Sunday, October 27, 2013

I have read the Jehovah's Witness thread about the revised New World Translation Bible and I am happy it is free on line.

I like that they have changed John 3:17.  It is a good change.  I looked up the related scripture at Matthew 5:3 where it reads "happy are those conscious of their spiritual need" wondering if they had revised it to go along with John 3:17. They didn't.

It was said that the revision was proper because "simply taking in knowledge is not what leads to salvation" and I agree.

But I also think that being conscious of a need does not mean begging for it to be filled.  The scripture at Matthew 5:3 uses the word poor meaning beggerly, not poor meaning a lack of awareness.  It is also used at Mark 14:7 where it says you will always have the poor with you.  Was Jesus saying anything about awareness at Matthew 5:3?  Conscious means aware but I am sure there are poor people (both physically and spiritually) who are unaware and there are rich people (both physically and spiritually) who are unaware.

Being aware of one's lack and begging for it to be filled are two different conditions.  One does not naturally lead to the other.

The New World Translation is wrong at Matthew 5:3.

Anyone can be conscious of a need and not ask for it to be filled.  Jesus preached it is the asking for the need to be filled that leads to kingdom of the heavens belonging to You.

The NWT has Jesus saying Happy are those who know they are in need.  But he meant happy are those who are begging to be filled.

I realize that an awareness comes before asking (usually).  The  point he is making (Matthew 5:3) is those who are dependant on their true needs being [U]filled by him[/U] are sharers in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

It is about enduring in a beggerly fashion until God exhalts You.  1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

It is NOT about realizing a hunger.  It is about depending on God to satisfy the hunger.

A person who is beggerly in the spirit will KEEP ASKING as in Luke 11:9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

The NWT has it right when it says "keep on asking", which means continue being beggerly in spirit as in Matthew 5:3.

When anyone believes he is full he is leaning on his own understanding which is forbidden, isn't it?  Proverbs 3:5

Do Jehovah's Witnesses wake up each day conscious that they need exalting?  (1 Peter 5:6) No they assume they will be exhalted.  They are filled.  They need not beg anymore, according to them, so according to Jesus the Kingdom is not theirs.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Um.....What to SAY?

Jeremiah 5:8

I read the whole Bible out loud once upon a time.  I do not remember reading testicles.  But there it is in my Bible. (NWT)  It isn't in any other Bible.  And I thought the Jehovah's Witnesses were copiers of Babylon The Great's Bibles.

How can I tell?  Can you get Bible Hub by Biblos?  It is how I know.  Somewhere it was prophesied.  Who cares?  Nobody cares.  I don't want that to happen but it has happened a thousand times, so being human, I have to imagine, it will happen a thousand times more.

Nobody checks in on what I have to say but I check in on others.  There will come a day when they are no longer able to check in on me.

From the New World Translation Bible;  Horses seized with sexual heat, having [strong] testicles, they have become.  They neigh each one to the wife of his companion.

Well well

What does it actually say?  I don't know as I don't know Hebrew.

Here is what Biblos says:

Horses [it seems able to mean cranes too - I love that] were well fed lusty become each after wife his neighbor's neighing.

Word's meaning:  cranes (because it's funnier) fed (to be plump - because it's true) perhaps to roam (through lust in the morning - why not?) become (no commentary) man (each is wrong imo) against woman (of) another

Woman can mean many things.  Here are just some; (Strong's 108) woman wife female aldulteress harlot widow....

The new Silver Bible of Jehovah's Witnesses "They are like eager, lustful horses.  Each neighing after another man's wife"

What is true is the young men of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society are being fed every morning.  The purpose of their feeding is not for strength.  It is to make them fat with the governing body's own perspective.  What is the plumping up of the young men for?  It is for going door to door making more converts for the governing body.  Even other men's wives?  Yes, even those.

It is their desire to convert the whole Earth to their way of thinking.

What I do not want to happen is nobody caring.  I can see nobody caring, which is a reverse miracle imo.  The appearent miracle is eight million people willing to learn what Jehovah's says.  But they are really in line to hear what man says.  Now one has broke free but still wants to know what Jehovah says.  It was why I was a Jehovah's Witness.  How many others have I found?  It is magic that I have found none.  Isn't it?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I am assuming it is true all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial.  I don't assume "all" means every passage of scripture that if believed will benefit the person.  I believe all scripture means in total or the WHOLE of scripture.  What happens when it is looked at in it's wholeness is it brings the past, present and future together and then the person seeing gets a glimpse of Heaven's view. Looked at it with the same faith of Jesus it is possible to get God's view. (if you read my post somewhere in which I said I have seen God, that is how it happened).

They were written by the power of The Holy Spirit.  I believe it.  The Holy Spirit is not for teaching law.  The Holy Spirit is for teaching love.  I am assuming no one can disagree with that.

Some people believe the Bible interprets itself.  I think it is true.

The Bible does not interpret itself by the manner of men.  The way it interprets itself is by the manner of Heaven.  That means it cannot be picked apart.  People do pick it apart but that is not what it is for.

Jesus has proved to me that I must not lean on my own understanding about what is written under the infuence of The Holy Spirit.  People are doing that.  That's a fact.

So then to my point.  If anything of the Whole Scripture is misunderstood, the misunderstanding becomes like leaven.  The more leaven, the more difficult it is to see the whole picture.

What I can see that has happened is Religion has busied itself adding leaven.

But the original was written leaven free under the power of The Holy Spirit.  To twist scriptures' original meaning is to sin against The Holy Spirit.

How is sinning against The Holy Spirit not forgiven?  The Word that has been graciously given us by God is what is able to lead us to the place of Psalm 23.  But if leaven is to be believed, it won't lead us there.  Where you are led is where you will be.  Where you will be in not able to be forgiven because it is where you are.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who cares?

So what if people teach The Word the wrong way?  Didn't even Jesus say "let them alone.  Blind guides of the blind they are.  If the blind  leads the blind both will fall into the pit"?

Who did he say it to?  Did he say it to believers in him or believers in LAW?  He said it about the Jews.  He also said he did not come to abolish the law. Matthew 5:17 so he was definitely not saying it is alright to lead anyone to the pit.  The law never led anyone to the pit.  Misinterpreting the law does though.

It is so different to say it to the Pharisees who are teachers of law and to say it to The Son who is teaching love.  If you take the words of Christ and teach them wrong it is not the same as taking words of law and teaching them wrong.  It is serious.


What would happen to Israel if Israel left off obeying the law? Deuteronomy 28:1-68.  I am not a fool.  I know what happens, in any part of The Earth, affects the whole earth.  So when people who claim they are speaking for God, for Truth, for Peace or for The Son of Peace, Jesus, and they are not really for these things but are for their own desires, then I know it can't be good for any part of The World.

Who cares?  When the malediction hits because it was what was warned and because it is what is deserved, it won't only be those deserving it that will be hit. How is that even possible? They say it is possible.  It isn't.  Earth is one closed system.  That is a fact.  Isn't it?

I am going to tell you who I think you are

I have not stopped feeling like a gorilla.  My blog is still being watched by God knows who.  I think the only ones who care about what is wrote are those who do not care about what I say, only what I write.  Sort of like a weather person.

Then there are those who come by mistake, and they do not care either.

I still have found not one person who cares that the message connected to The Christ is coming to us crooked.  Weird, huh?

It is so weird, in fact, that sometimes I wonder if it's real.  Do you ever wonder if it's real?

I do not know what it is.  I am not afraid of it.  Yet.  Haha  Why do I have to go ruin every post?  I DON'T KNOW.

I suppose if a gorilla had the chance to ruin something, she would.

Monday, October 14, 2013

This is off the topic of Are the translators of the NWT infallible? Religious Education Forums

It is believed by some that God breathed means God is the author of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.  What I think God breathed  per 2 Timothy 3:16 means is God's Spirit inspired the writers to write it.  God is not the writer.  The people who wrote it are.  When they wrote it they were under the power of The Holy Spirit.  They were not actually The Holy Spirit.  This is not debating whether there are errors or not.  I don't care.

This is debating whether the argument for "The God is the Author so God's Name should be put where it belongs" is properly under the same Spirit as the writers were.

It is argued many times that the translators are not infallible vs they believe they are.

A believer in the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses will never argue that the governing body are infallible because it is in stark contrast to other scriptures they beleive are authored by God Almighty.  (I can look those up if you ask).

It is believed they are infallible.  How?  How can they believe they are infallible and not infallable at the same time?  I think how they do it is they believe it is Jehovah's business to be sure we believe The Word as it should be believed.  So it is not the people who are infallible.  It is The Spirit Of God which is.  I believe that.

Now the point is there are no Greek transcripts that have God's Name written.  The translation committee of Jehovah's Witnesses thought it best to replace the writer "Lord" with "Jehovah".  The reason they give is it sgnified the author better and didn't Jesus himself say he came to "make God's Name known"?  So they believe it is their job to make The Name known so they add The Name back where it belongs.

Did the original authors write  the Tetragrammaton or did they write "LORD"?  I believe so far there is no way of knowing.  So it seems certain they have changed the words that were (they say) written under the influence of The Holy Spirit.  I also believe the words are written under the influence of The Holy Spirit.

They have taken liberties with God's NAME.  Did Jesus take liberties with it*?  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Government shutdown

I think the world would be a better place if people would just look up the meaning of words.  It strikes me as alien that someone is able to say "we have obeyed the scriptures to the letter".  To the letter means exactly.  There are many scriptures that nobody knows what they mean.  There are some scriptures that use the wrong pronoun, verb tense, quantity ect.  It is not possible to obey the bible perfectly.

One example is the word "all".  Most people think it means every one.  It means all as in the whole.  It's like the difference between the many computer parts and a functioning computer.  Or the many brush strokes it takes to make a picture.  The picture is ALL the brush strokes.  That is what "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial" means.  If you can't see the picture, it is not beneficial as is intended.

I could not think of a proper title.  

All the animals will continue to be fed and cared for

No shit Sherlock.  Will there be someone to clean up the you know...shit?

It is what is said when someone says something extremely obvious.  Now you know.

The zoo's closed.

No more gawkers I see.  That is kind of them, whoever they were.

I heard the parks are closed and I thought of me the gorilla and I thought of them that came to stare at the gorilla.  Then I wondered if the National Zoo is closed.  It is.  So are all the other museums in Washington DC.

When they said that government was shutting down, that is what I thought it meant.  I thought "that's weird, how does that work?"  Now I know.  It's not a government shut down.  It's a um teenage tantrum.