There is some research I did at Biblos online with Strong's Concordance.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
NWT: Whenever it is they are saying "peace and security" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pangs of distress upon a pregnant woman and they will by no means escape.
This is how it is written: For when they say peace and security then suddenly upon them comes destruction as the labor pains to her in womb is having and no not shall the escape.
It has a totally different meaning all around, but i just want to point out one aspect witch is the word translated "escape". Please look it up here and here and see if it doesn't say "escape".
I believe it is a prophesy of they who are saying peace and security in Jesus, not in world.
No human can ever promise "security" because salvation belongs to Jehovah....
....The soul that is sinning will die
Where it is translated "escape" it means flee. They will not flee.
The order was "when you see the disgusting thing that causes desolation...flee to the mountain. Matthew 24:15,16
It's the same root word.
So now we see that there are actually people who are siding with ERROR and they are refusing to flee.
How is destruction upon them? It means they teach contrary to the chief agent of life.