Tuesday, May 24, 2011


How is it sinister that JW claim The True God is backing them?
Because inexperienced ones and weak ones and those feeling guilty
Might believe them?  But our salvation, I believe, has nothing to do with what group we join.

Thank you for the question.

Nancy?...I don't know if you just don't understand or what. I've told you twice now to stop this trolling. You will not be told again. Consider this a warning.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]\

Are you warning me about fishing, drinking, or singing?

Them are croaking, have you been warning them about croaking?  Or are you one of them?

Or do you mean that wasn't funny, it doesn't belong on this thread?

If someone gets angry enough, or self righteous enough, do you think that person would go beyound the order of Jehovah?

There can't be war

There can't be war without first the taking of sides.
Who today is promoting the taking  of their side?

How is the women of Revelation drunk with the blood of the holy ones and
a witness of Jesus?

Jehovah's Witnesses Leaning on?

One of the first things I discovered about the Organization's error was this;

A long time ago they published a message about money.
They said "as long as Jehovah provides the means" they will continue to produce Watchtower.
I am not educated in finance but I know by observation that it is money that makes money.
Hard work makes a living, but only money makes money.

One piece of the puzzle.
They ARE lovers of money.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Who do you think reads these posts?
I believe you have to believe I am crazy, if you do not, then you must question what you believe.
Have you ever heard of the Boreans?
Any way some great minds where considered crazy, so I feel i am comfortable and in good company.
They said Jesus was crazy!

So I am waking in his steps, so what?
I trust your concern is not real, but thanks for noticing me.

Genuine concern

Please Nancy, the reason why no one responds to you is that they know you are not well. We can all see by your posts that they make no sense to anyone but you. Even Luvnlife seems to be avoiding you.

I am asking you...please seek some professional help. In all sincerity, even though you are posting apostate comments, we believe that you are not wicked but mentally ill.

If others around you are saying the same thing, please believe them. Mental illness does not allow you to see this yourself because it all makes sense to you...just not to everyone else. They can't all be wrong.

Perhaps, once your brain chemistry is sorted out, you can tackle your concerns with a clear head.

Please know that there is no malice in my message...just genuine concern.

Look good

Something does not look good for the profiled.
Just want to clear it up.
When the girl met the man who would be the father of her first borned child.
He was living with his mother, not his wife.
She didn't think to ask if he was married.

How did she find out that he was married?
You wish!
But you are wrong again.
He  and his brother inherited a house.
I said "now you don't have to live with your mother!"
I had no expectations.  I just like logic, that's all.
So while I was puzzling how one who doesn't have a house now does, but not all.
He said "I have a house".

Sunday, May 22, 2011

To be A Jew

I understand being Jewish is a state of mind.
It is trust in God, and a revelation.
Faithful persons of  Israel who served GOD KNEW GOD.
Many were granted an understanding of truth and of the future.
And The Lord did use them for a warning.
They knew what would happen. Daniel 12:3,4
But the traditions of men claim time.  They do not know time.
I am sure as sure that verse 3 means them that were, not these that are.

If that is not true, I am not true.  I do not know if I am true.
But I do know that religion teaches foolishness opposed to the truth.
I know it.
But the Bible does not teach foolishness.
I believe in the resurrection.
The reason why is; I believe no life is worthless.
But if the war, pain, suffering, and worthlessness of many lives is not an illusion
Then the resurrection has to be.  It is the only logical conclusion.

The war.
The war I see is within Man's heart.
It is what I imagine Gog of the land of Magog is.
I am the only one who knows?
I was the only one who knows.
I do not know if it is a secret.
It is those with the one thought meeting them who know God.
And those insisting on teaching them the one thought, or else.

Negative force

There is a negative force which works against the best of us to the worst of us.
It is that which drives one to accomplishment, it is real.
It is negative because it is selfish, it is always selfish.
The parts of the process are not all bad.
And the thing which we wish to accomplish is not always bad.
It is what the prophets warned and are warning about.
Revelation chapter 6

Seek Jehovah.  Zephaniah 2:3  It is for accomplishment that is not selfish.


I like twelve.

I think I would like a reasonable argument, please of how it is me who is paranoid.

I do not need an argument of why You are not.

That's what was so funny. 

We were hoping for something more dramatic

It is dramatic from my point of view, is it not?
I have to go do the laundry

Why do I not care for my own soul

Yes, I think I have to say this.  I do not know if it is for imagination,
or if it is for real.
But time looks like a circle.  I am who I am, but who was I?
It might have been me who started this mess.
That is why.

That is how I understood what Jesus said at;
Matthew 7:12
Therefore all things whatsoever __ ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them for this is the law and the prophets

Love saying, I am you and you are me.

Just talk plain for goodness sakes Nancy!  Nobody is listening.

Not the twin towers truth was after, it was the twin horns.
It wasn't me.  Of course not.  For you who Borg has infected mind, I am Peace.
I am peace.

That is IT

The terrorists that you fear, are not them to fear as much as the real terrorists
who are being harbored by my own country.
An eager mint* may have noticed them as ones I have not roasted.
I roasted discriminating minds on Bible Discussion  Forum.

Why would I say that?
Because I half believe the terrorists are for the future of earth.
Because the real terrorists are they that took God's throne.

That is my opinion.

*I meant mind


Name calling should be the first thing to go, for the wellness of the earth.
I have been observing that those who are naming names (name calling)
Are they who are becoming the name they are calling.

Why blog?

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is longsuffering to us-ward not willingthat any should perish but that all should come to repentance

Repentance had the meaning of putting on holiness.
In the time of the end it means putting on a change of mind.

Because them who are saved in holiness can expect the one who is not,
to take away the inheritance, which is the earth.

"God will not allow it"  ??

How do you know?  Prove it.

Jeeka Badeca

Illogical it is.  Hath someone taken my blog prisoner?
I know about tricks.

The difference between paranoid of a kind that makes sick and the other kind, is settling on it.
I do not settle on it.

Did I tell you about logic?

I weigh it.  

All Right!

I will tell you what is the hissing noise.  In my opinion.  It is ridiculous, I think so too.
Devil made the snake speak, then he changed his mind.  So there you go, hissing.


Revelation 17:6 Babylon the Great is drunk with the blood of the prophets and holy ones.

Luke 11:49-51  Says the blood of  all the prophets, the Bible puts two and two together.
That is how I read.

So what the society says about Babylon the Great meaning all false religion is WRONG.
Because I know that in the worst of times, religion it was that came through to save people.

I don't care what it is.
I care about what it will be.

What is the warning then "to get out"
It might be a trick, if it is not a trick, it means GET OUT OF CONFUSION
I think it means Grow Up!  


I hope I am not stealing when I post scriptures from Biblos.
Thank you Biblos.
If I had to call any Human "faithful and discrete" I would call you people there that.
The Bible I believe belongs to Time.
There is no one who accompanies the Bible but the Holy Spirit.
That is why I post from the internet.
My mother was a typist.  I type with two fingers. 

An explaination

Waiting is what I was doing.
I did not know the men were making a riddle.
Might be "the gift that can destroy the heart"
I thought they were silly old men, who were teaching the Bible for free.
And we there who had intelligence were learning patience.
And self control.
Do you know why "self control" is last on the list of the fruits of the spirit?
It is because for most people it is the hardest to put on.

I was hearing things that were inconsistent with logical understanding.
But the Bible warns  at Hebrews 13:17


Yes, I think I can interpret my English into English,
But I think it is boring that way.


The news reporter who isn't asks the seeker who isn't what were you doing
there at the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?

Giving them the benefit of the doubt.

What did you find?

Logic in confusion.


Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time?  Happy is that slave if his (in the language of writenness it is an indefinite pronoun, can mean "it") Master on having come finds (it)doing so.

It is not prophesy, it is a riddle.
The answer is LOGIC

Now I am going to play the Devil'a advocate.

The original Watchtower Society was a riddle in a riddle, that is my theory, or God's, God knows.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Yes, I am probably manic, which usually comes with depression,
But Jesus has made it known to me that he is crying enough for
two of us.

The phantasmal


Does she think she is funny?

Did I tell you I was wondering what the hell Satan thought about in the abyss for a  1000 years?
Well I was wondering what.  I think I got in trouble for wondering.
Any way the Jehovah's Witnesses say the demons are there with him.
I doubt it.

They made it up!
The Bible is a lengthy book, so I will tell you.
It doesn't say where the demons go.  Methinks the TV?

The Borg complain about people making things up.  I think it is so weird.
It's weird, it's just weird.

Store open

The leader is doing something right.
He tries to see what the hell is going on.

ASIDE Hell is OK on Blog but methinks not OK on Bible Discussion.com?
The web is not mine.

The subordinates are hopelessly worried about the boss.
They return with intel.
Sometimes it's just plain old intel.
And academically, no problem,  but intel must be interpreted.
They are worried. I do not know why.

No I know a lot of things, I don't know what worry does.
It is not pleasant.

The Folly

This is how I analyze the problem.
I think it is akin to the phenomenon.
But it has to do with religion and not weddings of marriages
Marriages actually, but to write a book, one must get wordy.
They announce to the world.
They, meaning she will be having no servants.
I have a wild imagination, but i can't...
Anyway, how long do you think that will last.
I bet someone's betting on it.

Soon they will decide, wrong decision.
Do you think they will tell us
Now there will be servants?
I don't think so.
So now we see her one way, but she is another way?

We have to hurry up

So something I shall call Dante
informed me someone things I think I'm the princess

That is very interesting.  From what generation is that person?

I do not think I am the princess.  Did you miss the wedding?
Gay, right?
I was not invited.  That was a joke sweet doctor.

This is the thing

You do not like me, I should be medicated because I talk funny.
Too fast, Too fast.
 Picture this.

But see I am going on incomplete information, which is something I do not like.
But I'm going to do it anyway.
Brain is slow.  Is that the phenomenon you fear.
Do not fear.  Did I say love makes things happen?
I meant fear.
Try to stay away, far, far away from fear.
Seek Jehovah.
It is so good to fear Jehovah.
The clean cut annoying, too clean, phenomenon told me something, but I didn't hear what he said.
God is not the phenomenon
Am I sure?

This is the thing.  I think I have to know if the princess has to clean and do the laundry and everything?
Does anyone else think that's crazy?
I must of read it wrong.
Did I read it wrong?

The meeting

Went shopping.
Someday I might share my imagination about shopping.
No!  It has to do with the Department of Profiling.

I past Borg at the shopping.
I said Hi! They worry alot about saying Hi!  But she was brave and said Hi!
I said her name because I have been doing Lumosity.
She did not say my name but I do not attach significance to that.
But, she did not say "I miss you" not even "we miss you"
Which the second one if it was said might have annoyed me.
So I do not feel guilty.  Should I feel guilty?

I do not like you

You have to call me crazy in need of medical assistance
Because if I am not crazy, I am something else.
So something else is not popular.
Or understood.
To make you feel comfortable, I am crazy.

What is crazy?

Crazy is holding on to something which will cause death.
I don't think I do that

Computer should have sound

"Does that mean your not going to die?"
How am I suppose to know?
Women, they ask too many questions!

For the record

There are two things expected that seem similar
One is Jehovah's Witnesses will soon possess the earth
The other one is the Mayan expectation of the end is near.
For the record, I do not believe either one.
I don't worry about it, because can't help it.

The phenomenon,  though is real.
It seems to be affecting the consciousness of mankind.
I do not know if these things are related.
I think nobody does.


If I had a wish, a practical wish
I would wish to race a race car.
I have made a LOT of enemies
Because they do not like themselves roasted
So A story

We have found her weakness!

"Give her the car ride"

But first who will sabotage it.

See every one back away. 

Law suit

I have to post because soon I might be called away to a law suit.
So no, I was not calling the prince gay OK?

Emergency testing of broadcast system

Am I missing something?

The newscast is saying the lovely prince and princess
Have come to the conclusion they will not have servants?
I think logiacaaly I like it miss spelled.
My brain is turning to stone because it's like
Wahta mean?
Not even someone to come in and clean?
See something's happening to the news.
So picture this, "I just became a princess and I have to do it all?"  Is that what Jesus is for?
I don't watch too much news, so I might be off my rocker about that
Any one know?
Saying it might be funny without Jesus
Responding IT WOULD NOT be funny without Jesus.
Is that the phenomenon?

New at the Free Story Store

Some words for the book

peculiarly; weirdly; diabolically; Satanically; obscenely;  luridly;  effetely (I don't know what that means);
baroquely; eccentrically; decadently

These are not mine, but they come from a free word book, so I'm sure you can use them.
No! Not the dictionary.  I am a lazy one, can't do that.

Do what?
Look through the Dictionary for cool words.

Thinking I know why God scrambled the language.

The name of the book is
The Glossaries For Anyone Who Writes 
no date
A new system in word-finding
By J. I. Rodale

The king of the phenomenon, there was a king of the phenomenon


New at the free story store

They did not want to get too close two anyone confessing they had bumped into the phenomenon
So they got together a team of They Who Can Speak To The Mind Far Away
It was amazing how fast something can be developed when the need arises.
They hoped that the mind would hear and tell them the answer
But some didn't like it
So they developed Medicine
Some would do about anything to avoid THE MEDICINE
There was another tribe of bossy ones who did not have the means for such
high expectations
So they just poured in The Truth Serum into the well
They were much more economically practicalness of practical
It had nothing to do with how much money they didn't have
The truth serum worked well, for it sure did expose some who were hiding
There were many hiding who they were.  (that was what was so funny at the Society against profiling meetings)
Just so you know.


The sin of Eve part 2

The sin of Eve

The Plan

I suggested the bible group should be available to the criminal
so that the Word might be preached in a way that is not boring, bland
and self righteous.
But nobody thought that was acceptable
Because, as you can see, they do not want to overturn strongly entrenched things
The Bible group's idea, it seems is to take the prize for themselves alone.

The other plan.
Separation of church and state disallows the saving of the earth.
But the plan is thus:
They say the land on which the nations reside will be theirs.
So it is they who have broken the law of separation of church and state.
It has to be both ways or it will be completed folly.

Why do I not write a book?
To save the earth?
I have been pondering that.
I have an answer that I do not wish to share with you.

Friday, May 20, 2011



Do you not know?

I should not say "that is not code?"


Do I have to explain everything?
What is wrong, the blemish or that they don't like her because of the blemish

Now if I was rude
I would say duh?
But that's rude.
So I won't

OK, it's the second one
that is not code.


OK this is the thing
That is wrong.
The pretty woman has a blemish
So they don't like her.
Thank you blemish.

What is it?

The communion of peace they enjoy is themselves.
They are enjoying themselves.
It is "your house is abandoned to you".
Meaning they no longer have a consciousness for God
It means they sow, they reap in their own imagination.
It is similar to the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
At the right time, and for the right reason is good

How can it be good they no longer have a conscious for God?
No, they did not do it, God abandoned them.
What is good is for God to trust us.
We are no longer babies.
We become those who God not longer needs to drive
Because we go to HIM.
The knowledge

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You should share

Chances are my post on the Bible web
Got some good response are about 10% and that is being generous

The Governing Body says get out of Babylon MY PEOPLE
But this is where it gets weird
That voice I believe is not heaven sent, but is coming from
Earth and touching the throne

If JW organization is correct, God's people are not God's people until AFTER
they obey the voice and join the organization.

In the history of forever Jehovah has not stumbled anyone.
THAT is true religion.  It is faith and love.

My screen

I have joined the conspiracy theory
It's a theory, so don't be getting all hot under the collar
Or do you not have clothes on.
I have three jobs
Your girl friend is there
I am her puppy
No, not riddles. jobs
1. department for turning things right side up
2.  department for profiling
3.  the conspiracy group
Should I think in order?
No I am not the frogs  
Some one someday might explain
Oh that's the phenomenon
My job is  to explain the phenomenon?
It's like two dimensions become three?
That is how I experienced it
Did someone send a hologram, but not an image, a sound?
Just wondering.
I forget what it said something short and sweet
Just wondering.   


Just checking
Schizophrenic it is.
Logic game
You are torturing me so woman or man
You are a man
or a masculine female
Not my frogging Now that is weird spell check
You are the one experiencing the phenomenon?
What is your name?  You don't have to answer that.
Should I not get a job at profiling instead?
No can do
Yes I rambling it is my protection
Did you poison me?
That wasn't the kind of poison Jesus said.  Jesus Christ no exclamation point
Because He is my friend.
I forget what I meant by frogging, do you know?
I suppose the phenomenon was preparing us for crazy.
We I/am immune
Sometimes I shall leave the mistakes in for who knows? if they are important.
No more jokes about Jesus
He is my friend
I sure hope anyway.
Hey!  I know who you are
You are Shechem
And I am bad
You worry because you are bad or too good?

I do not know if my blog was seen or unseen
If you are like those who seek death
And you are the only one who knows
You should tell me.

I think

I think the end is here.
It is a roast.
Sorry you missed it


Are you trying to scare me?  Are you not listening?
Oh I forgot BORG
Do I fear Borg?
Why should one not fear gog damn it.  I can say that
because noone Is that your name? is listening
Maybe I should have called it The Society FOR Profiling
Yes that would be better.
Thank you for the laugh!


I believe Gog is the rider of the white horse
Of Revelation 6:2
Do you not notice he has no arrows?
I am not scholar, but can the bow he had,
But does not say he was given
Be the same bow as Revelation 4:3
But counterfeit?
Can it be that it is not part of a weapon
But means he comes clothed in deception?
Everyone know what he proceeds.
Romans 8:22
I perceive the Bible is written for a warning
But I know the Bible always tells what is true
The Bible has to be written the way it is written
So that the things God knows will happen
Might NOT happen.

No sir

No, the society against profiling
Was not for being against profiling
For ending it
For goodness sakes, noo!
Because it was the funniest thing happening at the time.
They just got together for some beers, wine sometimes
And they laughed alot.  Alot!
Because it's funny
And that's why they were "against" because they knew
If there were any gog remaining
They might start a war.
This is a story store.  It is not code.

The profiler

There was no more war.
Finally!  For goodness sakes!
So what is the government going to do now?
Provoking.  That was spell check idea.
No never provoking.  Because somehow the human evolution
Evolved into those that turned into vapor
If tempted to provoke.
Profiling is what they turned to.
There where no more secret societies to do evil.
So there was formed the society against profiling.
It was like a party.  Exclusive party.
No pretty girls were there, because, you know why.

False religion

One of the problems of false religion is this
The imagination of man can get scary
It is our thoughts among other things
That lead us.
This one is about is, and is not.
Am I really here or am I living some other reality
Away from my family.
If I died, my family would be very sad.
I am a good cook.
I'm kidding Is that necessary? No
True religion is saying There Is One Jehovah
So voila!
I am not in an alternate universe.  Because I know God is HERE
I know God is not deserting my family
Conclusion is sure,  ONE JEHOVAH

Bible study

The Bible is my favorite thing.
So I went looking for people who like the Bible too.
This is the reason why I think, but do not believe
I am, but am not.
In times past the Bible was more popular.
People loved it, and people who knew it were revered.
I know it.  But there is not one soul in the whole world who cares
I know it.  My brain thinks that is illogical.
There are many people who also know the Bible
And it is getting much more popular.
So I googled Bible discussion and found a good one.
There are people there who know their Bible very well.
But the Bible is for searching and wise people know that.
I found too many people there who believe the Bible is their tool
For everlasting life.
What I think the Bible is is my best friend
Only kidding, I just like to put is and is together.
It is my best friend.
But the first time at the hotel Gideon's bible, Jeeks!
I maybe took to many drugs?  It was scary.  My friend is not scary.
Now I do not think the bible is too scary, or now I think the Bible is not too scary.
The Bible is our help, not tool, for everlasting life.
There are two steps for everlasting life.
Trust in love, and courage to receive the things of God.

Ran the light

I probably ran the light,
I have had some very close calls
And I always have a feeling, the same type feeling
But that time, I did not have the feeling.
It felt like a bubble.
A dry bubble

Alone part 2

I am sorry alone part two is before part one.
I think I'm slacking on my job.
I am not self righteous but to most? people I appear to be self righteous.
So that is what she was probably mad and sad about.
We all worried about how we looked to the world.  WASTE OF TIME
So she was worried too.
It was ten years before this that I did not dummy slap a single soul,
And they knew it, as a far a a human can know anything.  Well!
I got in trouble.  At the time I did not think it was funny.
But if ever they will trade in their one thought for thought
I will say thank you for my wonderful journey!
I did not hold a grudge.  The reason why is I know Jehovah.
I got in trouble.  I was worried.  I thought it was serious, but it was not serious.
It only looked that way.  They called a meeting.
Some things happened between, but those things were gog's things,
So I shouldn't talk about them.
They called a meeting.  I took it very seriously.  Too seriously that is why I think
I am alone.
This is what I think happened.  I was so worried on the way to the meeting
that i think i ran a stop light.
I think what happened,but didn't happen is I was hit bad.
The accident would have killed me as I saw it.
I am not sure if I ran the light, because I think I never do that,
Or the other car did.  I know the accident was very close like
A part of a second.  There were cars on the other side of the light
Stopped, that is why the almost accident didn't make sense.
Even though I am not good with arithmetic I am very good at logic.
I think I am, but am not.
That's why I am alone.


Why is the writer alone?  Not physically alone.
I have a dog, and people too.
Why do I feel like I am talking to myself?
I have pondered that question.
I have two theories.
One is; people think I'm rude and afraid.  They do not like my ax.
I do not have an ax.
The other theory is a story.
This is the story:

I found lots of error in my let's call it a church.
But the rule there was "I think" of the thinking process, somethings are impossible to say
but i'll try.  If the conversation there went the way of "I think" the listener would back away
Or those too polite would pray, I think so but I don't know.
When praying one cannot be listening.
Also people there were so busy serving the master,
They had little time for association
Association was one of the rules.  it had to be a rule.
I did not insist on correcting the errors.
Patience is time.
But I listened closely to the Book, ONE BOOK.
I like it very much.
We were studying Job a chapter in THE BOOK.
Job had the worse time.  But his "friends" said, "Job what did you do to deserve all this"
They did not say it to be mean for they were his friends.
We go around in cars.  There were five of us.
I'm foolish, which isn't the worse thing in the world.
But I have a heart and sometimes my heart gets sad.
This time my heart was sad.  so I cried.
I cried in front of the wrong person, who I had got out of the car with.
She asked me Why?  Foolish me answered.  That's why I'm here.
The hurt I was feeling concerned another person, very close.
I am not sorry that what happened happened.
For it made me consider my words  better from then on....
We were back in the car.  Person on the right, person on the left,
Me in the middle, two people in the front.
Why would I talk about my personal family problem in front
Of these people. Good question.  But they were my spiritual family,
Or so I supposed.
So I asked for a little advise.  Was wrong
OK.  So the she beast (sorry Helen, this is a story)
Turned around and said "maybe it's something YOU are doing or not doing"
Now for all you out there addicted to sex, I am sure that is not what she meant.
I do not know what she meant.  But my mind moves way way way? way? way???
to fast so I thought We just finished reading Job, where you not listening?
I used to remember what I said, no profanity, I think I said
(I was not crazy) You are making me crazy, did you not learn from Job?
And why do you not listen?  I was not crazy at the time, just
Quiet, not Borg,  No, I was never Borg.
She cried.  The correct thing to do if you make someone cry
Is to say sorry.  I said sorry.
I forget the part where I dummy slapped her.  The start of a career in dummy slapping.
I hope I am not growing to found of dummy slapping.
How many times after did I think "how could that have hurt? (She had on a thick
Winter Coat)  No! not her face did I slap, it was her shoulder
But in a court of law it was her heavy overcoat I slapped.
My little friend in my head says maybe she has that nerve disease
And I hurt her more than I think, so my apology was authentic.
So this is only the beginning How much time do you have?

Sin was sin

I thought I should clear up sin.
So what it is is making mistakes against time.
Mistakes that are funny are not the kind that
Infect time.
Time is our friend.
We should not infect time.
Jesus is our friend for that reason.
Not so he can have time for himself
But so that we can have more of it.
Not the boring kind, like comparative literature is boring
I did not take it, but it sure sounds boring to me
Is it boring?


Nancy, you seem like a smart person, why do you act crazy?
Bible prophesy?  Making reference to King David.  I am not King David.
No, it is because if I acted out "me" for a particular result
That would be Politics.
To me politics means poison.
Sigh!  Some people think politics mean government.
But look at it this way, for the sake of the air.
If politics is government, then government is politics.
That would be very bad as then they would be supporting

Book of Life

There was not only One Book of Life
There was not only one book of life Capital letters take up two spaces!  Learn something every day.
Not an order because when one gets to be too zealous to obey Borg happen.
There was not only one book of life.  But the few wise ones remaining kept on wishing
that the competition books (frogs, there were a LOT of frogs) frogs jump to the conclusion
that the other books of life were theirs too.
Wise ones kept kept hoping that The God Of The One Book Of Life was happy enough with
the other books, and that they did not make HIM sad.
But Borg took it upon it's self to destroy all the competition.
Remember how i told you about the upsidedownness.(dear spell check, I can make up words, if I want to)
You are so funny spell check, you are my little friend.

The upsidedownness was the phenomenon (World needs word, not meaning "it", which is somewhat derogatory (spell check never sleeps))}] la la.  I skipped classeses They passed me anyway.
OK I digress.  that came back,  Following me? No?  Go see gog, he has it.

Has what?  He has it.  OK?

See this is why it is a store, not a story, Now don't get all serious about it, I don't want to lose you.  Peace!
I collect things too, bet my stuff is cheep junk.  But it looks pretty and no!  I do not it up, most of it anyway.

There was not only One Book Of Life.  Some qenious   spell check is so funny.  OOH they uttered an
evil prophesy, That last statement is for those not afraid of Borg and who witnessed them there.
On Bible Discussion Forum.  Not the little one The one with lots of $.  $?  The machine is large and powerful.
Cool saith she who's tring to fix the upsidedownness.  ?  That's what she's tryng to fix!
Yes you are probably right.
I think Borg killed my father.  But Bord never ever kill the body.  Because that would be evidence.

There were more than one BOOK OF LIFE.  But it was Fof who put it on the shelf of every home.
Fof is the helpful one.
But the people did not think Fof was popular for whatever.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Technology prospered so very fast that few noticed it was upside down.
So the very air became filled with the question WHAT?
What even took over  WHY and nearly choked it out of existence.
That was when the people for recovering why was formed.
That group branched a little and formed another group called
The society for the Department of Turning Things Right Side Up.   DTTRSU
Their job is to put the last, last and the first, first.
Then the people could breath again because Why What When Where How were again put in balance
What about Who?  Yes, thank you.  Who is not in the air.  It is land based.
Questions welcome.

My tedious job was to put the posts in order.  Because people did not recognize they were reading
the last first.  That was a symptom of the phenomenon.     


You have mentioned only one name yet, Cliff why is that, someone wants to know.

Cliff is a memorial because he knew what was going to happen (because he is the predictor)
But was nearly mortally wounded, so Borg prospered.

You said the story is later than the Borg.
Cliff finally recovered and lived a long long long time.  So he caught up with the story  OK?

The monument

The monument to Borg.
The keeper of the monument to Borg.  The keeper would be my main character because
it is a humble job like the department for turning things right side up.
Which sounds important but most people thought not.
The monument to Borg was debated for years.  But finally decided on because Borg had given
their life to save earth, that is not what most of them were doing, but they who were Borg
started that way.  The did not begin their journey as Borg.
The group "to save the human" became Borg
Most thought it was the same thing that the story is about.
The story is about a phenomenon.
There really is a college course on comparative litiature.   My spell check friend says don't know what you
are trying to say so it stays.  NO!  I'm not schizophrenic  Good job spell check!

Back to the department for keeping the monument later.

The department for keeping down boring.
Because now sin was a sin.


The department for keeping the Borg down
What happened many years ago is the fear for the earth proved too great.
so some people evolved quickly into Borg.
Borg (that might be a copy righted word of Star Trek,  gotta check).
How would I check that?  I don't know.
Few people feared the Borg because they were so polite.
But it was a trick, because they wanted the whole world Borg.
They didn't take caution from the Book so did not think beyond the ONE THOUGHT.
The one thought was the land, all of it is for Borg.
But to be a Borg one had to give one's head to SKY LINE.
Sky line was the place of exquisite delight.
They were not hard to vanquish after a while by the few who remained un Borg.
for the reason that they did not like living with themself* much after a little while.
The only thing difficult about defeating them, for nobody cared anymore, was that they
had captured the Book of Life.  The Book of Life had to be recovered intact.
Because it meant happy life forever.
*see theologian for a discussion on Borg self, selves.  They are one.