Teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses that are wrong in my opinion.
Parable of the wheat and weeds. The wheat and the weeds means people.
Bad associations mean people.
Not forsaking the gathering together means people's bodies.
Jesus saying make disciples. Oh! More people.
Jesus saying "get away from me people."
Jesus saying "do not be misled people".
Love is not provoked instead of love does not provoke.
Armegeddon is a war between God and the sovereign nations.
Satan is a person.
The antichrist is a person.
Angels left their rightful place to become men to have sex with women.
The women liked it.
Angles are no longer allowed to make bodies to dwell in.
The thousand years are literally 1000 years.
The 144,000 are literal human bodies.
God's will is that You should obey not God, but the male elders of the congregation of God.
There's more I'm sure. I shall add to the list as I think of more.
The belief that Jesus came to start a new religion.
Jesus is marking people for destruction. ((Maybe this is impossible to believe knowing Jesus said "I came that they may have LIFE"? Here is what the lady says (although I might be fooled into thinking she is a real Jehovah's Witness))
http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/comparative-religion/163475-new-proseltysing-tactic-33.html (post 329)
The sighing and groaning of the men described at Ezekiel 9:4 mean over the abominations of The World, not of the city in which the hateful things are happening. (It is what Ezekiel is about.)
The other scrolls that will be open are new books. Revelation 20:12
"The making of many books is weariness to the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12) is not about the Watchtower Publishing Company.
Just when the nations are saying peace and security God shall cause their destruction.
A real cult is identified by it's leadership by only one man or woman. Leadership by more than one person proves it isn't a cult.
They are about peace even as they go about telling everyone who is different they will surely die.
The best way to spend quality family time is serving the Watchtower.
College is a dangerous thing and a waste of time.
A meal and a medical treatment mean the same.
It is best to die than to live without the governing body's protection.
People who disagree with the above can expect the same judgement as an unrepentant Hitler.
It is possible the former Hitler will be your neighbor in Paradise.
It is OK to lie about anything if the truth might shed bad light on the organization.
Some people are better associations than other people.
You will have a better chance to be overlooked by the judgement of destruction if you are snug in the middle of God's organization.
God appointed an earthly organization.
How well you obey the many orders and prohibitions of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will determine your place in it. And the better your place in it the more protection you will have.
Protection from what? Jehovah.
Everlasting life is not about knowing God it is about taking in knowledge of God.
Only the governing body know God for real.
Matthew 24:48,49 does not, and never will, apply to the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Anyone dying before Jesus Christ died does not have a way to get to heaven because Jesus made the way to it.
It is possible Moses, Daniel and John the Baptist will be your neighbors in paradise but they must pass the test first.
What test is that? I suppose it is the same test as now. Will you bow the knee to the governing body or if they are not present because they are made new in heaven, will you bow the knee to their legacy? I am personally sure they won't. So they get gehenna.
Humankind's purpose on Earth is to avoid genenna at all costs.
The purpose of humankind is NOT to be kind. I suppose the one language will get rid of kind in humankind. Then it will be humansubmissive.
Jesus came to cause division and a sword against the people. [His coming wasn't FOR that. Division and a sword are a product of his coming, not the purpose of his coming]
It is the command of God that women should not teach brothers. [teaching brothers is a shame because why must a women wake them up? It's not fair]
When anyone becomes an apostate to the organization they are also considered an apostate to God and Jesus Christ.
Paul's words must be taken at face value.
If someone is already baptized to God (by the person's own choice, not babies) he or she must be baptized again to the organization.
People can be disfellowshipped by elders voting for it.
Disfellowshipping is different than excommunication.
Men should not have beards and women should not wear pants.
Obeying some of Israel's laws while ignoring others.
Forbidding tatoos. (A law of Israel)
Mockers are ridiculars who are members of unbelieving nations.
The world is only as old as they say it is.
To be ridiculed is a sign they are in the truth.
Children should sit through many hours of theocratic instruction and remain quiet.
Exchanging presents is all right but never on Christmas.
All money donated to the Watchtower will be wisely spent for the promoting of the will of God and God is well pleased.
Proof God is backing the Watchtower is people reading their magazines and see all the buildings going up for meeting together!
Do not be found in a meeting place of false religion when Armageddon strikes. It might cause Jehovah to let you die with them.
A person's worth is measured by their heart felt works for God's Kingdom.
Children must be trained in the way of the Watchtower.
An elder might be told to step down if he has not brought his children up for the Watchtower.
To disagree with the Watchtower is to be cut off from those familar with it.
God's Name will be sanctified by the people's obedience to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
A witness's clean car and yard will draw people to Jehovah.
It is good news that evil people cannot be punished in hell.
Harry Potter has the power to steal your soul.
[am I running out of things to disagree with them about?]
The love among themselves is proof they are for God. The love among atheist isn't.
To be keeping the congregation clean of apostates takes priority over keeping it clean of the criminal element ie pedophiles.
That people enjoy their visits is proof they have the truth.
The good works of flesh make God love you more.
The Boy Scouts make boys into soldiers thus it is not allowed.
So the Girl Scouts are also not allowed.
Martial Arts practice is not allowed. Just doing it for exercise and self control? NOT allowed.
Yoga discouraged.
Membership in the YMCA is not allowed. You can go there to use the facilities but it's gambling with your own soul to be there.
Voting and military service is something God despises. [So when all the good people refuse to vote and join the military all that is left are the bad people doing them.]
The Bible relating the story of Adam and Eve is history and
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad were real trees.
The Bible is all you need to draw close to God.
Matthew 24:45-47 is a prophesy not another one of Jesus teaching tools.
Jesus is present but only with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
The takeover of Babylon happened in 607 BCE.
Everything the Bible says about what happened is true history.
God keeps the organization orderly by means of the reporting of time spent in the public ministry.
Brothers can report time spent preaching at the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Women can not.
The true God tolerates the teaching of violence.
The good news of the kingdom is six men to obey.
The devil plans
The New World Translation is an original translation.
Jehovah will cause false religion to be destroyed.
All religion is false except the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.
If you leave the organization you will be fodder for Satan.
The Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is your protector.
You must pray to God the Jehovah's Witness way for the will of the organization.
Baptism is for the organization.
Jesus' purpose right now is to oversee the preaching work.
Angels are for finding souls to convert to the Jehovah's Witness way.
The marking of the number 666 on people will be for real. History. It is not symbolic.
Jehovah will cause the Earth to be a paradise for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jehovah caused the woman Mary to be pregnant with the angel Michael who left his original place in heaven to be born a man.
The Word, another name for the Son of God is a god.
There are many gods.
All the many gods except the word will be forgotten in paradise.
Paradise is only for workers of God's Kingdom and believers in the faithful and discreet slave.
The cover up of the child abuse scandal of the Catholic Church is different than the cover up of child abuse in the Jehovah's Witness organization.
For as long as "Jehovah" provides the means and ways to preach the good news, it will continue.
The leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses are not prophets so they can't be false prophets.
There will be an inhabitable Earth after Jesus gets rid of all wickedness.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not judge between sheep (who will be granted everlasting life) and goats (who will be destroyed). [What I mean is they DO judge but they say they don't and if someone will point out the lie they will be marked as, you know, satan]
Parable of the wheat and weeds. The wheat and the weeds means people.
Bad associations mean people.
Not forsaking the gathering together means people's bodies.
Jesus saying make disciples. Oh! More people.
Jesus saying "get away from me people."
Jesus saying "do not be misled people".
Love is not provoked instead of love does not provoke.
Armegeddon is a war between God and the sovereign nations.
Satan is a person.
The antichrist is a person.
Angels left their rightful place to become men to have sex with women.
The women liked it.
Angles are no longer allowed to make bodies to dwell in.
The thousand years are literally 1000 years.
The 144,000 are literal human bodies.
God's will is that You should obey not God, but the male elders of the congregation of God.
There's more I'm sure. I shall add to the list as I think of more.
The belief that Jesus came to start a new religion.
Jesus is marking people for destruction. ((Maybe this is impossible to believe knowing Jesus said "I came that they may have LIFE"? Here is what the lady says (although I might be fooled into thinking she is a real Jehovah's Witness))
http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/comparative-religion/163475-new-proseltysing-tactic-33.html (post 329)
The sighing and groaning of the men described at Ezekiel 9:4 mean over the abominations of The World, not of the city in which the hateful things are happening. (It is what Ezekiel is about.)
The other scrolls that will be open are new books. Revelation 20:12
"The making of many books is weariness to the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12) is not about the Watchtower Publishing Company.
Just when the nations are saying peace and security God shall cause their destruction.
A real cult is identified by it's leadership by only one man or woman. Leadership by more than one person proves it isn't a cult.
They are about peace even as they go about telling everyone who is different they will surely die.
The best way to spend quality family time is serving the Watchtower.
College is a dangerous thing and a waste of time.
A meal and a medical treatment mean the same.
It is best to die than to live without the governing body's protection.
People who disagree with the above can expect the same judgement as an unrepentant Hitler.
It is possible the former Hitler will be your neighbor in Paradise.
It is OK to lie about anything if the truth might shed bad light on the organization.
Some people are better associations than other people.
You will have a better chance to be overlooked by the judgement of destruction if you are snug in the middle of God's organization.
God appointed an earthly organization.
How well you obey the many orders and prohibitions of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will determine your place in it. And the better your place in it the more protection you will have.
Protection from what? Jehovah.
Everlasting life is not about knowing God it is about taking in knowledge of God.
Only the governing body know God for real.
Matthew 24:48,49 does not, and never will, apply to the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Anyone dying before Jesus Christ died does not have a way to get to heaven because Jesus made the way to it.
It is possible Moses, Daniel and John the Baptist will be your neighbors in paradise but they must pass the test first.
What test is that? I suppose it is the same test as now. Will you bow the knee to the governing body or if they are not present because they are made new in heaven, will you bow the knee to their legacy? I am personally sure they won't. So they get gehenna.
Humankind's purpose on Earth is to avoid genenna at all costs.
The purpose of humankind is NOT to be kind. I suppose the one language will get rid of kind in humankind. Then it will be humansubmissive.
Jesus came to cause division and a sword against the people. [His coming wasn't FOR that. Division and a sword are a product of his coming, not the purpose of his coming]
It is the command of God that women should not teach brothers. [teaching brothers is a shame because why must a women wake them up? It's not fair]
When anyone becomes an apostate to the organization they are also considered an apostate to God and Jesus Christ.
Paul's words must be taken at face value.
If someone is already baptized to God (by the person's own choice, not babies) he or she must be baptized again to the organization.
People can be disfellowshipped by elders voting for it.
Disfellowshipping is different than excommunication.
Men should not have beards and women should not wear pants.
Obeying some of Israel's laws while ignoring others.
Forbidding tatoos. (A law of Israel)
Mockers are ridiculars who are members of unbelieving nations.
The world is only as old as they say it is.
To be ridiculed is a sign they are in the truth.
Children should sit through many hours of theocratic instruction and remain quiet.
Exchanging presents is all right but never on Christmas.
All money donated to the Watchtower will be wisely spent for the promoting of the will of God and God is well pleased.
Proof God is backing the Watchtower is people reading their magazines and see all the buildings going up for meeting together!
Do not be found in a meeting place of false religion when Armageddon strikes. It might cause Jehovah to let you die with them.
A person's worth is measured by their heart felt works for God's Kingdom.
Children must be trained in the way of the Watchtower.
An elder might be told to step down if he has not brought his children up for the Watchtower.
To disagree with the Watchtower is to be cut off from those familar with it.
God's Name will be sanctified by the people's obedience to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
A witness's clean car and yard will draw people to Jehovah.
It is good news that evil people cannot be punished in hell.
Harry Potter has the power to steal your soul.
[am I running out of things to disagree with them about?]
The love among themselves is proof they are for God. The love among atheist isn't.
To be keeping the congregation clean of apostates takes priority over keeping it clean of the criminal element ie pedophiles.
That people enjoy their visits is proof they have the truth.
The good works of flesh make God love you more.
The Boy Scouts make boys into soldiers thus it is not allowed.
So the Girl Scouts are also not allowed.
Martial Arts practice is not allowed. Just doing it for exercise and self control? NOT allowed.
Yoga discouraged.
Membership in the YMCA is not allowed. You can go there to use the facilities but it's gambling with your own soul to be there.
Voting and military service is something God despises. [So when all the good people refuse to vote and join the military all that is left are the bad people doing them.]
The Bible relating the story of Adam and Eve is history and
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad were real trees.
The Bible is all you need to draw close to God.
Matthew 24:45-47 is a prophesy not another one of Jesus teaching tools.
Jesus is present but only with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
The takeover of Babylon happened in 607 BCE.
Everything the Bible says about what happened is true history.
God keeps the organization orderly by means of the reporting of time spent in the public ministry.
Brothers can report time spent preaching at the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Women can not.
The true God tolerates the teaching of violence.
The good news of the kingdom is six men to obey.
The devil plans
The New World Translation is an original translation.
Jehovah will cause false religion to be destroyed.
All religion is false except the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.
If you leave the organization you will be fodder for Satan.
The Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is your protector.
You must pray to God the Jehovah's Witness way for the will of the organization.
Baptism is for the organization.
Jesus' purpose right now is to oversee the preaching work.
Angels are for finding souls to convert to the Jehovah's Witness way.
The marking of the number 666 on people will be for real. History. It is not symbolic.
Jehovah will cause the Earth to be a paradise for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jehovah caused the woman Mary to be pregnant with the angel Michael who left his original place in heaven to be born a man.
The Word, another name for the Son of God is a god.
There are many gods.
All the many gods except the word will be forgotten in paradise.
Paradise is only for workers of God's Kingdom and believers in the faithful and discreet slave.
The cover up of the child abuse scandal of the Catholic Church is different than the cover up of child abuse in the Jehovah's Witness organization.
For as long as "Jehovah" provides the means and ways to preach the good news, it will continue.
The leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses are not prophets so they can't be false prophets.
There will be an inhabitable Earth after Jesus gets rid of all wickedness.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not judge between sheep (who will be granted everlasting life) and goats (who will be destroyed). [What I mean is they DO judge but they say they don't and if someone will point out the lie they will be marked as, you know, satan]
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