Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What is wrong with making a disciple?

Matthew 28:19 has Jesus saying Go!  Make disciples of people of all the nations. The greatest among God's people are usually considered those who make the most disciples.

To make a disciple is to add him or her to the body of The Christ.  Correct?

What if you succeed in adding someone to Christ's body who doesn't belong?

Is that God's problem?

Just so you know Jesus said to BE disciples of him.

It is my humble opinion that Matthew 28 is Jesus saying "I am going therefore you disciple the nations....."

I am certain what that means is to be learning and reflecting The Christ wherever The Spirit of God wills you.

I am sure the reason why it is written that we are to "disciple all nations" is for knowing that there is nowhere and no one who should not get a taste of the Heavenly bread which is Jesus Christ.

What if you succeed in adding someone to Christ's body who doesn't belong? YOU will say that everyone belongs because it is written that we are to make disciples of all nations.  Then what is the 144,000 for, please?  Does my comment feature have a lock on it as everyone else's does?  FYI I didn't put it there.

THINK!  If something gets added to a physical body what is that called?  Like cancer.  What is it called?

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