Jesus said you know how to interpret the weather but you do not know how to interpret the signs of the times. The national sovereigns indeed might do what the Jehovah's Witnesses say they will do but it is not the satan making them do it. It's reason.
Good morning Nancy, You asked the other day, doesn't any Ex JW's want to talk scripture/ We'll i do.. I get up in the Mornings and read My Bible and Pray, sometimes in tongues...oops another point I will not debate , it is what it is. But I like to discuss , not so much in debate , lol you seem to have the market cornered in that anyway. Lol That can come in handy with the right situation tho but this morning i read in ex;14... wow, what a story.. I am sure You know it well... but, this time it hit me, just all about Him( LORD)(YHWH) which when You think about it everything is. Using Pharaoh like a puppet , knowing his folks would rebel before they knew it, read it like you can keep up with all the drama and then the climax of it all and Israel seen the great work that the LORD did upon the Egyptians and the People feared and Believed . Nancy I believe that He knows what He is doing, that it is all going to work out just like that, He will make a way for "His"to survive and for "His nots" not. just a Southern Girls take on it all, But Oh the Peace of it all.. Oh how good I sleep at night Nancy.. knowing Who I belong too.
N.Hello! Good morning! I am not worried about The Lord or of God's purpose. It is all fine. I believe Jesus told his believers (Matthew 28:20) to teach the nations what is truth. It is not true he said "Make" disciples but that is what Christ "followers" are teaching. God is HE who makes it grow. It is not possible for a human being to make a disciple for Christ. And there are many other mistakes they are teaching. One big bad mistake they teach is there is the person of antichrist coming. Antichrist is the word for everything that is NOT Christ. And everything which is not for Christ is getting bigger and bigger. Jesus is the Way Truth and Life. Whenever they teach a big or a little lie about Jesus Christ they are on the side of antichrist. I am trying to pop the lie that an evil in the form of government is coming. The truth is all authority is given to Jesus Christ. And actually no one is helping me. Haha?
N.Noone is even reading me to understand and of course then noone is sharing. How difficult a thing is it to vote up a post and share it? You are the first one of believers to vote up anything I have written. And I have written 20,000 posts on Youtube, forum. blog and here. My youngest daughter has voted up a post about it but she is an atheist the last time I knew. I have found "worldly" people value reason much more than "spiritual" people do. It's not an insult. It is a conclusion reached from much (too much) experience. Nobody cares. It seems to me that even you feel free to talk but not free to change your mind. (this is an observation - I do not know if it is true.)
D. Well, I have to say I enjoy reading Your posts, but, you are gonna have to talk a lot plainer than that if You are trying to change My mind on something... I think we agree!! Lol so glad You have a connection with atheist maybe that is Your Ministry field. I am sure the Holy Spirit will use us both as His vessel to teach and Minister... looking forward to another morning scripture
N.Do you think we agree the Bibles say "go make disciples" but that Jesus didn't really say that? What do you think Matthew 28:19 means please?
D.Do you believe the Bible is the word of God?
N.I believe Jesus is the Word of God. The transcribed word about God is what leads us to Jesus. Jesus in turn leads us to God. But the transcribed word we call the Bible is not unleavened. Jesus Christ is the pure unleavened bread.....he is a man, not a book
D. But You Believe that Jesus Christ is the Only way , that He died on a cross and Rose again and through Him We are saved ?.....just getting it figured 28;19 is pretty self explanatory .
N. I think you might be putting too much importance in the article he died on. I beleive Jesus is th eonly way. I believed he died like the scriptures say he did, I believe he rose and through him the world is saved..... matt 28;19 is pretty self explanatory"WHAT? So we do not agree like you said. Are we to make disciples OR be disciples? Which one?
D.Ok we are cool;)
N.Oh goody!.....Please see the question above. Thank you (is it make disciples or be disciples?)
N. I beleive the last thing Jesus said on Earth was....I am going therefore disciple the nations teaching them what I taught you.....OK. So he said make disciples for sure (self expalinitory). Ask your Jesus what he thinks of all the bloodshed caused by all the people going forth to make disciples FOR HIM'
D.Be blessed ps 34;14
N. I shall not seek peace in error. Why would you please?.....Lies are the devil's weapon. Why are you hitting me with those?.... Your peace first I guess..... A disciple of Jesus what he told us to do speaks the truth. BOTH? Where did he say "be a disciple"?.....If it is so very obvious he would have said go be a disciple of mine making more disciples for me*
D. Nancy,You are of Satan the devil I rebuke in the name of Jesus Christ , Do not contact me again, I see You are a trouble maker I am not hitting You , I will Block You. end of Contact. I am being nice and You are starting trouble . Now You know why the lady yesterday rebuked You. see a Psychiatrist.
*What I was really thinking was not comprehesible by me and most likely not printable.