Monday, September 30, 2013

What's funny

Jesus is one person with a unique message and many people have believed it.

I am one person with a unique message and nobody believes it.

That is more than interesting.  Is it even possible?

The same people who believe Jesus will not believe me.

It's so strange.

What's funny?

What is funny is Jesus was the only one believing things his way.  I am the only one believing things my way.  I do not disagree with Jesus but every soul known to man disagrees with me.  How?

I am not sure everyone disagrees with me but it looks that way to me.

And that is funny.  Is it I making you not believe me?  I am sure it is funnier that you don't.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Might I propose?

It is possible the errors in translation were made on purpose with God's blessing. There is a scripture telling about how God sent a deceptive spirit.  Shall I look it up for you?

Why?  The real Messiah knows what was written and what it all means.  The false one will attach it's self to the wrong meaning, which is proof he is false.

I could say a lot of things right now.  But wisdom says maybe I shouldn't.

This is the question

This is the question:

What does provoke at 1 Corinthians 13:5 mean to you?

These are some to choose from:

Not easily provoked.  King James
Not irritable.  New Living
Not easily angered. New International Version
Never...or ever gets annoyed.  International Standard Version
is not provoked to anger. Douay-Rheims Bible
nor blaze out in passionate anger. Weymouth New Testament

This is the word translated as such (above) paroxynetai trnasliterated from the Greek παροξύνεται

I think not easily angered and does not blaze out in passionate anger are right IF it is talking about the person's OWN feelings.

I am sure real love does not exist to provoke another.  That is what I think it means for real.  My husband says maybe it means both.  It might.

What do you think it means?  Is it talking about self control or is it talking about good manners?  Or both?  I do not know if one word can mean two different things that are sort of opposite.

Do you understand the question?

It is possible for me to be angered by another AND it is possible for me to cause anger in another.

I think it means love does not cause anger in another (person).  You know, on purpose or for the sake of conflict.

Sometimes experience shows that what you are doing is causing anger.  Love would stop  what love is doing if it is causing anger , according to 1 Corinthians 13:5, if that is what it means.  I think it is what it means.

What do you think it means?

Will you stay with tradition, or your custom, or will you consider it?

Do not leave off gathering together as some have the custom.....

OK.  Nobody wants to gather with anyone who makes her angry.  And getting angry or irritable has nothing to do with a lack of love.  But that is what it says.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Best jokes

A wife asks her husband, "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk and if they have avocados, get 6.

A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, "Why did you buy 6 cartons of milk?"

He replied, "They had avocados."

Let me make this a Bible study

Revelation 112 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

That's Jesus. Yes, or no?

Matthew 17:2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

That is Jesus for sure.

Daniel 10:5 there was a certain man dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz.   6 His body also was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult. 7 Now I, Daniel, alone saw the vision, while the men who were with me did not see the vision; nevertheless, a great dread fell on them, and they ran away to hide themselves. 8 So I was left alone and saw this great vision; yet no strength was left in me, for my natural color turned to a deathly pallor, and I retained no strength....13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia...16 Then one who looked like a man touched my lips, and I opened my mouth and began to speak. I said to the one standing before me, "I am overcome with anguish because of the vision, my lord, and I feel very weak. 20 So he said, "Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; 21 but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince. 11:1 And in the first year of Darius the Mede, I took my stand to support and protect him.).

In this vision of Daniel the one speaking to Daniel (the glorified son of man) and the one touching him (the man Jesus?) are the essential characters.  Michael is not present but is someone else.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What is old stuff called?


It is not fair that nothing I say can be believed because no one will start believing it.  Everything believed had a start.  That was my point way back when.  I'm talking to the one person who read it who seems to be gone now.  It does feel a little realer that I am not getting viewed like I was.  I suppose I felt like a gorilla.  I would say thank you for leaving but that wouldn't make sense, would it?  It wouldn't.

I do not know if I was the only one who started out thinking the custom at Hebrews 10:25 meant the custom of not going to the meetings which isn't a custom at all, is it? I suspect they taught it that way.

I'm talking about Hebrews 10:24 and 25.  It probably wasn't inciting to love to be calling anyone god damned.  I've been talking my head off for some years now and have earned the right to call you that.

They won't stop saying it means to gather together to a religious gathering, but it can't mean that because there are too many choices.  People who know that have quit believing it means anything at all.  Those are not the people who are called god damn.  The god damn people keep believing a lie but at the same time say they are for the truth.

What are the customs that prevent the gathering together to the truth?  It is religious tradition.  The custom is with them to believe what they want.  The reasons are many.

You want an example maybe?   Acts 16:20,21  They brought them before the magistrates and said "These men are Jews and are throwing our city into an uproar by advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice."

I do not know if something a person does not do can be called a custom.  I think not.  I might be wrong.

Maybe I should let Jesus say something.  Jesus is the customary name for Yehoshua.

Mark 2:21 No one sews a patch of unshrink cloth on an old garment.  Otherwise the new piece will pull from the old making the tear worse.

Liken my difference of opinion to an unshunk cloth.  Liken their old garment to their custom.  They must strip off the old personality or the old garment (Ephesians 4:22) and be made new.  They won't.  Or they don't.  I do not know why.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I don't want to be stupid but I really want to say something

I was going to post this where it belongs but I am afraid of that man.  I do not want him to know my name.

I am a little bit interested in the Miss America Pageant and somehow I am connected to Social Reader so I clicked on it.  I missed most of the show so I was interested in who might have made the finals.

Someone commented 'more blackamoors than humans'  His name seems to be Tito Perdue,  like the chicken.

I was going to write; Humans know how to count, or so I have heard.  I suspect even baby humans know how to count to ten.

I did not post it because I am afraid of what that man might do to me.  I being afraid of stupid.

The puzzle for me is not the man's stupidity but that two people have liked what he said.  How is that possible there are three of them?

He is from Brent, Alabama and I wonder if he knows he is making Alabama look bad?

He must hate the south because he plants thoughts in people's heads such as "I am too smart to be southern".

Monday, September 16, 2013

People say

They say the word would not have come to us crooked.  I am wrong.  That just proves to me there are people who do not know how to think.

You say there is a god who will direct the mind of the men to translate unbiased for people and situations that they don't know, all the time, every time.  Every time there was any question of clearification by the writer the Almighty God Jehovah would enter the mind of the man and redirect his thinking away from his own understanding and what his heart is telling him and cause him to write the truth. Am I understanding it correctly?  And because a thought comes and goes so swiftly Jehovah must be ahead of it every time.  We are talking about words, not actions.

Now let's talk about actions.   Where is this god directing thought when a god believer faces a dilemma?   Why is there so much stumbling go around?  Why are there different creeds in the same faith?  Where is the god who directs a thought in a man writing, whenever another believer is praying for clearification?  God will write a book, but won't tell the truth to save a race?  Who wants to believe in a god like that?

Do you see the problem of trusting in what has been written instead of trusting in A Living God?

If God can do perfectly through imperfect men for sending a message then why is there so much suffering that could be soothed with a little redirecting of the mind? Some people would do good to others if they just knew how.  Why does not God put in their head how?

Everyone is the same but according to the theory that God's written word has come to us near perfect, there are at least two kinds of people.  There are people who do God's will perfectly and there are other people who God leaves alone. What are the people called who do God's will perfectly, who wrote and write the Bible?  Why are people assigning God place to the Bible?

The only scriptures I know of that support that belief are 2 Timothy 3:16  "all scripture is God breathed" or due to the inspiriation of God.....Romans 15:4 "for as many things that were written before for our instruction were written before"....2 Peter 1:20,21 "any prophesy of scripture of it's own interpretaion is not, not by will of man...but by Holy Spirit."

The words highlighted have come down to us meaning each and every one but it means everyone together. They who wrote those could see it and I can see it.  I can liken it to a story.  The Story About God.  That is what those scriptures mean. Relkigion is teaching you to read just parts of the story.  Their parts.  Read the whole thing.  If I can do it, surely you can.

The scriptures are not God telling us them.  They are all part of what God is showing us.

How can you see it?  Do not listen to men.  Listen to Jesus.  One man who is now one spirit with YHVH.



It is too true that many who have left the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses can truely be considered apostate.  The definition of an apostate (web defined) One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.

When I got baptized I dedicated myself to God (my religion), with kind consideration for the others who had aslo dedicated themselves TO GOD, to learn how better to be self controlled, to love and be loved, (my principles) and to put the Kingdom first (the cause).

I came to find out that the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is NOT for God's Kingdom because they place themself between the people and The Kingdom. You might be able to comprehend that I am NOT an apostate because I am still dedicated the way I described above.   There are many others like me who have left "God's organization" but who are still dedicated to Jehovah to do God's will. Has not God's will always been about exposing faslehoods?  What has changed that that is not longer the case?

You are bearing false witness against me every time you call me an apostate.  It is one of the commands that you MUST NOT do.  Why do you do it?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Why do I care?

I think it is too late to changes the bad circumstance.  That is the only reason I know for why everyone is so silent.

I suppose I just have one wish and that is that the UN please not do what they say they will do.

If you're not caught up on the terror I will tell you.  The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses say it is the UN that will turn on all religion.  

No problem

They have no arms.  They do not pose a threat.  BUT

Is it possible they might be a mommy or a daddy to someone who DOES pose a "real" threat?

Maybe that threat is already born.  Or maybe not.  Maybe it is and it gets it's strength from mommy or daddy.  If mommy or daddy has not strength to give it it might not be a threat after all.

What the hell am I taking about?  I love you!  A girl can change her mind, you know.  

If you witnessed a murder, what would you do?

Would you report it?

It is one of the ten commandments to not murder.

What if you are a witness to an organization taking up God's Name in vain?

Would you report it?

What about if you witnessed many people many times bearing false witness against their former brothers?

Would you report it?

These things are also included in the commandment "You must not do".

Why has doing them become right and defendable?

What if you were aware of what "remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy" means and you were a witness to it being taught to ignore that command?

Might you feel a little crazy?

How about image making?  What if the second command has less to do with substance and more to do with attitude?  You see people making an image of what God will do and even when.  What would you do?  Are they not breaking that command by telling us how we should view God and what God will do?

What about the command not to covet anything belonging to your neighbor?  Do you know there is a modern religion that promotes it?  What do I mean?  Well, the Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the Earth is their inheritance.  Not your or your childrens.  It is theirs and God will give it to them soon.

How is it not counterproductive to be teaching the Trinity again?

The Watchtower Society (which is all troll) was raised up to combat the Trinity Doctrine.  Spirit is not flesh and flesh is not spirit, but that they are is what trinitarians teach. Then you have all these people leaving the Watchtower to go back to believing the Trinity.  I want you all to know, please, that you are giving me a hard time.  The Jehovah's Witnesses who I am trying to reason with, think that I am you who have returned to the mire.  They think that I am you who got sick of their false prophesies.  They think that I am you who quit their dedication.  I am not you and I have not returned to the mire.

How is proving their point that they are for the truth helping anyone?  They say God is ONE.  God is not a trinity.  That is the truth.  But you who believe God is three are only for giving them power.  Please stop it!  If you must believe one is three shut up about it.  Please keep it to your god damn self.

So my question stands.  How is teaching the trinity good for bringing down the beast?  I want an answer please.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I think

I think I am better than the nothing I am getting.  I am now convinced I need no bravo to keep on thinking and to keep on writing.

I do like when someone pops in.  Silly isn't it?

Do you want to know who Mr. Lean is?  You must ask first.  Better yet, let's play twenty querstiopns. questions.  That is one real weird word.  I like it.  I'm keeping it.

Friday, September 13, 2013

You can not get through

Maybe you can not get through to comment and here I am blaming you.  I am sorry.

I'm only kidding about Russia.  I am teasing you.  I am sorry (but I might do it again).

You want to know about the party?  It's not really a party.  It is people peeping in to my blog.  When I post I get a lot of peeps.  I cannot think of a good reason people are doing that.  So I have to call it a party to make it lighter.

God knows

You might have noticed that I am occupied with trying scripture for a different view.  It is going well for me.

But it is not going well for any audience that I imagine.

This is what God knows.  God knows that the ones who I am talking to, who will not listen, do listen to someone else.  The someone else they think they are listening to is God Almighty.   Who are they really listening to?  They are listening to the men who believe they are listening to God Almighty.  Does anyone know if they really believe it?  I know for certain the people listening really believe it.  I do not know how hope becomes belief.  Does anyone?  Maybe you feel tempted to say something.  I should not add my email here.  Is it here?  If it is present here, I should mad.  I think I'll be mad.

Is it cold in Russia?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gathering together

They say that to obey God you must gather with them.  The scripture they use to prove it is Hebrews 10:25 which says do not forsake the gathering together but be encouraging one another.  Some even believe that being in their group will make them safe from Earth's worst tribulation.

A scripture came to mind as I was pondering what was said to me on forum about finding the right people. Who are the right people?

There is a story about a woman who was childless.  It made her very sad that she had no children.  I am a mother.  I know that for me my children are dearer to me than anyone is.  Her husband saw that she was sad and said this: (1 Samuel 1:8) Elkanah her husband said to Hannah "why weep and why not eat and why is your heart grieving, am I not good to you as ten sons?"

Now substitute Christ for Elkanah remembering he has received God's throne from YHVH.  And substitute conditional friendship for the ten sons and what have you?

They keep on insisting they know God's word best but how can they whenever they are saying we need them?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Will it be banned?

I wrote this on a website and I think it might be considered evangelizing (and I am doing pretty good with no spell check - that's me patting myself on the back). Evangelizing is against the rules.  Says who?  Haha

quote doug”can we find someone out there that is perfect that can teach us the truth ??” unquote
Jesus can. I have found Jesus but it seems like they say “where is this promised presence of his?” His presence is in your midst, isn’t it? Has God not always been with us? The son always does like his Father. He is always here as his Father is always here. Why do you say can we find someone? What is lacking in Jesus that you need someone else to teach you?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I don't

Think I would think it was funny if I thought I was doing it.

I liked that, so I wrote it.  You can't have it.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Destructive sects

The way the truth the life OR not.  What does the way, truth and life do?  Some people say it gets you out of here, here being The World.  But I think it is in answer to peace and security.  There exist only ONE who is secure in his place and the death of The Lord proves that, doesn't it?  The only one who exists forever is YHVH.  To claim security is to claim YHVH.  I don't have to tell you YHVH can't be claimed.  Is that obvious or is it only obvious to me?

You wanted to understand how destruction is upon them?  That is why.  To be allowing yourself to be claimed by YHVH is the way, the truth and the life.  To be claiming YHVH is the opposite, isn't it?

What is the opposite of life?

Monday, September 2, 2013

You do not know what the party is?

Well, neither do I.  One thing in common is better than nothing in common, don't you talk?

Will we have a party today?

Learn to listen

They won't listen to Gordon who says there is no truth.  Why won't they listen? They don't know how.  If they were really followers of Yehoshua Messiah they would know how to listen.

If they had let themselves listen   OOO wait a minute.  If they had let themselves disobey it who says don't listen they would have heard him say "only 20% is true". So there you go!  There is truth and he never said there wasn't.  What did he say?  He said there is no Truth Institution.

Trolling now.  See you later......

Why is it not possible to like you?

It is because you do not exist..........or I don't.

I once wrote on forum "I hate you".  It was for everyone.  Why, why would I hate everyone?  Well, let me count the ways

1.  I have found no one but my family who gives me a chance.
2.  I don't know you,  of course I don't like you, how can I?
3.  You have emptied your mind.  Why would I love that?
4.  You do not want to know me
5.  I need friends but you won't be it.
6.  The people on forum were mean or disinterested.  Nothing more, nothing less

I'm not going to try to think of any more.

I really don't know

That anyone who believes in the things I believe in are reading my blog.  I believe God is true.  I believe God is active.  God doesn't lie.  God doesn't destroy people for disagreeing.  I believe what is written "this is my beloved son, listen to him".   I believe what is promised to Abraham that his descendents would become like the stars in multitude.  Genesis 15:5  I can see those who care about the promise made to Abraham are anihilating one another.  And there is a scripture for a warning about it but I can not find it.  Is the reason why I cannot find it because the superfine apostles have rejected the idea that we can?  It doesn't seem right.  I learned it from the Jehovah's Witnesses so as soon as I find that concordance belonging to them  I think I can find the scripture. Maybe it doesn't say what I hear it saying.  I just don't know where it is.

I am not a teacher

I do not want to teach.  But I will say what the difference is between believing and confirming.  You can believe anything you want and people do.  Confirm means to prove true.

Do you know Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass was written by a cleric?  People might think it is only a story for a child but isn't it true that what comes out of a man is what originates in a man?

I can see it was more than a book.  It is a prophesy.  I can see the vast majority of people who are stubborn in their mind are believing the opposite of what many things say.  Maybe all they can be is funny but I can't believe everyone wants to be funny.  So why are they?

Emptying one's mind

I have heard there are religions that teach that to empty ones mind is the greatest achievement.  I think some people who call themselves Christians believe it too.  But according to what is written we are suppose to listen. Revelation 1:3, 2:7 and so on.  To be emptying ones mind is to be refusing to listen on purpose. Instead of using your strength to listen to what the spirit says, you are using your strength to not listen.

2 Kings 17:14 They did not hear intelligently hardened their necks necks  fathers who not confirm YHVH The God

To believe means to think true.  But confirm means something else, doesn't it?

Or if you want to hear it from a superfine apostle here:

English Standard Version
But they would not listen, but were stubborn, as their fathers had been, who did not believe in the LORD their God.

Strong's aman 539

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Made you look!

Haha.  I do not know why anyone is inspecting my blog.  It is strange that you don't talk.  Maybe there is a great chasm between me and you. Oh that makes me feel real safe.

Someday I hope I might hear from God about what the hells going on here.  The next thought belongs to Troll.

I think it's Hal

who is reading my blog.  Am I right?

I have no reputation

To guard so....

I can almost, but not quite, hear someone say it is not to them he comes as a thief, it is to those other ones he comes suddenly like a thief.  Have you who think that thought that out?  There is no accord among believers about who he is, what he will do and when.  What would be his purpose coming as a thief to those who don't believe?  Please.  Thank you.

I am sure

I am funnier all by myself.  

Speaking of secrets

By their saying Jesus returns as a thief (something I know I disagree with though the words they think say that mean something to me*) they are saying what God is doing is a secret.  If it is a secret and the right prayer to pray is to pray for God's will to do, we cannot participate (we can, but I'm talking about them) in it because it is a secret.

*I have to laugh that you are reading that in a different language.  I wonder if it gets through in something other than English?  That would be nice.

Does anyone one to talk about the consequence of that?

A party!

How nice.  Should I wish I knew who was here?

If I had someone

to talk to we might talk about the significance of so many people believing things not true.  But I don't.  I wonder if it's because it's suppose to be a secret?

Please try to form these words, that you believe, outloud for yourself

After reading this please:

Unrighteous means un-right
un-right means not right
not right means it's a lie

These are the words for you to say outloud please;

It does not matter what you or I believe it says.

Thank you.  (that's in case you did it, but I seem to know you didn't do it)

They say "put on a happy face"

It might be true that a person who confesses belief in Yehoshua and does not put on a happy face is doing damage.  I do not know if that's true.  I don't believe it.

I will tell you what I know is true.

A president who knows trouble is coming puts on a happy face.

A child who is being raped, later puts on a happy face,

A wife who is being mistreated puts on a happy face.

A crooked business man whose business is failing puts on a happy face.

Even a hit man puts on a happy face for goodness sake.

Drunks are pretty happy too, aren't they?

I have produced a lot of babble

It is true.  But I have learned that people who believe they are friends in Christ are no friends.  What is the most important thing about being a Christian?  It's forgiveness.  People judge the past about a person and they won't forgive it.  If that is you, please stop calling yourself a Christian.  You would be doing Heaven a favor.  

The Christian Nation is lying