Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I have an opinion

Surprise, surprise!

The feeling some people get when their tradition is challenged is not a warning to beware, it is fear of change.  It is my opinion that the uncomfortable feeling some people get when they hear of a difference of opinion they believe is God warning them to stay away from "bad association", but it isn't.  It is a natural, evolved human trait.  So, by obeying it, they make nature their master and their belly (where fear is) their lord.  Philippians 3:19  And I think it is Christian tradition to believe "their god is their belly" means greed.  I think it might mean fear.  Proverbs 29:25 A man's fear sets a snare.

I read about people's fear of change in a book I picked up while away last weekend.  The Ordeal of Change by Eric Hoffer Harper & Row 1052, 1963

1 comment:

  1. Hoffer's opinion is that change causes a revolution and not the other way around.
