Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Strength in balance

To be hated or to be loved is for me a fine balancing craft.

Telling the truth the way I say it has got me hated.

And the Lord did say that to be no part of the world would get oneself hated.

But I think I don't like being hated.

Being hated tends to cause in me a bad response to make the hate of the hater worthwhile.  I would not want anyone to waste hate on me for nothing, would I?

I said "would I?"


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who are they?

The WT approach:
I am right. You are wrong. You are not only wrong, but you are stupid. Not only do I think you are wrong, I believe your beliefs are dangerous, inaccurate and should be eradicated. I also believe it doesn't matter how I speak to you, because I am right and you are wrong.

By  poster FlyingHighNow.
It is right on target I think.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

I sense a question

Oh good!

The question is how can I state as true there is one time but there are two?
There is one God.

God is Lord over one time.  The other time doesn't matter because it is gone.

This is what Revelation 4:8 means.

Almighty God who was and who is and who should come.  Is Strong's Concordance correct when it defines "come" as "to come, go"?

If I could vote either come or go I will vote come.  What about you?

So it's true

Yah, I posted on forum that I have I don't remember exactly how I said it been to heaven.  Is it true.  Yes.  It's just a place that can see all time.  I can see that. Both?  I can only imagine the other one.  In the other one, it is possible I was Satan.  But in this one, I am certain I am not.  You're not following me, are you?  Someone is or it's on auto check system.  Do you know?

That is how

I came to my own conclusion about what the serpent meant.

Do you see I have a key and a clue?

Do you see that nobody cares?

The figure called Satan wants you to KNOW your folly.  But you won't know it.

Isn't that interesting?

I know I'm not Satan. Or if I was I am certainly it no more.

How do I know I'm not?  What he said to Eve was stupid.  I'm not stupid.  So I wouldn't say that.  Satan is someone who would say that.  Do you have a Bible?


This is what I think happened.

Genesis 1:31 (one third will stop reading)
God saw everything he made and saw it was very good.

And God rested from all the work that God had made.

But man did not rest.  All that was good caused mankind to forget The God who gave him all good things.  Without God mankind is lost because man can not see the future for certain.  Without God man walks in darkness.  Darkness causes bad things to be imagined.  Imagination causes bad things to happen.  And they did.  So what we see the world has become is tribulation because world forgot their maker.  When life is let on the loose life becomes choked (like bacteria).  When bacteria gets choked, does it not die?  So the Earth became uninhabited by Man because it was choked.  Why did man become choked?  Because Mankind became satisfied to be left alone without The Lord God.

Scientifically speaking time is ONE.  What is stronger?  Love or hate?  Hate took over, of that I am sure.  When Babylon which stands for "I shall not care" fell it fell backward into TIME.  Why did God not stop it?  Either way stopping it or not would have left No Man.

The problem isn't free will.  It is darkness.

What prompted me to write that?


The same

A person is what she believes.
Matthew 22:16
Mark 12:14
Daniel of the Book of Daniel knows Yahweh and what develops in the END.  Daniel chapter 12.

I know Daniel knows the Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT walking in the truth like they say they are.

The scenario that the Witnesses expect has Daniel slain. But they don't know it Why?  Because a person is what he believes.  I suspect Daniel will know that they are wrong as they insist on force feeding him their truth. So according to their modus operandi they will change him from wise to ignorant or teach him that he will die in the final judgement (after their thousand years)  if he does not get in line with them.

But I am offering a theoretical model, so I do not fear for Daniel.

I don't remember why I titled it "the same".  


What is it that makes me me.  I am working alone (did you want to know that?).  Some people might try to get INTO the dictionary.  I'm trying to stay OUT of it.  Haha!

Why?  Why not?  Think about it.  Thinking highly of myself?  Now I'm talking to myself.  Anyway, being in the dictionary would be a little cramped. Don't you think?

Please try this

Daniel is about "the end" Daniel 11:40, is it not?

Is the King of the North he who comes in Jesus' name?  (Revelation 6:2, see how it resembles Revelation 19:11).  The horses, of course, are the books described in Revelation 20:12.

Take the end time prophesy and replace the secular King of the North with the Watchtower.  Does it fit?  

Allos (another)

Revelation 20:12

John says:
I saw the dead great and small standing before the thrown and books* were opened and another book was opened which is of life and were judged the dead out of the things written in the books according to their works.

I suspected and I personally am sure that the "books" and the "book" are the same.  But the religion that taught me teaches there are new books.  As everyone knows new books cause old books to be obsolete.  Think the Book of Mormon and the Koran.  How do I know they are the same?  I can see it.  Then I looked it up.  Usually I look things up in Strong's Concordance when I am in doubt but I am not and never was in doubt that not two books are mentioned in Revelation 20:12.

What I found is "another" comes from the root word more as in there is MORE in the books that didn't help prevent the dead to die.  I'm trying to tell you but no one is listening.  Why is nobody listening?

*Also John 21:25 and 2 Timothy 4:13

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I think that truth for most people means whatever they are comfortable with.  But some people because they do not have the basics needed for life are never comfortable.  Does that mean they can not know truth?

Not according to accurate knowledge

They have a zeal for God but not according to accurate knowledge. Roman's 2:10 At some time in the past the inspired words of the prophets were handed down with the wrong understanding.  But because the understanding handed down has become well established it is alright by most people to leave it be.  
But true freedom comes from recognizing the truth.  John 8:31 "if you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free".

To set free:  To free from moral liability.

I understand moral liability to mean I can not be blamed for the loss of anyone's soul but mine.  So I am free from the burden of trying to convince you that you must get off the wide road that leads to destruction and must get on the narrow road that leads to life.  It means free in a spiritual sense.  Because if I sin against a life Jesus can not make me free from my blame unless I repent and allow time to correct the matter.  Truth is definitely banded to time.  Can anyone dispute that?

To endure to the end as in "he who has endured to the end will be saved" is to persist in the Lord's prayer, not by repetition but by understanding and compliance.

If someone comes

If someone, let's say Christ, comes with the correct understanding of something or other, how will the something to be believed be communicated so that it is believed?

The reason why I say so is see previous post.  I'm sure I am right about what a person must be enduring with to be able to be saved but I sense a disturbance  in the space time continuum.  How can I be so bold, being a woman and all, to know anything at all?  I don't know.

I also don't know why my Grammar is so bad.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If you give me a clue

If I have a clue, whoever you are, that you care I will tell you what I think to endure as in "who endures to the end" means.  Endure how?  I'm pretty sure I know what it means.  Why am I not telling without signs of life?  I think without signs of life it does not matter.  

1 Corinthians 10:13

I did not understand what it means to "make a way out" and "power to endure" means.  Because if God gives the power to endure temptation how is it "a way out" of it.

Are being able to endure something and getting out of something different?

No temptation has taken you except what is common to men.  But God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in irder for you to endure it.  New World Translation

So I looked up Strong's text analyse.  And this is what I got:

has taken
what belongs to man
to be tempted
you are able
will make
to be able
you to bear

Does it mean sometimes the temptation will be unbearable but the escape is always bearable?
In other words if NO temptation should befall you that you are not able to bear then why is a way out needed?
And if God makes an escape for you and you do not take it, then what?

It is the people's opinion

That the world will be destroyed by God because of sin.
So when the "end" becomes obvious won't it be the snake who questions Eve with "is it really so that God has said you must not eat of every tree?"  Every tree pictures all the choices a person has.  To sin or not to sin.  But it isn't about what a person does, it is about what a person doesn't do.

Matthew 25:41-46

     41“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44“Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ 45“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life

The authority of the air Ephesians 2:2

Seeing that the prophesies about the end times and the anti-christ all take place in the middle heaven and have to do with the authority of the air it is against the world's best interest to see that they become manifest on the Earth. I don't know what middle heaven is or what it is called but it is the best I can do to explain what is happening and where.

A view to the spirit reaps everlasting life

Galatians 6:8 has been improperly translated to mean "he that sows to his flesh will reap corruption but he who sows to the spirit will reap of the spirit everlasting life".

But what it says is;

He that sows to the flesh of it (man is flesh) out from the flesh decay will be reaped.*  Because the world is passing away 1 John 2:17

It does not mean sin which it has become to mean.  It means life for flesh which is opposed to life for spirit.  In other words a good man can be sowing with a view to the flesh without sinning any other way.  Sowing with a view to the flesh is sinning.  How so?  It involves judging.  Matthew 7:1

The unforeseen occurrence spoken of at Ecclesiastes 9:11 might mean that it has become true that a bad man is sowing with a view to the spirit.

*It seems to need an illustration.
Here is one.

Something might need to be said but the one to say it will be afraid of offending the hearer so does not say it.  That is an example of sowing with a view to the flesh.  The scripture has been translated to mean ones own flesh.  But it means the flesh.  I shall beat the air now.  It is related to where there is a physical body there is a spiritual body.  The world all together is a body.  So it has a spirit.  The spirit of the air.  Then sowing with a view to the flesh causes the air to be full of lies and fear.  Lies and fear cause death.  

Is there no one who knows how to philosophize?

It would be much more fun to do it together.  Don't you think?

They gave me the reputation of madness because they said I can not be disagreed with.  But it is not so.  I do not know why they say it.  It might be because I fought back when they attacked my character ie "low IQ" "needs to be institutionalized" "off your meds" "get ON some meds"  "been drinking too much"   "babbler"  oh I think there's more. I remembered two more.  Troll and boring but can one be both?  Bother.  According to the evidence on JWN trolls are not boring as they get the most responses.  Therefor a poster can't be both according to the majority.

Got time?

Monday, May 7, 2012

After composing herself...

The Son of Man was forsaken?  Yes or no?

There is also a son of destruction.  Does anyone know what that means?

I have an idea.  It means they who have pre-knowledge of destruction.

The Son of Man had pre-knowledge too.  That is why Christ came.

So the son of destruction prevailing would seem to make it seem like God had forsaken the son of man.

Then the answer to "why had God forsaken Jesus" is so that he will come to judge the son of destruction.

The World protects the son of destruction from the judge and judges the judge instead.

Hey, why not?

What is so funny is they say it is me who is crazy.

Anyway, that is to explain my nonchalance 

Actually no!

He has said "why have You forsaken me"  so the the frogs (revelation 16:13) jump to the conclusion that God should make it happen.  Or they think  that is what I'm saying.  It isn't.  And no one's worried but me?

You should probably ask someone who likes to write more than it is necessary to write.

I think I can only give you a hint.

"the first born of all creation"  "everything else made THROUGH him and FOR him".  That's how "God forsook him".   Because it has turned against peace.

I don't know why.

I hate talking to myself.

I think I do know why I am not liked

I am scary.  According to what I see "my God my God why have you forsaken me" means man has squelched God's will to do.  It is my opinion that it isn't gonna happen.  Yet.  As we can plainly see the Savior of the World is not known or understood by almost everyone.

So how then am I OK with that?

While it is true that man is ruining the Earth, God can and will make it new again.  It might be so that not a single one will be left alive.

2 Peter 3:5-7 and 10

But the Earth has power to renew itself and God has the power over the dead.

I might as well tell you what I think "the hissing noise is".

"us" ends with a hissing noise, doesn't it?  I have also seen that us in Latin ends in an s.  Other languages have us ending in an s.

Have you not seen?

"the world is for us"
"Heaven is for us"
"God will give it to us"
"It is for us the Christ did suffer"
But ask a goat farmer.
Goats are for each other.  That would be "us".
Sheep are for the shepherd.  That would be I.
Each person is judged but not for what  group they are a part of.  They are judged a goat which means for the group or judged a sheep which means for God.

 31“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. 32“All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; 33and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.

I shall lack nothing NWT WEB I do not lack WLT All the rest I shall not want Psalm 23:1

How is not lacking in anything in accord with these?:

Keep asking, seeking, knocking Luke 11:9

Seek the Lord, righteousness and meekness Zephaniah 2:3

I do not need anything at all Revelation 3:17 (said in warning)

Ask Yahweh for the rain in the time of spring Zechariah 10:1

Seek Yahweh Strength seek faces continually Psalm 105:4

Thus says Yahweh to the house of Israel seek to live Amos 5:4

Thy kingdom come Matthew 9:10
Thy will be done Matthew 9:10
Give us our bread for the day Matthew 9:11
Forgive us Matthew 9:12
Deliver us Matthew 9:13

What Psalm 23:1 means is I shall not want my will be done, but Yours.

How is doing nothing but what you believe has been told you to do by God honoring God?

"You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free" John 8:32

It isn't

South Park

As a Christian what do I think of the show South Park?

I think the episode about queefing describes what's going on at JWN to a tee.

It is not my habit to watch it though.  I happened upon  it  that day.  I call it "the phenomenon".  


Luke 12:23

Where your treasure is there will be your heart also

Matthew 8:12

The sons of the Kingdom will be cast out there is where be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

Where?  Outside?  No.  It means they are finding themselves on the outside and they wonder why they are weeping (their soul is weeping) because they are cast out.  Their casting out is causing their distress, not Satan. So the scripture points to HOW.  You're looking for cause?  THERE it is.  If you know what is the cause you can fix it.  In my world, anyway, that's how it goes.

But instead they (not everyone I know) are rejoicing in their suffering that Satan and the sons of Satan will  suffer the same later.  I don't think it works that way.

They are suffering for their OWN bad decision and they could change it, if they could only SEE IT.  

What do I think the cause is?  Jealousy.  They see the prophets where righteous.  They want to be righteous too.  There's nothing wrong with that.

Matthew 8:11

Many will come recline with Abraham, Issac and Jacob [they stand for works according to accurate knowledge] in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

So I mean there does not mean the place of the gnashing of the teeth but the reason for it.  It means the reason is there to see.

The warning "do not judge" was not taken to heart.  Therefore they will find themselves weeping and gnashing the teeth.  Gnashing the teeth is repentance that comes too late.  It is caused by sinning against the Holy Spirit.

They suffer, but not according to accurate knowledge.  They suffer BECAUSE other people do not.

28“But he became angry and was not willing to go in; and his father came out and began pleading with him.29“But he answered and said to his father, ‘Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours; and yet you have never given me a young goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends; 30but when this son of yours came, who has devoured your wealth with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.’ 


Psalm 97:10 and Amos 5:15
the same form of the word "hate" is used.

But is it not interesting that a form of the same base word for "hate" is used at Genesis 29:31?

"Yahweh saw Leah was hated so her womb was opened" (for getting pregnant)

I am sure I am hated by the Christian World.  But the command is to hate what is evil.  I think I am not evil.

What Heaven is showing

Psalm 23:1

To me heaven shows that the world means what people want.

I do not want a following and I don't have one!

I want to understand the sacred secret and I do!

I do know what "he who has endured to the end will be saved" means.

All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Mark 13:13

OMG vagina farts?

Well, yes.  Air is air, isn't it?  But air coming from a woman is not as acceptable as air coming from a man.  And the worst thing to happen imho in the world is women are siding with stink instead of funny.  Which I am sure in a surprise development in the history of the world.  Don't you think so?

Every day

It is possible every day helps or hurts a person's way they arrived at the day.

It is my opinion that the world is the same.  The end of the world distinguishes the way the world arrived at the end.  Like a circle.  Was John not saying let's straiten out the circle?

John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord.'"  John 1:23 

A riddle

The end of a person is how a person will be.

Today Today Today

A good faithful friend was dying.

Several times she said "today today today".

People thought she was saying put in the feeding tube today.  I did not think to repeat it three times more than once meant feeding tube.  She was a very fine woman.  Why would she not say "please put in the feeding tube today."?

Maybe in her dying hours she was giving a clue to the sacred secret.  If I shall die today like this it is what has defined my whole life.

Maybe we have solved a riddle.  But it is women who have so it doesn't mean anything.  It's called queefing.  I guess.

South Park (TV) has done a satire on farting and queefing.  If you have seen that episode you might know what I mean.  It's not a riddle.   

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I do

I know how to justify myself.  I do not want to.

It is true that animals don't talk

Either.  Just saying.  But sometimes telling the truth makes people hate other people.  

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The answer is there

You will know the difference between good and bad.

The serpent said to the woman "you will be like God knowing good and evil" Genesis 3:4,5

Does it not mean that you will know that something you do will be good or it will be bad?   Every time you know something will be bad that you might do but you won't because it is bad, how would you KNOW if it were bad if you had not "done" it?  Then you don't  so it gets broke.  Time gets broken a zillion zillion times and no one notices.
Genesis 3:4,5
Comprendy?  Haha

One person only called me back to JWN.  I wonder why?  I have not found the family of Christ.  Family members talk to one another.  I have found no one to talk serious to.  Ever.  

I feel like legend

In the movie "I am Legend" the actor Will Smith playing the part of the main character keeps hoping for and looking for intelligent life.  That's what I'm doing.  

Does no one ever wonder what is being held back?

After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree Revelation 7:1

Is it easier and more comfortable to believe it's nonsense? 

The wind is being prevented so that enough time is allowed for "overturning strongly entrenched" things. NWT
or "to overthrow strongholds".

Many years have gone by with the acceptance of the wolf's  interpretation of the scriptures.  The interpretation that was handed down is making truth weak and makes God look bad.

It is time to correct the matter before God again sees "the thoughts of man's heart is only bad all the time" and "mankind has ruined it's way on the Earth".

Very weird!

I think it is not possible, but it is true, that my thousands of posts on forums and on my blog never had a "thank you" a "what does it mean?" or (when my character was being attacked) an "I'm sorry".

One example of crazy that I have seen

This is just my observation and I don't have an exact example.
James Bond is on right now.
There is a scene where Bond is chasing an assassin.   Bond chases him through the underground and when he comes up through the sewer cover still chasing him he comes into a great crowd of people watching a race.  Bond is still chasing the assassin.  The assassin takes a couple of shots at Bond and hits some spectators.

Here is what I have observed about human nature.  Some people would blame BOND for the injuries because it is he who is chasing the bad guy who shot the people.  And if Bond had not been chasing him the people in the crowd would not have been shot.

Is it my imagination that that both is happening and is crazy?  Whadayathink?  You don't have to know what that spells because you won't say anything anyway.  Weird.  Not you, that.  


It seems like I'm being analyzed.

I think it would be more mentally productive to analyse  There's something CRAZY going on over there.

Is anyone on it?

John 16:8

Says the wolf: (the wolf is not me)

He will come to convict the world for their sin.

And he having come has reproved the world concerning politics?  Nope!  Not politics.  Concerning class?  Nope!  Not class.  Concerning belief?  Nope!  Not belief.  Concerning God?  No.

He having come has reproved the world concerning failure, justice and a decision.  John 16:8

How so?  He has proved that love is stronger than fear.  Anyone holding on to fear more than love has rejected him.  Because God knows The right time and the right word.

    1There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—
2A time to give birth and a time to die;
         A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.
3A time to kill and a time to heal;
         A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4A time to weep and a time to laugh;
         A time to mourn and a time to dance.
5A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones;
         A time to embrace and a time to shun embracing.
6A time to search and a time to give up as lost;
         A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7A time to tear apart and a time to sew together;
         A time to be silent and a time to speak.
8A time to love and a time to hate;
         A time for war and a time for peace.
      9What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils? 10I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves.

If I was crazy

If I was crazy like they say I'd say it was Palmy.

I only believe things are possible that are actually possible.  How about you?

Nevermind!  I was a clinch.  I guess.

Jumpy too I am.  Haha!


Did they shut me off from Biblos?  Why?

I shopuld stoip knowiung stuff/

It says I should stop knowing stuff?

I can't even begin to imagine the culprit.

Is it Russia? 

Just one example please

Palmtree convinced me to leave the forum. I was wasting time there not being heard.  And I was getting a reputation for notoriety which is something I would rather not have.
But how do I know she is not a Christian?  She said to me the worst thing a person can say to a Christian which is "You have me believing I would rather not be a Christian".

That is an example of the sons of the age having more to do with making things right than the sons of the Kingdom.  For me, I don't know about for heaven.  I am grounded.  Haha
BTW that is the mean girl's job.  Setting things right.  People are getting awful jumpy, aren't they?  

Get away from me you workers of lawlessness

It is being, not will be.  Luke 13:27
That means he is present to work the will of God through us.  If the works of God are not being worked through you He has already told you "get away from me".
Why would he say that?
He came so the world might be saved through him.
Instead of obeying the command at Mark 12:30, Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27, "followers of Christ" are mocking him by learning the law to obey, instead of learning the neighbors to obey (but not in slavery).
2 Peter 3:3,
To whom should one reflect Jesus this way?
God knows who.  Are you obeying who?
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,

What does lawlessness mean?

Does anyone think it means this:
A lawless person is one who breaks, violates, disobeys or transgresses the law. This can be done ignorantly or deliberately 
(from; )

Friday, May 4, 2012

What do you do when you are lonely?

I have a tree that is gnarled, old and dead.  Under the tree is a moss covered rock.  When I am feeling lonely and sad I lie down under the tree and lay down my head on the mossy rock.    

Being me

Being me is a lonely job.
I'm not feeling lonely most of the time.  I have family, a dog, and a club.  Sigh

Yes, I know

Is it good to wait?

The Jehovah's Witnesses are WAITING for Christ to come tell the faithful what to do.  That is true.  I know it.

Unbelievers REJECT Christ.  I think that might be OK with him.  But the Kingdom won't come for them and why should it?

OK.  Here's the problem.  It seems to me that Christians are also waiting for Christ's manifestation.  Call me stupid, but I think Christ is present already.

So anyway a while back I asked a Jehovah's Witness elder why is he convinced that the thousand years haven't started yet.

I suspect the thousand years are almost over or done.

If I was taking a test and the question was; Is the thousand years literal or figurative?  
I would have to say figurative.  But I don't really know. Do you know really?  

Ya, I'm back.  They drove me off JWN and I have no one to talk to.  Why do I not go back?  I'm not going back.