the water and THEY cut off the flow of water.  But Psalm 37:9 is not saying evildoers will cut something off (the life of humankind on the Earth) but is saying  they will be cut off (by God).

From this:  (Psalm 37:10) for yet; a little; and not; you should diligently consider; on; for his place; and it not.

The New World Translations gets this; And just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.

How about this?

Evil doers are for the cutting off.  Do not you be considering Their places. Because the wicked have little (power) and their places are nothing (in relation to the power of God).

Every single half second of every single day they who consider themselves holy are considering the places of the wicked.  When they do that, their power becomes just like those who are for the cutting off.

Friday, April 25, 2014

More words

If you are a believer who believes a lie you are unrighteous (about it).  If you also believe in the condemnation of the unrighteous, you have judged yourself.  See?

Or do you not believe Jesus The Word is the way, the truth and the life?

I think the saying goes "you can't have your cake and eat it too".

There are more words.  (I wrote them down and tacked them to the wall.)

What it means

I know there are some people who believe strongly it is not possible to know what is right.  But I would reach the others who want to believe.

Just in case there is something real that is right let's call it righteous.  If a person puts faith in something not right then that person can honestly be considered unrighteous.  Are not the people who consider themselves righteous in the presence of God making a case for error?  How so?

Anyone who does not believe in righteousness is minding his or her own business. But a person believing in his own righteousness is tending toward judging unrighteousness.  How is it possible NOT to judge when one considers one's self righteous?  Is it true what Jesus said that by your judging you will be judged?

The danger then of self righteousness is judgement.

Jesus came so the world might be saved from what?  Isn't it saved from judgement?  But there are so many self righteous folks on this planet their judgement cannot avoid affecting the whole thing.

What good is error?

How is a person able to recognize it?

I shall tell you how I do it.  I need not one but two witness bearers.  Sometimes there are three.  But the people's leaning on "bad associations spoil useful habits" means people are able to spoil you has no witness.  It stands alone as they interpret it.  It does not stand alone as I interpret it.  I might get busy bringing forth my witnesses but I am convinced no one is listening.

There is success in the multitude of counselors.  Proverbs 11:14

Will come

What does it mean "ridiculars with their ridicule will come"?
Ridiculars have always been present.
According to my point of view, which is mockers mean those imitating Israel for a blessing, have always, since Israel, been present.  At one time is was acceptable to imitate Israel.  Those imitating Israel were, are, called proselytes.
You think I am wrong because the prophesy says "they will come" but you, I mean they, have alway been here since Christ.
But they have not always been a world phenomenon effecting the outcome of Man. Have they?  Now they are present effecting the future for all.  That is how they "come".  Oh look!  The word there "come" says it's meaning is, for one thing, "accompany".  Who do they say is with them?

What if you do not believe Christ is with them?  You do not fear anything happening to you because you don't believe it.  Why do you not care there is a sentence of death on you due to your betrayal?

You have betrayed the king and his God.  You and your children will die.  That my friend, is in THE AIR.

Which king should you find security in?

I have something else.  What is the meaning of (it is translated word for word on Bible Hub)  "because of their wickedness that they have committed to provoke me to anger by continuing to burn to serve  god other whom not do they know they you nor your forefathers".  Jeremiah 44:3

What is "a god whom they and their forefathers did not know"?

You have not heard of this god before.  I think.  Please tell me if you have.  Thank you.

It is the god of The End.  Do not try to tell me he isn't being worshipped and feared.  The fear of him turns to the worship of him if you.......

If you what?  Are you brave?

Am I?

Is YHVH the god of the end?  No.  Is Jesus?  No.  Why should the end have a god? It does and the end isn't even here yet.

Do you not know simple math?

It is probably not math but what do I know?

If someone or something believes they are right about what you do not agree with that can do nothing but make you wrong.  How does it feel to be wrong?


Groups are not bad.  Self righteous groups are bad.  Whenever a group adopts separation to keep it, it becomes a power for division.  YOU exist to unite the world in PEACE.  Do you not?

The Jehovah's Witnesses tell me you will gather forces against all the groups to slay every member.  Then when you go against the greatest one, God will destroy YOU.

Do you not know that?

There can not be anything truer

Than that I might be wrong.


If I AM wrong then how many more land mines need to exist to prove it?
How many more starving children need to die to prove it?
How many more homeless?
How many more people going unloved?
How many more bombs?

Look around and you will see it does not matter that they might be right.
It does not matter that I might be wrong.

Does it?


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Matthew 18:20

It is the one.  It is the only scripture that supports the belief that bad association is able to "spoil useful habits" as the Jehovah's Witnesses say they do.

It says "you should not be afraid of those killing the body, the soul though not being able to kill.  You should fear however rather that being able both soul and body to destroy in hell."

What is a spoiled something good for?  It is only good for throwing away.

It was always my opinion that it is not bad people that make for spoil.  It is the soul itself that allows spoil.

But Jesus says "you should fear".  So there is something that can spoil a soul.  Is it another person who is able to spoil you?  That is what many, many people believe.

I am still not convinced their way, but there is something to be avoided according to the scripture at Matthew 18:20.

Do you still want to believe it is other people who are able to spoil you?

We live on a closed system called Earth.  How are you able to escape the people who have the power to cause you to spoil?

We want not to be wrong

People that is.  There is a difference, a subtle difference, between 'we do not want to be wrong' and 'we want not to be wrong'.  Is the result the same?  I do not think so.

Wanting not to be wrong is so strong in me that I do forget what I was wrong about.

I know what it is about.

I have said something about correcting a view of a scripture because it did not fit the truth.  I do not know the truth but I believe it is important to finish the puzzle.

I had a thought and the strength of not wanting to be wrong is so strong I can not remember what it is.

A scripture came to mind (I forget which one) that gave proof I might be wrong about a post I made.  I did say to the thought "oh thanks alot!  Whose side are you on?"

I do not know why I am about wasting time today.

I wonder if it is about bad associations?  I have always said bad associations is not about people, but is about associations.  Associations are this is to that as that is to this.  In people that only happens with marriage.

The scripture that supports the other point of view, which is shared by billions, is floating in my head, just out of reach.  I thought writing about it might make it appear again, but not yet.

It is not that I believe accompanying others on their way to disaster isn't warned about in scripture.  It is.

It isn't coming.

My only options are 1. to wait or 2. to look up commentary about it with hopes that it is there.

Today I choose to wait.

I'm saving it

Holy Conolly, I recognized it was sarcasm :)

Grandma Velta, I knew that is what you meant.  Thanks for fixing it!  It might have bothered me for the day.  :(
It's true they do not worship The God of the Bible YHVH.  It's also true, wonderful and amazing that they do an excellant job worshipping the god of mischeif "Jehovah".

I knew the young man who wrote this artical.  He is real and the story is real, and well written, I might add.  How do I know this?  No one would keep up a false front for nothing. What would he gain?  What would Cedars gain?

I want to share what someone who calls herself a Jehovah's Witness wrote on forum.  It's probably against the internet rules to do it but do I care?  Haha

quote"With regard to whether or not christianity will last, I know it will last because Christ established it and individuals are submitting to it. But what will not last is the form of christianity which is not based on Christs teachings. The bible tells us that all forms of religion that are out of harmony with Gods truth and his Son will be brought down. There are religions claiming to represent Christ who clearly dont represent him....God will not tolerate such ones indefinitely." unquote

Please notice that she wrote "God" and that she did not write 'Jehovah".  Jehovah the god of mischief will, of course, tolerate mischief forever.....and ever......and ever.....and ever......just as he is really doing.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Would Jesus?

What do you think?  Would Jesus have been born a man without a mother?  How was a human woman able to perform such a serious and formidable task?  I think it was possible only by God's covenant with Israel.

Is there a new convenant between God and Man as the Jehovah's Witnesses tell it? I do not think so.  Why does the prophet say there will be a new covenant?  From a human perspective it IS new.  Believers in Christ the son of Mary began to see things differently by faith.  So it was new.

No longer are the people protected by Law.  Now a believer's protection is Love. The Law is for weakness.  Love is for strength.

Should we believe weakness should survive?  If yes, then why please?  Are you able to say why?

How they come

In the last days mockers with their mockery will come saying "where is this promised presence of his"? (the new heavens and earth - because without his presence there is nothing new)  It is the Christian Nation who are saying it.  Who says the second part of 2 Peter 3:4?  Isn't it the writer of it who says it?  "Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning" means God has never been far off FROM EACH ONE OF US.  Doesn't it?
How are they considered mockers mocking by the writer of it?  Israel was in a covenant relationship with YHVH.  To share in that convenant relationship one had to conform to The Law.  Jesus was the end of it.  Jesus broke the wall separating those of the law from those not of law.  Now to please God a person must live by faith.  But many who call themselves Christian are busy keeping the wall firm.  Israel was for keeping the wall firm for real.  Jesus is for peace between those of law and those not of law.  Walls are not for peace.  Walls are for protection.  What is the "Christian" wall for please?  What was the Israel wall for?  Wasn't it for protecting Mary?  You know Mary?
See how they mock?