Thursday, November 24, 2011

Flee to the mountain

There is some research I did at Biblos online with Strong's Concordance. 
1 Thessalonians 5:3
NWT:  Whenever it is they are saying "peace and security" then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pangs of distress upon a pregnant woman and they will by no means escape.
This is how it is written: For when they say peace and security then suddenly upon them comes destruction as the labor pains to her in womb is having and no not shall the escape.    
It has a totally different meaning all around, but i just want to point out one aspect witch is the word translated "escape".  Please look it up here  and here and see if it doesn't say "escape".
I believe it is a prophesy of they who are saying peace and security in Jesus, not in world.
No human can ever promise "security" because salvation belongs to Jehovah....
....The soul that is sinning will die
Where it is translated "escape" it means flee.  They will not flee.  
The order was "when you see the disgusting thing that causes desolation...flee to the mountain. Matthew 24:15,16
It's the same root word.
So now we see that there are actually people who are siding with ERROR and they are refusing to flee.
How is destruction upon them?  It means they teach contrary to the chief agent of life. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Jesus said. Matthew 18:15

What did Jesus say at Matthew 18:15?  Did he not say remove the person?  Yes, yes he did.  Then Nancy is wrong.  Or not!  I think I'm not wrong.
The command of Jesus is love your neighbor as yourself.  The "congregation" are all the people who have presented themselves to do the will of the Heavenly Father (who is ALWAYS for love).  So in the scripture of Matthew 18:15 Jesus means the congregation for doing the will of the Father.  So now you have two who at at odds in the body for the doing of God's will.  Whose fault is it?  The offended one is the first one at fault so he must go to the perceived offender to set things strait.  Likely, if obeyed as ordered, the perceived offender will say what a dunce I am, I am sorry, I did not know I had offended you, thanks for the heads up!  Then they go have a nice glass of wine beer or a cup of tea together.  Maybe it won't work that way.  So now they are equal in offence/defense so now they need someone to mediate.  Now take along one (if it looks like it won't turn to fighting) of two (if it does), then repeat as before.  He did, no I didn't yes you did.....  If the four of them can't get to the truth, then they are to go before the body of believers for the doing the will of God.  Now it becomes interesting because pronouns are not so clear in the ancient language.  If there is no listening to the congregation which is for peace, unity and doing the will of God, then the person becomes like a man of the nations and oh by the way, like a tax collector (give it to me, no matter what).
The following words prove to me that either party can be outed because it has been determined that he, or they are determining that their personal vendetta is more important than the goal of the congregation which is the doing of God's will for peace.  Matthew 18:18 says how many  things you may bind on it really can, and should, be both of them who are fighting about being wronged, or not.  Because the goal is of the congregation is unity for purpose, not unity of thought.  

So many words about it

If all the feelings behind all the words about disfellowshipping rained down we would be smothered.  So I am going to write a few more words about it.  Haha  Nobody listens, but it might make me feel better.  And it might give me a little power to dodge the fire balls from heaven.
Bible interpreters are interpreting people where people are missing from the scripture.  This one I found today.  But of course you must know I don't know what I'm talking about.
At Corinthians 5:13 Bible says God will judge those on the outside (of the body of Christ), so remove badness from yourself.  I don't know much about language except for a little English, ten words of French, and Wibble.  But I think the writer of "put out evil" from among yourselves means evil, not evil person.  Is there a difference?  Yes, there is.  There is a difference.  To make it mean evil makes the world a better place.  To make it mean persons gives power to evil for justice which is bad because it causes travail.  The scripture means making evil weak.  The interpretation means making evil strong.  Ask some one who knows logic.  Does anyone know logic?  I'm kidding.  I know there are people who know how to think logically, at least I hope so!  Kidding again.  Haha.