Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I have an opinion

Surprise, surprise!

The feeling some people get when their tradition is challenged is not a warning to beware, it is fear of change.  It is my opinion that the uncomfortable feeling some people get when they hear of a difference of opinion they believe is God warning them to stay away from "bad association", but it isn't.  It is a natural, evolved human trait.  So, by obeying it, they make nature their master and their belly (where fear is) their lord.  Philippians 3:19  And I think it is Christian tradition to believe "their god is their belly" means greed.  I think it might mean fear.  Proverbs 29:25 A man's fear sets a snare.

I read about people's fear of change in a book I picked up while away last weekend.  The Ordeal of Change by Eric Hoffer Harper & Row 1052, 1963

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Roman's 10:13

To be calling on God's name Jehovah is the same as trusting in God's will be done.  It is not about uttering the sound of the Name.  It is about become fellow workers of God.  God is building.  When the building is completed THAT is God's Name.  

But to trust in our own opinion of what God's will is for the people of Earth is to call upon anybody's name.

I think most people would agree that to trust in one's own righteousness is not wise.  But don't we see a world of people trusting in other people's righteousness?

To love God's righteousness is to call upon God's Name.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I did not think so

Is the Bible, which you hope in for treasure in Heaven, a forgery?

Matthew 6:20-21

Forgery: the crime of falsely making or altering a writing by which the legal rights or obligations of another person are apparently affected;

The forger copied Matthew 24:4 thus; Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you......."

THINK about that.  THE SHEPHERD is telling his sheep that they should not be led by someone else.

John 10:4-5 John 10:27 Revelation 14:5 Jude 1:24-25

But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice. and Watch out that no one deceives you, contradict each other.   When that happens in MATH, what do you get?  I don't know, you tell me.  I think you get a zero.  Am I right?

Are you ever going to ask me the actual meaning of Matthew 24:4?   No?  I did not think so.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Which one doesn't belong?

The Ten Commandments

  • You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me
  • You Shall Not Take The Name Of The Lord Your God In Vain
  • Remember The Sabbath Day, To Keep It Holy
  • Honor Your Father And Your Mother
  • You Shall Not Murder
  • You Shall Not Commit Adultery
  • You Shall Not Steal
  • You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor
  • You Shall Not Covet
It is child's play.

Which one isn't like the others?

1-7 and 9 are you alone.  Number 8 requires a third party.

Maybe it is more than child's play.  1 -7 and 9 are commands for you to behave decently with God or another person.
Number 8 needs you, the one you might tell a lie about and one to listen to your lie.  Can you see 8 needs a third party?  Do any of the others?

But if it means what I say it might mean, no third party necessary.

And what might that be?  It seems the word "against" has been added a long, long time ago. Probably since before Jesus.  If you take out the word against, now what does it say?  
You shall not bear false witness your neighbor.
Don't we judge people?  I think it is ok to decide if a person is up to par for you or not.  The key word is "to bear".   God is warning us that it is a sin to decide falsely about another person (say, like me), and then to bear it.  Bear it means to go ahead and behave as though your judgement about a person is the truth, but it isn't.  It is a sin, according to Commandment Number Eight, to decide for yourself if a person is good or is bad.

Just please take marriage as an example.  You have decided that a potential mate is good for you, but you do not know, and the marriage turns out badly.  It is because you broke the eighth commandment.  You witnessed falsely about the other person.  Divorce isn't always because of that, but sometimes the match wasn't right from the start.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

So much to say......

......but, not even one listening ear.

I still have wounds I got at  One poster, I call him Jerk, because I forget
what name he posted under, was so very, very sure that no prophesy of Jesus Christ had
ever come true.  If anyone in the whole wide world might actually talk to me, I might ask
him or her if he or she might see that Matthew 10:22 is fulfilled.

Which is very interesting, I think.

How many people are there who call themselves "Christian"?  How can they ALL possibly forget
that someone who is with Jesus does good to the least of the family of God?  Am I not least?  How low do I have to go before you will talk to me?

Friday, July 15, 2016

Be free

Might it be possible that John 8:32 originally said that knowing the truth will set Jesus free?

What it says is, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

But people have made the written word the truth so then, Jesus it bound to it.  Not only is Jesus bound to what men have said he means, but Jehovah is also. 

I think the truth is that God is not far off from each one of us and God's will is that we be saved by God's promise and to the knowledge of the truth  come.

That is the truth imho.  It is what we should aspire to.  But if we lean on anything that is not true, we are not free, and Jesus is not free, because he is with us.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Has God told me?

Am I hearing right that people think I am condescending?

Well, I think that is amazing for the fact that I am being treated as though I am nothing.

Don't you think?

I just want to say

but do not worry your pretty little head off, that I might as well be dead with all the ignoring I am getting.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

What is wrong with people?

I sell on eBay.  I think I go beyond what is required regarding showing my things and sending them.
I use magnified photography so every flaw is obvious.  I have see other sellers who keep their items in the dark so to speak they make more money but I would rather a buyer be pleased that the item is better in person than it was when they looked at it and bought it.  I ship same day or next day and this "lady" received her package just three days after the auction ended.

She got three antique buttons for $6.50 and shipping was $2.95.  I do not charge for the package or for all the other things it takes to wrap it.  A few people charge less for shipping, but they start their auctions higher.  EBay recommends starting at $0.99 "to attract more buyers", but more often than not the sale ends at .99.  So shipping should be a little more to cover the costs of listing.
Everyone likes to get a five rating.  I do at least as good as those with a five rating,  though I sell less items.  She scored me less than 5 for  a $10.45 sale.  I have seen buttons such as I sold her go for fifty dollars.

I am not going to hate people, but I might quit eBay.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I tried

I am trying to like people but it is not working.

I do not know if anyone ever tried to like me, but I know most people don't.  

Friday, April 22, 2016

Harvard Divinity School

I was going to talk about Harvard but my score is zero so I am not going to.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Big Bad Bully 2 Kings 2:23,24

It would need a miracle for two bears to maul and kill 42 boys.  Miracles are performed by God.   Jehovah's Witnesses and many others then teach that Jehovah caused 42 boys to suffer terribly and die one day.  And for what?  For teasing  Elisha.  Not only did God cause the boys to suffer but also the boys' families did God cause to suffer.  It is the truth according to the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.  They are not able to see that the word which was written "tear" ever meant "break through".  As in the bears broke through a group of boys.  That has meaning.  That God killed boys of God's people (I am assuming they were - does it say they were not?) is ridiculous and if it really had any meaning at all it would be evil meaning.  The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jehovah is one bad bully.  I don't believe it.  Do you?

23  He went up from there to Bethʹel. As he was going along the way, some young boys came out from the city and began to jeer at him,+ and they kept saying to him: “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” 24  Finally he turned around and looked at them and cursed them in the name of Jehovah. Then two she-bears+ came out of the forest and tore 42 of the children to pieces.+ 25  He kept going from there to Mount Carʹmel,+ and from there he returned to Sa·marʹi·a.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I cheated so I know it is possible

I sell things on eBay.  I also look at what other people are selling.
I think with a little detective work I can discover who cheats.

Selling anything auction style for most people is a gamble.  So then people who sell on eBay gamble at one time or another.

Gambling on eBay isn't cheating.  It is exciting, but for some people (me) it is mostly nerve-racking.
It is a lot of work and I suspect I make about fifty cents an hour which includes my profit from things sold.

One time I put a wonderful thing in an auction.  I could see that it was probably going to go for very little.
I decided I would rather keep it instead of getting a little for it so I asked someone to bid on it.  At first, I thought twenty dollars but then I decided on seventeen dollars.  

I was lucky but not too lucky (as I think the thing was worth forty dollars or more).  Someone else bid fifty cents over my friend's bid.

Oh!  And someone on eBay even asked me if we should do it for each other.

Doing it does not make much sense because if there are no higher bids than the cheating bid the seller must pay eBay for the sale.


I have seen that some people on eBay do not know math much.

Some people do not include eBay's cut and packaging when they charge shipping.
I have seen people sell something and pay a little to sell it because I can do the math.

I usually make sure I make at least fifty cents a sale because I am selling to make money.


Another thing I have noticed about eBay sales is that people are greedy.  They see a lot of stuff and they pay a lot of money for it even though it is mostly junk.  I sometimes sell things one at a time (because I don't cheat most of the time) and then if they want anything else they can have it shipped for free.  Then they know what they are getting because I take good pictures.  Good for them, not for me.  Little things show up every imperfection and look worse on the screen that they do in hand.

Another thing people do is they make little things look big.  I don't do that.


Another thing that I think people do it they have someone bid their item to get it started,
because the truth is something that someone else wants is more desirable.

I don't do that.  So I have to wait all week to see if my trouble was worth anything.  Lately, it has not been worth it.


Another bad thing about eBay is that it fosters jealousy in me.  Just like the forums do.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The secret place

I am going to the store, do you want anything?
Strawberry yogurt, but I think you have to go to the big store to get it.
Are you going shopping tomorrow?

The coolers are in the car.
For what are they there?
Tomorrow I am getting popsicles.
Then you can get the yogurt also?
Oh, yes, I had not thought of that.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

An interesting phenomenon

I have seen that people do not want what other people do not want.
But on the flip side, it means that people want what other people want.
It is called TRENDS.
I am sure that phenomenon  is on God's list of do not do that.
Exodus 20:17

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Don't forget!

I can hear you thinking.  LOL

I am

I am morphing again.  I can feel I am becoming Bitch.
My son is flunking out of college.
Nobody talks to me.
EBay is a waste of time.
I think my husband might have Alzheimer's disease.
I can't spell Alzheimer and disease without help.
I think I might have it too.
People keep being stupid at me.
Maybe it's not so bad because everything else I can think of is just bitching.

I thought of changing the title of my extremely popular blog but I forget what it was.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Thinking philosophically

Please ask yourself this.  Can something that is not real be good?