Monday, October 31, 2011


Someone says what has God done to prove God is real?

The sky.  The stars.  The clouds.  Trees.  Puppies.  Fall. Sand.  The ocean.  Whales.  Beards.  Belly buttons.  Women.  Cotton.  OK, Men.  Language, Boats float.  Fingers.  Marshmellow.  Fried dough.  Dreams.  The color blue.  Music.  The Beatles. Saltines.  Salt.  Jokes.  And of course, lest we forget Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness.  Goodness. Faith. Mildness. Self control.  Justice.  Grace.  Beauty. Wisdom. I think it is much better that wisdom be gained, than it would be if it need not be acquired.  That is why I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hi! Y'll from the EAST

I want to chat.
The thing about hating someone (shunning) so that they might come back
to Love (obedience) is a wee bit sick.  Because, if a "faithful" one does not
know that the rebellious one is being rebellious, and they be all friendly like,
isn't that sinning according to the tradition of understanding "bad association"?
According to the understanding of the "Society" isn't saying a greeting to the
disobedient one sinning for both the greeter and the greeted?  Yes, it would be,
if it  really was real, which it isn't.
So... China and Russia, what's up?
It's so nice to have you blogging in!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My God Why have you forsaken me?

That's the question.
Jesus uttered it,says the Bible,  before he died being crucified.
People are "no Jesus for me, thank you very much".
But Jesus leads the world, to balance.  Nobody went.
Some people believed, but look around, what we see is
"My God, why have you forsaken Jesus?"
So they blame God.  But the people did not listen, learn and obey.
It's God's fault?  No.  The proof is in "why".
Why "the end?" That's what people want.
The good ones for one reason, the bad ones for another.
This means everlasting life for the world, no? taking in knowledge.
The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom.
I don't see anyone fearing Jehovah, do you?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Salvation belongs to Jehovah

If you want to believe that or not it's your problem.
But it is everybody's problem that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
is teaching a new generation of people that the WTBTS is salvation.

Go ahead, I dare you to check it out.
Am I wrong that where they publish God's Name they mean themselves?
Read it.  The Watchtower is easy to find, isn't it?

I am not bluffing

I know you think I'm bluffing. I wonder how I would know that?
I might be imagining it.  I might be imagining You.
You want to know what  Armageddon was, is, is coming?
Are you happy?  That's what it means.
You want me to explain?  I don't want to.

I don't think both of you think I'm bluffing.
Did you hear me say that?